1 minute read

Mindful Paganism

The Mindful Approach to Divorce

by Lady Shay Bygul


My second husband is not a bad guy, but we were not a good fit. Both of us made mistakes, but this time, I was owning mine and learning from them.

Mindfulness is awareness without judgment, and that is what I did. I looked at myself, looked at my past, looked at what I wanted in the future, and began working towards becoming the person I wanted to be.

This sounds simple and like it happened overnight, but neither of those things is remotely true. It took a lot of work, but I love my life now.

I would give 3 pieces of advice for anyone thinking of divorce, going through a divorce, or who has already been divorced:

Divorce is not a failure. It's an opportunity to get a fresh start and explore your true self.

Be honest with yourself. Own your mistakes and your shortcomings.

Be gentle with yourself and you explore your new path. You may stumble a few times before you are steady on your course, and that's okay.

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