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Field Notes, PUSH Magazine Volume 4, Issue 3

Field Notes

While traveling this year, as I typically do on most trips, whether they are personal or professional, I often find myself seeking out a destination’s prominent facilities. There is something special about playing tourist at some noteworthy places of interest, especially during longer conferences and trade shows.

There are so many design features, products, and vendors on display that I’m always fascinated. When impressed, I’ll duck into a stadium or facility gift shop, if they offer one, and walk out with a piece of memorabilia or apparel.

We all do this when we are off traveling, away from our everyday lives and office space. Our eyes wander to experiencing how other destinations, governments, facilities, and, let’s face it, design firms have crafted athletic facilities. We analyze specific features, how they have implemented history, or the character of a destination into the visitor experience. When we do so, we are soaking up this ineffable thing called style, and often, elements of what we absorb bubble up later in our creativity. That is if we are lucky enough during a career to have input and say into a facility’s design to better cater to a sport, the athletes, spectators, and the overall visitor experience.

While every issue of PUSH touches on this idea in various ways, our content seeks to help every one of our subscribers build their style. From San Diego, CA, to Portland, ME, we explore how a destination’s culture can make a name for itself through storytelling and the visitor experience.

Often, as we plan for the future of PUSH Magazine, emerging themes arise that you didn’t realize were there, and for me, this time, it is bold young colleagues who are pushing design, creative and destination experiences, and community enhancements into the future through their work ethic and passion. That is the story regarding Bri Seifert (Visit Fort Collins) and Alex Alston (City of Jacksonville Sports and Entertainment). Every destination is ever-evolving, so each return visit is an opportunity to discover a destination again. Thanks to the desire and hunger of authentic industry colleagues.

We hope you enjoy Volume 4, Issue 3 of PUSH Magazine!

x Matt Dunn
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