PUSH Magazine
Sports Exp At the turn of the year Roy Edmondson (CEO, The Express Conferences), Jonathan Paris (Executive Director of Sports Tourism, Visit Myrtle Beach, and the Sports Express conference have the opportunity to set the tone for the industry’s 2021 rebound. Our crew sat down with the planning team at Sports Express to discover all the new features the conference will have to offer. Roy, your Sports Express conference has a solid reputation for team building and a ratio that allows for solid interaction with just about everyone during the week. Have you planned any significant changes for the 2021 conference? Our attendees have been incredibly happy with the format and we are sticking with the current model. We have some exciting activities and team building this year. Each participant will be able to choose from one of five activities (golf at Pine Hills (where Sports Illustrated was founded), a helicopter ride down the beach, a facial or massage at the Kingston Resort spa, half day at Broadway at the Beach (includes escape room, Ripley’s Aquarium and Wonderworks), or a tour of Brookgreen Gardens.