WORK FROM HOME Now that your employees have been
All leaders confronted with a new
an extensive list of rules and policies.
working remotely, you may have
existence, and particularly for those
And certainly not possible conse-
observed infrastructure dilemmas.
whose leadership style tilts towards
With client and coworker phone calls,
control, abruptly having to manage
texts, emails, and video conferencing
dispersed staff can be very awkward.
A new remote working policy should
platforms connecting and cooperat-
However, it can also deliver the pic-
be short, concise, and succinct:
ing may not be ideal. But then again,
ture-perfect opportunity -- because,
Finish your work.
you have made it work thus far.
honestly, you do not have a choice
Be accessible.
other than to switch to a more effi-
Communicate often.
cient leadership style.
That is all.
Therefore, do not think of creating
How your employees work, when
It is natural to start thinking of the process and the next steps, including forming a new remote work policy. 20