PUSH Magazine, Volume 1, Issue 4

Page 26

CHANGES TO EXPECT IN THE WORKPLACE AFTER COVID-19 Do not be reactive and wait for reentry. Leaders must prepare by setting expectations for updated workflow methods that benefit an organization down the road.

Due to the pandemic, the workplace environ-

serve their clientele remotely, and these meth-

ment you were used to will never be the same.

ods will continue. Industries of all types have

Even the description of the word “workplace”

initiated their digital makeover. Therefore, the

unexpectedly seems archaic, as the actual loca-

search for extremely skilled remote employees

tion we now work has blended with the spaces

will continue to rise. With an increase in quali-

in which we relax, spend time with family, cook,

fied candidates in the market due to furloughs

sleep, and more.

and layoffs, organizations, if able, should prepare to enlist these individuals immediately and

For organizations, the virus has been steering

effortlessly. This scenario allows a business to

change on how employees communicate and

capitalize on cost savings and access talent.

operate with each other, in addition to clients and colleagues. Now that businesses are mov-

2. Concentration on yields instead of face-

ing past their initial reaction to the virus, we

to-face time

have entered a short-term transitional phase.

Arriving first to the office and being the last one

Nevertheless, what will the impending effects of

to leave is no longer a gauge of dedication and

our new existence be on the workforce?

accomplishment. Post virus, your coworkers will be evaluated by what gets accomplished and

Successful organizations will be those who mix

the value of their work instead of on solo tasks

and control a digital existence, implement com-

and project timelines. The C Level must provide

munity-building initiatives, and cooperate. To

sharp, progress-driven expectations so that

thrive, companies must plan right now for five

their employees can accomplish tasks. Encour-

crucial moves:

aging employees to work efficiently will require clear metrics. Companies must set expectations

1. Digital conversion, aided by a virtual

for what pushes an organization’s goals, rather


than mundane tasks.

Businesses have swiftly thought out how to 26


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