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Industry Confidential
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In this issue, our guest writer discusses workload balance.
No matter the industry, workloads differ throughout the year, especially in the sports tourism industry, as we head into the Fall months considering conference and trade show travel.
How we handle the ebbs and flows can spell the difference between success and failure to accomplish annual goals. Those that manage a heavy workload might be able to avoid the feared burnout and find peace of mind.
With what is happening in the world today, the importance of balance in our lives has never been more important than it currently is.
Prioritize your “To Do” List.
With what method do you prioritize your tasks and assignments? How can you differentiate between the “ASAP” tasks and those that can be shelved for a bit. Regardless of your process, breaking down your tasks more realistically and deliberately is critical to moving through your workload.
When thinking of a specific day, determine one task that should be your primary priority on that day. By the end of your work session, this one item must be completed, or for some long-term projects, at least started. Hopefully, this will help establish your focus and accomplish the highest priority task first.
All tasks may seem daunting and essential, but it is necessary to recognize what level of importance they fall.
Are they specific to only you and your individual goals?
Are they significant to the objectives of your team?
Are they essential to building revenue?
Are they deadline based?
Set your priorities for the day, week, and month.
Consider how they correlate to your overall individual, event, or annual organizational goals. Determining how your priorities align with your goals will aid you in deciding how important a task is at any given time.
With a bit of planning and ongoing priorities, items can be accomplished more effectively and efficiently.
Say no.
Admit it, every one of us can sometimes be a “yes” person. We wish to tackle any challenge and be valuable to our employer and organization, no matter what is thrown at us. Previously, you may have agreed to every request when considering your career path. You may have said “yes” to a new project, which led to an overwhelming workload.
You can handle the assignment and finalize tasks for a time, but the next time you say “yes,” the increased workload appears again. Slowly we learn that sometimes declining a request can help benefit a career by accomplishing quality work.
Think of the latest project you were tasked with.
Does the project help your career develop?
Were you selected due to the value you bring?
Or were you chosen because it’s obvious you will say “yes” and do it anyway?
At times, saying “no” can increase the value of the assignments we say yes to. Think about a project to determine what level of focus you can give. Does it speak to your passion, and will it make you happy?
Realizing the benefits of saying no in specific scenarios can move you towards a successful career if you decline the request appropriately.
Your co-workers can play a major role in helping you balance a comprehensive workload. By tapping into their unique skills, you can apply another set of experiences, know-how, and understanding to projects. Never shy from reaching out for help. Having help may be the difference between you accomplishing your tasks or coming up short.
By recognizing the importance of help when you are bogged down, you will find the value and knowledge of your co-workers can aid in moving through your assignments and removing a heavy workload.
The most productive method to relieve stress is to take a break and enjoy time away from your workload. Ten minutes can help focus your mind on something else that will not trigger or elevate your stress level. Take a walk around the office or city block, enjoy fresh air, and get your blood pumping. Balance includes experiences that calm you down and bring you back to yourself.
Prolonged periods of dealing with a continually intense workload will drive you to burnout. It also forces you to spend more time working long hours and could impact your ability to relax outside the office. Therefore, managing a proper workload is instrumental to overall job satisfaction. Do your best to plan, prioritize, ask for help, delegate, and say no when necessary. The pressures of future deadlines come and go, but remember, it is never permanent.