Putco Venture Tec Quick Rack Modular System

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themostversa ti lemi dhei ghtcrossbartruckrack. Theventurete cqui ckrackcomeswi thadual tsl otchannelte csi derai lsal ongwi thdual tsl otchannelcrossrai ls. TheVentureTe cdual tsl otrai ldesi gnall ow y outomounttonsofrack accessori estothesystem.

-coreTE CConne ctorbl ockCOrete cconne ctorbl ockrei nf orces endjoi ntsofy ourelev a tedcrossrai l

Fea turi ngan easynodri ll, bol ton i nstalla ti on i ntoy our pi ckup truck’ s stakepocket holes.

-Fea tures-

Theallnew PutcoVentureTe cQui ckRacki sthemost versa ti lemi dhei ghtcrossbartruckrack. I ncl udesTextured ma tteblackpowdercoa tedfi ni shandconstructedoutofT6 al umi num. Theadjustableandremov ableupri ghtsandcross barrai lscanbeusedhowevery ouneedthem.

Si ncetheVentureTe cqui ckrackelev a tedcrossbarrai lsare abovethete csi derai lsby9i nches, i tworkswi thmost commoni nsi deofthebedrai lmountedtonneaucover. Thi s systemwi llalsoworkwi ththeBossHeadacheRackspl usthe te candcrossrai lsworkwi thallthePutcobladeledli ghts f orextravi si bi li ty .

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