Work Sample-Melody Zhao

Page 4

The Inclusive Park Revitalize the Coal Pier in Philadelphia

SITE: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA

TYPE: Individual Work

DATE: 2020.8-2020. 12

As the article Urban Design & Social Justice mentioned that: A Foundation has written, “We believe that urban design can be used for the common good, and that good design should be an essential part of the toolkit for social justice.”

The site is near the Delaware River, Philadelphia. It was one of the earliest immigrant ports along the East Coast, but a vacant industrial heritage on the riverbank now. In the 1950s, the construction of the I-95 Highway broke the connection between communities and the Delaware River, accelerated the isolation of poor neighborhoods, such as ethnic enclaves and communities of color. After the shipyard firm and coal power plant closed, the site became a dead waterfront. Although it is only a 10-minute drive from downtown and has a rich history and culture, no one wants to come here anymore except for the popular Instagram site- Graffiti Pier.

My revitalization plan aims to take advantage of the site’s unique industrial heritage, reconnect the waterfront and communities, unify pieces into a holistic urban development, celebrate cultural diversity, and create a sense of identity and belonging for local communities.

Five thematic civic parks are placed along the main street and water bank to translate the immigration history. Different scales of narrative spaces tell the stories about how each race struggled, fought, collaborated, and succeeded over time. In addition to equal access and diverse community events, constructed wetland and rain gardens are sprinkled to remediate heavy metals’ pollution in existing soil and restore wildlife habitats near the water. Open spaces and green infrastructure are designed with the remaining industrial relics to preserve its history, creating opportunities for visitors and residents to enjoy the Delaware riverfront’s beauty.

Philadelphia Census Data Analysis Philadelphia Immigration History Existing Conditions Traffic Flows Water Flows Heavy Metal Pollutions Recreational Spaces Cultural Relics Census Data Human Highway Inaccessibility Auto Shop Warehouses 100-Year Flood 500-Year Flood Sewer Lines Disconnection In 1717, there were true mass migrations of Germans and of Scotch-Irish In 1815, Napoleonic Wars, nearly 20,000 immigrants,came to the city. In 1850, nearly half of them worked in day labor, less than a third of them in skilled trades. Over the next two decades, Philadelphia’s immigrant population continued to increase steadily though its ethnic mixture remained stable. From 1959-2010, with the construction of I-95 Highway, most waterfront industries were abondaned. Meanwhile, the graffiti Pier became one of popular instagram destinations. Railroad Graffiti Pier Chemical Plants White Asian Other Hispanics Black 01
1 2 3 Landscape 2 1 3 4 Development The revitaliza�on plan aims to take advantage of the site's unique industrial heritage, reconnect the waterfront and communi�es, unify pieces into a holis�c urban development, celebrate the cultural diversity and create a sense of iden�ty and belonging for local communi�es. Design Concept Design Concept Bring Public to the Waterfront Celebrate the industrial Culture Involve Everyone + + Invigorate the Future Affordable Housing Educa�on Commercial Cores Heritage Park & Art Park Community Park Sports Park Inclusive & Diverse Urban Development Inclusive & Diverse Landscape Design To bridge the past and the future of Delaware Riverfront, isolated neighborhoods are energized by new mixed-use development which provides housing, educa�on, and commercial center all in one place. Parks are spaced carefully and programmed for more community-oriented open space, allowing low-income residents to have adequate outdoor space. Economic Value Social Value Spa�al Dispari�es in Green Spaces Railway Heritage Popular Insta -gram Site Past Present Heavy Metal Pollu�on Phyto Remedai�on Handle Water Level Rise Rain Garden Street Bioreten�on Marsh Floa�ng Wetland Reten�on Pond Healthy Living Environment Rich and Diverse Wildlife Habitats Flooding Cultural Value Ecological Value Low-income Communi�es Philadelphia Site (Port Richmond) Philadelphia Philadelphia Philadelphia Site (Port Richmond) Site (Port Richmond) Site (Port Richmond) Affordable Housing Educa�on Mixed Use Community Parks Sports Park Heritage Park & Art Park Friendly Entrepreneur Environment Mul�ple Business Types Gathering Places for Families and Social Groups for Individuals of All Ages and Economic Status Ver�cally Connect to Neighborhoods Horizontally Link to Piers and the Waterfront A Sense of Public Pride & Cohesion to the Community Mul�-Use Sports Ac�vi�es the Awareness of Togetherness the History of Industrializa�on Purpose Educa�onal Programs Comprehensively Involve the Community the Story of Collabora�on Lower Commercial Rents Lower-cost Mobility Op�ons Adult Educa�on Training Center More Employment Opportuni�es Higher Density for More Housing Units Homes for All Keep Distance from Highway Keep Waterfront Views Wave Into Other Zones Link to Exis�ng & Future Neighborhoods, Educa�onal& Commercial Zones Act as the Commercial Core Toward to Waterfronts Diversity Inclusion & Below Poverty Line Above Poverty Line Unemployment Employment White 16,324 45.6 Green space per individual (sq.�.) Black Asian High Unemployment Rate Social Segrega�on Light Industry Office Problems Analysis Process Proposal Loca�ons Firsts Park 01 Art Park Diverse Cultures Park 02 Immigra�on Park Park 03 Sports Park Story of African American Immigra�ons Foster the Awareness of Collabora�on Park 04 Heritage Park Narrate the Story in Immigra�on Struggling Times Park 05 Community Park Served for Future Neighborhoods Rose Garden Off Board Climbing Wall Urban Farm Children Playground Dog Park Interac�ve Water Play Waterfront Gathering Lawn Outdoor Classroom Railway Walk Reten�on Pond & Gabbion Seat Exploratory Trail Boat Fes�val Lawn Darken Unify Hope Moss Garden Dance Stage Graffi� Art Display Wall Art Lawn European Graffi� Pier Taken from homes and Sold into Slavery Collaborated Ac�vi�es Linking to Nearby Educa�onal Areas, Learning the Immigra�on Struggling Stories Represent the Story of Immigra�on Industrial Period Gabbion Seat- Post-Industrial Design Element Suffered Racial Inequity - Narrow Down Path African Americans Formed Strong Communi�es to Fight Succeeded in Philadelphia’s Civil Rights Movement -Parks Linking to Waterfront Asian La�n America A�er arriving Philadelphia, immigra�ons formed strong communi�es. Togetherness Struggle As one of the most important groups in Philly, African Americans’ immigra�on story was very encouraging and inspira�onal. Immigra�ons worked in day labor, less than third of them in skilled trades. Vacant Pier-Street Art Future- Inclusive Urban Development and Diverse Communi�es With the development of I-95 Highway, the waterfront was broke from communi�es. Currently, the graffi� pier became one of popular ins sites. Coal Pier Railway Philadelphia Immigration Story
the Delaware River 1 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 21 23 24 24 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 43 44 45 45 47 48 46 42 27 25 25 25 28 29 29 25 26 26 22 8 4 1. Sculpture Trail 2. Moss Garden 3. Rose Garden 4. Art Lawn 5. Dance Plaza 6. Modern Art Plaza 7. Great Lawn 8. Skate Park 9. Children Playground 10. Graffi� Gallery 11. Restaurant 12. River Overlook 13. Night Movie Lawn 14. Off Board 15. Darken 16. Unity 17. Hope 18. Gorge 19. Explore Trail 20. Canopy & Lawn 21. Basketball Field 22. Civic Plaza 23. Marsh Overlook 24. Marsh 25. Residen�al Building 26. Mixed-Use Building 27. Cultural Facility 28. Community Center 29. Bioreten�on 30. Rain Garden 31. Great Lawn/ Ski Park 32. Swing Valley 33. Interac�ve Water Play 34. Adult Fitness Zone 35. Boat 36. Dog Park 37. Urban Farm 38 Railway Walk 39. Archaeological Site 40. Outdoor Classroom 41. Reten�on Pond 42. Gabion Bench 43. Soccer Field 44, Exploratorium 45. Retail and Office Mixed Use 46. Hotel 47. Educa�onal Building 48. Future Use 0 100m 50 N Revitalized the Old Industrial Brownfield to a Inclusive Development with a Cultural Landscape on the Riverfront Career Training Center Provide Professionals to Work More Employment Opportuni�es Bring the Neighborhoods to the Gathering Space Connect to the Exis�ng Community Community Center DEVELOPMENT AXON LOCATION SECTION LOCATION LANDSCAPE AXON LOCATION FESTIVAL LAWN GATHERING LAWN MAIN ENTRY MARSH OVERLOOK HIGH MARSH MITIGATION ZONE RIPARIAN WALK BASKETBALL COURTS RETAIL INTEGRATED URBAN AND LANDSCAPE DEVELOPMENT CLIMBING WALL EXPLORER TRAILS FESTIVAL LAWN HIGH MITIGATION MARSH EXPLORER TRAILS CIVIC PLAZA TRANSITION -AL AREA PA TH PA TH UPLAND UPLAND COMMERCIAL AREA RESIDENTIAL RESIDENTIAL UPLAND UPLAND SHRUB SWAMP RICH BIODIVERSITY MEADOW MEADOW EXPLORER TRAILS OFF-STREET PARKING PRIMARY PROMENADE Adult Educa�on Commercial Core Civic Plaza RESIDENTIAL EDUCATIONAL RECONNECT EXISTING NEIGHBORHOODS NEW RESIDENTS AND WORKERS WITH CONNECTION TO THE RIVER GATHERING SPACE RESILIENT GREEN INFRASTRUCTURE & WILDLIFE HABITATS RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL CORE COM MER CIAL Urban and Landscape Development Skate Park Career Training Center Residen�al Area Commercial Core Cafe Urban Farm Rain Garden Bike Lane Economic Value: Educational, Commercial and Residential Areas Ecological Value: the Marsh Social Value: the Waterfront Graffi� Wall Skate Park Career Training Center Residen�al Area Commercial Core Cafe Urban Farm Rain Garden Bike Lane Economic Value: Educational, Commercial and Residential Areas Cultural Value: the Graffiti Pier Ecological Value: the Marsh Social Value: the Waterfront Graffi� Wall Skate Park Overlook Marsh Wetland Career Training Center Residen�al Area Commercial Core Cafe Urban Farm Economic Value: Educational, Commercial and Residential Areas Cultural Value: the Graffiti Pier Ecological Value: the Marsh Social Value: the Waterfront Community Park Graffi� Wall Skate Park Overlook Marsh Wetland Career Training Center Residen�al Area Commercial Core Cafe Urban Farm Mul�-use Lawn Promenade Soccer Field Rain Garden Bike Lane Economic Value: Educational, Commercial and Residential Areas Cultural Value: the Graffiti Pier Ecological Value: the Marsh Social Value: the Waterfront Community Park

02 Thesis: From Grave to Cradle

Transforming the Wasteland into a Living Mechanism

SITE: Keegan Landfill, Kearny Town, New Jersey

TYPE: Individual Work, Thesis

Instructor: Prof. Brian Katen

DATE: 2019.8-2020. 5

2020 VA ASLA Student Commendation in General Design

2020 Stanley Abbott Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Thesis

A landfill is the most common and cheapest form of dumping waste with many environmental impacts involving space problems, toxic emissions, and poisonous leachate that may contaminate groundwater. In recent years, the landfill-to-park project is a widespread trend globally by repurposing conventional landfills into new amenities for nearby residents. With such revitalizations, the wastelands can be the legacy of constant promotion of urbanizations.

The site, the Keegan landfill, is located in Meadowlands, which is known for being the site of notable burials and decades of environmental abuse. The landfill is adjacent to the Kearny Marsh and a wilderness of industrial blocks. Thus, the landfill and industrial areas are both pollution resources for the marsh and neighborhoods. The thesis redefines the landfill’s identity innovatively to transform the wasteland into a living mechanism by constructing several wetlands as filters to rehabilitate a diverse ecosystem between human activities and wildlife habitats and serve as a valuable teaching model for sustainable townscape transformations.

The design proposes three systems to solve individually but have mutual effects and reciprocal actions to lead the revitalization with new wildlife habitats and an ecological park responding to community activities. The first one, located near the western side of the industrial area, would treat the nearby industrial runoff contaminants. The second one, a terraced wetland, would function as a resilient infrastructure to collect the overflow under extreme weather. The final one would be integrated into a regenerative system near the wastewater treatment facility is to safely manage runoff from the whole site to prevent overflow pollution from reaching the marsh. There will be various programs of the matic experiences among visitors, such as discovering, learning, and reflecting will be the final destina tion to allow people to meander in the marsh to observe and reflect.

A New Ecological Succession in Meadowlands Three Reciprocal Wetland Filtering Systems and Thematic Programs Wetland Trails and the Skywalk

Two Stories, Two Wastescapes

STU 1211: Landscape Architecture III: Third Semester Core Studio

TYPE: Individual

Fall 2021

Sea level Rise + Runoff Pollution


Urban Farm

Farmer’s Market

Hydrogen Industry

Journey to Brainwave Symphony

STU 1406: Trauma-Informed Design at Parrott Creek

TYPE: Group Work

Fall 2022


Annually Bird & Fish Migrations

Ecological Time Cycles

Transform the Isolation into a Social Hub

STU 1407: Below, Above, and Beyond

Unemployment Food Resource Y2Y Harvard Square Harvard Square Homeless Shelter -Short-Term and Extended-stay beds for 25 individsuals -Open from November 1 to Aprial 15 only -Summer Shelter: Begining of June to the begining of August -Open hours: 7 PM- 9AM -Food Donations from Nearby Restaurants -Services: -Meals -Laundry -Computers -Referrals to other area shelters -Case Management to help guests connecting with social services, such as employment, housing, transport, education, helath services and more - Short-Term Shelter for young adults (18-24) experiencing homelessness -22 bedes, open hours: 7 PM- 9 AM -Medical care and Mental health clinicians -Resume help and job search support Basement Plan Public Amenities Insecure Urban Environment Problems Getting Enough Food Exposure to Severe Weather 05
Catalyst Portal 1: Pavilion & Brattle Plaza Portal 2:HKS Plaza Public Locker Lay-Down Bench Educational Sharing Space ADA Ramp + Terrace Portal 1: Spiral Stairway to Tunnel Isolation as Working Catalyst Farmer’s Market Nursery Center & Tower Farm Nursery Center Tower Farm Farmer’s Market Farmer’s Market Nursery Center & Tower Farm Nursery Center Tower Farm Farmer’s Market

06 Research and Demonstration Facility

SITE: Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Virginia, USA

TYPE: Individual Work

Instructor: Prof.C.L.Bohannon

DATE: Spring 2019


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