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Europe: Italy, Greece, and Iceland


Italy, Greece, and Iceland

This year I was fortunate to take a trip to Europe with my family.We visited Italy, Greece, and Iceland. While in Rome, a city with alot of history and culture, we visited Vatican City, where we took an inspiring tour of the Vatican and the Sistine Chapel. Notably, one of the many things we saw was the famous Range Rover the Popemobile! We were reminded of the attempt on Pope John Paul II’s life that led to the design and inclusion of a boxed shape bullet-resistant glass in the vehicle.

The Colosseum -- the largest ancient amphitheater ever built, and the largest standing amphitheater in the world. Built between 69–80 AD in Rome, Italy.

Statistics Teacher

Nicole Packard’s Adventures in Greece

After Rome, we explored both the island of Santorini and Athens the capital and largest city of Greece and a city rich in culture and history. Greece was absolutely amazing.


photos courtesy of N. Packard

We rounded out our trip by stopping at an Italian beach on our way to the island of Iceland.

Statistics Teacher

Nicole Packard’s Adventures in Iceland

Iceland is one of those rare gems that can be both scorching and icy at the same time, earning the nickname "Land of Ice and Fire."

photos courtesy of N. Packard

Although our one day in Iceland was rainy, the views were breathtaking. The country is absolutely a must-visit destination for any outdoor enthusiasts. While in Reykjavik, the capital and largest city of Iceland, we stopped at a cute little café where we enjoyed traditional (and delicious) Icelandic pastries. We also stopped at a couple of history museums where we learned more about Icelandic history and culture, including that it is ranked the 3rd healthiest country in the world!

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