Crossroads Issue 3

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a community of faith-filled PVI students and staff collaborating at the intersection of inspiration and information

a Writer’s Block Club Production

We’re Growing!

Welcome to the third issue of Crossroads! This issue is a thoughtful curation of fiction and nonfiction content — highlighting the news, interests, talents, and creativity of the PVI community. In this publication, the Writer’s Block Club is excitedtosharewithyoueverythingfromstaffandstudentinterviews,studentpoetry and short stories, community service initiatives, and features on school activities to song commentaries and an article on Catholic culture and apologetics. We hope that this issue continues to not only inspire, educate, and inform you, but also encourage youtoconsiderwaysthatyoucangetinvolvedandinfluencethePVIcommunity,too.

What’s in a Name?

What is in a name? If you want to get to know someone in your neighborhood, workplace, or school, one of the more important questions to ask is, “What is your name?” Names help us to see connections, to understand where people are from, and to understand their family and culture.

But names also can be life-changing. In many cultures, names are given based on the strengths or characteristics of a person or their mission. For example, in the Anglo-Saxon era, the occupation of ‘smith’ was one who worked with metal (i.e., a blacksmith, etc.). Another example of how names connect us with our family would be the name “Williamson,” where this can be traced back to the 13th century when it was used to identify the person who was the son of William.

Going back further to the Old Testament, Moses was named by Pharaoh’s daughter after she rescued him from the water using the Hebrew verb meaning “to pull out/draw out” of water. Then later, when Moses encountered the burning bush in the desert, as he was in dialogue with God, Moses posed the question what if they say to me “What is his name? What do I tell them?” God replied, “I AM” (Exodus 3:13-14, NABRE). We also see Abram’s name changed to Abraham. That change reflected a new reality for Abram who was advanced in age and childless. His new name of Abraham is roughly translated in the original Hebrew to mean “father of a multitude,” thus embodying the covenant that God made with him.

What’s in a Name?

In the readings that approached Holy Week, we heard from the Gospel of John when the Jews were questioning Jesus as to how he could say that he had seen Abraham while he was not even fifty years old. “Jesus said to them, ‘Amen, amen, I say to you, before Abraham came to be, I AM’” (John 8:58, NABRE). Here Jesus reveals the truth that he is consubstantial with the Father. This revelation is readily perceived by his audience as they then seek to pick up stones to throw at him. Jesus’ revelation at this time was an invitation for them to know him as the Messiah and the fulfillment of God’s covenant promise to the Jewish people.

But alas, the leaders were not interested in hearing about neither Jesus’ name nor his message. They wanted a messiah who would conform with their pre-conceived realities. Christ desires us to live in communion with him. The very essence of why God sent his beloved Son into the world is because of the depth of his love for us (John 3:16).

Jesus revealed his name to them in the hopes that they would come to know him for who he truly was. Jesus wanted them to know that he was the living proof of God’s love and the fulfillment of what they were waiting for. But they did not want to hear it. This startling rejection of the people around Jesus to his revelation can also be an admonition to each of us today. How often do we not want to hear the message and will of God when it does not conform to our “plan?”

As we continue to celebrate the Easter season, let us be open to hear Jesus calling. Jesus desires to be united with each one of us in an intimate and deep manner. He wants to truly know us, to call us by name. To perhaps even change our name. For if we truly seek to enter into heaven, then we would be worthy to join those early disciples of Christ and be known by the name of Christian.

Easter Season 2024: March 31 (Easter Sunday) to May 19 (Pentecost Sunday)


Panthers Making an Impact

Junior Brendan Sutherland chose to incorporate service as a part of his Lenten sacrifice. Each Sunday, Brendan completes an act of service as a way to volunteer his time to those in need. Brendan specifically enjoys working with LINK, a non-profit organization that provides food and financial assistance to qualified people in need. Supported primarily by donationsoffoodandfunds,LINK is made up of dedicated churches, organizations,andindividuals.

WhenworkingwithLINK,Brendan picks up meal packages and delivers them to the houses of peopleinneed,alleviatingsomeof the worries that they may typically experience when it comes to food necessities. “I enjoy this because I can interact with the people that I am helping, and I know that they won’thavetoworryaboutfood.”

ActsofservicelikeBrendan’sarea great way to see the impact that you are making first-hand. By delivering these meals, Brendan can meet those he is helping and get a sense of the difference that heismakingintheirlives.Lentisa greattimetocommittoservice,as making sacrifices to better ourselvesandothers remindsusof what the season is all about. As FatherSchultzsays,“Giveup,take up,liftup!”

Why I Feel Blessed to Attend PVI

PVI is such an amazing place; I feel blessed to be here for so many reasons. I am so grateful for being involved in its sports, for the friendships I have made, and for its exceptional academics.

Sports is one of my favorite things at PVI. The school’s sports program is one of the main reasons that I was attracted to PVI. I am a senior now and the only thing I regret about my years here is not playing more sports at PVI. I played basketball my first two years here and had a great time playing with my teammates. The other sport that I played was soccer.

I have developed a lot of good friendships at PVI that I know will last a long time. I made my first friends at PVI when I was playing sports and I have been able to make many additional friends in my classes. These friends at PVI have made me a better person. The friendships I have formed here are important because we have been able to uplift each other when circumstances were hard.

In addition to sports and friendships, I am also grateful for the challenging curriculum at PVI. Although academics is something that has been a lot of work throughout my four years at PVI, it is very important to my family and me. I am very thankful for everything the teachers have taught me at PVI. They have made me a better student. They have helped me develop skills to be ready for college and the real world.

“I truly feel blessed to have PVI be such a significant part of my life.”

“The Storm”

The storm that follows me

Full of hurt and hate

The storm that creates mountains to break

To form boulders that are so big and so high

The boulders that stop the determined man

The boulders that break

Causing people who have no effect to be affected

The broken boulders that keep on rolling

The boulders that hit are loved

All because of the storm

That is the cause of a young man to break


a short story

“Thebasicelements ofthispieceoffiction containsuspicious plants,suspiciousrivers, andCallen,asuspicious teenwhomayormaynot havesomeissues.The teenprotagonistandhis parentsmovefarfrom theirhometownand-since my favorite writing genre is fantasy -- discover thattheirnewhomeis notwhattheyexpect. The“seed”forthisshort story“blossomed”from wantingtocreatea plot withlotsofnature elementsandscenery.”


“This is ridiculous, Mom!” yelled a boy to his mother.

The mother sent a warning look. “This is a good moment to stop getting a sharp tongue and be quiet,” she warned. “Besides, it's a nice town, which means not lots of confrontation. Given ya’ year so far…”

“Oh yeah, the news of expulsion from a school totally spread around the entire world,” replied the boy with a sarcastic tone.

“Watch it. Take a nap or something.”

“Dad, come on, talk some sense to this woman!”

His father was currently passed out in the middle of a nap in the passenger seat.

“First and finally, I am ‘Mom’ to you, not ‘woman.’ Now quit it.”

The boy, Callen P. Cleevis, settled for not testing his mother any further and instead stared out the window of the yellow van. The vehicle was very old, and his parents didn't seem very keen on buying another one, even though this van had its moments of busting its engine. Don’t bother asking for their reasoning.

And the ‘ridiculous’ thing here was that they were moving from their hometown in Ohio — taking a week’s trip to arrive in some random island town on an island off of Denmark. Did they even realize how far they were from that place? No point in fighting about it now since it had been at least five minutes.

Not to mention the entire reason they were probably moving in the first place. An incident had happened at his old school where he had thrown something at some people who were giving suggestions about what the ‘P’ stood for.

Don’t ask.

Now Callen had thought of throwing a projectile across the classroom, but he didn't. Nor was he close enough to grab something too. But everyone claimed he got up from his seat, threw something that went towards the window, causing it to shatter. And the weirdest thing about the whole incident — he found a bunch of sprouting flowers — a mix of purple ones growing on the back leg of his desk!

The flower detail even got weirder. No one he asked said or remembered anything about flowers under the desk, and they were clearly visible. He sat in the very front, so everybody should have seen them.

And as an addition to the Great Flower Mystery, his parents could have just sent him to a different school in the area. But NO, they must move to an entirely different place and school. He sort of got why this was happening; he had (kind of) wrecked the window of a school classroom. And the flowers were weird. But when he told his mom, Molincene, about the plant part, (his mom’s family had a knack for creating the strangest names for their children) went more berserk than a person ought to when they hear about purple flowers growing from school floor tiles. She had insistently urged them to move to the town in Denmark. His father, Joseph, after hearing the story from Molincene, became the most serious he had ever seen his dad.

Not like his dad was serious anymore now. He looked very silly while he was sleeping. His glasses were even falling off, with his brown hair sticking to his forehead.

Well, time to see what happens now, Callen decided.

The route sign, with tall weeds and foliage growing around its base, read: WELCOME TO PRIMBURRY. The broad white letters were significantly peeling off from time and harsh weather.



The Cleevis family’s van pulled into the town of Primburry. Callen could see why the place was named how it was. There were many flower beds decorating certain areas of the town in different colors: pinks, reds, whites, oranges, yellows. They were everywhere like crazy.

The ratio of buildings to flower patches could never be matched. Compared to the numerous counts of primroses, there were barely any buildings at all. The only ones he could spot while they were driving down were a grocery store, a school and its playground, a flower shop, a plaza, a library, and a post office (that Callen soon happily discovered had a built-in joint arcade; hence, a reason Callen then slightly forgave his parents for moving here). There was, behind the playground, an area of woods. It seemed to be quite big, most likely the biggest area in town.

Currently, they were driving to Oceancreek, the only neighborhood in Primburry. At this point, Callen knew that there wasn't going to be more of one thing in this town -- except this one detail: how small the houses were. Think regular town-houses, but even smaller and times it by two.

Once they had arrived at their new house, The Cleevis family spent the rest of the afternoon hauling all the boxes they fit in their car before the trip (the rest were on other moving vans - they would arrive later in the week). Right after, Molicene tasked him to buy flowers from the local plant shop a few blocks down. She claimed the kitchen needed some pop of color.

“Strange timing for the need of flowers, but guess I can explore some more now,” Callen mumbled to himself while leaving through the door. His mom had handed him a twenty.

“Straight to the flower shop. No detours to the arcade, mister. You ain’t gonna use the rest of it,” she called out from inside. He headed over to the arcade. It would be fine, seeing as the botany store was right across from the arcade. Though he thought he should probably buy the flowers first before playing video games so that Molicene wouldn't notice the little change from the twenty. Just use the leftovers and claim flowers here aren't cheap, he thought. Callen was midway down the walk over to the post office/arcade place, or what the correct term it was. His memory was correct; the flower shop was right across the street. About to cross, he checked for cars.

Now that he thought about it, he wouldn't really need to check for cars or wait for traffic to subside anymore. He hadn't seen anybody around — anywhere. No cars in the lots, no people in the plaza, sidewalks, nowhere. Back at his old home there would always be at least a couple of kids running around in the grass. Molicene was right, much less confrontation. With that, Callen crossed the street.

The flower shop sign read Wendall’s Botany. Buying the flowers would not take too long. He’ll grab them, leave, dip to the arcade-

“You shouldn't lie to your mum.”

Surprised by the sudden voice from behind him, Callen hit his head while opening the door. He turned around to find a messyhaired girl standing behind him.

“Uh…I-I’m sorry?” He asked, rubbing the spot that was bruised from hitting the door.

“You shouldn't lie to your mum.”

This was…awkward.

The girl’s style was considered messy. Her eyes were green, hair cut short to her shoulders with thin streaks of white and light purple seeping through the blonde. It appeared unkempt as if she hadn't brushed it for a while. She had band-aids on her elbows and knee— possibly from tripping over stones and sidewalks? There was dirt on sections of her jean overalls and shirt, displaying a print of a white rose design on its side pocket.

“So who are you?” Callen attempted to ask. But with no answer, the girl only pushed past him and entered through the door.

“Wha- excuse me!” he exclaimed after her. Callen followed her path into Wendall’s Botany. People aren’t meant to drop a bomb of speech and just leave, he thought. Also how did she know he would lie to Molicene?

He saw her turn a corner down one of the aisles — the section with purple, white, and light blue primroses for sale, $2.30 a bloom. He finally caught up to her spot and was ready to confront (for once) about the encounter...

But it was not necessary; she was not there.

At least the rest of his day had the potential to be normal.

The owner of Wendall’s Botany was Mrs. Wendall, an old woman married to her husband for 20 years. After the girl had disappeared from the store, Callen brought a couple random Lily of the Valley flowers for Molicene, giving up $10.50 to purchase. He did plan on taking a small trip to that arcade, but with that encounter with the disappearing girl, he figured he shouldn’t.

“Moli- Mom, I’m back,” Callen said entering the house.

“In the kitchen. Put ‘em on the side counter,” she instructed, and so he did.

“Hope you didn’t spend the rest of it. I gotta give rent today. Good thing it’s cheap here in Oceancreek.” Callen froze a bit. Now he was glad he hadn't spent the rest of the twenty.

“Anyways, stay in your room. Dinner will be in a bit,” Molicene said, shooing him upstairs. His room was barely filled since their furniture hadn’t arrived to Primburry yet. All there was in his room was a sleeping bag and a few boxes filled with figurines, books, and clothes. A window let the only source of light in the room since his parents had gotten the electricity set up for the whole house yet.

Callen faced the window. He spotted a small creek in the woods behind his house. If he couldn’t spend much time at the arcade, he could be there instead… …although his mother said to stay up here since dinner would be soon.

He peeked down at the ground. There was a fire escape slightly below his window. Callen estimated that it would take at least another ten minutes before Molicene called him again. And there wasn't anything to do here, so why not?

He had sneaked out before back at his old place, so it would be easy.

Callen crawled through the window and landed on the escape. The metal was not dried from past rainy weather, most likely before his family arrived.

He slid the ladder down making sure it didn’t crash on the ground and alert Molicene; he stepped to the ground, heading his way to the creek.

He began making his way to the thicket, walking over piles of leaves— Wait.

It wasn't the fall season. The trees still had all their leaves on their branches. And the grass around him was an entire natural green.

Callen faced down. Instead of leaves, below him was the exact patch of purple-shaded flowers from his old school mixed with the same blue primroses he had seen from the shop. Facing back at his window, the flowers formed a path in the same direction he walked on the ground, also growing along the fire escape and his windowsill.

Where had these come from?

He debated whether to continue to the creek or turn back. Seeing as he was already close to the woods, he kept walking. Flowers continued to form wherever he stepped, making his plant path longer.

Hey, what happened to the rest of his day being normal?

Callen reached the creek. The second he stopped on one of the stones near the water, the flowers stopped. Instead they began to grow around the rock, seemingly determined to try and stay connected to where Callen was going.

“What in the world?” he mumbled.

“My name is ____.”

A strong gust of wind drowned out the end of someone’s statement.

Callen swerved around. The same girl from before stood on the other side of the skinny river on a different stone. Expecting her to look the same before, she now had a long lavender tinted dress that

reached all the way down to the dirt. The bottom of her dress was dirty like her overalls. Her hair had the same colors, but was somehow longer now down to the end of her back. A similar purple flower that was in Callen’s trail lay nestled on the side of the dress and in the side of her hair. The only thing the same about her appearance were the eyes, still green.

“Pardon?” He said.

“You’ll be fine. Just hold your breath.”

“Wait, what?.”

The girl raised her hand slightly and flicked her finger to the right. Something behind Callen started to move. Before he could turn around, it pushed him into the creek. Taking the advice, he held his breath, surprised by how really deep it was -- but also extremely ready now to demand what on earth her game was with pushing him into the water.

He swam back to the surface, wiping off the water from his face. “You have a lot of nerve to jump, scare, and push people into water!” Callen yelled as he climbed out. “How on earth am I going to explain this to my mom? ‘Hi, mother, I sneaked out of the house and then a random girl pushed me into a deep creek after a bunch of flowers kept showing up under my feet when I walk. Am I magic, mom?’ Like what!?”

“Sorry there, lad. Must’ve pushed into you without looking. Although, kind of mysterious, a boy climbing out of a window when I thought nobody was here. Also, what about these flowers? I don’t see any.”

He turned back to where the girl was standing, or rather, where she did stand. In her place was a man sporting a a beige widebrimmed hat and a black trench coat that reached down to his brown boots. He was tall, had gray eyes, and orange hair that was thinning near the forehead.

The surroundings were different as well. Instead of the trees and ground being green like they were before he fell in, the greenery had turned to the colors of fall. The grass was less of a deep natural green and the trees were losing their leaves, letting them fall to the ground and becoming mixed piles of red, orange, and yellows. His flower trail had changed, too. The plants had now become a skinny brick path, weeds poking out from the cracks.

“You alright, lad?” the man questioned. “Haven’t hit your head on the rocks, have you?”

The simple rushing creek in the woods was most definitely not a simple rushing creek in the woods.


“The Creature Whose Eyes and Smile I Know”

I blinked against the harsh light of the…computer screen? Why is it so bright? Hoping to spare my eyes, I looked up, only to feel my heart leap into my throat. I’m sitting at the dining room table, but I’m in a house that’s no longer mine. This house isn’t the way I left it — it’s reverted back to its original state. The walls are so white that if the sun were to hit them, it would be equivalent to staring at my computer. Not only that, but the sofa is no longer a sectional, and the bookshelf is back to being empty by the stairs.

All of a sudden, the hairs on the back of my neck stand up, and I can feel the beating of my heart. Don’t turn your head. But my body is no longer mine and I’m forced to look at the sliding door where I see it.

How do I begin to describe what I can’t focus on? Its very being is translucent, and its limbs are coming out of themselves. They glitch and deform with every movement it makes. But it has eyes — eyes that stare into the depths of my soul and teeth that are pulled into a smile. What could be threatening about this creature? It’s outside my home. I’m safe. Until I watch in horror, glued to my chair, as it phases through the glass of the sliding door and is now standing inside. I know you.

It doesn’t move, it just stands there, smiling. We remain this way for a while, its keen eyes catching every shake of my shoulders, and its grin grows wider. The door. Turn right and run out. Scream for help. Those words echo in my head, but as I raise myself onto my shaking legs, I don’t turn right. What are you doing?! Like a fawn, I stumble towards the stairs that lead to the second floor instead. Somehow, I gained enough strength to run up the steps without tripping, and dash for the bathroom. I can feel its dark eyes -boring a hole into my back as it makes no move to follow me. Yet, when I reach the bathroom and turn to shut the door, there it is.

How?! The last thing I see are its teeth gleaming like the moon before I shut the door and…find myself back in my chair? Did I imagine all of that? My eyes are watering from the intensity of the computer screen, forcing me to look up. No. Don’t look towards the sliding door. Shut your eyes. But again, I’m forced to look at the sliding door, and my fears are confirmed. There it is. It almost seems amused by my struggle. I know you and you know me. Shivers run down my spine upon that realization.

I watch as it passes through the sliding door with ease. How does it do that? Its Cheshire grin is unwavering. It knows that I know. Again, I run, seeking protection from the bathroom. I’m not ready. Closing the door, I watch its eyes narrow ever so slightly before the door slams shut. But again, I’m back at the dining room table. It’s not going to let you leave until you face it. But I can’t. I refuse. Please, leave me be. But it persists, endlessly phasing through the glass with a single glance.

“The Creature Whose Eyes and Smile I Know” continued

Let me out of this cycle, I beg you. Still, it doesn’t listen, trying to force me to face it. I’m not ready. Again, I run, fleeing from it, only to face the same ending: appearing in my chair. I’m sorry, but I can’t face you. Let's go our separate ways. But we won’t. We’ll keep going in circles, it coming in, with its looming presence suffocating me, me fleeing from it, and me reappearing in my chair.

The creature has never ending patience waiting for me to stop closing the door on it, better yet, to stop running from it. But it also knows that I won’t, and so, it’ll keep controlling the outcome, never freeing me from the cycle. Finally, only when it allows, when I blink again, I’ll see the ceiling of my current house and feel the comfort that the blankets provide me.

But it’s only a matter of time before the hourglass is flipped, counting down the seconds until it returns. You’ll be back to try again. But why? I dread it. On that fateful day in March, I’ll see you again, and you won’t be any clearer than the previous years. You’ll still be waiting for me to muster up the courage to face you. We both know I won’t. But still, you’ll try, and fail as always, only to return the following year. The cycle that I’m unable to escape will continue until I’m brave enough to confront you. My dear creature, whose eyes and smile I know very well, I’ll wait for you to return again.


Meeting Dates:

1st and 3rd Tuesday or Thursday from 3-4 p.m.

*Contact John for more details


Speaking Engagements with Industry Experts via Video Calls and In-Person

*YouTube videos made of each presentation!

*Question & Answer Opportunities!)


Field trip to Udvar Hazy Museum

Visit to a local airport

Visit to local aerospace company

Sharing of artifacts about aerodynamics and flight

Club Created/Hosted by John Williams '25

*Email to join: jwilliams25@

Faculty Moderator: Mrs. Alfaro (Room 3101)

List of Potential Speakers:

Tom Costello

Chris Hadfield

Col. Buzz Carpenter

Victoria Yeager

Jonathan Brendle

John Fairfield

Stephen Callahan

Shane Byrne, PhD

Marc Parent

Lt. Col. John Henley

Ellen Stofan, PhD


Fortnite — the game that brings me so much joy

A way to relax over the past years

I’ve played this game since I was a small boy

Season after season getting max tiers

I drink big potions and miniature shields

Chug Jugs when I was low felt like heaven

Always had crazy fights in fatal fields

Loved it so much stayed on till eleven

Me and my friends would land tilted towers

A game I could play with friends near or far

We would grind this game for many many hours

We would always loot hoping for a scar

Fortnite, I always want to be on it

I will go play once I write this sonnet!

A Run Through the Path of PVI Cross Country

In 1983-1984, “a tradition of excellence” was officially established a St. Paul VI Catholic High School’s Fairfax campus with the creation of the PVI Cross Country team. Now, forty years later at PVI’s new Chantilly campus, the Cross Country team is amazing group of student-athletes who strive for success on and off the course.

Coach Mozingo '99, the new head coach for the 2023 season, was a cross country and track runner at PVI for four years and cocaptain of the team that won the WCAC and Virginia Catholic State Championships. He also ran for Division III Dickinson College and has completed several marathons and ultramarathons. We're gifted and beyond grateful to have him as our leader this season.

Coach Tsoutious, who previously ran cross country in her high school years, joined in coaching PVI Cross Country in 2023. She now currently works in the Spanish department here at Paul VI. Her positive energy is loved by both runners and students both in and out of the classroom. We could never ask for a better assistant coach!

Fueled by Faith

As a Catholic school, we are devoted towards putting our trust in God’s hands and letting Him guide us through both the race cross country and the race of life. Before every race on the start line, our team always says a Hail Mary, an Our father, a prayer to St. Sebastian — the patron saint of runners/sports, and a prayer dedicated to Father Schultz. Praying to God before a race brings peace, strength, and a sense of gratitude for the opportunity to run. We believe God always lifts us up and gives us the ability to run every race.

Varsity boys at Monroe Park. Photo credit: Mrs. Kiernan

The Mental and Physical Challenges of Running

All cross country runners aspire to achieve validation in their sport. It's a common factor as they all desire to win and achieve their goals. However, runners often feel nervous before a race due to the pressure of performing well and meeting their expectations — and only a very small handful of runners meet their expectations in a race. As for the rest, anything can happen — from falling to throwing up mid-race. Cross country is not only a physically challenging sport, but also a mentally challenging sport. Waking up early every day, going to school, attending clubs, taking tests, and putting in 100% effort every day can be one of the most difficult things a high school student can experience. While this can be nerve-wracking and painful, PVI’s coaches and athletic trainers prioritize runner safety and provide support for injuries. Despite the stress it may add to a young high schooler’s life, runners still love it. The feeling a runner experiences when finally conquering the ability to run without stopping is a lifechanging milestone.

Overall Achievements for the Season:

Woodberry Forest Invitational (Woodberry Forest, VA)

JV Boys placed 5th/18 teams

Monroe Parker Invitational (Burke, VA)

Girls placed 4th/8 teams

Virginia Catholic State Championship (Lorton, VA)

Varsity Boys placed 5th/11 teams

Varsity Girls placed 3rd/11 teams

WCAC Championship (Washington, DC)

Both Varsity Girls A and Varsity Girls B placed 3rd/5 teams

VISAA Championship (Woodberry Forest, VA)

Girls placed 6th/15 teams

Boys placed 9th/18 teams


of the glorious outcomes of running are the development of new friendships, reconnecting with nature, physical health, and — best of all — no matter how slow of a runner you are, you are still outrunning everyone on the couch!”

“Fortnite” by Noah Anastacio '26

In Fortnite's realm, where cruel battles unfold

A dance of tall builds, stories to be told

With health dwindling, in the storm's cruel cold

The healing touch becomes a tale to hold

A slurp juice sipped in shadows of the night

Bandages unravel, a mending sight

Medkits deployed in moments of huge fright

The chug jug's gulp restores, a healing rite

In Tilted Towers, healers stop and rest

In minis and in floppers, hope is found

A shield potions short timer, is the best

All we desire is to joke around

Inside of Fortnite all battles are won Fortnite, the OGs always get it done

The Radiance Road


Happens In-Between: The Survivor’s Time of Waiting”

Inthebeginning, Godsaid,“Letthere belight.”

There are many subgenres of Christian music.


Wehavetofight onourknees!

In the beginning, God said, “Let there be light.” However, we are far from the beginning, and we’re not quite to the end yet. This is the time of the “in-between.”

It is often very difficult to be stuck in the “in-between.” You don’t get the excitement that comes at the start of something, and you don’t get the excitement that comes at the end of something. You simply have to wait and hope that something good is coming up. Perhaps you know exactly what is going to happen, you just don’t know when it will start.

The physical season is that way for us right now in the area. We are living in the time between the fluctuating season of spring and the sun-warmed skies of summer. We are in the middle of a school semester, and while the summer is on its way, we can take this moment to consider something important so that when we enter into the summer season, we will be stronger in this spiritual battle than we were before. For the majority of the spring, we also celebrate Easter through May 19.

TheBibletellsthestoryofGodshowinglovetoHischildren.ManyofHis children, after being so grateful for receiving His love, responded back with worship. Even living in the “in-between” gives us a reason to worship!IthelpsustokeepourfocusinGod,whohasthepowertobring ustothegreat,beautifulending.

In worshiping God, believers can surrender and recognize that God is in control, and in return, they can open themselves to experiencing peace, comfort, and a sign that everything will be alright in God’s hands. Worshipisaveryimportantpartofthespiritualbattle!

Worship takes on many forms, but one of the most common ways for people to worship God is through singing. That brings to mind the Worship category of Christian music. While many Christian worship songs that people hear today are recordings of live songs sung in Christian churches or radio edits or studio versions of those songs, worship can take place in any Christian song if its direct purpose is to worshipGod.

ManyChristianpop,Christianhip-hop,Gospel,andChristianrocksongs are worship songs themselves or at least have some lines of worship insideoftheirlyrics.

Go to the next page to find some amazing Christian worship songs and Christiansongswithworshiplyricsfromvariousartists!

The following songs are copyrighted by their respective owners. I attempt to mention songs in accordance with fair use guidelines for commentary and educational purposes.

Cory Asbury “Homecoming”

In Cory Asbury’s “Homecoming” song, homecoming is not simply a school gathering anymore. It tells the story of sinners turned into saints, of shackles, debt, and the Cross. We celebrate because a once-empty grave with a stone rolled away. Now, thanks to God’s mercy, all are welcomed to participate in this heavenly homecoming celebration.

Forward City

“Expect Impossible”

We might feel like we are worth nothing, but just one voice is all it takes to call on the God who walked on water, turned water into wine, and healed lepers. God has done the impossible, and His ability makes nothing difficult for Him. So if you need that miracle, if you are waiting for the seemingly-impossible to happen, step out in faith and go ahead and expect the impossible. Be prepared to see more than you can imagine. It’s coming.

Shane & Shane

“You’ve Already Won”

Maybe you enjoy the times when things are already done for you, like filling out a form that gets auto filled. You just take action by clicking a button, and the entire document will be completed. It just makes life a lot easier! And isn’t that similar to the life of the Christian faith? God has already fought the battle. It’s already been won on the Cross. So what is there left to do? Continue in the journey, but know that the battle has already been won. Witness the victory.


There are certain types of driving that don’t require a gas tank or a driver’s license. This type of driving advertised in this song is one of amazing adventure, and you don’t ever have to stop. It’s just going on and on. Life is a journey, like a drive. Sam Rivera calls on God to drive along with him. He’s so excited to just drive on the endless freeway, having a personal relationship with God, enjoying the journey, and the time spent together.

Jack Cassidy

“Song Of Victory”

The song of victory refers to Jesus’ spiritual presence even in the darkest moments: the moments of fear, when life changes for the worse, and we can’t see any happiness ahead. We can overcome the chaos with one simple action: worship.

Jordan St. Cyr


The metaphor here is that the hard moments in life are called fires. Having courage, we can walk through these fires, believing that God is with us and leading us on the right path. God speaks to us through this song, telling us to not be afraid to keep walking and to keep believing even when we are facing the flames.

Elevation Worship


This is a song all about dancing, but before you play it, make sure you remember who is doing the dancing. In this case, it’s metaphorical dancing between a believer and God on the stage of life. Think about it, though. If your whole life was a lovely dance, could you enjoy it and achieve happiness throughout each step?

JWLKRS Worship


Obviously, there’s room for fear and doubt if you make some. If you feel that God has not been responding to your prayers, this is the song to play as a reminder to keep believing, even if you feel that things are silent, and put your confidence in God alone. Then, go ahead and walk through the valley of the shadow of death.


City Music

“Wait On You”

Fairy tales, pots of gold, and hospital rooms are featured right off the bat in “Wait On You.” It takes a moment to realize that while these things might make up an engaging story, they can’t do all things for us. They are not all-powerful. It doesn’t end there, though. Believers testify in this song that they don’t know what is going to happen to them, but they believe that God will do what He promised. They wait and worship. Better things are coming ahead.


“Fall On Me”

This song tells listeners of the assurance of a person to go to when someone is in need, when someone is about to metaphorically fall down. Of course, that person is seeking support. Worship helps us to reach out for God’s support. There’s nothing that gets in the way of God’s hand to reach out to those believers when they are in need.

“Something Better”

It doesn’t matter how bad it gets. It doesn’t matter how good it gets. We always have an opportunity to pray to God to make something into something better. That includes pain, suffering, loneliness, and sadness. God is there to pick up everything and use it for the better.


“Undefeated 3.0”

This reflection by DPB represents his current status in life: undefeated. In fact, on the visual cover of the song, he sees himself as a boxer who is still standing after fighting, undefeated. He has faced so many different things in his life, in the spiritual boxing match, but he has come out and today he can look back with satisfaction, knowing that he is still alive and there are plans for him to keep living, to keep surviving, and to keep witnessing the victory.


“Gotta Smile”

In this song, Corey Wise makes smiling a daily obligation. Some moments are happy. Some moments are sad. However, he calls us to believe that although the mood of situations can change, there is always a reason to smile. If you want to know why, listen to this song. Don’t forget to smile through the entire 4 minutes and 19 seconds!

Aaron Cole


Aaron Cole joins together the theme of waiting with the qualities of God’s hands. People can use their hands for many different things, from typing, to playing sports, planting trees, and eating. Aaron Cole’s hands, though, are folded in prayer, surrendering to God. He is waiting on God, but he knows that through every step of the way, he is still in God’s hands, where he belongs.

All Creatures

“[wonder working]”

Check the scoreboard. God’s side is still winning. In this song, Chris Cron proclaims that he belongs to a wonder-working God, and he offers the public service announcement that there is an alternative to being beaten down by the stress, the pain, the hardship, and the losses through the power of God, the Creator, and the Winner.

Branan Murphy


What’s good? Things that came from evil intentions can be transformed to have good effects on our spiritual well-being by the power of God. That’s what Branan Murphy believes and cries out in this song, “Good.” God is transforming the old into new. It’s about time for that upgrade we’ve always been waiting for!

Check out these and other amazing songs on these Spotify playlists!

The Radiance Road - Worship (Mentioned Songs)

The Radiance Road - Worship (Additional Songs)

Next Time on the Radiance Road...

Several energy-boosting Christian Rock songs!

Multiple awe-inspiring Christian Gospel songs!

Illuminating commentary about life adventures and radiance!

Additional tips for the spiritual battle!

Connection between radiance and radio!

Revealing the Christian Music containers!

Since 2020, Hans has been compiling many different playlists of old and new, thoughtful and inspiring, and uplifting and motivating creative Christian songs. God has blessed him to be able to listen to these impactful songs, find meaning in them, and share them during his senior year at PVI with others who love inspiring music.

Overall Favorite PVI Theatre Memories and Reflection of Roles in

After the show, I was luckily able to have the After the show, I was luckily able to have the opportunity to interview many of the senior opportunity to interview many of the senior actors. In the lead roles of John Proctor and actors. In the lead roles of John Proctor and Abigail Williams were Abigail Williams were Mateo Sur Mateo Sur (MS) (MS) and and Lia Boyle Lia Boyle (LB). (LB).

Portraying the fierce Deputy Governor Danforth was Portraying the fierce Deputy Governor Danforth was Hayden Springer Hayden Springer (HS), and (HS), and Reverend Parris was played by Reverend Parris was played by Drew Bradford Drew Bradford (DB). Wrapping up the list of (DB). Wrapping up the list of seniors are seniors are Iain Vallesky Iain Vallesky, who played Giles Corey, and , who played Giles Corey, and Parmis Rahai Parmis Rahai (PR), who (PR), who appeared as one of the Scream Queens. Matching the actors’ hard work and spirit appeared as one of the Scream Queens. Matching the actors’ hard work and spirit onstage was onstage was Faith Birch Faith Birch (FB), who led the way as the Head Stage Manager. Each (FB), who led the way as the Head Stage Manager. Each of them did a phenomenal job to make sure that the show was a stunning success. of them did a phenomenal job to make sure that the show was a stunning success.

My favorite memory would probably have My favorite memory would probably have to be the Senior Pass Down from last year during to be the Senior Pass Down from last year during Nice Work If You Can Get It

Nice Work If You Can Get It. During rituals for . During rituals for the boys, we had this little ceremony as to who the boys, we had this little ceremony as to who would be given the new role to lead rituals. would be given the new role to lead rituals. The ambience, the people — it was all perfect for The ambience, the people — it was all perfect for that moment to come alive. that moment to come alive.

Honestly, just everything about Honestly, just everything about Murder on the Orient Murder on the Orient Express Express was awesome. It was double-casted, so I got to hang out was awesome. It was double-casted, so I got to hang out with everybody the whole time. It was great and really fun to with everybody the whole time. It was great and really fun to

My favorite memory was being able My favorite memory was being able to see the actors perform in rehearsals. to see the actors perform in rehearsals.

I’m so thankful for all the people I’ve I’m so thankful for all the people I’ve become close with. become close with.

My favorite memory would be our My favorite memory would be our production of last year's ensemble show production of last year's ensemble show Double Double Exposure Exposure. I think it's our company's funniest . I think it's our company's funniest production yet. Though we plan to take that mantle production yet. Though we plan to take that mantle with this year's ensemble show with this year's ensemble show The 39 Steps. The 39 Steps.

Putting a ridiculous amount of hair gel in Putting a ridiculous amount of hair gel in the boys' hair for the boys' hair for Murder on the Orient Express Murder on the Orient Express!!

The hardest part of my role was to trying to act

The hardest part of my role was to trying to act in a male role as it was my first time. The easiest part was in a male role as it was my first time. The easiest part was being able to work with my great co-actors. being able to work with my great co-actors.

The hardest part about being The hardest part about being Reverend Parris was playing someone who Reverend Parris was playing someone who everyone was supposed to hate. We were all everyone was supposed to hate. We were all friends so naturally it was an adjustment for friends so naturally it was an adjustment for me to try and treat them so differently. The me to try and treat them so differently. The easiest part of playing him was the costume. It was nice, easiest part of playing him was the costume. It was nice, simplistic, and I only had trouble with the buttons every simplistic, and I only had trouble with the buttons every other show. other show.

This show was very emotionally This show was very emotionally demanding. My character, Abigail, was pretty demanding. My character, Abigail, was pretty messed up in the head, so it was draining messed up in the head, so it was draining getting into that mindset everyday. The easiest getting into that mindset everyday. The easiest part was running the Hair and Makeup crew. part was running the Hair and Makeup crew. My crew was very dedicated and worked really My crew was very dedicated and worked really hard which made my job a lot easier. hard which made my job a lot easier.

A Magnified Look at the Beauty in the Seemingly-Mundane

Dancing colors flourish into magnificent patterns intricate in their splendor, yet vague in their nature. “What a sight!” one might say, but it is no sight at all. This is the mere mind of a young child — and not a particularly creative one either when measured amongst the rest. Others manage to visualize a story taking place, fantastical figures of both original and unoriginal origin engaging in the most peculiar of actions and movements, some with a method and long strung plot but more so others in a less deliberate manner. Such visually stimulating ideas materialized without the slightest employment of the eyes, it's a truly remarkable power. Imagination is what we label this capability maintained by so few.

Why is it this way, that an attribute that is nearly universally considered great or even indispensable is allowed to slip through the fingers of most of us? Ordered routine into the office or classroom, the same motions completed cyclically day after day. It's gray, it's bleak, it's…unimaginative.

Pick something, anything in your surroundings and really observe it closer than you ever had. Maybe it's the imperfections in the paint on the wall or the metallic flecks speckled haphazardly in the flooring. There are a million stories to be told in even the most seemingly-mundane details in the things right before us.

What is imagination but simply making something from what is seemingly nothing. Have an eye for detail and before you know it, you will gain a mind gearedforimagination.


The Shroud of Turin is a long, blood-stained linen cloth bearing a faint, lifesize, full-length image of a scourged and crucified man — front and back.

The Shroud is documented back to the 1350s, when it was under the care of the French knight Geoffroy de Charny, who put it on public display. A souvenir from its exhibition still exists.

This metal badge shows the Shroud and the Coats of Arms of Geoffrey de Charny and his wife. Geoffroy died in 1356, never revealing how he obtained the Shroud.

In 1532, the Shroud was burned in a fire, but the image was largely undamaged. In 1534, Poor Clare nuns patched damaged areas. The Shroud was sent to Turin, Italy in 1578 and remains there still. Could this cloth somehow be the same Shroud described in all four Gospels (Mark 15, Matthew 27, Luke 23, and John 19)? Joseph of Arimathea bought a fine linen cloth, wrapped Jesus’ body in it, and placed the body in a tomb. On Easter morning, Jesus had risen, but what happened to the Shroud?

A reconstructed image of the “pilgrim badge” souvenir sold at Geoffrey de Charny’s public exhibition of the Holy Shroud in the 1350s. Pictured is the Shroud with front and back body images and Geoffrey’s coat of arms on the bottom left and the coat of arms of his wife on the bottom right.

Two big questions surround the Shroud of Turin. First, is it from the 14th Century or is it older? Second, how was the image formed? The Shroud has thus become the most investigated artifact ever, undergoing countless scientific tests. The most famous was radiocarbon dating performed in 1988. A single piece was cut from one corner and divided into four smaller pieces — with a remnant to be preserved. The results dated the Shroud to the Middle Ages (AD 1260-1390) with 95% certainty, and the Shroud was declared a medieval fake. Case closed? Not quite. Even if the Shroud were medieval, it would still be puzzling. The image is much more realistic than any medieval artwork. The image is like a photograph or, more accurately, a photographic negative, a concept unknown to any medieval artist. The normal image is very faint, so we only see the image clearly when we photograph the Shroud and examine its negative image. This happened for the first time in 1899. Suppose we found a photograph (or negative) of Chaucer, author of The Canterbury Tales. This would be astounding. The earliest known photograph is a blurry image taken in 1826. Even if the Shroud were not from Biblical times, a medieval photo-like image is still incredible. But if photography was invented to make the Shroud of Turin, why are there no other photos from this time? If made without photography, why fake an image that can only be seen clearly after photography is invented?

Furthermore, the radiocarbon dating was mishandled. In 2000, researchers Joseph Marino and Sue Benford noticed a diagonal repair seam running through the area where the samples were taken. They found the dating results from the four samples were skewed corresponding to that diagonal seam: #1 (AD 1238), #2 (AD 1246), #3 (AD 1326), and #4 (AD 1430). Chemist Raymond Rogers examined the remnant sample and confirmed that cotton had been woven into the linen fibers and dyed to match the linen. The samples contained different amounts of cotton added by the nuns in their 1534 repairs. One of the scientists responsible for the radiocarbon testing, Christopher Ramsey, acknowledged that the dating was compromised because cotton from the 1534 patch and the (apparently) older linen had been dated together.

There are also hints from history that the Turin Shroud existed earlier. For example, in AD 944, a Byzantine general besieged Edessa, Turkey and took back “the cloth with Jesus’ imprint” to Constantinople. Byzantine Emperor Constantine VII described the image as “extremely faint, more like a moist secretion without pigment or the painter’s art.” Archdeacon Gregory of the Hagia Sophia described a full body image produced by “Christ’s sweat,” implying that it was faint. He also mentions blood from the side wound on the cloth. In 1201, the overseer of Constantinople’s relic collection listed “the funerary sheets of Christ” that “wrapped the un-outlined, dead, naked” body of Jesus “after the Passion.”

A view of the blood stains on one half of the Shroud, including blood consistent with scourging on the legs and body, head wounds from a crown of thorns, crucifixion nail wounds on hands and feet, and spear wound to the side.

Close up view of the hands on the Shroud of Turin, showing how the image on the Shroud (when made into a negative) is like a photo.

On August 1, 1205, a Byzantine ruler wrote to Pope Innocent III protesting the looting of Constantinople by knights of the Fourth Crusade. He wrote, “In April last year a crusading army, having falsely set out to liberate the Holy Land, instead laid waste the city of Constantine. During the sack, troops of Venice and France looted even the holy sanctuaries. The Venetians partitioned the treasures of gold, silver, and ivory, while the French did the same with the relics of the saints and, most sacred of all, the linen in which our Lord Jesus Christ was wrapped after his death and before his resurrection. We know that the sacred objects are preserved by their predators in Venice, in France and in other places, the sacred linen in Athens.”

The leader of the Sack of Constantinople in 1204 was Otto de la Roche. He became the Lord of Athens in 1204, but returned to France in 1225. His great-great granddaughter was Jeanne de Vergy, who married … (drumroll please) … Geoffrey de Charny! Geoffrey may have wanted to avoid revealing that his in-laws had looted the Shroud from the Byzantines!

Pollen has been collected from the Shroud. Although some comes from plants found in France and Italy, most comes from plants native to Israel, Turkey, and the western Mediterranean. This makes no sense if the Shroud was created in Europe. Also, keep in mind that the blood on the Shroud indicates that the cloth once wrapped an actual bleeding person whose wounds correspond exactly to the wounds of Christ’s Passion.

How was the image formed? It has been proven that the image is not artwork (a painting, etc.), but we still do not understand how the image got there. An image exists because the top layer of linen fibers has yellowed, similar to how the pages of a book turn yellowish when left out in the sun. However, even today, after numerous attempts, no one has produced an image like this on linen.

The image was somehow made using light. The body within the Shroud perhaps glowed brilliantly (like Jesus glowed in the Transfiguration). Because the hair in the image hangs down, the body was not lying down when the image formed. It was vertical, but not standing since the feet are pointed downward. The body was hanging or levitating above the ground (like Jesus levitated during the Ascension).

Needless to say, we do not have solid answers to the two big questions, but as for me, I am certain that the Shroud of Turin is the world’s first selfie!

The ordinary (faint) image of the face on the Shroud that functions like a photographic negative so that when a negative image is made, as shown on the right, the negative provides us with what looks like a positive image photograph. This property of the Shroud was discovered when the cloth was first photographed in 1899.

Senior Editor:

Hans Sirotniak '24

Assistant Editors:

Charlie Thom '25

Carter Casagrande '25

Gabriela Bergstrom '27

Issue #3 Contributors:

Fr. Stephen Schultz

Fr. Ramon

Emma Ladowicz '26

John Murray '24

Nicholas Bucci '24

Roy Wulf '26

Noah Anastacio '26

CrossroadsisSeeking: brainstormers photographers thinkers problem-solvers writers artists graphicdesigners journalists researchers editors proofreaders insomniacs tech-savvygurus

Gabriela Bergstrom '27

Charlie Carey '26

Carter Casagrande '25

Jackson Roberts '27

Morgan Roberts '26

Hans Sirotniak '24

Julia Snyder '24

John Williams '25

Moderator V. Fassinger, Teacher

In our chapel overflowing with PVI students, staff, and visitors, we celebrated Fr. Schultz’s return to PVI for our April 23 “Pack the Chap” Mass!

Fr. Stephen Schultz

Here are some of Father Schultz's insightful pieces of advice provided to us throughout the years at PVI School Masses. Several of his wonderful homilies at Mass can be found on the PVI YouTube page.

There is a hole in our hearts that only God can fill. 1. Receive the gifts of the Lord. 2. God wants to be invited into your hearts. 3. Jesus knows the future, but nothing changes His love. 4. Peace and joy are possible. 5. Jesus loves you. 6. Your best self is your whole self. 7. Make good decisions. 8. We are on a path to Heaven. 9. I care for you. 10.

There is no excuse to not treat each other with respect. 11. If we are rooted in Christ, we will shine like the sun with God's grace. 12. We are made to live in communion. 13. Our guardian angels see us as God sees us. 14. We don't have to be self sufficient. 15. We are fully known by God. 16. We are called to be truth tellers. 17. We need to have integrity. 18. Christ lets things happen in a beautiful way. 19. We can live Jesus by living the truth. 20. The saints are the people who God wants them to be. 21. Gratitude can benefit our physical health. 22. Time is a gift, and it is used better when it is appreciated. 23. The Mass shows our gratitude to God. 24. “ Love builds a bridge over which Truth can pass” (Dan Burke). 25.

We continue to pray for Fr. Schultz’s complete recovery through the intercession of Blessed Father Solanus Casey. You can find out more information on his CaringBridge site.

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