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The Radiance Road

The Radiance Road

Cory Asbury “Homecoming”

In Cory Asbury’s “Homecoming” song, homecoming is not simply a school gathering anymore. It tells the story of sinners turned into saints, of shackles, debt, and the Cross. We celebrate because a once-empty grave with a stone rolled away. Now, thanks to God’s mercy, all are welcomed to participate in this heavenly homecoming celebration.

Forward City

“Expect Impossible”

We might feel like we are worth nothing, but just one voice is all it takes to call on the God who walked on water, turned water into wine, and healed lepers. God has done the impossible, and His ability makes nothing difficult for Him. So if you need that miracle, if you are waiting for the seemingly-impossible to happen, step out in faith and go ahead and expect the impossible. Be prepared to see more than you can imagine. It’s coming.

Shane & Shane

“You’ve Already Won”

Maybe you enjoy the times when things are already done for you, like filling out a form that gets auto filled. You just take action by clicking a button, and the entire document will be completed. It just makes life a lot easier! And isn’t that similar to the life of the Christian faith? God has already fought the battle. It’s already been won on the Cross. So what is there left to do? Continue in the journey, but know that the battle has already been won. Witness the victory.

Sam Rivera


There are certain types of driving that don’t require a gas tank or a driver’s license. This type of driving advertised in this song is one of amazing adventure, and you don’t ever have to stop. It’s just going on and on. Life is a journey, like a drive. Sam Rivera calls on God to drive along with him. He’s so excited to just drive on the endless freeway, having a personal relationship with God, enjoying the journey, and the time spent together.

Jack Cassidy

“Song Of Victory”

The song of victory refers to Jesus’ spiritual presence even in the darkest moments: the moments of fear, when life changes for the worse, and we can’t see any happiness ahead. We can overcome the chaos with one simple action: worship.

Jordan St. Cyr


The metaphor here is that the hard moments in life are called fires. Having courage, we can walk through these fires, believing that God is with us and leading us on the right path. God speaks to us through this song, telling us to not be afraid to keep walking and to keep believing even when we are facing the flames.

Elevation Worship


This is a song all about dancing, but before you play it, make sure you remember who is doing the dancing. In this case, it’s metaphorical dancing between a believer and God on the stage of life. Think about it, though. If your whole life was a lovely dance, could you enjoy it and achieve happiness throughout each step?

JWLKRS Worship


Obviously, there’s room for fear and doubt if you make some. If you feel that God has not been responding to your prayers, this is the song to play as a reminder to keep believing, even if you feel that things are silent, and put your confidence in God alone. Then, go ahead and walk through the valley of the shadow of death.

Maverick City Music

“Wait On You”

Fairy tales, pots of gold, and hospital rooms are featured right off the bat in “Wait On You.” It takes a moment to realize that while these things might make up an engaging story, they can’t do all things for us. They are not all-powerful. It doesn’t end there, though. Believers testify in this song that they don’t know what is going to happen to them, but they believe that God will do what He promised. They wait and worship. Better things are coming ahead.


“Fall On Me”

This song tells listeners of the assurance of a person to go to when someone is in need, when someone is about to metaphorically fall down. Of course, that person is seeking support. Worship helps us to reach out for God’s support. There’s nothing that gets in the way of God’s hand to reach out to those believers when they are in need.


“Something Better”

It doesn’t matter how bad it gets. It doesn’t matter how good it gets. We always have an opportunity to pray to God to make something into something better. That includes pain, suffering, loneliness, and sadness. God is there to pick up everything and use it for the better.


“Undefeated 3.0”

This reflection by DPB represents his current status in life: undefeated. In fact, on the visual cover of the song, he sees himself as a boxer who is still standing after fighting, undefeated. He has faced so many different things in his life, in the spiritual boxing match, but he has come out and today he can look back with satisfaction, knowing that he is still alive and there are plans for him to keep living, to keep surviving, and to keep witnessing the victory.

Corey Wise

“Gotta Smile”

In this song, Corey Wise makes smiling a daily obligation. Some moments are happy. Some moments are sad. However, he calls us to believe that although the mood of situations can change, there is always a reason to smile. If you want to know why, listen to this song. Don’t forget to smile through the entire 4 minutes and 19 seconds!

Aaron Cole


Aaron Cole joins together the theme of waiting with the qualities of God’s hands. People can use their hands for many different things, from typing, to playing sports, planting trees, and eating. Aaron Cole’s hands, though, are folded in prayer, surrendering to God. He is waiting on God, but he knows that through every step of the way, he is still in God’s hands, where he belongs.

All Creatures

“[wonder working]”

Check the scoreboard. God’s side is still winning. In this song, Chris Cron proclaims that he belongs to a wonder-working God, and he offers the public service announcement that there is an alternative to being beaten down by the stress, the pain, the hardship, and the losses through the power of God, the Creator, and the Winner.

Branan Murphy


What’s good? Things that came from evil intentions can be transformed to have good effects on our spiritual well-being by the power of God. That’s what Branan Murphy believes and cries out in this song, “Good.” God is transforming the old into new. It’s about time for that upgrade we’ve always been waiting for!

Check out these and other amazing songs on these Spotify playlists!

The Radiance Road - Worship (Mentioned Songs)

The Radiance Road - Worship (Additional Songs)

Next Time on the Radiance Road...

Several energy-boosting Christian Rock songs!

Multiple awe-inspiring Christian Gospel songs!

Illuminating commentary about life adventures and radiance!

Additional tips for the spiritual battle!

Connection between radiance and radio!

Revealing the Christian Music containers!

Since 2020, Hans has been compiling many different playlists of old and new, thoughtful and inspiring, and uplifting and motivating creative Christian songs. God has blessed him to be able to listen to these impactful songs, find meaning in them, and share them during his senior year at PVI with others who love inspiring music.

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