4 minute read

Christian Rock

Thousand Foot Krutch

"Be Somebody

It seems like the singer might be trying to baffle us with a song to an unnamed recipient, one full of lyrics about someone who connects him to his reality and, even more, helps him to actually be somebody, to have an identity. It's a relationship he thinks people might deny or have trouble believing in. Further, it's a relationship that could be seen present in this singer himself. What is it? Doesn't it sound like a relationship between the singer and God?


"take everything.”

Time and time again mentioning the problems of a self-centered life, this song takes away the focus on the bad and turns it over to the hands of Jesus, crying out, “Take everything.” He lets go of putting life over God. It’s the time for God to take care of it all!

The Birdsongs


You might not understand it...After years of living life, the singer of The Birdsongs cries out for someone to help him out in his own reality. It’s a reality of pain, of suffering, of struggling, of NOT being okay. But the message is that some of these things that we normally think of as bad are actually okay. They can help us if God is with us since God has the power to make everything better. This song is also a reminder to us, saying that we shouldn’t struggle anymore without remembering to BOAST in the weaknesses we have.

Jermaine Dolly


Being around a person who is happy all the time, never sad, and always excited about living a meaningful life is an amazing experience. Jermaine Dolly goes one step further from that amazing experience, claiming that he is that person, and he offers some tips on how we can each be that person as well. The answer is Jesus.

RED Hands

"No Worries”

Worry takes up absolutely no space in the lives of the people in the RED Hands group. They're not even concerned about running out of money because they know that God is in control of their lives and will always be there for them. If God is always there and powerful enough to meet our needs, then there is never a need to worry. Don’t exhaust your mind with worrying. Focus on faith instead!

Travis Greene

"Won't Let Go”

Lots of songs talk about US letting go in order to surrender to God, but it seems like it’s the opposite on God’s side He never lets go on us. In Travis Greene’s case, he’s locked into God’s care like a deadbolt on a door. Travis Greene is not going to move away because he won’t let go of him, or of anyone else, so he offers an encouraging moment here to all of us who are struggling that we should always trust in God to give us everything that we need.

KJ Scriven


In this last song of this series of reflections about God through Christian music, we are taken back, taken here, and taken forward to ALL moments in our past, in our present, and in our future, which are all under the heartbeat. The heartbeat is present for us, for our bodies, from the beginning to the end, and even if our hearts do stop beating, God will still be there for us. God’s heartbeat is still beating. It has always been there. It will always be there. Nothing changes. It’s still there. If He commanded in the beginning to let there be light, we have discovered the Light Giver, whose heart has been beating for us. He wants to be with us. We want to be with Him. And the Light Giver, who wants us to be with Him, will continue now and forever to be that Source of light.

Check out these amazing songs on the following Spotify playlists!

The Radiance Road - Rock Songs

The Radiance Road - Gospel Songs

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