Paul VI Panther Tracks Fall 2018

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FALL 2018

Pa n t he r Tr a c k s


Panther Tracks Magazine Paul VI Catholic High School 10675 Fairfax Blvd Fairfax, VA 22030 703-352-0925


Virginia Colwell P ’97, ’99, ’05 Principal

Tom Opfer ’96 Elba Campagna P ’16, ’18, ’19, ’20

Assistant Principal, Dean of Academics

Mrs. Eileen Hanley P ’00

Assistant Principal, Admissions and Student Life

Patrick McGroarty P ’09, ’10

Assistant Principal, Dean of Students

Peg Weimer P ’01, ’04, ’05 Assistant Academic Dean, Instructional Technologist

Fr. Stephen Schultz Chaplain

Don La Velle P ’10 CFO

OF F IC E OF A DVA NC E ME N T Kate Grimm Andreottola ’94 Director of Advancement

Eileen Kiley Curren ’98

Director of Communications

Mary Ashooh Hamrick ’86, P ’19, ’20, ’22 Associate Director, Constituent Relations

Nicholas DiGregory

Advancement/Communications Services Specialist

Kiersten Caputy

Annual Fund Manager

Anne Alessi Nuttall ’88, P ’21 Campaign Assistant

Diane Lindblad P ’09

Advancement Assistant

PV I S C HOOL BOA RD 2018-2019 President: Matt Reynolds P ’10, ’11 Vice President: Mary Lawrence P ’10, ’16 Secretary: Ken Coan P ’13, ’16, ’17, ’19 Matt Brockwell P ’16 Don Ditko P ’05, ’07 John Emery P ’10, ’13, ’17 Rev. Donald Heet OSFS Cheryl Blair-Kijewski P ’07, ’09, ’15 Donna Mock P ’15, ’19 Ann Zigo Orem ’01 Angela Wilson P ’21 Bob Smith GP ’17, ’21 Nancy Woodley P ’98, ’01

A L UMNI — S TAY IN T OUC H! Send your news, updates or address changes to

N EW C H A P EL V I EW The beautifully detailed chapel trusses at our new campus are in place and await the finished roof. See page 2-3 for some fun facts about our new campus.




e have all heard the expression “Be the best you can be” – the best person; the best student, dancer, singer, athlete; the best…anything. But how does being the best you can be differ from

“living your best life?” I think it means, in the words of St. Francis de Sales, “not to live in ourselves, but out of ourselves and above ourselves.” It means finding your passion and using your God-given potential to make that passion a reality. In this issue of Panther Tracks, you will meet some of those in the PVI community who are living their best lives. In addition to the school news we share, there are stories about alumni who live outside themselves by giving back in public service and using the power of storytelling to bring more compassion to the world. You will meet a current student who lived her best life this summer through participation in animal conservation in Costa Rica. And, as this issue contains the Annual Report, we acknowledge all who financially support our school, support our mission, and help our students develop their potential so they can live their best lives. By the way, in case you haven’t heard, we received a promotion! Blessed Paul VI became St. Paul VI on October 14. How wonderful to have three Saints to guide us: St. Francis de Sales, St. Jane de Chantel, and St. Paul VI! Everyone in the PVI community, including three new Board members and nine new teachers and staff, help us each and every day to live our best lives. How gratifying that when our time on this earth ends, we will not have to, in the words of St. Pius X, “render an account for time lost, talents unused and good not done.” We will have lived our best lives!

Virginia Colwell, Head of School


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PVI’s New Campus – By the Numbers 68: total acres 234,000: total square footage of the project 1,060: total tonnage of structural steel 7,000: total cubic yards of structural concrete 344,000: bricks 2,452: light fixtures 64: classrooms 700: theatre seats 1,776: basketball bleacher seats 208: baseball bleacher seats 650: parking spaces

S t. P A U L V I C A T H O L I C H I G H S C H O O L



Members of the Paul VI Community Make Pilgrimage to Rome for the Canonization of Pope Paul VI


ope Paul VI, our school’s namesake, was canonized on October 14. Members of the Paul VI community were blessed to make a pilgrimage to Rome for the canonization. 18 students, 4 staff, 8 parents and friends

accompanied Father Schultz, PVI Chaplain, and Joyce Krolicki, Coordinator of Campus Ministry, for a week in Italy.

The group visited many beautiful churches and sites in Rome and spent one day in Assisi. In Rome, the pilgrims visited many churches, saw St. Peter’s Square and Basilica, and took a tour of the Vatican Museum and Sistine Chapel. Fr. Schultz offered Mass at the tomb of St. Peter in the Vatican Grotto for the intentions prayed every day at school; for alumni, benefactors, families, everyone at St. Paul VI,

Church of the Holy Cross in Jerusalem that houses relics of

“During the Mass, I thought it was amazing how everybody was celebrating and believing in the same thing, even though so many people spoke different languages. It is incredible how people who come from so many different backgrounds can all believe in one truth.”

Christ’s Passion.

– Sophia Whitfield

our current and future neighbors, and all our future students. The groups prayed at the tomb of St. Paul VI, who is buried in the Vatican Grotto. For a day-trip to Assisi, they visited the Basilicas of St. Francis, St. Clare, and St. Mary of the Angels. The pilgrims also prayed at the tombs of some great saints: St. Paul, St. Peter, St. Catherine of Siena, St. Ignatius of Loyola, St. Francis, St. Clare. Finally, Fr. Schultz offered Mass in the

On the day of the Canonization, the PVI pilgrims waited in line at 5 a.m. to go through security and take their seats. By the time Mass started at 10 a.m., St. Peter’s Square was filled with other pilgrims from all over the world. Pope Paul VI was canonized with Archbishop Oscar Romero of El Salvador, religious sisters Nazaria Ignacia March Mesa and Maria Katharina Kasper, parish priests Francesco Spinelli and Vincent Romano, and layman Nunzio Sulprizio, who died at the age of 19. Pope Paul VI beatified both Maria Katharina Kasper and Nunzio Sulprizio during his pontificate.




“My favorite part of Rome was going to St. Mary Major Basilica because it had relics from Jesus' manger. It was very surreal to be so close to the manger Jesus was born in. I could really feel his presence.” – Rebecca DuBois

Fast Facts about Pope Paul VI Born September 28, 1897 and named Giovanni Battista Montini Ordained at the age of 22 Served as Archbishop of Milan from 1958 -1963 Elected Pope on June 21, 1963 Concluded the Second Vatican Council and began to implement its teachings

“The high point of the trip was the Canonization because we got to see our patron become a Saint in person. Waking up at 3:30 a.m. to go and stand in the cold for the Mass was TOTALLY worth it.” – Jennifer Chen

Met with Patriarchs of the Eastern Orthodox Church, Coptic Church, and the Dalai Lama Visited every continent during his Pontificate First Pope to address the United Nations Died August 6, 1978 Beatified October 19, 2014 Canonized October 14, 2018

S t. P A U L V I C A T H O L I C H I G H S C H O O L



Putting the "E" in STEM: PVI Rounds Out its STEM Program Article by Beatrice Tynan ’21


he first class of PVI engineers took

the curriculum. And

their seats at the hexagonal tables

so, for a year, they

at the beginning of the school year,

brainstormed, finally

unsure of what was in store for

deciding on Intro to

them. For the first time in Paul VI history,

Engineering Design,

a class devoted to engineering is being

a course offered

offered, one that students and faculty

through "Project Lead

alike have been waiting for.

the Way."

When you walk into room 132, the first

Whiting was the

thing you might notice is that it’s different

perfect choice to

than most classrooms. In place of neat

teach the class. After

rows of desks there are group tables. The

earning a bachelor’s

math classes already offered into a

students who learn here don’t do so at

in engineering at Virginia Tech, she

hands-on critical-thinking based class.

an individual desk: they learn together,

went on to work for fifteen years as a

Students spend some classes working

since, as their teacher explained, problem

materials engineer, even patenting new

on “instant challenges,” problems

solving is best done collaboratively.

protective steel coating for the U.S.

they must brainstorm and then build

And though it took a team of people to

Army. She says the experience definitely

solutions. The first instant challenge

bring the class to life, it all began with

helps her bring engineering to life in the

involved building cable cars to go 30 feet

Mrs. Lisa Whiting. After sitting on a


powered only by a balloon, while another

strategic planning committee two years

“We’re not creating a STEM program;

involved the use of specific materials to

ago, Whiting and colleague Mr. Austin

we’re simply adding engineering,” said

create an airborne vehicle. This hands-

Walter realized that, in order to have an

Mrs. Elba Campagna, PVI’s Dean

on component adds a unique twist to

academic program that is competitive

of Academics, adding that it would

the class, especially for students who

with other local schools, PVI would need

be important to have a course that

learn better through kinetic learning.

an engineering component added to

combined the science, technology, and

The students and teacher alike enjoy going to class every day. “I’m having a blast; I love being able to come full circle from studying, to working, and now teaching engineering,” said Whiting. The school is hoping to expand the program over the next few years with the new campus, adding new equipment and a wider array of similar courses.

"I love being able to come full circle from studying, to working, and now teaching engineering.” – Mrs. Lisa Whiting 6


To learn more about Project Lead the Way, visit


Enhancing Our Mission: Paul VI Welcomes New Board Members Meet the newest members of the PVI School Board Matt Brockwell P’16 Matt Brockwell is a CPA and a partner at PricewaterhouseCoopers, as well as an adjunct professor in accounting at Georgetown University. Matt’s daughter Kate was a student in the Options Program and graduated in 2016. "There are still alumni from Kate's year at PVI who keep in touch with her and come to see her.”

“What I like best about PVI is the sense of community, especially how all of these students embraced Kate and her peers in the Options program.”

Angela Wilson P’21 Angela Wilson is CEO and founder of SeKON, a management and technology consulting firm in Reston. SeKON is a corporate sponsor and mentor for the Loudoun Young Entrepreneurs Academy, and the SeKON C.A.R.E.S outreach program supports a variety of community projects including Toys for Tots, Habitat for Humanity, and Wreaths Across America. Angela has a sophomore, Ty, currently attending Paul VI.

“What I really like about PVI is the focus on spiritual leadership and community.”

Ann Zigo Orem ’01 Ann Orem is currently the Managing Director of the Clarke-Hook Corporation and Founder of Brickyard, a coworking space in Ashburn. She is on the Board of Directors of the Dulles Regional Chamber of Commerce, is a member of the Loudoun Chamber of Commerce, and volunteers at St. Mark Catholic School in Vienna. Ann is a 2001 alumna of Paul VI. Her favorite high school

“The PVI community

memory is when the Panthers won the WCAC Football

provides a support system

Championships over DeMatha.

for students, faculty, alumni,

“My hope is to build a stronger, larger community for future

parents, and all those


involved that is unmatched. "

S t. P A U L V I C A T H O L I C H I G H S C H O O L



New Year, New Faces Meet the newest members of the Paul VI Faculty Scott Bennett P’22, ’19, ’16 Science

Charles McGarr ‘96 Help Desk

Mr. Bennett teaches Honors

Mr. McGarr graduated Paul

Chemistry. He received a

VI in 1996 and is the newest

Bachelor of Science in chemistry

member of the PVI Help Desk.

from the University of Rochester

He graduated from George

in New York.

Mason University in 2003 with a Bachelor of Science in psychology.

Ben Garner ’08 DeSales

Joseph Quarcoo ACE

Mr. Garner is teaching in the

Mr. Quarcoo joins the ACE

DeSales program. He has

program as a teacher. He

a Bachelor of Science in

attended Kwame Nkrumah

kinesiology with a minor in

University of Science and

coaching, and a Master of Arts

Technology in Kumasi, Ghana,

in teaching, with a specialization

where he earned a Bachelor of

in health and physical education,

Science in mathematics and a

both from James Madison

Master of Science in industrial



Greg Knowles Science

Sara Prince Fine Arts

Mr. Knowles is teaching AP

Ms. Prince teaches Concert

Physics 1, AP Physics 2, and

Choir, Chamber Choir, and Public

Chemistry. He graduated from

Speaking. She graduated in 2008

the University of Miami, Coral

from Florida State University with

Gables, Florida, with a Bachelor

a Bachelor's in choral music

of Science in psychology and

education. For the past 10 years

communications and has a

she has been teaching choir in

Master’s from Johns Hopkins

Fairfax County Public Schools

University in environmental

and is happy to be making this

science and policy.

transition to PVI.




Faculty Reflection: Helping Our Students Live Their Best Lives

Karina Scavicchio ’10 English Ms. Scavicchio is teaching English 9, English 10, and Public Speaking. She holds a

Article by: Apolonio Latar, Theology


y class, like life, is difficult and beautiful. At least, that is what the seniors in my Apologetics course graciously tell me. The course

Bachelor's in English literature

is difficult not because they have a lot of

and a Master's in curriculum

homework or that my exams are hard, but

and instruction for secondary education, both from George Mason University.

because we confront the deepest questions of life: What gives meaning to my family, school, study, and work? What does a beautiful friendship look like? Is there really something that lasts forever? Is it reasonable to be a Christian in the 21st century?

Pam Ward Math

In our discussions, students learn to be attuned to each other

Mrs. Ward teaches 9th grade

are many respectful disagreements and even heated exchanges,

Basic Algebra I. She has a

but what permeates in the class is the desire to know the

Bachelor of Arts in secondary

truth. They learn that, even in the midst of conflicts, there is

math education from the

something more profound that binds the whole class together.

University of North Carolina,

The classroom becomes a place where they can always come

Chapel Hill. She recently moved

with their deepest questions, help each other face them, and

to Fairfax from New Market, MD

be enriched by the gift of others. The result is an experience of

where she lived for the last

belonging deeper than some of their friendships because it is

14 years.

grounded in the desire to know the reasons for living. In other

and learn how to articulate their reasons for their beliefs. There

words, the class is difficult and beautiful (and sometimes it is

Taylor Wagonseller School Counselor

beautiful because it is difficult) because it addresses the heart

Ms. Wagonseller is the newest

My gift and arduous task as an educator is to bear witness to

member of the PVI Counseling

and propose that Christ is the meaning of everything and the

team. She attended Northern

answer to the deepest longings of the human heart. When one

Arizona University and earned

encounters Christ, one no longer becomes indifferent towards

a Bachelor of Arts in speech

reality, but lives with a wondrous, peaceful, compassionate, and

language pathology/public health.

joyful gaze before every circumstance given. There is nothing

She received her Master of Arts

more beautiful in life than finding a love that allows one to be

in counseling from the University

engaged in and embrace every circumstance. And it is this

of San Diego, including her Pupil

love – the love of Christ – that makes one remain faithful to what

Personnel Services Credential.

is true, good, and beautiful; it is what makes us more human.

and depth of things.

There is no better life than living with this fidelity. S t. P A U L V I C A T H O L I C H I G H S C H O O L



Spring Sports Wrap-Up 2018 The GOLF team finished 5-2 in regular season match play and 4th in the WCAC tournament, under new head coach Tommy Smith. TRACK & FIELD had another outstanding spring with recordsetting performances at the Penn Relays. The boys finished 5th in the WCAC overall, while the girls took 4th. The girls won the State Catholic meet for the 27th time in 35 years. The boys also won the State Catholic meet, for the fourth time overall. BASEBALL finished 24-7 overall, tied for first place in the WCAC while reaching the Conference and State Semifinals. The Panthers were nationally ranked for the 8th time in school history and spent six weeks ranked #1 in Northern Virginia. SOFTBALL became a contender, battling through several close games under new head coach Anne Marie Boyd and finished 11-13 overall. The Lady Panthers found great success in the postseason, reaching the WCAC semifinals and falling by just two runs in the State Championship game (their first appearance in a state final since 2015). BOYS LACROSSE posted their first ever championship season by capturing the State Title! The Panthers were nationally ranked and finished 18-4 overall, also reaching the WCAC Championship game. Boys Lacrosse has posted 15 or more wins in five of the last six seasons, while reaching three WCAC finals and two state finals during that same span. GIRLS LACROSSE posted another winning season, finishing 12-9 overall. The Lady Panthers were upset in the WCAC quarterfinals but reached the state tournament for the third consecutive year before being eliminated in the semifinals. After five winning seasons, 2015 WCAC Coach of the Year Alex Whitworth ’03 has stepped down. Thank you for five great years, Coach! Our Head Field Hockey coach, Rich Hayden, has been named interim head coach of the Girls Lacrosse program. BOYS TENNIS was 5-6 during the regular season and finished 4th in the WCAC tournament for the third straight year. BOYS VOLLEYBALL continued their winning way, finishing 9-5 overall, before being eliminated in the ISBVL semifinals. The team has reached the league semifinals 10 straight seasons, making it to the championship game seven times and winning six. OPTIONS TRACK & FIELD finished up a great season by competing in the Special Olympics State Track Meet at the University of Richmond.




Welcome Panther Coaches


aul VI is excited to welcome Ms. Emily Lane as PVI’s new Head Dance Coach. She formerly coached at W.T. Woodson High School, her alma mater. She is a

veteran "Wizard Girl" in

Washington, D.C. and danced at East Carolina University, where she earned a B.S. in public relations and media studies. Coach Lane

Emily Lane

recently served as a judge at the National HBCD Cheer/Dance Competition. She works as a benefits administrator at George Mason University. PVI also welcomes Mr. Rich Hayden, the Head Coach of our growing Field Hockey program. Coach Hayden brings a broad base of coaching experience to PVI. He has over 11 years of local coaching, recruiting, and leadership experience in lacrosse and soccer and is excited to build field hockey into a mainstay of Panther athletics. Having been intimately involved

Rich Hayden P ’19, ’21

in building and supporting three dominant lacrosse programs over the years, Coach Hayden will draw upon those experiences and relationships to take the PVI Field Hockey to a program to be reckoned with throughout

To keep up to date on PVI Athletics, follow their official Twitter account at @PVISports or visit: Go Panthers!

the region. He has also been named interim head coach of the Girls Lacrosse program.

S t. P A U L V I C A T H O L I C H I G H S C H O O L



My Summer of Service: Taking Time for Turtles Julia Coan ’19



his past summer I had the wonderful opportunity to

We learned that our

go on a service trip to Costa Rica. I traveled through

conservation efforts

an organization called Global Leadership Adventures

helped bring more

(GLA), which is similar to the Peace Corps, except for

tourists and more

high schoolers. I was part of a program known as The Sea

income to the people

Turtle Initiative, and our main focus was to help the sea turtle

of Parismina, the

conservation efforts in Costa Rica.

small town where

While in Costa Rica, my team divided our time between serving

we stayed. The most

the community and exploring the local culture. Our volunteer

rewarding part of this

work included cleaning and patrolling the beaches where sea

trip was interacting

turtles lay their eggs to provide a healthy and safe environment

with the locals. I

to foster the proper development of baby sea turtles. We also

was able to see their

Julia Coan '19

I love that everyone at PVI has my back – the teachers, the administration, and my friends. They all want to see me succeed in everything that I do and they are always available to help me achieve my goals.


For me, “Living My Best Life” is being able to express myself to my fullest extent without fear of judgment. PVI has helped me to come out of my shell and allowed me to realize who I am and who I want to be in the future.

participated in cooking and

joy and it made me

dance lessons from local

happy that I was


helping them, as well as the environment.

I learned many things on

My service trip to Costa Rica opened my eyes to the extensive

this trip, including vital

wonders our world has to offer and in turn, made me realize

leadership skills, my impact

how fiercely I must defend it in order to preserve its beauty. I

on the environment, and

went into the trip knowing I wanted to be a veterinarian, but I

all about the vibrant Costa

emerged wanting more. Now, I want to save animals and also

Rican culture. The leaders

save the environment, because the two go hand-in-hand.”

incorporated leadership skill-building activities into our daily routines and we all served as Leader of the Day at least once. The most challenging part was overcoming my fatigue at the end of the day during our night patrols of the beach. Luckily, I had an awesome team to keep me motivated.



The Power of Storytelling Justine Fink ’08 “How many times have you related so deeply to a character and felt like you understand what they are going through? You find yourself crying as you experience their struggle or smiling as you watch their celebration?” asks Justine Fink ’08. “Stories have the power to connect us to our emotions, to our hearts, and to other people. Through storytelling, we realize the commonality of pain, human suffering, and celebration we all share.” Justine is currently the Marketing and Branding Director for New Balloon, a company that leverages moving picture content as a means of encouraging connectivity, compassion, and conversation. In her role at New Balloon, Justine works with the New Balloon team to use the power of storytelling to design experiences and materials that break down boundaries, bring groups together and encourage people to become their best selves.

Justine Fink '08

“From virtual reality experiences, to documentaries, to major motion pictures, our company is focused on creating experiences around stories of personal HYROXWLRQ WKDW KDYH WKH DELOLW\ WR WUDQVIRUP OLYHV ï to inspire more empathy and compassion within and among us,” Justine explains.

This past year, Justine ran screening experiences for several films, including Crown Heights and the documentary Dealt. Crown Heights tells the true story of an innocent man who went to prison for 20 years for a murder he did not commit, while Dealt details the life of Richard Turner, who became the world’s greatest card magician, despite being completely blind. Justine and her colleagues organized screening experiences around these films, leading audiences through interactive exercises designed to help them peel back their layers, examine their biases, and see things from a new perspective. “All of the screening experiences I’m fortunate to work on encourage audiences to be vulnerable, to look inward, and recognize their own hindering thought patterns or stories of selfblame. Our belief is that if we can heal the rifts within ourselves, ultimately, we can have less separation and more compassion in our world.” Justine credits two PVI classes for helping inspire her career path, the first being Mr. Latter’s Marketing course. “My grade was about a 99%, which was highly abnormal for me at the time! I loved how Mr. Latter started every class with a story, it taught me how to market new ideas and products to people and make them stick. That class is a big reason I majored in marketing at James Madison.”

Dealt event

“I want to create spaces for true selfreflection, spaces for active listening to others, spaces where people feel safe and free to see God in each other.”

Justine Fink '08 tests new augmented and virtual reality at the Sundance Film Festival

Justine was also inspired by Dr. Weimer’s website design class. “This was the first time I fell in love with design and the aesthetics of brands. I remember Dr. Weimer telling me, ‘You are really good at this. I hope you continue developing this skill.’ I’ve kept this passion alive through both my professional and personal endeavors.” In addition to academic inspiration, Justine values the strong relationships she formed at Paul VI. “When I think about PVI, I think about the community. I made so many amazing friends that I’m still close with today. My best friends from PVI also just recently introduced me to my husbandto-be!” In addition to her strong friendships, Justine is grateful for the support of her family. “I wouldn’t be where I am today without my incredible family and parents Richard and Mary. My parents were always at the Friday night games to watch me dance, always there for Homecoming and Prom pictures and the big moments in my life. They let me stand on my own and supported me and my creative ideas. I’m so grateful for them.” When asked what currently motivates her, Justine reflects, “I want to add more healing to the world. I look around and I see a lot of divisiveness, a lot of judgment, and dualistic topics – what if both are right in different ways? What about all of the murky shades of grey we aren’t seeing?” “I want to create spaces for true self-reflection, spaces for active listening to others, spaces where people feel safe and free to see God in each other.” S t. P A U L V I C A T H O L I C H I G H S C H O O L



Battling the Blaze Jack McGuire ’13



o me, the most influential thing about Paul VI is how it shapes people and helps develops them. It really encourages students to be contributing members of society. PVI stresses the importance of giving back and

the value of service,” shares Jack McGuire ’13. At Paul VI, Jack was on the Lacrosse team and was a peer mentor in Options. “I loved the people and loved going to school. I made some really

since I knew he had done it. He talked to me about it and wrote my recommendation letter.” After completing his ten month service term with AmeriCorps, Jack got a job with the United States Forest Service on a wildland fire engine for the remainder of the fire season. The following season Jack was hired by the Salmon River Hotshots, a crew based out of Northern California sponsored by the U.S. Forest Service.

good friends. The community was

A “hotshot crew” refers to an elite team of highly-trained

super supportive,” Jack reflects.

wildland firefighters who are prepared to battle the most

After graduating in 2013, Jack started college to study business administration. “But I didn’t really fall in love with it,” Jack shares. “College Jack McGuire '13

When I was thinking about doing AmeriCorps, I contacted him,

wasn’t working for me at the time,

serious fires nationwide. They respond to large, high-priority fires and are trained and equipped to work in remote areas for extended periods of time with little logistical support.

and I decided to leave. I wanted to be intentional about what I

Being on a hotshot crew is more

wanted to do in life. I took some time to really think about ‘What

strenuous than any other type

interests me? What am I good at? How can I be of service?’”

of fire-fighting. The training is

“My little brother Luke passed away from cancer in 2013 when he was only 15. He’s the most inspirational person I’ll ever have the pleasure to know. I wanted to do something he’d be proud of.”

intense, due to the physicality and stamina required to fight fires in remote locations, often with only the materials they can carry. The physical training required of hotshot crews is a lot like Basic Training for the military.

After some soul-searching, Jack zeroed in on the facts that he

“We train like athletes. The

was an adrenaline junkie, loved being in nature, and wanted to

production we put out is very

help others. He had heard about wildland firefighting, which

important, and we are deployed

seemed to fit the bill, but it wasn’t something he could pursue

to where we are needed most.”

in Virginia. He spoke with various people about his goals and

Hotshot crews figure out how to

eventually his mother Trish told him about AmeriCorps, which

get into their location and begin

had a wildland firefighting program.

constructing fire lines to contain

In pursuing this next step, Jack also reached out to one of his

fast-moving fires. The average

former PVI teachers, Mr. Rich Donahue. “I had Mr. Donahue for

deployment lasts for a few weeks,

Government as a senior, and he was super inspirational to me.

and for up to 16 hours a day crew




members dig trenches and work in tandem, clearing brush in

When they are not fighting fires, crews are involved in

the most taxing situations.

project work, such as thinning, fire operations, habitat

A typical crew has three chainsaws in front. Each saw team

improvement, and trail construction projects. Hotshot

consists of a sawyer and a swamper. The sawyer uses a

crews may also respond to other emergencies, including

chainsaw to cut brush and woody material away from the fire's

search and rescue or disaster response.

edge, while the swamper pulls and throws the cut material to

Despite the physical and mental challenges of working

the non-fire side of the fire line. The most experienced sawyer

in such extreme and dangerous conditions, Jack can’t

works closest to the fire, also known as “hugging the black.”

imagine himself doing anything else right now.

Jack currently serves on a 2nd chainsaw team. He says that his

“You get really close to your crew and there is a definite

longest shift to date was 31 hours, which occurred during the

comradery. More importantly, the work we do has a big

Lane fire in Red Bluff, California. “There was no one to relieve

impact that you can see. I believe in public service and I

us. We were out there all night.”

love this job. It’s terrific.”

“I believe in public service and I love this job. ” – Jack McGuire ’13

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Reunion Weekend 2018 was held on June 9-10 for the Classes of 1988, 1993, 1998, 2003, 2008, and 2013. Alumni enjoyed a reception in the PVI Library with live music from Sarah Bennett Swanner ’93, while catching up with classmates and former teachers and touring the school building. Alumni and families were able to attend Sunday Mass in the PVI Chapel the following morning. It was great to see everyone!










A: Nichole Holmes Williams ’93, Sarah Bennett Swanner ’93, Justin Smith ’93, Rebecca Smith ’93, Chris Rao ’93 B: Emily Noonan Ingalls ’03, Kevin Ingalls ’03, Alli Opfer Ramirez ’03 C: Ashley Underwood, Reba Underwood, Samantha Fassett, Tim Carroll ’08, Rose Castelli ’08, Matt Underwood ’08 D: Meaghan Marshall Martin ’98, Andrew Miller, Kelleigh Pharao Miller ’98, Eileen Kiley Curren ’98 E: Bill Colwell, Ginny Colwell, Arlan Tarquinio ’98, Amy Maurer Tarquinio ’98 F: Kayla Sharpe ’13, Andrea Miranda ’13 G: George Dehney, Aimee Curry Dehney ‘93, Monica Grimm, Ed Grimm H: Marc Tinaz ’88, Matt Mosqueda ’88 I: Jennifer Sivigny McCabe ’93, Matthew McCabe ’93, Tom Opfer ’96 J: Paul Dugan ’93, Gigi Romero Grimm ’93, Dan Grimm ’93 K: Patrick Lyons ’08, Jordan Berner ’08, Meghan Schultz ’08, Lana Hardeman ’08 L: Joanne Magill, Sean McGlone ’88 M: Mark Fostek ’88, Grady Harrington ’88 N: Merrett Willett ’93, Pete Sullivan ’93, Mike Bucaro ’93 O: Mary-Rose Duncan Amos ’93, Rebecca Smith ’93, Jen Watson ’93 P: Cindie Kyte ’88, Denny Kline Q: Brie Fensterwald Allis ’98, Ryan Manor ’98, Amy Giese Foor ’98










Reunion Weekend 2019

Saturday and

Sunday June 8 - 9, 2


Classes of 1989, 1994, 1999, 2004, 2009, 2014 Contact Ma ry Asho


oh Hamrick ’86 to get involved wit h planning your class p arty and for more inform ation. Make sure the Alu mni Office has your cu rrent conta ct informati on, includin g mailing add ress and em ail. We hope to see you bac k on campu s in June! Questions? Contact alu mni@paulv

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Onboard Reunion Stephen Lebo ’96, a Lieutenant Colonel in the Marine Corps, and Kevin Walter ’02, a Lieutenant Commander in the Navy, connected onboard the USNS Hershel "Woody" Williams (ESB-4) in Norfolk, VA.

FOCUS on Faith Three PVI alumni are currently serving as Fellowship of Catholic University Students (FOCUS) Missionaries. Brendan Keane ’11 at George Washington University, Joseph Frommelt ’13 at Seton Hall, and Kathryn Mullin ’14 at the University of Maine.

Naval Academy Connection Deacon Tom Grodek attended his U.S. Naval Academy 40th Reunion in September and caught up with his former student Midshipman Third Class Gabby Gordon ’17.

Colonel Gesker Continues to Give Back to Community Retired PVI social studies teacher and coach Colonel Joe Gesker was named “Featured Volunteer” in Spring 2018 by the Shepherd’s Center of Fairfax/Burke. The Shepherd’s Center is a not for profit organization that helps older adults continue to live independently in their own homes. A variety of support services and enrichment programs are provided by volunteers who use the knowledge and skills acquired over their lifetimes to offer assistance. According to a Shepherd’s View news release, Col. Gesker can be found behind the wheel doing medical transportation every week. In addition to his volunteer work with the Shepherd’s Center, Col. Gesker is an active volunteer at St. Leo's, the Grand Knight for the Father Diamond Council of the Knights of Columbus in Fairfax, and ushers monthly at the Basilica for the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception.

Past vs. Present on the Diamond On July 19, PVI Baseball alumni reunited for a “Past vs. Present Game” against current players during the team’s camp. Twenty alumni (current and former college/pro players), along with former PVI coaches, notched a 12-4 win and shared their knowledge and experience with the team. Father Schultz threw out the first pitch and led the team in prayer.



Panthers to Dukes In September, principal Dr. Tom Opfer ’96 visited his alma mater, James Madison University. After Mass he caught up with PVI alumni including Sean Irons, Jake Schmank, Patrick McHale, Sean McHale, Andrew McHale, and Josh Romero, all PVI Class of 2018.


Tom Speiss ’89 and his daughter Natasha attended the Capitals’ Stanley Cup clinching game in Las Vegas. They began their journey that morning in their Los Angeles garage next to Scott Stevens, hit the Las Vegas sign later that day, and then celebrated that night. Tom – who had season tickets for the Caps while at PVI – lives with his wife Sujata Murthy and their daughter in LA.

Nick Doherty ’00 and wife Andrea welcomed William Patrick Doherty on January 26, 2018. William joins siblings Clare (6), Molly (4), and Matthew (2).

Steve Grodek ’03 and his wife Christine welcomed Amelia Rose Grodek on August 16, 2018 in Richmond, Virginia. Amelia is the couple’s third child. PVI Science teacher and proud grandfather Deacon Tom Grodek baptized Amelia at The Church of the Epiphany in Richmond on Sunday, October 7th. PJ Worosz '03 is Amelia's godfather.

Maggie Bridges Malcolm ’05 and husband Colin welcomed Carl Thomas Malcom on August 26, 2018. Carl joins big brother Andrew (2). Maggie and family live in Huntersville, NC. Carl was baptized on October 13 at St. Mark Catholic Church in Huntersville and cousin Katie Doherty Hathway ’05 and her husband Danny are Carl’s godparents.

Pictured left to right: Bridget Grodek Swoger '97, Deacon Tom Grodek, Steve Grodek '03 and PJ Worosz '03.

Allison Aldrich Sturm ’05 celebrated with fellow classmates Mary Sheridan Giuffre ’05 and Laurel Colella Sceviour ’05 at her baby shower, held in mid-August.

Katie Doherty Hathway ’05 and husband Danny welcomed Luke Doherty Hathway on May 10, 2018. Luke was baptized at St. Luke Catholic Church on August 5. Nick Doherty ’00 is Luke’s godfather. Katie and her family live in McLean, VA.

Photos by Erinn Schaal ’11

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Megan Hylton York ’05 earned her Doctor of Nursing Practice degree in May 2017 from the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, after completing a residency in Nursing Anesthesia at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton, Ohio. She is now a Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist at the San Antonio Military Medical Center in San Antonio, TX, where she lives with her husband, Joshua.

Tara Labons ’08 and husband Luke Unger ’07 welcomed daughter Rose on May 3, 2018. Rose weighed 6 lbs 6 oz and was 19 inches long. Tara, Luke, and Rose live in Northern Virginia.

Christian Nott ’12 and wife Michelle Hollcraft Nott ’12 welcomed their daughter Rebecca Marie Nott on April 13, 2018 at 5:39 p.m. in Des Moines, IA. Rebecca weighed 7 lbs 1 oz and measured 19.5 inches long. Rebecca is the second child for Christian and Michelle and loves watching her big brother, Gabriel, and puppy, Snowy. Photos by Bella Baby Photography

Casey Bridges Costello ’07 and husband Zach Costello ’07 welcomed daughter Evelyn Grace Costello on April 18, 2018. Evelyn was baptized at St. Timothy's on May 20. Her godparents are Dillon Costello ’17 and Erin Costello ’18. Evie joins big brothers Landon (4) and Cooper (2).

Olivia Marcey ’14 graduated from James Madison University this past May, with a bachelor’s of business administration in computer information systems. She has started her career at Deloitte in Arlington as a Federal Advisory Consultant. She was recently selected for the Washington Capitals Spirit Squad, where she will be cheering on the reigning Stanley Cup Champions at their home games. Go Caps!

Jackson Smith ’17 attends Ohio State University and plays Varsity Lacrosse. He recently received an Outstanding Scholar Athlete award for earning the highest GPA on the Lacrosse team.

Photos by Erinn Schaal ’11

Caroline Rosini ’14 and Joe Barrett ’13 recently got engaged during a trip to Paris, France. They both played volleyball at PVI and met during an open gym in 2012. In May, Caroline graduated from Penn State with a degree in English and Joe graduated with a degree in political science from the U.S. Naval Academy. He commissioned as a Surface Warfare Officer and is stationed on board the USS San Diego. They currently live in San Diego, California, where Caroline is working on obtaining a paralegal certificate from UC San Diego. They are planning a summer 2019 wedding in the DMV area. 20


Margaret McConville ’18 is a firstyear cadet at Virginia Tech majoring in English with minors in Leadership Studies and Arabic. Margaret is the recipient of an Emerging Leader Scholarship and is in Air Force ROTC. The Virginia Tech Corps of Cadets and the Virginia Tech football team have a partnership to highlight the colors during the pre-game ceremony at every football game. Margaret was chosen to receive the colors at the Virginia Tech vs. William & Mary football game in September.


Allison Aldrich ’05 married Steven Sturm on December 3, 2016, at the National Shrine of St. Alphonsus in Baltimore, Maryland. A reception followed at Royal Sonesta Harbor Court. Celebrating with them were Ryan Aldrich ’04, Mary Sheridan Giuffre ’05, Kelly Brown ’05 and Emily Morin Tully ’05, among other friends and family. Allison and Steve currently live in Catonsville, Maryland; Allison is a writer and Steven is an attorney. They are expecting their first child in the fall.

Willliam Ellis ’12 married Marissa Emmerich in April 2018 at Saint Marrk’s in Vien enna. Picctured left to rig ght, front row: Marissa Elllis, Billy Ellis ’122, Father Shaun n Mahoney; baack row: Fatherr Tom Yehl Y.A. A ’96, Father Ramon Ramo n Do Domi ming mi ng gue uezz Y.A A. Faattthe A. herr Pa he Paul ul Grankkaus Gran kaus uskka kas an kas and d Fa Fath Fath ther er Jaacck Pe er Peters Pet terson on Y.A. Y.A A.

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Megan Hylton ’05 married Joshua York on August 5, 2017 in Arlington, Virginia. The wedding took place at the Fort Myer Old Post Chapel with a reception at the Fort McNair Officers' Club. Megan's sisters, Annie Hylton McLaughlin '01 and Courtenay Hylton Morrow, served as her Matrons of Honor; her bridal party included Megan's four nieces and one nephew. Ross Hammerer '05 served as sword bearer in Megan and Josh's sword arch, which was comprised of members from many military branches to represent her large military family. Megan, an active duty captain in the United States Air Force, and Josh are currently stationed in San Antonio, Texas, where the newlyweds recently bought a house. They are expecting their first child, a baby girl, in January 2019.

Alyson Sturm ’07 married Robert Appel on June 2, 2018, in Madison, Virginia and celebrated with a reception at Early Mountain Vineyards. PVI alumni in attendance included bridesmaids Danielle Moehler ’07, Kelsey Nieves Martinez ’07, Colleen Oliver Nissley ’07, and groomsman Paul Sturm ’04. Additional PVI alums in attendance included Donald Hart ’07, Sarah Bartoletta Basford ’07, Brittany Slahetka Gotliffe ’07, Benjamin Nigro ’07, Jennifer Serafin Cupitt ’07, Christopher Moehler ’09, Erin Furey ’07, Pedro Vittes ’07, Dominic DaCruz ’07, Caitlin Oliver Bullough ’04, Daniel Hermes ’08, Jeffrey Appel ’90, Kristen Palmisano ’07, Lindsey Gay ’07, and Zachary Costello ’07. Alyson currently works as a nurse at Virginia Hospital Center in Arlington, and Rob works for the U.S. Government. The newly married couple is excited to be relocating to Philadelphia this fall.




Alex Martinez ’09 and Kelsey Nieves ’07 were married on their 12-year anniversary in Centreville, Virginia. The couple celebrated with friends and family at The Winery at Bull Run. The Maid of Honor was Gabbi Nieves ’13. The bridal party included friends from childhood and college, as well as PVI alumnae Danielle Moehler ’07, Alyson Sturm ’07, Erin Furey ’07, and Brittany Slahetka ’07. Best Men were Alex's two brothers, Peter and Daniel. The groom’s party included friends from childhood and college, as well as PVI alumni Alex Nieves ’09, AJ Nieves ’17, Dominic DaCruz ’07, and Phil Boisevert ’07. Alex is a program manager for Sony and Kelsey runs her own concierge/ wedding hair and makeup business, Bombshell Blowouts LLC. They live in Centreville with their two dogs and two cats.

PVI Students Share in Teacher’s Wedding Celebration Victoria Disston married Sean Gisonda on April 21, 2018, at Our Lady of Good Counsel in Vienna, VA. Victoria has been teaching social studies at PVI the past five years and her favorite part of the job is the students. CJ Capen ’99 and the PVI Choir kindly provided beautiful music for the ceremony and many of Victoria's students attended the nuptial Mass.

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In Memoriam The Paul VI Community extends its prayers and condolences to the relatives of alumni, students, parents and friends of the school who have passed away recently. Dennis Mannion ’89, brother of Robert '88 and Kerry ’92 Joseph J. League, father of Chris Desmarais, Director of Transitional Marketing; grandfather of Mary ’06 and Annie ’08, PVI Social Studies department Mark Rayome, father of Chas Rayome ’06 and Morgan Rayome Klingenburg ’10; father-in-law of Katherine Vasilas Rayonme ’06 Madam Abena Serwa, mother of Dickson Appiah, PVI Math department Nancy McCarthy, PVI Computer teacher from 1991-2000 Susan "Susie" Karas Horstman, mother of Matthew Horstman ’18 Hershel Johns, father of Brenda Lande, former PVI Librarian/Instructional Technologist Nick Humphries ’05

Thanks Be to POD!


n January 2018, Bishop Michael Burbidge launched a new vehicle for evangelization and teaching called the “Walk Humbly” podcast, which is available on iTunes and Stitcher.

The “Walk Humbly” podcast spreads the Gospel through interviews and discussions about faith, family, and Catholic culture. Bishop

Phyllis Weimer, mother-in-law of Peg Weimer, PVI Dean of Instruction; grandmother of Karl ’01, Kurt ’04 and Katie ’05

Burbidge offers a Catholic

James G. Buckley, father of Brian ’90, Kevin ’91 and Oona ’92

recent events taking place

Mary Hamer, mother of Ken ’86; mother-in-law to Cindy Roerty Hamer ’92, grandmother of Kelsey ’17, Molly ’19, and Shannon ’22 Peg Cahill, a founding PVI teacher, mother of Colleen ’87; grandmother of Hannah ’15 and Patrick Ashby ’20 Barry Mountain ’05 Patrick F. McArdle, father of Tara Irons, Chris McArdle '94, Patrick McArdle ’90; grandfather of Sean Irons '18, Catherine Irons ’20, Marie Irons ’22 Emroy B. Peters, father of Hinson Peters ’10 and Caroline Peters ’15

perspective on the most in the news and our society, and he answers questions from the faithful. PVI Chaplain, Father Schultz, is also excited to announce the launch of the Paul VI Panthers @ Prayer podcast. Search for Paul VI Panthers @ Prayer on Soundcloud for daily Mass readings and homilies.

Stay Connected! Be sure to find us on social media so you can get the most up to date alumni and PVI news! Facebook: Paul VI Catholic High School Alumni Association Follow us on Twitter: @PVIAlumni @PaulVICatholic LinkedIn: “Paul VI Catholic High School Alumni” Instagram PaulVICatholic





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love visiting the home of my dear friend in Massachusetts. In every room there is at least one quote, inspirational words of world leaders, authors, artists, athletes, entrepreneurs, and some unknown; people who give Ted talks, sell



millions of books, or pack stadiums just to be seen and heard. You can’t walk

out of her door in a bad mood. There are many similarities between her home and ours at St. Paul VI Catholic High School. As I look back at the last fiscal year and the generosity of so many, I find myself asking, "How can I articulate the impact of giving? How do we measure



generosity so that everyone walks out their door knowing their gift made great things happen here?" How lucky for me that inspiration happens each and every day; yes, from faculty, staff, and coaches, however, even more so from our students. Simon Lee, Class of 2018 Valedictorian, spoke to the significance of numbers in



his graduation remarks. As he counted down from 10 to 1, the number 9 stood out. It represented the number of schools that denied him admission. As Simon said, “We’ve all been there, looking at that rejection letter, wondering if our hard work meant anything. But God has a plan for all of us. Suffering has a beauty in itself, as it brings everyone together; I am grateful that the support from this school community was there when I had those down days.” Sarah D’Esposo, Salutatorian, encouraged her classmates to think beyond the things that we can so quickly use to measure our success. “At the end of the day, the summation of your person is based on how well you love others and how much happiness you find. It doesn’t matter how much money you make or how big your house is; it matters how much you lift up other people, how much you serve others, and how much you give of yourself to make this world better.” You can’t Google these quotes. You won’t see them on Pinterest or printed and framed at HomeGoods. However, I have no doubt that the students walking these halls will one day be the voices and names behind something hanging on the walls of my friend’s home. And when I see that, I will smile with pride and gratitude for everyone who supports Paul VI. Thank you, for the $10 gifts, the $20,000 gifts, and everything in between; for your input, guidance, and passion for St. Paul VI Catholic High School. I am not only confident in the future of Paul VI because of you, I am excited about it, and proud to call PVI home. Kate (Grimm) Andreottola ‘94 Director of Advancement


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Strategic Plan Update

Article by: Matt Reynolds and Ginny Colwell


n Spring 2009, the PVI Strategic Plan committee unveiled goals for our first strategic plan.

to help students interested in preparing for science,

Fast forward to Spring 2016 and the unveiling of the

technology, engineering, and math (STEM) subjects that

new PVI 2016 Five-Year Strategic Plan, building upon the

are now being offered in college curricula in response to a

successes of the 2009 plan. The plan’s top-level strategic goals are to: • Enhance academic excellence and instill knowledge • Prepare students to be effective 21st century communicators

dramatic increased demand in the workforce. • Dual Enrollment in Beginning Chinese at Northern Virginia Community College is now offered. NEW TECHNOLOGY • Google Chrome has been established as the

• Develop experiential learning opportunities

school-wide standard for

• Expand the effective use of technology as a tool to aid in


the mission of the school • Make civic awareness and participation a priority • Foster and encourage students to lead an active Faith life • Increase dialogue with alumni • Define and measure the financial value of a PVI education • Develop and execute fundraising strategies

• Communication methods are being significantly enhanced to better foster alumni engagement, as well

An underlying theme throughout the plan is an expansion of PVI’s educational experience through involvement with the local community.

as database management, through more personal outreach. • After our move to the new campus, we plan to provide

Over 40 motivated and empowered volunteers joined the nine

experiential learning opportunities, such as internships,

goal implementation teams to help PVI continue to advance

externships, and research projects. We have identified

the school mission. These creative thinkers generated

companies that are interested in participating with us.

recommendations that will carry PVI to the next level of

• Towards the goal of making civic engagement a higher


priority, we will be arranging opportunities for students to

As of the beginning of 2018, great progress has been made in

learn firsthand how public service offices and community

the pursuit of these goals. The planning, and implementation

support organizations operate, and how to volunteer to

are underway.

participate in their work.

Here is a small sampling of resulting initiatives: • To encourage a better understanding of their Catholic faith, and to continue to practice that faith after they graduate, Theology classes will challenge our students with the addition of two new courses: Faith, Science, and Technology; and Today’s Catholic Woman.


• Introduction to Engineering Design has been established

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An underlying theme throughout the plan is an expansion of PVI’s educational experience through involvement with the local community. The end-goal is to help students better prepare to realize their dreams both in their college years, and beyond in the working world, heeding the admonition of our patron, St. Francis de Sales: “Be who you are and be that well.”

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St. Francis de Sales ($25,000+) Anonymous (1) Mr. Paul Mock and Mrs. Donna Mock

Mr. Robert J. Smith and Mrs. Lauren Smith Mr. Robert Waters and Mrs. Mary Cecile G. Waters

Mr. Craig R. Wilson and Mrs. Angela F. Wilson Mr. Thomas A. Woodley and Mrs. Nancy C. Woodley

Clarke-Hook Foundation Mr. Kenneth W. Coan and Mrs. Mary E. Coan The Honorable William Colwell and Mrs. Virginia D. Colwell

Ourisman Fairfax Toyota Porto Charities Inc. SeKON Enterprise, Inc.

Mr. Anthony P. Nader and Mrs. Annette M. Nader The Nader Family Foundation

Mr. Kirk R. Fox '89 and Mrs. Christine Fox Mr. Peter J. Hadinger and Mrs. Cheryl L. Hadinger Mr. J. David Hoppe and Mrs. Karen D. Hoppe

Mr. Thomas J. McGonigle and Mrs. Monica V. McGonigle Oblates of St. Francis de Sales Mr. Brian J. Roach and Ms. Jill Foster

United Way of The National Capital Area Mr. Thomas J. Worosz and Mrs. Ann M. Worosz

Mr. Paul G. Freeborne and Mrs. Kirsten S. Freeborne Mr. Donald D. La Velle and Mrs. Doreen M. La Velle Mrs. Laura A. Malnight '86 and Mr. Richard Malnight Mr. Brian McDonnell and Mrs. Pat McDonnell

Mr. Thomas C. McLean and Mrs. Cynthia M. McLean Mr. Al A. Pisani and Mrs. Renee T. Pisani Mr. Matthew T. Reynolds and Mrs. Brenda S. Reynolds Mr. Joseph J. Schmank and Mrs. Kelly O. Schmank

Mr. Joel C. Susco and Dr. Michelle S. Susco Mrs. Loyda C. Tacogue United Way of Greater Atlanta Mr. John F. Utley and Mrs. Diane P. Utley Mr. Douglas Weimer and Dr. Peg Weimer The Benevity Community Impact Fund

Mr. William S. Fennell and Mrs. Maryann Fennell Mr. Joseph R. Fox and Mrs. Mary E. Burke Fox Mr. Norman E. Grimm and Mrs. Monica Grimm Mrs. Mary A. Hamrick '86 and Mr. Paul L. Hamrick Ms. Laura A. Heller '90 and Mr. Stephen Phillips Mr. David Ingemie and Mrs. Nancy E. Ingemie Colonel Frederick E. Johnston and Mrs. Merilyn Johnston Mr. Peter M. Jurich Mr. Kenneth R. Kerrigan and Mrs. Elizabeth Kerrigan Mr. Joseph A. Kijewski and Mrs. Cheryl C. Blair-Kijewski Mr. Francis C. Kiley and Mrs. Monica A. Kiley Mr. Frank Latessa and Mrs. Margaret Latessa Mr. Michael G. Lawrence and Mrs. Mary H. Lawrence Mrs. Brandy Leslie and Mr. William A. Leslie LMEPAC Charity Program

Mr. Charles M. Loving and Mrs. Susan R. Loving Mrs. Amy M. Malouf '06 and Mr. Raymond Malouf Marriott International Mr. Patrick X. Matheny and Mrs. Laura C. Matheny Mr. Will J. McAteer and Mrs. Carrie A. McAteer Mr. Brian J. McHugh and Mrs. Jennifer B. McHugh Mr. Thomas P. Murry and Mrs. Grace E. Murry Mr. James G. Noble and Mrs. Laura Noble Northrop Grumman Foundation Mr. Stephen J. O'Connell and Mrs. Beth O'Connell Dr. Thomas Opfer '96 Mrs. Bette Papke Mr. Alden Provost and Mrs. Miriam Provost Mrs. Elizabeth Rhodes '96 and Mr. Nick Rhodes Mr. Kenneth J. Ronald and Mrs. Beverly A. Ronald

Dr. Patrick J. Rozmajzl and Mrs. Pamela B. Rozmajzl Mr. Bob L. Rubino and Mrs. Monica F. Rubino Mr. Thomas J. Rudden and Mrs. Marcella S. Rudden Mr. Jason R. Rutherford '92 and Mrs. Stacey Rutherford Mr. R. James Saylor '89 and Mrs. Deborah Saylor Sheehy Auto Stores Mr. John M. Spivey and Mrs. Alison T. Spivey Trinity Wiring & Security Solutions Mr. Gregory A. Wiegand '08 Mr. Robert C. Williams and Mrs. Evelyn J. Williams Mrs. Janis Wojdylak YourCause

Grace & Wisdom ($10,000+) Mr. Donald W. Bohn and Mrs. Mary Jo Bohn Mr. Matthew D. Brockwell and Mrs. Laura C. Brockwell Carney Foundation

St. Jane de Chantal ($5,000+) Anonymous (2) Four, Inc. Mr. Christopher F. Costello and Mrs. Shelly N. Costello

Principal's Society ($2,500+) Anonymous (1) Boeing Company Capital One Services Deacon Richard Caporiccio and Mrs. Madeline Caporiccio Mr. Stephen Edwards and Mrs. Jean Edwards Mr. Kirk Holley and Ms. Helen Dredge

Pride, Values & Integrity ($1,000+) Anonymous (2) Mrs. Yu Jin Ahn and Mr. Ji Young Lee Mr. Brendan F. Armstrong and Mrs. Maureen Armstrong Mr. Jeffrey A. Bucaro '87 and Mrs. Susan A. Bucaro Mr. Matthew E. Candy and Mrs. Jennifer A. Candy Mr. James Carson and Mrs. Margie Carson Community Foundation of Northern Virginia Mr. Michael G. Connors and Mrs. Cindy S. Connors Mr. Carl Desmarais and Mrs. M. Christina Desmarais Mr. Edward O. Devlin and Mrs. Maria A. Devlin Mr. Donald Ditko and Mrs. Amy Ditko Mr. Joseph P. Donahue and Mrs. Patricia K. Donahue Mr. John Emery and Mrs. Angela A. Emery

2017-2018 YEAR IN REVIEW

December 2017 September 2017

August 2017 PVI welcomes the Class of 2021, which includes 10 legacy families. Paul VI Catholic School is named to the Catholic Education Honor Roll by the Cardinal Newman Society.


7 members of senior class are named Commended Students in the 2018 National Merit Scholarship Program. PVI students gather after school every day to pray a rosary for those affected by Hurricanes Harvey, Irma and Maria.

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October 2017 The Paul VI band performs along the Army 10 miler course in Washington D.C. In the second year of the program, Field Hockey scores their first goal and achieves their first team win with a 1-0 victory over O'Connell.

November 2017 Girls Soccer wins the inaugural Northern Virginia Independent Schools State Championship by defeating Potomac School 2-1.

Cecilia Kilmon (1st Place), Anastasia Carvalhais (2nd Place), and Thomas Cohen (3rd Place) are recognized at a special awards ceremony at VFW Post 8469 for their speeches in the Voices of Democracy contest. Bishop Burbridge attends his first PVI home basketball game and receives an honorary VI Man shirt.

Panther ($500+) Anonymous (1) Mr. Robert J. Abbott and Mrs. Joanne Abbott Ms. Kate M. Andreottola '94 Applied Computing Technologies, Inc. Mr. Eric Barron and Mrs. Kathleen Barron Mr. Douglas R. Bayer and Mrs. Elizabeth A. Bayer Mr. Bernard L. Bower and Mrs. Pamela M. Bower Mr. William F. Brinkley and Mrs. Kingsley H. Brinkley Mr. Robert J. Cecil and Mrs. Marie R. Cecil The Honorable Karen Conlin and Mr. Sean Conlin Mrs. Eileen K. Curren '98 and Mr. Stephen Curren Mr. Robert Davis and Ms. Deborah Pflieger

Mr. Timothy L. Davison and Mrs. Gretchen M. Davison Mr. Joseph F. DeNoyior and Mrs. Stacy Z. DeNoyior Mr. George Eastment and Mrs. Christine Eastment ExxonMobil Corporation Educational Alliance Program Dr. Peter J. Fecanin and Mrs. Louise Fecanin Mr. James E. Fostek and Mrs. Sandra Fostek Dr. Mark D. Fowler and Mrs. Christine A. Fowler Mr. Mark L. Fulchino '86 and Mrs. Aimee Fulchino Capt. John Hammerer, Jr. and Mrs. Nancy Hammerer Reverend Frank Hanlon Mr. Thomas Judge and Mrs. Cynthia Judge

Mrs. Denyse Kline Mr. Bifford J. Lyons and Mrs. Kathryn O. Lyons Mark P. Madden and Jenifer Joy Madden Charitable Fund Mr. Ronald Martel and Mrs. Eileen Martel Mr. Myron Maslowsky and Mrs. Eileen H. Maslowsky Mr. Michael H. Maslowsky '05 Mr. Daniel J. McDonnell and Mrs. Jaqueline D. McDonnell Mr. Lawrence E. Moore and Mrs. Marianne T. Moore Mr. George J. Opfer and Mrs. Elizabeth Opfer Mr. Michael Orr and Ms. Kasey Miller Mr. Brent R. Perry and Mrs. Kim D. Perry Mr. William B. Porter '88 and Mrs. Amy E. Porter

Mr. Gerald J. Rankin and Mrs. Maria Rankin Mr. William H. Robinette and Mrs. Hanna A. Robinette Mr. David Schnittger and Mrs. Stephanie Schnittger Mr. Raymond C. Smith and Mrs. Patricia A. Smith Mr. Gregory Wade Mr. Carl S. Wang and Mrs. Joan M. Wang Mr. Richard L. White and Mrs. Renee Q. White Mr. Norman Wilmans and Mrs. Patricia Wilmans Mr. Kevin R. Woodley '01 and Mrs. Lauren A. Woodley '01 Mr. Daniel F. Woodley '98 and Mrs. Nicole Woodley

Mr. Daniel L. Freeman and Mrs. Lori T. Freeman Mr. Steven J. Freschi and Mrs. Regina Freschi Mr. Jerome C. Gallagher and Mrs. Mary M. Gallagher Gap, Inc. Mr. Sean M. Gibbons '87 and Mrs. Carolyn Gibbons Mr. Brandon L. Girmus '09 Mr. Keith W. Grange and Mrs. Arpita M. Grange Deacon Thomas L. Grodek and Mrs. Marilyn H. Grodek Mr. Donald Gross and Mrs. Anne Henry-Gross Mrs. Eileen Hanley and Mr. William Hanley Mr. Thomas Horan and Mrs. Catherine Horan Mr. Gordon Irons and Mrs. Tara A. Irons '88 Mr. John J. Kane and Mrs. Janice K. Kane Mr. Christian A. Kassis and Mrs. Julia D. Kassis Mr. Francis Kenefick and Mrs. Susan Kenefick Mr. Theodore P. Kruczkowski and Mrs. Laura M. Kruczkowski Lieutenant Colonel James R. Kyte '92 and Dr. Jennifer J. Kyte

Mr. Thomas K. Lee and Ms. Mary E. Caiazzo Mr. Michael P. Ludwick '87 and Mrs. M. Suzanne Ludwick '87 Mr. Richard G. Madden and Mrs. Dolores N. Madden Mr. Joseph Madigan and Mrs. Evelyn Madigan Mr. David C. Marr and Mrs. Jennifer Marr Mr. Frank J. McCarthy and Mrs. Maura C. McCarthy Mr. Timothy J. McCarthy and Mrs. Pamela C. McCarthy Mr. Shawn P. McDonald and Mrs. Heather M. McDonald Mr. James Nellis '94 Mrs. Cathy L. Neubauer and Mr. John C. Neubauer Mr. John J. Nowadly and Ms. Kathleen G. Sullivan Mr. S. Davis O'Brien and Mrs. Victoria O'Brien Mr. Daniel J. O'Malley and Mrs. Daliah R. Korsun-O'Malley Dr. Edmond L. Paquette and Mrs. Teresa L. Paquette

Mr. Edward A. Pogreba and Mrs. Dawn E. Pogreba Mr. John J. Polcari and Mrs. Madeline Polcari Mr. Thomas S. Poole and Mrs. Lori Poole Mr. Alonso Revilla and Mrs. Carmen V. Butron-Revilla Mr. William E. Rouck '89 and Mrs. Kandis Rouck Mr. Joseph Sebastian Mr. Anthony T. Sheehan and Mrs. Sue B. Sheehan Mr. Richard L. Smith and Mrs. Melissa Smith Mr. Glenn R. Snyder and Mrs. Elizabeth B. Snyder Mr. Peter K. Stevenson and Mrs. Kathi A. Stevenson Mr. EJ Thomas and Mrs. Pam Thomas Tiffany & Co. Mr. Lawrence J. Wiltshire and Mrs. Nancy R. Wiltshire Mr. Edward W. Wojtan and Mrs. Michele E. Wojtan Mr. Bernard F. Woolfley '86 Mr. Andrew M. Zaso and Mrs. Irene M. Zaso Zeta Associates

Gold & White ($250+) Anonymous (4) All Saints Catholic School Mr. Patrick K. Banducci and Mrs. Margaret L. Banducci Mr. Sean Bare and Mrs. Lisa Bare Mr. Alexander H. Blankingship and Mrs. Teresa A. Blankingship Mr. Stephen J. Bozik and Mrs. Debora Bozik Mrs. Helen Brewer and Mr. Charles E. Brewer Mr. Ian P. Burns '91 and Mrs. Tara Burns Mr. Christopher J. Capen '99 Mr. Robin K. Capp and Mrs. Deborah W. Capp Mrs. Susan M. Clark Mr. Carl A. S. Coan Mr. Robert M. Cornejo and Mrs. Elizabeth P. Cornejo Mr. James F. Cox and Mrs. Anne K. Cox Mr. Edward Craig and Mrs. Molly Craig Mr. Christopher M. DeGrassi and Mrs. Colleen M. DeGrassi Mr. Allen Deitz and Mrs. Jennifer Deitz Mr. William R. Derasmo and Mrs. Jennifer A. Derasmo

March 2018 January 2018


PVI students head to Washington D.C. to attend the March for Life. PVI's first semester of the Entrepreneurship and Innovation course begins.


s -

The Dance team competes in the National Dance Alliance Regional, taking 2nd in Jazz, 1st in Pom, and the overall Grand Championship

February 2018 On February 16, Bishop Burbidge and members of the community break ground for Paul VI's new campus on 68 acres in Loudoun County. Porto Charities generously supports the Options program with a $17,500 gift.

63 students are inducted into PVI Language Honor Societies for excellence in Chinese, German, Spanish, French, and Latin. PVI students organize 17 Days of Prayer for victims of the school shooting in Parkland, Florida. Both Girls and Boys Basketball win VISAA Division 1 State Championships.

April 2018 Audiences enjoy the spring musical Thoroughly Modern Millie, which garners four Cappie Nominations: Comic Actress, Supporting Actress, Cappie Singer, and Cappie Dancer, in addition to four Cappie Commendees. 26 members of the PVI community travel on a pilgrimage to France and walk in the footsteps of St. Francis de Sales and St. Jane de Chantal. The Girls 4x100 relay team wins their heat at the prestigious Penn Relays; the Boys 4x400 team places 3rd in their heat and breaks the school record.

. S t. P A U L V I C A T H O L I C H I G H S C H O O L


Honor Roll ($100+) Anonymous (2) Mr. Daniel E. Adamson '90 and Mrs. Melissa K. Adamson Mr. Edgar Adamson and Mrs. Adamson Mr. Victor E. Alessi and Mrs. Susan Alessi Dr. Paul R. Allen and Mrs. Denise O. Allen AmazonSmile Foundation Mr. Frank J. Ancona and Mrs. Sandra R. Ancona Mr. Edison Aponte and Mrs. Dawn Aponte Mr. John E. Bagnulo and Mrs. Martha A. Bagnulo Mrs. Tonya L. Baker '93 and Mr. John R. Baker Mr. Rhoderick V. Balot and Mrs. Fatima L. Balot Mr. William J. Becker and Mrs. Anita S. Becker Ms. Patricia Bennett Dr. Steven Blanchard and Mrs. Jane Blanchard Mr. Mark P. Boyd and Mrs. Ann Marie Boyd Mr. Jerome Bozek and Mrs. Rita Bozek Mr. James Brandow and Mrs. Anne Marie Brandow Mr. Marc Broderick and Mrs. Jennifer Broderick Mr. Peter S. Brohoski and Mrs. Cynthia A. Brohoski Mr. Theophil J. Bruce and Mrs. Virgina Bruce Mr. Daniel J. Brunk and Mrs. Ellen M. Brunk Mr. Christopher M. Bruno '02 and Mrs. Kimberly A. Bruno Mr. Brian J. Catts and Mrs. Mary F. Catts Mr. James S. Chang and Mrs. Lee Chang Mr. James J. Check and Mrs. Monica A. Check Mr. Daniel S. Ciatti '89 and Mrs. Catherine M. Ciatti Mr. Paul M. Ciatti and Mrs. Nancy C. Ciatti Mr. John Clinton and Mrs. Mary Clinton Mr. John E. Cooper and Mrs. Sandra A. Cooper Mr. John R. Copley and Mrs. Pamela A. Copley Mr. Frederick S. Covert and Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Covert Mr. Glenn C. Creel and Mrs. Rita C. Creel Mr. Patrick Cristofari and Mrs. Jennifer Cristofari Mr. Geoffrey S. d'Alelio and Mrs. Kathryn S. d'Alelio Mr. Joseph M. Dannemann and Mrs. Deborah A. Dannemann Mr. Luke C. David Mr. James Dear and Mrs. Christine Dear Mr. William Dermody and Mrs. Denise Dermody Mrs. Jane DiGirolamo Mr. Walter Dobranski and Mrs. Jane Dobranski Mr. David C. Duncan '89 and Mrs. MaryLynne Duncan '89

Mr. Thomas J. Duncan and Mrs. Frances S. Duncan Mr. Michael D. Eisenberg and Mrs. Maria D. Eisenberg Mr. William M. Ellis and Mrs. Lisa M. Ellis Mr. Mark Elszy and Mrs. Maria Elszy Mr. Jeffrey E. Erhardt and Mrs. Sheila G. Erhardt Mr. Tim R. Feely and Mrs. Terri L. Feely Mr. Steven P. Fentress and Mrs. Tracy A. Fentress Mr. Laurence F. Fitzgerald and Mrs. Joan Fitzgerald Dr. Eduardo R. Fox and Dr. Carol M. Fox Mr. Eric G. Francis and Mrs. Martine A. Francis Mr. Jeffrey Furgal and Mrs. Lisa Furgal Colonel Christopher Giaimo Mr. John G. Grady and Mrs. Leigh A. Grady Captain James B. Groff and Mrs. Elizabeth Groff Mr. Conrad E. Grundlehner and Dr. Marietta G. Grundlehner Mr. Joseph R. Hasto and Mrs. Christine A. Hasto Mr. Richard A. Hayden and Mrs. Lynn F. Hayden Mr. Thomas M. Hedderson and Mrs. Carol Ann Hedderson Ms. Victoria A. Henderson '86 Mr. Joseph P. Hirl and Mrs. Margaret E. Hirl Mr. Thomas Horan and Mrs. Catherine Horan Mr. Ali R. Hosseinian and Mrs. Tracey L. Hosseinian Mr. Gerald Hrastar and Mrs. Mary Hrastar Mr. Dennis Hutson and Mrs. Pamela Hutson Mr. Peter Jones and Mrs. Danielle Jones Mr. Douglas H. Jones and Ms. Margaret A. Olsen Mr. Joseph Kanyan and Mrs. Virginia Kanyan Dr. Stephen T. Kapushoc and Mrs. Heather C. Kapushoc Mr. Christopher Kelly and Mrs. Colleen A. Kelly Mr. Patrick Keough Mr. Jeffrey A. Ketron and Mrs. Teresa A. O. Ketron Ms. Maureen M. Kiley '99 Mr. Kevin E. Kiley '99 Mr. Eun H. Kim Mrs. Alyson B. Kiser '89 Mr. Donald Knieriem and Mrs. Amy Knieriem Mr. John F. Kull and Mrs. Bonnie Kull Mr. Krzysztof Kupczak and Mrs. Jadwiga Kupczak Mr. Brian P. Lane '93 Mr. John E. Lemm and Mrs. Susan E. Lemm Mr. Robert J. Lloyd and Mrs. Margaret O. Lloyd Mr. Walter Locke and Mrs. Rosemary Locke Mrs. Niamh M. Lowry Ms. Jennifer Lum Mr. Glenn R. Madelmayer and Mrs. Loretta E. Madelmayer

Mr. Paul-Anthony L. Magadia and Dr. Caroline M. Tan Mr. Kenneth W. Martin and Mrs. Michele Martin Mr. James Masiello and Mrs. Tanya Masiello Mr. Maher Massis and Dr. Arwa Zeineh Ms. Jane May Ms. Michele M. McAllister '87 Captain James T. McCormick and Mrs. Mary McCormick Mr. Charles M. McGarry and Mrs. Monique M. McGarry Mr. Edward G. McGinnis and Mrs. Teresa A. McGinnis Captain John C. McGlone and Mrs. Frances R. McGlone Mr. Sean P. McGlone '88 Mr. Geoffrey S. McHenry and Mrs. Susan R. McHenry Mr. Paul J. McKenney and Mrs. Inge M. McKenney Mr. Joe J. Meenamkunnel and Mrs. Ginza Meenamkunnel Mr. Alfred J. Melanson and Mrs. Mary F. Melanson Mercer Mr. Gerard W. Mercuri and Ms. Ann K. Ganzer Mr. Thomas M. Mihich and Mrs. Kathleen A. Mihich Mr. Lee I. Morgan and Mrs. Heidi L. Morgan Mr. Robert P. Mueller and Mrs. Madeleine F. Mueller Mr. John F. Murphy and Mrs. Bridget C. Murphy Mr. Vincent A. Mustachio and Mrs. Jennifer C. Mustachio Mr. Lee Najjar and Mrs. Christina Najjar Mr. F. Haywood Nelms and Mrs. Lynn Nelms Mr. Gregory P. Neubig and Mrs. Margaret M. Neubig Mr. Davis R. O'Brien '05 Mr. Andrew O'Connell and Mrs. Lori O'Connell Ms. Patricia M. Orfini '03 Mr. Michael R. Palmer and Mrs. Amy B. Palmer Mr. Christopher Payne and Mrs. Leslie Payne Mr. Gerald D. Pelano and Mrs. Pamela Pelano Mr. John L. Perry and Mrs. Tracy A. Perry Mr. Jeffrey D. Philippart and Mrs. Erin E. Philippart Mr. John Pollard and Mrs. Deborah Pollard Mr. Ronald E. Pompei and Mrs. Pauline Pompei Mr. John M. Powell and Mrs. Marie A. Powell Mr. Mike Powers and Mrs. Celie M. Powers Progressive Insurance Foundation Mr. Thomas Prozinski and Mrs. Jennifer Prozinski Mr. Richard Puhl and Mrs. Karen Puhl Mr. Sergio J. Ramirez and Ms. Tracey J. A. Lewis Mr. James Rannazzisi and Mrs. Barbara Rannazzisi Mr. John Rapp and Mrs. Martha Rapp Red Hat, Inc.

May 2018 Boys Lacrosse defeats St. Stephen’s and St. Agnes School 10-4 to win the program’s first VISAA Division 1 title. Students, faculty, and staff make their mark by signing a 40 foot beam at the Beam Bash. The signed beam is in the academic building on PVI’s new campus.

June 2018 243 seniors from the Class of 2018 become alumni as they receive their diplomas at graduation. The class was offered nearly $20 million dollars in college scholarships.

PVI Girls and Boys Track teams win the Virginia State Catholic Championship. 32

2 0 1 7 - 2 0 1 8 A N N UA L R E P ORT

July 2018 PVI faculty and staff joined WhitingTurner, VMDO, and representatives from the Diocese for a Topping Out Party to celebrate a milestone in construction of the academic building of Paul VI’s new campus.

Mr. Gary J. Rinkerman and Mrs. Josephine Rinkerman Dr. Philip Robey Mr. Kevin S. Rohan and Mrs. Debra Rohan Mr. Renato Romero and Mrs. Carla Romero Mrs. Cat Russo Mr. Guy F. Sapienza and Mrs. Judith Sapienza Mrs. Katherine Schieffer and Mr. Don Schieffer Ms. Ann Schierer Mr. Patrick D. Scholl and Mrs. Margaret B. Scholl Mr. Paul D. Sechser and Ms. Deborah M. Sechser Mr. Kevin Sexton and Mrs. Mary Sexton Mr. Daniel J. Shannon and Mrs. Ellen H. Shannon Mr. Michael H. Sherman and Mrs. Theresa A. Sherman Mr. Richard G. Simpson and Mrs. Barbara Simpson Mrs. Kathleen E. Skiba '89 and Mr. Joseph T. Skiba Mr. J. G. Slater and Mrs. Kimberly Singleton-Slater Mr. Robert J. Smith and Mrs. Michelle Smith Mr. Adam W. Smith and Mrs. Allison Smith Ms. Darcee Snider Mr. Spyridon Sotirchos and Mrs. Susanne Sotirchos Mr. Mark A. Sportack and Mrs. Karen J. Sportack Mrs. Melissa A. St. Louis '90 and Mr. Roger St. Louis Mr. Timothy P. Stanley and Mrs. Kim M. Stanley Ms. Regina Stranix Mr. Patrick M. Sullivan and Mrs. Constance Sullivan Mr. Gregory P. Sullivan and Mrs. Anne M. Sullivan Dr. Mary Sullivan-Haller and Dr. Henry B. Haller Mr. Matthew Sweeney and Mrs. Elizabeth A. Sweeney Mr. Jesse Tacogue and Mrs. Carey Tacogue Mr. David N. Talton and Mrs. Amy Talton Mr. Kevin J. Wagner '90 and Mrs. Jennifer Wagner Mr. Kevin P. Walsh '89 and Mrs. Carrie Walsh Ms. Janet Watts Mr. Keith Webster and Mrs. Katherine Webster Mr. George Whipple and Mrs. Martha D. Whipple Mr. Barry Wickersham and Mrs. Ann Wickersham Mr. Thomas R. Wiedemer and Mrs. Anne Marie Wiedemer Mr. James F. Williams and Mrs. Karen A. Williams Mr. James R. Wilmans '87 and Mrs. Trisha A. Wilmans Mr. William D. Wiltgen and Mrs. Freia Wiltgen Mr. Craig S. Wingo and Mrs. Betty Lou Wingo Mr. Vladimir D. Zajic and Mrs. Etta K. Zajic Truist

Friend (Up to $99) Anonymous (9) Ms. Kathleen Adams Mr. Steven D. Adamson '17 Mrs. Kelsey I. Alas '07 and Mr. Kevin Alas Mr. Leopoldo Alonso and Mrs. Beatriz G. Alonso Mr. Edison P. Alvarez and Mrs. Jacqueline Alvarez Mr. Michael D. Appleton and Mrs. Jennifer C. Appleton Mr. David E. Bailey and Mrs. MaryLynn Bailey Ms. Marianne Baker Mr. David J. Barrie and Mrs. Abigail S. Barrie Mr. Timothy Battle and Mrs. Lonnell Battle Mr. Mark Baxter and Mrs. Susanne Baxter Miss Meghann E. Beamer '09 Mr. Morven Beverly and Mrs. Dawn Beverly Mr. Robert Bliss and Mrs. Renee O. Bliss Ms. Angela L. Bozik '15 Mr. Christopher Brasco and Mrs. Katherine Brasco Mr. Kevin Brennan and Mrs. Cindy Brennan Mrs. Margaret G. Brinker '93 and Mr. Michael Brinker Mrs. Lisa Buchanan '96 and Mr. Andrew Buchanan Mr. Thomas J. Burkat and Mrs. Patricia Burkat Mr. Kevin T. Callen and Mrs. Buranit Callen Mr. James M. Capen and Mrs. Loraine E. Capen Mr. Michael J. Carnazza and Mrs. Patricia Lozano de Carnazza Mr. James M. Carr Mr. Ted Cochrane and Mrs. Mary Jane Cochrane Mr. Zachary M. Costello '07 and Mrs. Casey K. Costello '07 Mr. James P. Cunniff '13 Mr. Anthony Cutonilli and Mrs. Patricia Cutonilli Mr. Ralph Daley and Mrs. Mary E. Daley Mr. Kevin C. DeBruyne and Mrs. Melissa J. DeBruyne Ms. Ann M. Desmarais '08 Mr. Luis Diaz and Mrs. Brooke Diaz Mr. Frank DiBartolomeo and Mrs. Elaine M. DiBartolomeo Mr. Nicholas M. DiGregory and Mrs. Jenny DiGregory Mr. Robert B. Dinh and Mrs. Therese Nguyen

Mr. Joseph N. DiOrio and Mrs. Niamh E. DiOrio Ms. Mary Dolson Mr. Edward B. Donohue and Ms. Jo Ellen Milkovits Ms. Christine Drabick Mr. Vasily I. Epatko and Mrs. Mary Epatko Mr. Michael A. Ferraro and Mrs. Ann M. Ferraro Mr. Kevin C. P. Fitzpatrick and Mrs. Karen C. D. Fitzpatrick Mr. Matteo Fontana and Mrs. Ana M. Londono Fontanta Mr. Mark Forster and Dr. Barbara Forster Mr. William H. Freschi '15 Ms. Mary J. Gallagher '11 Mr. Matthew W. Garber and Mrs. Christina S. Garber Mrs. Sarah E. Gardner '07 and Mr. Matthew Gardner Mr. Richard G. Garrett and Mrs. Olivia Garrett Mr. Erik S. Geho and Ms. Christy M. Slifkey Mr. Ronald R. Ginyard '99 and Mrs. Theresea B. Ginyard Mr. John F. Glenn and Mrs. Brenda H. Mason Mr. Norman Gotter and Ms. Ellen J. Hildbold Mr. D. W. Grantham and Mrs. Ande Grantham Dr. Thomas J. Green and Dr. Elizabeth G. Green Mr. Joseph B. Greener '09 Mr. Jeffrey J. Grieco and Mrs. Suzie T. Grieco Mr. Raymond Gustave and Mrs. Ashley Gustave Mr. Kenneth Hamer '86 and Mrs. Cynthia L. Hamer '92 Mrs. Claire T. Hargreaves '88 and Mr. Barry Hargreaves Mr. Kevin P. Hart and Mrs. Kathleen M. Hart Mr. Richard A. Hayden and Mrs. Lynn F. Hayden Mr. John Hayes and Mrs. Julie Hayes Mr. George S. Hechtman and Mrs. Barbara B. Hechtman Mr. Donald J. Heim and Mrs. Jean Heim Mr. Michael J. Hoess and Mrs. Lisa Z. Hoess Mr. James Hogan and Mrs. Jennifer Hogan Mr. Jeffrey W. Hummel and Mrs. Katherine C. Hummel Ms. Marian J. Hwang '08 Mr. John J. Hyland and Mrs. Sandra S. Hyland

Mr. Christopher L. Jahn and Mrs. Marianne Jahn Mr. Randall N. Jennings and Mrs. Lisa N. Jennings Ms. Meghan C. Kelly '17 Ms. Whitney E. Kiper '10 Mrs. Katherine M. Kraenzle Mr. Richard LaFrance and Mrs. Jean LaFrance Mr. John H. Lamb and Mrs. Sharon B. Lamb Mr. Larry Latham and Mrs. Anne C. Latham Ms. Catherine Leahy Mr. Patrick Leffas and Mrs. Kathleen Leffas Mr. Albert Leightley Mrs. Mary H. Lex Ms. Pamela M. Ludwick '91 and Mr. Mark Ludwick Mr. Catalin M. Lupu and Mrs. Claudia M. Lupu Mr. David B. Mann and Mrs. Donna S. Mann Mr. Thomas Marilley and Mrs. Maria Jeanette Marilley Mr. Michael T. Marshall and Mrs. Kristen M. Marshall Mrs. LaVerne M. McDonald Mrs. Helen McGuire Ms. Elizabeth McIntyre Mr. Robert F. McLaughlin and Mrs. Monika McLaughlin Mrs. Katherine C. McLellan '00 and Mr. Shaun McLellan Ms. Edith C. Meyerhoff Ms. Megan Molloy '96 Mr. Thomas O'Brien and Mrs. Jacquelyn O'Brien Mr. Sean O'Connor and Mrs. Lori O'Connor Mr. James P. O'Donnell and Mrs. Patricia L. O'Donnell Mr. Terence A. O'Donnell '09 Mr. Guy A. Paolozzi and Mrs. Angela K. Paolozzi Mr. Anthony Paulson and Mrs. Maxine Paulson Ms. Lisa M. Pearce Mr. Chris Ford and Ms. Marion Price Mr. Bret P. Rinkerman '07 Mr. Ryan Rinkerman '05 Mr. Frank Rivera and Mrs. Cheryl D. Rivera Mr. Peter J. Romeo and Mrs. Nancy Romeo Mr. Nick Y. Ron and Mrs. Ana L. Ron Mr. Saul Rosenberg and Ms. Beatriz S. Kelly Miss Samantha L. Rosetti

Mr. Ruben Sanchez and Mrs. Viveka Sanchez Ms. Sandra Saydah Mr. William E. Schinkel Mr. Mark F. Schraml and Ms. Janine Bruhn-Schraml Mr. Patrick J. Sharon and Mrs. Mary M. Sharon Mr. Brian Shevlin and Mrs. Rosemarie M. Shevlin Mr. Richard J. Smiechowski and Mrs. Candace M. Smiechowski Mr. Robert A. Soltis and Mrs. Anna M. Soltis Mr. Alex J. Soltis '07 Mr. Nicholas C. Stanish and Mrs. Maria T. Stanish Ms. Elizabeth Sullivan SunTrust United Way Campaign Mr. Neal E. Swientisky and Mrs. Donna Z. Swientisky Ms. Anna C. Tapen '15 The Kula Foundation Ms. Ann Trible Ms. Tara K. C. Trocki Mr. James W. Turcol and Mrs. Anne C. Turcol United Way of Greater Philadelphia & Southern New Jersey Mr. Diego A. Vega '13 Mr. John A. Wagner and Mrs. Joyce Wagner Mrs. Liangyan Wang Mr. Christopher A. Warren and Mrs. Susan C. Warren Mrs. Kristen D. Weddel '97 and Mr. Patrick Weddel Mr. Karl Weimer '01 Mr. James P. Weingart and Mrs. Mary E. Weingart Mr. Robert Weitendorf and Mrs. Sandra Weitendorf Dr. Johann S. Westphall and Mrs. Dawn W. Westphall Miss Mary Kate Wiedemer '12 Mr. Jay S. Willer and Mrs. Cynthia A. Willer Ms. Jane B. Williams Ms. Alexandra E. Wingate '14 Mr. Thomas E. Wonder '04 and Ms. Colleen F. Kiley '04 Mr. Robert S. Workman Mrs. Barbara Wright Mr. Mark D. Zavacky and Mrs. Andrea A. Zavacky

ExxonMobil Corporation - Educational Alliance Program Four, Inc Gap, Inc. LMEPAC Charity Program Mark P. Madden and Jenifer Joy Madden Charitable Fund Marriott International Mercer Northrop Grumman Found. Employee Matching Gifts for Ed.

Ourisman Fairfax Toyota Porto Charities Inc. Progressive Insurance Foundation Red Hat, Inc. SeKON Enterprise, Inc. Sheehy Auto Stores SunTrust United Way Campaign The Benevity Community Impact Fund The Kula Foundation The Nader Family Foundation

Tiffany & Co. Trinity Wiring & Security Solutions Truist United Way of Greater Atlanta United Way of Greater Philadelphia and Southern New Jersey United Way of The National Capital Area YourCause Zeta Associates

Mr. Nicholas M. DiGregory Mr. Richard Donahue Mrs. Tracy A. Fentress Mrs. Roberta A. Fisher Mrs. Sarah E. Gardner '07 Deacon Thomas L. Grodek Mrs. Mary A. Hamrick '86 Mrs. Eileen Hanley Mrs. Anne Henry-Gross Mr. Dennis Hutson Mr. Peter M. Jurich Mrs. Denyse Kline

Mr. Daniel Kochis Mrs. Laura M. Kruczkowski Mr. Donald D. La Velle Mrs. Kathleen Leffas Mrs. Loretta E. Madelmayer Mrs. Eileen Martel Mrs. Katherine C. McLellan '00 Mrs. Beth O'Connell Dr. Thomas Opfer '96 Mrs. Renee T. Pisani Mrs. Elizabeth Rhodes '96 Miss Samantha L. Rosetti

Dr. Patrick J. Rozmajzl Mr. Joseph Sebastian Mrs. Anne M. Sullivan Dr. Mary Sullivan-Haller Mrs. Liangyan Wang Mrs. Joan M. Wang Dr. Peg Weimer Miss Mary Kate Wiedemer '12 Mrs. Anne Marie Wiedemer

Mr. Timothy J. Higgins and Mrs. Una Higgins Mr. Jeffrey Nolan and Mrs. Greta Nolan

Mrs. Beverly A. Ronald and Mr. Kenneth J. Ronald Mr. John Schultz and Mrs. Teresa Schultz

Mr. Gregory Scott and Mrs. Sarajane Scott Mrs. Susan Sweeny

Corporations and Organizations All Saints Catholic School AmazonSmile Foundation Applied Computing Technologies, Inc. Boeing Company Capital One Services Carney Foundation Caroline Tan, M.D., P.C. Clarke-Hook Foundation Community Foundation of Northern Virginia

Faculty/Staff: Ms. Kate M. Andreottola '94 Mrs. Maureen A. Armstrong Mrs. Debora Bozik Mrs. Kingsley H. Brinkley Mrs. Kimberly A. Bruno Mr. Christopher J. Capen '99 Mrs. Virginia D. Colwell Mrs. Eileen K. Curren '98 Mrs. Kathryn S. d'Alelio Ms. Ann M. Desmarais '08 Mrs. M. Christina Desmarais Mrs. Maria A. Devlin

Gift in Kind Mr. Christopher Cecka and Mrs. Beth Cecka Reverend Christopher Christensen Mrs. Lisa M. Ellis and Mr. William M. Ellis

S t. P A U L V I C A T H O L I C H I G H S C H O O L


Benefit Dinner & Auction Raises Spirits and Funds for Paul VI The PVI community of parents, alumni, faculty, staff and friends gathered to celebrate at the “Beer, Bourbon and BBQ” Benefit Dinner & Auction on Saturday, April 28, 2018. Held in the Panther Activity Center, the sold-out event had the highest attendance of any auction to date. PVI’s “Original Three” – Dennis Hutson, Denny Kline and Rich Taylor, who have been at Paul VI since the school opened – were the evening honorees. In addition to a moving video, founding principal Rev. Don Heet, OSFS took to the stage to speak about each of their legacies. Attendees enjoyed beer and bourbon tastings, barbecue from Ripe Hospitality, and both live and silent auctions. The evening ended with live music by The TBD Band, which included PVI parents. The event raised over $110,000 for PVI. The Fund the Program portion of the evening supported PVI’s new engineering program, which launched this Fall in conjunction with Project Lead the Way.

Nicole Adkinson-Calopietro, Kendra Turchiarolo, Kara Owen

For information about next year’s Auction and Benefit Dinner or to get involved, please email

Joe Serafin ‘97, Trista Serafin, Heather Kline, Sean Kline ‘97

Auction Honorees – with families Thomas Prozinski, Jennifer Prozinski, Marianne Moore, Larry Moore


2 0 1 7 - 2 0 1 8 A N N UA L R E P ORT

Father Don Heet, OSFS

Jill Foster, Brian Roach, Chris Bruno ’02, Kim Bruno

THANK YOU to our Event Sponsors! P LATIN U M


Charles Schwartz & Son

Chantilly Shell Chariots for Hire

G O LD Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Fox '89

Demaine Funeral Home

Ourisman Chantilly Toyota

EJ Thomas

The Williams Family

FACTS Management

Trinity Wiring & Security Solutions

FlynnO'Hara Uniforms Guernsey, Inc.

Rich Taylor, Gordon Leib, Gordon Irons

S ILV ER Lisa Bradford, Realtor Paul VI Athletic Boosters Preferred Insurance Services, Inc. Whiting-Turner

B R O N ZE Computerware, Inc. O'Connor & Desmarais, P.C. Panther Parent Organization VMDO Architects

Chris and Cathy Neubauer Red Coats, Inc. The Provost Family Ubelhart, Rogstad & Associates, P.C.

Burke & Herbert Bank

Steve Freschi, Regina Freschi reschi

Moms Behind the Wheel

TA S TING TABLE S PONS ORS Catoctin Creek Distillery Hardywood Park Craft Brewery KO Distilling MurLarkey Distilled Spirits

ck o R ll Sham o R & e

t a D e h t Save r & Auction e n n i D t i 19 Benef arch 16, 20 M Saturday, /auction www.pau

The TBD Band S t. P A U L V I C A T H O L I C H I G H S C H O O L


Kiersten Caputy joins Advancement Team as Annual Fund Manager



think I always knew that I was destined to work in a school. My mother was an elementary school teacher for 37 years, and my father spent 35 years coaching boys’ soccer and baseball and teaching high school physical education. As a child, I loved going to work with

them, and spent much of my time with both of my parents at their respective schools. After completing my post-secondary education playing lacrosse at George Mason University and receiving a master’s degree from Liberty University, I soon found myself back in school, as an Admissions Associate at a K-12, all-girls, independent school in Baltimore, MD. Four years in the Admissions world greatly prepared me for my new position at Paul VI, and I immediately knew that this is where I was supposed to be. I am most excited about 'officially' becoming a part of the Panther Family. My

Incoming students in the Class of 2022 were awarded a number of merit-based scholarships. Salesian Scholar: Robert Barrett, Mary Carr, Andrew Carrier, Adrianna Florit, Anna Gillespie, Kevin Kirk, Sophia Lama, Eric Lee, Lauren Mangilit, Anna Maresca, Regan O’Neill, Evelyn Rienzi Head of School: James Centeno, Gabriella HensonVendrell, Kiran Walls DeSales: Faith Dailo, Michelle Nguyen, Caroline Mitchell Academic: Madelyn Pagano, Katharine Green, Teresa Duong Fr. McMahon: Jayden Michael Hill, Grace White, Dylan Scanlon 2018 PVI Legacy: Christopher Alex, Samuel Shervanick, Samantha Pezzullo, Mary Hitchcock PVI Mothers’ Club: Aidan McDonald, Eli Trax Msgr. Hannon: Travis Perry Alumni Legacy: Caroline Maso Cunningham: Michaela Lachowicz

husband, Timmy, is a Class of 2008 alumnus, so I have felt a connection to PVI

Louise Saylor: Ethan Lee, Catherine Jans

ever since we started dating. In only a few short months, I have fallen in love

Barbara Stern: Brendan Black, Aaron Chisholm

with PVI’s strong sense of community, camaraderie, and commitment to serving others. This emphasis on unity and service to others allows our students to forge lasting relationships with one another. This is something that is not found at many schools, and makes working at Paul VI all the more fulfilling.

In my role as Annual Fund Manager, my goal is to raise awareness and increase the generous support of the Fund for Paul VI.

In my role as Annual Fund Manager, my goal is to raise awareness and increase the generous support of the Fund for Paul VI. Support for the Fund is necessary to sustain the school’s daily operations through enriched academic programs, faculty development, and tuition assistance. Each gift to PVI helps enhance every aspect of student life both in and out of the classroom. It is my hope that everyone who has a connection

to the PVI community realizes how much we depend on their generous support in order to continue the tradition of excellence for our present and future Panthers. Gifts of every size make an immediate and meaningful impact!"


Students Earn Scholarships

2 0 1 7 - 2 0 1 8 A N N UA L R E P ORT

Instrumental: Matthew Sabio Choral: Faith Hargadon Theater: John Doyle The following upperclassmen also received scholarships: Laura Jean Elizabeth Lee Memorial Options Scholarship: Dominic Mustachio Coach Milt Papke Loyal Panther Memorial Scholarship: Caitlin Fernandez Heidi Papke Walters Aspiring Educators Memorial Scholarship: Emma Smith Additionally, the following scholarships were awarded from parishes or members of parishes: the Fr. Diamond Scholarship (St. Leo’s Knights of Columbus); Our Lady of Good Counsel School PTO Scholarship, the Monseigneur Cassidy Scholarship (St. Mark) and the Gregory S. Iarrobino Scholarship (St. Joseph’s.)

S t. P A U L V I C A T H O L I C H I G H S C H O O L


Advancement Office 10675 Fairfax Boulevard Fairfax, VA 22030 T 703.352.0925 F 703.273.9845

Combined Federal Campaign #95839

United Way #8336




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