FALL 2019
Pa n t he r Tr a c k s
Panther Tracks Magazine St. Paul VI Catholic High School 10675 Fairfax Blvd. Fairfax, VA 22030 703-352-0925 • paulvi.net
Virginia Colwell P ’97, ’99, ’05 Principal
Tom Opfer ’96 Elba Campagna P ’16, ’18, ’19, ’21
Assistant Principal, Dean of Academics
Eileen Hanley P ’00
Assistant Principal, Admissions and Student Life
Patrick McGroarty P ’09, ’10
Assistant Principal, Dean of Students
Michelle Pochick CFO
Fr. Stephen Schultz Chaplain
Peg Weimer P ’01, ’04, ’05 Assistant Academic Dean, Instructional Technologist
OF F IC E OF A DVA NC E ME N T Kate Grimm Andreottola ’94 Director of Advancement
Eileen Kiley Curren ’98
Director of Communications
Mary Ashooh Hamrick ’86, P ’19, ’20, ’22 Associate Director, Constituent Relations
Nick DiGregory
Digital Brand Manager
Kiersten Caputy
Annual Fund Manager
Anne Alessi Nuttall ’88, P ’21 Campaign Assistant
Diane Lindblad P ’09
Advancement Assistant
PV I SC HOOL BOA RD 2019-2020 President: Matt Brockwell P ’16 Vice President: Mary Lawrence P ’10, ’16 Secretary: Matt Reynolds P ’10, ’11 Cheryl Blair-Kijewski P ’07, ’09, ’15 Don Ditko P ’05, ’07 George Eastment P ’05 Mark Graham ’90, P ’22 Rev. Donald Heet, OSFS Jennifer Bell Keating ’92, P ’22 Marianne Moore P ’19, ’20 Ann Zigo Orem ’00 Bob Smith G ’17 Angela Wilson P ’21, ’23 Nancy Woodley P ’98, ’01
A L UMNI — S TAY IN T OUC H! Send your news, updates or address changes to alumni@paulvi.net
Front cover/inside cover photos: Students serve during a domestic mission trip in Steubenville, Ohio. Twenty four students assisted at Urban Ministries, which provides food, shelter and clothing to the poor of the city. This mission serves many people in need, but the experience serves and grows our own students even more. Photos by Father Schultz
ou would think that as an English teacher, I could whip out an article in an instant. Research papers? No problem. Articles that play with my emotions? Not so much.
This issue’s theme of “Creating a Legacy” brought to my mind so many memories. I thought of the legacy my parents left my siblings and me, not of ‘things’ but of lessons: that there was nothing in this world that we could ever do that would disappoint them; that God is all around us, even in the smallest detail; that people will remember you for your integrity. But a legacy is more than what you leave behind. It is creating something that lasts, that influences others, that continually reminds us of where we are from and how to live a life that has value and worth. In this issue of the Panther Tracks, we spotlight a student who is building a legacy by honoring her sister; an alumni parent and staff member who constantly quotes her father with, “Do something good and forget about it;” and two legacy families — PVI alumni with their own children who are following in their parents’ footsteps. Oh, the stories our legacy families can tell! And as this issue contains the Annual Report — thank you to the many donors of all things PVI. You have made a commitment to our students that allows us to do the things we do. Also, a thank you to the many of you who help us live out our mission through your time and prayers. You all help us build the PVI legacy so we can continue to make a difference. Soon our time in Fairfax will come to an end, but not our legacy. We will leave this building, but the legacy we have built will travel with us. Our solid faith in God, all the good we have done, our service to others, our academic excellence, and our commitment to those around us will serve us well at our new home. We will carry our legacy to Loudoun — our Pride, Values, Integrity.
Virginia Colwell, Head of School
Living Our Legacy – One Final Year in Fairfax
aul VI is celebrating its final year in Fairfax and the
To encourage students to go all out this year, the SGA
school year has been given the theme VIctory Lap.
devised a contest where students log their attendance at
Originally built in 1935, our Fairfax building has a
school events on an app for a chance to win prizes.
rich history, including the first location of Fairfax
The final Homecoming football game in Fairfax was
High School, housing monkeys for George Mason
held September 27. It was a night full of excitement
University’s psychology department, and serving as
and fellowship, with over 400 alumni and families
an adult daycare for Alzheimer’s patients. Making it
returning to campus. To top it off, the Panthers defeated
suitable for the first 350 freshmen and sophomores in
St. Albans 35-23.
1983 was no small accomplishment.
Meanwhile, construction at PVI’s campus in Loudoun is
“The first few years everyone realized that the school
on pace for a late fall completion. Staff will move into their
was more than a building,” Father Don Heet, OSFS,
new home next summer and the campus will open for
the school’s founding principal, recalled to the Panther
students in August 2020.
Press in 1997.
While change can be hard, it’s clear that even with a new
“In 1983, we basically had no building, so the people
zip code and new home next year, Paul VI will continue to
were the focal point. That fact set a tone for the school,”
have the same school spirit, mission and values, helping
Heet reflected.
students to “grow in grace and wisdom.”
Alumni and families enjoyed a tailgate on the track field before the Homecoming football game.
Ava Burkat ’20 contributed to this article
August 14: Opening Mass for Faculty and Staff
August 19: Freshman Orientation
August 20: Summer Sizzler
August 22: Ginny Col well and Tom Opfer direct traffic on the first day of clas ses
2019 2020
Our Final Year in Fa
Join us to say goodbye to our Fairfax home. Join the PVI Community at The Last Hurrah: Farew ell to Fairfax on June 6-7, 2020. The weekend will includ e an alumni event on Saturd ay night at the school, and a closing Mass followed by a family picnic on the fro nt lawn on Sunday. Be on the lookout for more info!
August 26: Superinten dent Dr. Joe Vorbach visits PVI with some back-to-schoo l cookies
Sept 6: PVI “Packs the Chap” for First Friday Mass
Sept 23: Start of Spirit Week
August 30: End of firs t week barbeque
August 30: First hom e football game and Rally in the Alley
Sept 13: Mass of the Holy Spirit and Bishop’s visi t
Sept 27: Pep Rally
www.paulvi.net/victory lap Sept 27: Homecomin g Game
S t. P A U L V I C A T H O L I C H I G H S C H O O L
Engineering for Tomorrow
VI Engineering students recently participated in a field trip – but they didn’t have to go far. They met with a team from Engineering Tomorrow in the small gym and performed experiments using aerodynamics and solar
and wind energy.
Engineering Tomorrow’s mission is to bolster the number of U.S. students entering the field of engineering and continue our country’s leadership in innovation and problem solving at the highest levels.
Engineering Engineering students from Howard
University and George Mason
mission is to
University were on hand to assist and
bolster the number
talk to the PVI students about their experiences in engineering. For senior Vanessa Van Horn, the new Paul VI engineering courses have helped her pursue her career goal of becoming an Aerospace Engineer. She shares, “I signed up to take Engineering because I’ve always wanted to be an engineer. This year has been really fun
entering the field of engineering and continue our country’s leadership in innovation and
because we are doing a lot more hands-on things like building
problem solving at
simple machines and working with breadboards. The hands-
the highest levels.
on aspect of this class really keeps us engaged and excited to come to class every day.”
of U.S. students
Students Earn Scholarships
Incoming students in the Class of 2023 were awarded a number of merit-based scholarships. Salesian Scholar: Sarah Burkat, John Campiti, Charles
Band: Kailey Ho, Joseph Moran
Cates, Alexis Florit, Joseph Girard, Jackson Herrera, James
Art: Melissa Vinh
Martin, Joseph Moran, Dustin Ullrich Head of School: Madison Michaelangelo, Benjamin Pezzullo, Autumn Williams DeSales: Carson Breissinger, Peyton Capuano
The following upperclassmen also received scholarships: Laura Jean Elizabeth Lee Memorial Options Scholarship: Justin Braun, Dominic Mustachio Additionally, the following scholarships were awarded
Fr. McMahon: Grace Crom, Sam Kilkeary, Giovanna Lee
from parishes or members of parishes: the Fr. Diamond
SGA Legacy: Marlene Brasco, Michael Jolley,
Scholarship (St. Leo’s Knights of Columbus); Our Lady of
Clarisse Ladaban
Good Counsel School PTO Scholarship, the Monseigneur
Alumni Legacy: Dillon Thomas
Cassidy Scholarship (St. Mark) and the Gregory S.
Barbara Stern: Matthew Han, Lydia Ma Cunningham: Christopher Horan Louise Saylor: Mikael Fissehazion, Clare Lanham Msgr. Hannon: Jamie Nguyen
Larrobino Scholarship (St. Joseph.)
Did You Know? 31% of Paul VI students receive need-based financial aid, totaling over 2 million dollars.
Eight Commended Students Eight seniors were recently named Commended Students in the 2020 National Merit Scholarship Program. Commended Students placed in the top 50,000 scorers of more than 1.5 million students who entered the 2020 competition by taking the PSAT. Pictured, bottom row, left to right: Jerry Ko, Katherine Hamrick, Matthew Coritz Back Row, left to right: Zachary Evans, Han Ryu, Mark Provost, Christopher Rouck, Caleb McNaull, Dr. Tom Opfer ’96
S t. P A U L V I C A T H O L I C H I G H S C H O O L
New Year, New Faces Meet the newest members of the Paul VI Faculty Sandra Stankiewicz P’21 Social Studies
Corinna Schwartz Math
Mrs. Stankiewicz is teaching
Mrs. Schwartz is teaching Basic
Psychology 1 and AP Psychology.
Algebra 1 and CP Algebra 2.
She has a B.A. in Psychology
She attended Washington and
from the University of Maryland
Jefferson College and Seton
and a M.A. in Counseling
Hill University and has a BS in
Psychology from Marymount
Mathematics with a minor in
Secondary Education.
“I am looking forward to being a
“I am looking forward to attending
part of such a joyful and dynamic
sporting events and other
community and helping to inspire
extracurricular activities of my students. I was very involved
students toward a love of learning.”
with student activities outside of the classroom in my
“My favorite quote is ‘Be like the sunflower that follows every movement of the sun, and keep your eyes always turned toward our good God,’ by St. Julie Billiart.”
previous school. I can’t wait to chaperone my first PVI dance and maybe even prom.” “I have a fond devotion to St. Elizabeth Ann Seton and hold this quote from her close to my heart: ‘Afflictions are the steps
Allison Smith P’13, ’17, ’20 Social Studies
to Heaven.’”
10 U.S. VA History and AP U.S.
Neelam Sharma Science
History. She has a B.A. from
Ms. Sharma is teaching CP
Otterbein University and a JD
Chemistry. She attended Jai
from Ohio Northern University.
Narayan Vyas University in
Mrs. Smith is teaching Honors
“I am most looking forward to sharing my love of U.S. history with the students! I am anxious to help them understand both the good and the bad in our
India and has a Bachelor’s in Chemistry, Botany, Zoology and a Master’s in Chemistry with a specialization in Analytical Chemistry.
history so that they can develop a deep appreciation for the
“I am looking forward to teaching
wonderful country we live in and the freedoms we possess.”
my students all the concepts
“A few of my favorite quotes are ‘Intelligence plus character that is the goal of true education,’ by Martin Luther King Jr. and
of chemistry in such a way that they will enjoy learning and coming to my class.”
‘A humble soul does not trust itself, but places all its confidence
“My favorite quote is from Michael Jordan: ‘I can accept failure,
in God,’ by St. Faustina.”
but I cannot stop trying!’”
Do Something Good, Then Forget About It
A Reflection by Linda Zanelotti P ’04, Athletics
Fernando Olivencia G’22 World Language Mr. Olivencia is teaching Spanish 1 and Spanish 2. He earned an undergraduate
nyone who knows me or any member of my family associates us with the saying, “Do something good, then forget about it.” These words are inked on arms, below my email signature, etched into treasured rings and custom wall art and
furniture from Fairfax to Bethany Beach!
degree from the University of Puerto
My dad said it all the time, albeit with a
Rico, Mayaguez campus, and a graduate
beloved Italian accent, explaining that
degree from the University of Minnesota.
his mother suggested it was how he
He has a B.A. in the Teaching of English
should live his life.
as a Second Language with a minor in Linguistics and a graduate degree (PhD candidate) in Foreign Language Education with a minor in Hispanic Linguistics. “I am looking forward to my students learning the grammar and the vocabulary needed to function in the real Spanish-speaking world, including the Spanish-speaking world around us in Northern Virginia.” “My favorite quote is ‘Dime con quién andas y te diré quién eres’ which translates to, ‘Tell me who your friends are and I will tell you who you are.’ This quote, attributed to Socrates (even though there is a similar one in the Bible), was repeated by my parents frequently as my siblings and I were growing up.”
How blessed am I to share this with our community and pass along his philosophy every day? I’m not sure my father even knew that the phrase is a play on the words of the Lord. But he did know about humility and simplicity. In the halls and classrooms of our school, I am a witness to good things being done in a quiet way regularly. PVI students are our best ambassadors.
“In the halls and
A welcome smile and caring attitude can appear to
classrooms of our
be minor gestures, but they’re good ones. I watch
school, I am a witness to
students assist others in small ways and in large
good things being done
drives, seeking no glory or thanks. Meek doesn’t need to be weak. Big guys gently work with students in need and their reward is a smile or high-five during a
in a quiet way regularly.” — Linda Zanelotti P ’04
pass period. We all need to look for these moments and the opportunity to do something good without recompense. Remember to go out of your way to help someone every day, at least once. Don’t pat yourself on the back because you did, just move on. Pick up trash in your path because it’s there. Hold the door for the person behind you. Say “Hey, how you doin’?” to a colleague or kid who rarely speaks. We don’t have to wait for a charity drive to do something good. We are given inspirational quotes every school day on the PA. I’d like to think that at least one is taken to heart and lived. Mine was easy. You can use it if you like! My father would love it.
S t. P A U L V I C A T H O L I C H I G H S C H O O L
Enhancing Our Legacy
Meet the newest members of the PVI School Board George Eastment P ’05 George Eastment worked for the Long and Foster Companies, headquartered in Fairfax, for 45 years and retired in January 2018 as Vice Chairman of the company. George is a member of the Knights of Columbus at St. John the Evangelist in Warrenton. His son Scott graduated from Paul VI in 2005.
“My favorite PVI memory is following my son as he played on the PVI baseball team through four very successful seasons. I think I caught virtually every game during those years. To me, PVI brought the perfect balance of academics, sports, and a great Catholic education together in one package.”
Marianne Moore P ’19, ’20 Marianne Moore works for Loudoun Clear Marketing, a public relations and marketing firm in Leesburg. Her son Mark is a senior and daughter Laura, who graduated Paul VI in 2019, attends Villanova University.
“To me, PVI means family and community. My kids found more than just a school and a Catholic education. They found a place where they have grown as individuals. They found support as they got to know themselves and the role their faith plays in their lives, each of them in a different way.”
Jennifer Bell Keating ’92, P ’22 Jennifer Keating serves as District Sales Manager for Palo Alto Networks. Jennifer has served on the Board of Trustees for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society for the past four years and is currently in her second year as LLS Board President. Additionally, she teaches Religious Education at St. Veronica in Chantilly. As a 1992 alumna, Jennifer is happy to
“As a student, I really loved the feeling of the school — that there was something more important in the world than just grades, or peers, or popularity. Our faith created the whole foundation
have returned to PVI as
for everything we did. I remember how much emphasis and
a parent; son Thomas
importance was placed on service and giving back to the
is a sophomore.
community. That has stuck with me throughout my life.”
Meet PVI’s New CFO Mark Graham ’90, P ’22 Mark Graham is a Managing Partner at Rees Broome, PC, a law firm in Tysons Corner. He has served as a
aul VI recently welcomed Michelle Pochick as its new Chief Financial Officer. Michelle holds a double major in Accounting and Finance from
Fairmont State
youth soccer coach
University. She was
and on the Board
most recently the
of Directors for his
Business Manager
neighborhood swim
for Saint Theresa
team. His daughter
Catholic Church
Caroline is currently
and School. She
a PVI sophomore
previously had
and his two younger
served as Director
daughters will follow
of Finance and
in her footsteps.
Accounting for
“It was an honor to have attended PVI,
West Virginia
and I am excited to have an opportunity
to share in PVI’s mission of helping our
“Continuing my
children establish a foundation grounded
career in a Catholic
in faith, kindness, compassion, integrity
and faith-filled
and excellence. My family and I live in Loudoun County and, while it is bittersweet to leave our original home in Fairfax City, I have enjoyed working with the Campaign
environment is important to me. I’m looking forward to working with and being a part of such a talented and caring group
Cabinet, which was formed for the
of people, including PVI’s faculty, staff, parents and
purpose of bringing PVI’s ongoing mission
students,” shares Michelle.
to Loudoun County. Participation on the
Michelle moved to Virginia from Bridgeport, West
Board provides another avenue to connect
Virginia about three years ago. She lives in Ashburn with
with many friends, old and new, and share
her husband Scott, sons Caden and Jaxon, and rescue
the ongoing mission to ‘Grow in Grace
dogs Nala and Kiki.
and Wisdom.’”
“I have my favorite quote hanging in my office: ‘Pray Big, Worry Small, Trust God, Love One Another, Laugh More, Stress Less, Have Faith, Rejoice and Be Grateful.’” S t. P A U L V I C A T H O L I C H I G H S C H O O L
Spring Sports Wrap-Up 2019 BASEBALL reached the VISAA State Tournament for a record 16th consecutive season. The Panthers were defeated in the first round of both the conference and state tournaments, but highlighted the latter part of the season by knocking off the #12 team in the nation on senior night. SOFTBALL posted a winning season for the first time since 2015, finishing 15-10. The Lady Panthers hosted a WCAC Quarterfinal game, but were upset at home. Their season ended in the VISAA State Quarterfinals. BOYS LACROSSE enjoyed their seventh straight winning season, finishing 17-6. The Panthers were nationally ranked, ranked in the Washington Post, and reached the WCAC semifinals. They also reached the state final for the third time in seven years by defeating an unbeaten, nationally ranked opponent in the state semifinals. GIRLS LACROSSE continued to make strides as a contender in the WCAC and the state. The Lady Panthers had a great year, traveling to Florida, reaching the WCAC semifinals, and the VISAA State Tournament (for the 4th straight year), and finishing 11-10. BOYS VOLLEYBALL continued their tradition as one of the top boys programs in the area. The Panthers finished 9-4 and reached the ISBVL semifinals. BOYS AND GIRLS TRACK & FIELD posted a solid campaign with several individuals placing in the WCAC. The Girls captured the Virginia Catholic Championship. BOYS TENNIS battled in a tough WCAC to finish 4-6. GOLF had an outstanding year, going 6-2 on the regular season and finished in the upper half of the WCAC. OPTIONS TRACK & FIELD finished up a great season under Coach Gary Underhill and competed in several meets, including ones at Episcopal and Flint Hill.
To keep up to date on PVI Athletics, follow their official Twitter, Facebook and Instagram accounts @PVISports or visit www.pvisports.net. Go Panthers! #TeamPVI S t. P A U L V I C A T H O L I C H I G H S C H O O L
Unanswered Prayers Spotlight on PVI’s New Athletic Facilities
Billy Emerson P ’17, ’19, Athletic Director ’ve been at Paul VI for almost 20 years and I’ve been the Athletic Director for the last 10. We tried hard to upgrade our facilities in Fairfax. At one point, we even tried to expand our property. It just wasn’t meant to be. Sometimes
you really do need to thank God for unanswered prayers. The Lord knows what’s best. Trust in Him.
This summer we will move to our new campus to the Chantilly/ South Riding area of Loudoun County. Buildings and fields don’t make the institution, people do — however, it will be nice to combine the amazing school community and culture we already have with a top-notch facility. Many people have worked very hard, for many years, for this moment. We are blessed to have a leadership team (all the way up to our Bishop) who collectively understand and support the important role that our athletic program plays in carrying out the mission of the Gospel and our school. Being a part of this process, designing a place to maximize time, space, and overall development for our student-athletes, continues to be a once in a lifetime experience. I’m also truly blessed that my daughters, and soon my son, have been a part of this school. The life lessons they learned, their faith formation, and the level of college preparedness are unparalleled. St. Paul VI Catholic High School is an incredible place, soon adding an incredible physical upgrade.
Outside in our Athletics area, our new campus will have: • A turf stadium field, permanently lined for soccer, football and lacrosse, with lights and home and visitor side seating • A turf field permanently lined for baseball and field hockey, with lights • A softball field with natural grass, with lights • Stadium style seating behind home plate for both softball and baseball • Six tennis courts • A full size eight lane track, with a natural grass inside field that can be used for soccer, football, lacrosse, field hockey, or any other rectangular field sport.
S t. P A U L V I C A T H O L I C H I G H S C H O O L
Hoping and Working for a Cure
Joy Veazey ’21
hen her younger sister Hope was diagnosed with
basketball, football, baseball, and CrossFit, but one does not
leukemia at the age of 7, Joy Veazey ’21 wanted to do
need to play a sport to participate.
something that would raise awareness and funds for
“Our goal is to empower kids to challenge themselves. We can
childhood cancer.
push ourselves through an hour and a half workout, knowing
She was only 10 years old at the time, but Joy wouldn’t let that
Hope Veazey ’24 and Joy Veazey ’21
we’ll be helping kids who are fighting every day for their lives
stop her.
with no choice. We all work harder when we are working toward
“I saw the families and the fighters
something. We give kids a voice and speak for those who can’t
and how many kids are affected
speak for themselves.”
and I knew it was worth the time
Joy has also participated in government initiatives, such as
and effort. Childhood cancer is
meeting with the governor of Virginia about increasing funding
extremely underfunded. I wanted to
for childhood cancer.
do something that would stand out
“Hope Faster has given me a
and get my friends involved too.”
really good perspective on what
Joy had been training at the Sport
you can do as a teenager. It’s
and Speed Institute in Chantilly
been a confidence boost, that
which helped inspire her idea.
someone who has not been in
“I went to the director and suggested that I take one of his
the professional world before can
clinics, tailor it to younger athletes, make it open to the public,
make such a difference.”
and turn it into a nonprofit event.”
PVI has also rallied behind the
The director agreed and Hope Faster was born. In 2013, Hope
organization and Hope Faster
Faster’s first event had 50 participants. Since then, the event
was one of the recipients of last
has grown to 400 participants and Hope Faster has raised
year’s Marathon Madness.
$100,000 to date. From the start, Joy and her dad established Hope Faster as a kids helping kids initiative. “The event is very driven by the people who go. My dad and I do most of the behind-the-scenes work, and we rely on kids to help bring teams to the event.” Many sports are represented, including soccer, swimming, Photos courtesy of Mike Gillette
“I was a new transfer student, and seeing everyone dancing
After Paul VI, Joy hopes to continue her academic and
together at Marathon Madness, wearing and waving their Hope
soccer career at the Naval Academy, with the ultimate goal of
Faster shirts, was so amazing.”
becoming a pilot.
Hope is currently in remission and will be a freshman at PVI
“My great-grandfather, grandpa, and my dad all attended the
next year, during Joy’s senior year.
Naval Academy and both my parents are in the military. I
Joy is excited to share the PVI experience with Hope and the
love the community. I thrive off the intensity and love working
Hope Faster legacy is also one that will stay in the family.
together with people.”
“When I go to college, I will probably pass Hope Faster down to
Joy will most likely accomplish these goals and more.
my sister so she can continue our annual event, and I will most
“When I’m passionate about something, I’m very driven and it’s
likely continue as the Chairman/CEO.”
true what they say: literally anything can happen and the sky’s the limit.”
“Hope Faster has given me a really good perspective on what you can do as a teenager. It’s been a confidence boost, that someone who has not been in the professional world before can make such a difference.” – Joy Veazey '21
S t. P A U L V I C A T H O L I C H I G H S C H O O L
Rising to the Challenge
Ken Myers ’87 P’22
believe that your formative years are in high school. It’s
In 2009, Ken was sworn in as the Director of the Defense Threat
where you’re taught and molded. It is where your moral
Reduction Agency. At DTRA, Ken led a staff of 3,000 civilian and
compass is set and the lessons learned go far beyond
military personnel with a budget of two billion dollars, working
the classroom. The friends I made at PVI are still my best
to stop and respond to nuclear, chemical, and biological threats
friends,” shares Ken Myers ’87.
against the U.S. and U.S. troops serving abroad.
In addition to lifelong friendships, Ken holds the distinction of
In 2016, Ken transitioned to the private sector and is currently
being the first student ever to enroll at Paul VI.
Senior Vice President at PAE, which provides operational and
Ken Myers ’87 P’22
“In March of 1983, before the school
technical services to the Department of Defense and other
was even open, my dad and I drove
government agencies. “Working on all three sides of defense
into the PVI parking lot. I walked into
and foreign policy – legislation, execution and implementation
the front office and said, ‘I’m here
– has been very rewarding.”
to drop off my registration check.’
Just as his professional life has come full circle, so too has
The only person in the office was
his PVI perspective. “As a parent, you want the absolute best
Mrs. [Barbara] Rannazzisi. She said,
for your children. We knew that was PVI.” Ken and his wife
‘You could have just mailed it in.’ I
Heather enrolled their twins, Kenny and Mackenzie, in 2018 and
responded, ‘I was told to bring it in.’
they are currently sophomores.
So she took my check, held it up, and
Though much has changed, Ken has found that the close-knit
said, ‘Well, you’re Number One!’”
atmosphere and level of expectation has remained the same.
“At the time I didn’t understand the significance or the honor. I
“I vividly remember the expectations that teachers and staff
now cherish it and appreciate how important PVI has been to
had for us. They challenged you, they expected more from you.
me. You look at what Paul VI has become and realize how big a
They didn’t accept average behavior or average performance
day that truly was.”
— whether on the soccer field, or in the classroom, hallway
At Paul VI, Ken played soccer, basketball, and tennis, and he has
or parking lot. Seeing the rapport of the coaches with my
the distinction of another PVI first. He played on the 1986 Boys
daughter’s swim team or son’s soccer team reminds me of
Soccer team – the team that won PVI’s first state championship.
what my own high school experience was like.”
After Paul VI, Ken attended Virginia Tech, where he played
“Paul VI has influenced everything I have done and everything
soccer, and graduated with a liberal arts and science degree. He
I will do. It gave me the moral foundation to succeed. The staff
continued his soccer career in England but returned to earn a
believed in us and knew, even when we did not, that we could
Master’s in International Security Policy from Catholic University.
do great things. Whenever the teachers saw you settling
Ken spent 22 years working in the U.S. Senate and Department
for less than you could be, they were there — challenging
of Defense. He served on the staff of the Senate Foreign
you to do what was necessary to accomplish your goals.”
Relations Committee under Senator Richard Lugar for 15
And perhaps Ken was held to a stricter standard.
years, as the senior advisor on European, former Soviet Union
“When I would see her in the hall, Mrs. Rannazzisi would always
and Central Asian affairs, working extensively on issues of
remind me: “Remember — you’re the first.”
nonproliferation, counter-proliferation, and threat reduction.
“I believe that your formative years are in high school. It’s where you’re taught and molded. It is where your moral compass is set and the lessons learned go far beyond the classroom. The friends I made at PVI are still my best friends.” – Ken Myers ’87 P’22 S t. P A U L V I C A T H O L I C H I G H S C H O O L
A Foundation in Faith
Jennifer Bell Keating ’92, P ’22
remember how much emphasis and importance was
“Moms are people who are highly skilled, know how to manage
placed on service and giving back to the community at
multiple demands at once, are disciplined, and work really
Paul VI. That has stuck with me throughout my life,” shares
hard in the office to get the job done — so they can get back
Jennifer Bell Keating ’92.
to their families in the evening.”
After Paul VI, Jennifer attended Radford University. She
Jennifer tapped into her networks and recruited friends who
graduated with a degree in English, and planned to work for
were stay at home moms. “Many have gone on to have really
Thomas Keating ’22 and Jennifer Bell Keating ’92
a year before going to graduate
great careers, and it’s been so fun to watch them climb
school for ESL.
the ladder.”
“I had waited tables throughout
Jennifer has also been involved in a plethora of volunteer
college, so I was looking for a
efforts, most notably the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society.
job with no nights or weekends. I
“My father passed away from leukemia in 2006. A few months
answered an ad in the Washington
after he died, I saw
Post, interviewed, and was hired.
a banner for Light
I had absolutely no idea what I’d
the Night, one
gotten myself into.”
of the Leukemia
“The job consisted of buying and
& Lymphoma
selling computer parts. I was also
working on a computer all day every day, something I had
never done before. In the evenings, I went to Best Buy and
campaigns, and I
took classes to help me figure out how to use my computer,”
decided to form
Jennifer reflects.
a team.”
Even though IT was not her original plan, Jennifer has had a
Jennifer named
very successful and rewarding career in the field for the past
it Team Tom after
23 years. She spent 13 years at CDWG, four at Copper River,
her dad. Since that
and recently joined Palo Alto Networks. At Palo Alto, Jennifer
first event, Team
leads a team selling cybersecurity solutions to the Federal
Tom has continued
fundraising and
A major goal for Jennifer is to understand her customers’
Jennifer has taken on increasing levels of involvement and
missions. “It’s rewarding to be able to understand what
leadership in LLS.
challenges our clients face and create solutions to solve
In 2009, she ran for LLS Woman of the Year, and was first
those challenges.”
runner up. She has since served on the executive committees
Throughout her career, Jennifer has also enjoyed mentoring
for LLS Man of the Year and Woman of the Year, as well as
new employees. When she was hiring at CDWG, Jennifer
Light the Night. She has been on the Board of Trustees for
made a decision to target stay-at-home moms who wanted to
the past four years, and is currently in her second year as
re-enter the workforce.
Board President.
“There are specific people I remember at PVI who had a huge impact on my life, such as Denny Kline and Campus Ministry. The retreats were so impactful. I received a strong foundation in my faith from PVI and I am very grateful to this day.” – Jennifer Bell Keating ’92 P ’22
In addition to her work with the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society,
“It has been so much fun being back. I think I am the
Jennifer teaches Religious Education at St. Veronica. Preparing
biggest cheerleader of the school and it embarrasses my
her students for the sacraments has been one of Jennifer’s
son to no end.”
favorite parts about teaching the Catholic faith.
Despite being 30 years apart, the PVI experience for
Similarly, Jennifer values the faith formation she herself
Jennifer and her son has had many similarities.
received at Paul VI.
“I really loved the feeling of the school — that there was
“There are specific people I remember at PVI who had a huge
something more important in the world than just grades, or
impact on my life, such as Denny Kline and Campus Ministry.
peers, or popularity. Our faith created the whole foundation
The retreats were so impactful. I received a strong foundation in
for everything we did.”
my faith from PVI, and I am very grateful to this day.”
“Paul VI was not just about going to class. It felt
“I had a great experience and that was a reason why I wanted
like the entire school cared very much about the
to send my own children to PVI.” Jennifer’s son Thomas is
whole person.”
currently a sophomore.
S t. P A U L V I C A T H O L I C H I G H S C H O O L
Reunion 2019
was held on June 8 for the Classes of 1989, 1994, 1999, 2004, 2009 and 2014. Alumni enjoyed a party on the front lawn with live music from Sarah Bennett Swanner ’93, while catching up with classmates, teachers, and touring the school building. A: Paul Wells ’89, Jenn Gehris Wells ’89 B: James Nellis ’94, JT Tani ’94, Michael Buckley ’94 C: Kevin Kiley ’99, Mary Ann Schwartz ’99, Laura Froelke ’99, Dean Mingee
D: Mary Branam, Clint Branam ’99, Diana Santos Hitter ’99, Thomas Hitter E: Karl Wotjkun ’94, Carrie Wojtkun, Eric Wotjkun ’89 F: Jonathan Gorski ’04, Colleen Kiley ’04, Tom Wonder ’04, Madison Rossmann Frizell ’04, Matt Frizell ’04, Crystal Akers Regignano ’04, Bobbie DeBenedetto ’04, Anneka Da Cruz Bear ’04, Cecilia Kern Fix ’04, Scott Fix G: Ryan Rauner ’99, Kelly Furlong ’99, Julie Frasch Nims ’99, Matt Nims, Bob Etris’99 , Kate Shearer Etris ’99 H: Dan Fagan ’94, Karl Wotjkun ’94, Kate Tomaszewski Maleski ’94, James Nellis ’94, Kate Grimm Andreottola ’94, Rush Blevins ’94, Jenny Hagel ’94, JT Tani ’94
I: Scott Soleau ’89, Dennis Wolstenholme ’89, Jennifer Malos ’89, Jenn Gehris Wells ’89, Paul Wells ’89, TJ Curry ’89, Bill Carter ’89, Bill Rouck’89, Casey Priester ’89, Meredith Perkins ’89, Kevin Walsh ’89 J: Deacon Tom Grodek P’97, ’01,’03; Rachel Hope ’09 K: Tricia Ocampo Barry ’94 and Rush Blevins ’94 recreate their senior superlative of shortest and tallest! L: Emilio Alonso ’99, Kelly Benson Daniel ’99, Jenny DeSimone Bacon ’99, Erin Dowe Joyce ’99
M: Stephanie Pestana Oetjen ’99, Sheila Heller ’99, Pat Powell, Shauna Ferguson Marvel ’99, John Marvel N: Ryan Rauner ’99, Matt Carullo ’99, Matt Gilbert ’99, Jonathan Darden ’99 O: CJ Capen ’99, Jaci Cappel, Nick Cappel ’99 P: Meaghan McCarthy Tracy ’89, Shannon Best ’89, Julie McMahon ’89, Lisa Hendrix Whitaker ’89 Q: Alex Kormanec ’09, Taylor Schlagenhauf ’09 R: John Knapp ’99, Travis Branam ’99, Clint Branam ’99, Mary Branam S: Kristin Taverna ’94, Shannon Peterson ’94, Megan Valentine Maso ’94, Corey Maso, Megan Maher Sweitzer ’94, Paul Cerami T: Emilio Alonso ’99, Nick Cappel ’99, John Ulrich ’99, Dan Evans ’99, CJ Capen ’99 U: Pamela Nelson ’94, Eileen Flynn ’94, Jessica Clarke ’94, Erin Kappler Kelly ’94 V: Tricia Ocampo Barry ’94, Erin Kappler Kelly ’94, Jenny Hagel ’94, Lori Harkin Huse ’94, Pamela Nelson ’94 W: Paul McQuillan, Adrianne McCarty McQuillan ’94, Nicholas McCoy ’94
Mark Your Calendars! This year’s Reunion Weekend will be a little different. We invite ALL GRAD CLASSES to join us this June. V
The Last Hurrah: Farewell to Fairfax Saturday, June 6, 2020 Closing Mass and Family Picnic Sunday, June 7, 2020 www.paulvi.net/victorylap
S t. P A U L V I C A T H O L I C H I G H S C H O O L
Wild About World Cup Let’s Do Lunch Lisa Lukacs Buchanan, Maria Macapagal Briggs, Candice Pratsch Basso, and Karen Smith, all Class of 1996, met for lunch in August at California Tortilla in Oakton.
This summer Lindsay Curtin ’04 and Gary Boylan ’04, who both played soccer at Paul VI, traveled to Lyon, France for the Women’s World Cup Final. Along with Chris Curtin ’95, they watched the United States Women’s National Team defeat the Netherlands 2-0.
Having a Ball at JMU Connor Adams ’15 and Nic Bucaro ’17 are students at James Madison University, both working for the JMU Football team. Nic, pictured left, is a sophomore, majoring in Sports and Recreation Management. He is a manager for JMU Football. In this role, he assists with set up for practice and game day, helping with helmets, jerseys, loops and equipment issues. “PVI prepared me for the rigorous academic schedule in college. Although you get more free time than in high school, you become involved in different clubs, jobs, and activities in college that put more stress on your work. My classes at Paul VI helped with learning how to properly take notes and prepare for tests.” Recently elected Vice President of the JMU Men’s Lacrosse Club, Nic has continued to develop the club and gained valuable time management skills. He continues to play lacrosse to keep a strong connection to the sport he loved at PVI. Connor, pictured right, is a senior Communications major. He serves as a student assistant on the football coaching staff, working with special teams and the offense. This is his fourth season with the team. According to Connor, “This is a foot in the door position to help me continue college coaching after graduation.” “Playing football at PVI prepared me for a team atmosphere. I learned a lot about character and how to present yourself from my time at PVI. I keep the same code that I had in high school that Coach Leib, Coach Eastman, Coach G, Coach Art, Coach Blevins, Coach Hutson, Coach Collier and Coach Leathers taught me.”
Family Vacation This summer Practical Law teacher Lou Pharao went on cruise in Ft. Lauderdale with his three alumnae daughters, Kelleigh ’98, Erin ’00 and Diana ’03, and their families. Pictured left to right: Jon D’Alessandro, Jordan D’Alessandro, Diana Pharao D’Alessandro ’03, Kelleigh Pharao Miller ’98, Lou Pharao, Adelyn Miller, Erin Pharao Myrianopolu ’00, Julianna Myrianopolu, Olivia Myrianopolu, Manny Myrianopolu
Lisa Lukacs Buchanan ’96 was recently featured in People magazine for her 20 year friendship with her “Best Buddy” Ruth Godding. Lisa was a college student at Marymount serving as president of Best Buddies, when she was paired with Ruth, who has intellectual disabilities, through Best Buddies International, and they’ve remained close for over 20 years. Lisa’s parents suggested she let Best Buddies know about the “success story” and when Lisa did, the story piqued the interest of Anthony Shriver, founder of Best Buddies. “Ruth and Lisa’s 20-year friendship is really what Best Buddies is all about. It’s truly a testament to the power of friendship and inclusion,” Shriver told People.
Carrie Conques ’99, former PVI JV Soccer and Varsity Lacrosse Coach, was inducted into the Ferrum College Athletic Hall of Fame on September 21 in Ferrum, Virginia. Carrie was honored for her outstanding four-year careers in both soccer and lacrosse. During her time at Ferrum, she held numerous records in lacrosse, and received multiple All-Conference recognitions and team MVP Awards.
Sr. Stephanie Gabriel Tracy, IHM (Stephanie K. Tracy, Class of ’99) spent about 10 years after finishing college and graduate school working as a journalist and in public relations in South Carolina, Virginia and Maryland. In 2013, she discerned a call to the religious life and entered the Sisters, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary in Immaculata, PA. She professed her first vows in 2016 and spent three years teaching middle school in West Chester, PA, which included work as the yearbook moderator. In August 2019, Sr. Stephanie was assigned to teach theology at Bishop O’Connell High School in Arlington. “I love it here, but let’s just say rivalry games are tough!”
Mary Kate Battle ’06 was recently named to the Domer Dozen, the Young Alumni Recognition Initiative by the University of Notre Dame. The Domer Dozen are honored for showing extraordinary dedication to making a difference and have made significant contributions in faith, service, learning, or work.
Emily Chrisinger Woods ’08 and her husband Greg welcomed Jackson Lewis Woods, ‘Jack,’ on January 22, 2019 at 12:04 p.m. in Birmingham, Alabama at 6 lbs 12 oz and 20 inches long. Jack is the first child for Emily and Greg. The family recently moved back to the area and is enjoying living in Alexandria, Virginia.
Mary Kate graduated from Notre Dame in 2010, where she majored in Political Science, Peace Studies and Spanish. She is currently a Business Development Specialist with Catholic Relief Services. After graduating from Notre Dame, Battle served at Farm of the Child, a Catholic home for orphaned and abandoned children in Honduras for two years. She next earned an international economics and international relations graduate degree from Johns Hopkins University, after which she joined Catholic Relief Services. At CRS, Mary Kate has supported programming in Uganda, Jordan, Egypt, Bangladesh, Ethiopia, and Sierra Leone. Her work ranges from village microfinance initiatives and supporting refugees from the Rohingya and Syrian crises, to supporting vulnerable children and youth and inter-religious and inter-ethnic peacebuilding projects. Above, Mary Kate is pictured with her father Tim and at left with Father John I. Jenkins, President of the University of Notre Dame. S t. P A U L V I C A T H O L I C H I G H S C H O O L
Jordan Kijewski ’15 graduated from the University of Virginia in May 2019, where she double majored in government and American studies and minored in religious studies. She currently works with the Virginia College Advising Corps, an AmeriCorps program that trains and places college advising counselors in underserved and under resourced high schools across Virginia. Her goal is to contribute to the college-going culture and increase enrollment numbers at institutions of higher education from low-income communities. Working at Huguenot High School in Richmond gives Jordan the opportunity to serve as an additional, helpful resource for Virginia high school students who might not otherwise be afforded opportunities to pursue further education after completing high school.
Brendan McDonough ’16 graduated Marine Corps Officer Candidate School in August 2019. He is pictured with Wrestling Coach Mike Eastman at his graduation held in Quantico, Virginia.
Molly Cox ’17 is a junior at Loyola University of Chicago and is on a semester abroad at Loyola’s Vietnam Center in Ho Chi Minh City. She is pictured at an ethical elephant sanctuary near Chiang Mai, Thailand.
Antonella Henson-Vendrell ’18 and younger sisters, current PVI students Gabriella and Isabella HensonVendrell (both ’22), were selected to represent the first ever Puerto Rico National Women Lacrosse Team at the 2019 World Lacrosse Women’s U19 World Championship held August 1-10 in Peterborough, Canada. Antonella was named captain of the U19 Puerto Rico Women’s Lacrosse Team, and the team finished 9th out of 22 teams. They played eight days in a row and won eight games undefeated against teams from Hong Kong, Belgium, Israel, Haudenosaunee, New Zealand, China, and Scotland. Antonella is currently a college sophomore majoring in biology with a molecular cell biology concentration (premed) at Monmouth University in West Long Branch, New Jersey where she also plays lacrosse.
class of
class of
class of class of
Photo by Bakerture Photography
Finlay Loftus ’04 and Raelynn Johnson were married on August 24, 2019 in Charlottesville, Virginia. They celebrated with friends and family at the Lodge at Mt. Ida Farm. Pictured, left to right: Mike Geraghty ’04, Drew Bonk ’04, Jamie Aubrey ’04, Finn Loftus ’04, Erin Hughes Bonk ’04, Dan Cinalli ’04, Meghan Schulze ’08, Mike Chauvin ’04, Rosie Loftus Lindemann ’07, Patrick Zanelotti ’04, Abby Loftus Stott ’13, Jeff Lindemann ’07, and Linda Zanelotti, Paul VI Athletics staff
Lindsay Curtin ’04 and Gary Boylan ’04, former freshman year Homecoming dates in 2000, were married in Washington, DC on September 15, 2018. Thirteen members of their wedding party were PVI alumni. Gary is a real estate agent with TTR Sotheby’s working in Washington, DC and Northern Virginia. Lindsay works as a policy advisor at the Interagency Council on Homelessness in Washington, DC. They currently live in the Woodley Park neighborhood of Washington, DC.
Bottom photo, front row, left to right: Patrick Zanelotti ’04, Laura Culver ’05, Lauren Wilmot ’04, Megan Neville ’04, Lindsay Curtin ’04, Gary Boylan ’04, Erin Hughes ’04, Elena Lagos ’04, Drew Bonk ’04. Middle row: Kelly Hargrove ’05, Sean Milligan ’04, Colleen Kiley ’04, Tom Wonder ’04, Megan Boylan ’01, Erin Kane ’04, Daniel Cinalli ’04, Liam Armstrong ’12. Back row: Greg Dohmann ’04, Ryan Donnelly ’04, Luigi Mandarino ’04, Chris Curtin ’95, Colin Armstrong ’16, Andrew Boylan ’09, Carlo Mandarino ’17. Not Pictured: Brendan Armstrong ’04, Patrick Armstrong ’08, Carl Wang ’04
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Kevin Kodadek ’07 married Brianna Jo Brown on May 18, 2019. They celebrated their reception with family and friends at Oatlands Historic House & Gardens in Leesburg, Virginia. Front row, pictured left to right: Daniel Hermes ’08, Danielle Moehler ’07, Dominic DaCruz ’07, Erin Furey ’07, Alex Martinez ’07, Bri Brown Kodadek, Kevin Kodadek ’07, Stasia Rapp Kodadek ’05, Jonathan Kodadek ’05, Pedro Vittes ’07; Back Rows: Rich Kessler ’94, Jennifer Serafin Cupitt ’07, Kelsey Nieves Martinez ’07, Chris Naylor ’07, Alicia Cargiulo McConnell ’07, Phil Boisvert ’07, Alyson Sturm ’07, Billy VanVleet ’07, Alex Soltis ’07. Not pictured: Donald Hart ’07, Ben Nigro ’07 Kevin and Bri met in 2013 when they were both working at Buffalo Wild Wings.
Elizabeth Heinz Savage ’08 and Allison Heinz ’10 Elizabeth Heinz ’08 and Rich Savage were married on July 6, 2019 in Falls Church, Virginia. PVI alumni and students in attendance were Maid of Honor Allison Heinz ’10 and Jack Alexander ’19. Elizabeth and Rich live in Brambleton, Virginia. Rich is a Sales Director and Elizabeth is a Team Lead at Carahsoft Technology Corp in Reston.
Billy Long ’10 married Jessica Sutherlin on July 26, 2019 in Leesburg, Virginia. Paul VI alumni in attendance included Lauren Long Niehoff ’08, Patty Fabijanczyk ’10, Josh Ruffin ’10, Colin May ’11, Robbie Kidd ’11, and Jack Murphy ’12. Jessica is currently a history teacher at Paul VI.
Joe Barrett ’13 and Caroline Rosini ’14 were married on June 29, 2019. Their wedding was held at the U.S. Naval Academy Chapel in Annapolis, Maryland with a reception at the Army Navy Country Club in Arlington, Virginia. Joe’s best man was Kenny Barrett ’10. Thomas Slucher ’13 and JP Cunniff ’13 were groomsmen. Deacon Nicholas LaDuca, Katelan Young ’14, and Dr. Tom Opfer ’96 read at the couple’s wedding ceremony, while Andrew Stepka ’14, Alex Field ’13, Alex Hogge ’13, Nikita Kosyak ’13, Connor Coyle ’13, Ryan Leckenby ’13, Michael Kvartunas ’13, Kelsey McCormick ’14, Tim McNeish ’13, Jack Sweeney ’13, Mrs. Beth Slucher, and Mrs. Eileen Kiley Curren ’98 helped them celebrate their big day. Joe and Caroline live in San Diego, California where Caroline is a paralegal and Joe is a naval officer stationed on the USS San Diego.
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In Memoriam The Paul VI community extends its prayers and condolences to the relatives of faculty, staff, alumni, students, parents and friends of the school who have passed away recently. Barbara Hechtman, PVI Library Assistant from 1997-2017 Nancy Chotiner, mother of Renee Pisani, Study Hall proctor and grandmother of Alex ’10, Nick ’13, and Jeff ’16 Anne Duli, sister of Sandra Ancona, Study Hall proctor; aunt of Nicolas ’16 and LT ’19
Paul VI Class of 2019 Hall of Fame
Feliciano Lopez, construction worker at PVI’s new campus
We are thrilled to announce our newest inductees
Kendra Vinton, aunt of Casey Sullivan McLellan, Options teacher
Paul and Nancy Ciatti, P ’88, ’89, ’91
Trevor James Schembri ’90 John Hauser, father of John ’88, grandfather of John ’20 Ellen Coakley, mother of Michael ’86, instrumental in bringing the Seton Center to PVI in the early 80s Lonnie Baker, PVI Cafeteria Manager Vince Martin, former PVI German teacher Kathy Miller, mother-in-law of Frank Maresca ’87, grandmother of Anna ’22 Zachary Miller '86 Fr. Tom Murphy, O.S.F.S. Sarah Harris Kirby, mother of Jack Kirby, PVI’s first Athletic Director
Stay Connected! Be sure to find us on social media so you can get the most up-to-date alumni and PVI news! Facebook: Paul VI Catholic High School Alumni Association Follow us on Twitter: @PVIAlumni @paulvicatholic LinkedIn: Paul VI Catholic High School Alumni Instagram @paulvialumni @paulvicatholic
Gary Underhill, 1990 - present Special Olympics Soccer, Basketball, Track & Field AT H L E T E S
Mark Graham ’90 Soccer, Basketball, Track & Field, Golf Molly Kirchner ’90 Soccer, Basketball Jeff Marcey ’04 Football, Wrestling, Track & Field Michael Nicholas ’99 Swim & Dive Katie Grim Tinsley ’02 Softball
Mark your calendars and plan to join us! Half-Time Recognition Friday, February 7 7:30 p.m. | Boys Varsity Basketball vs. Good Counsel It is also Alumni Night! Induction Ceremony and Brunch Saturday, February 8 10:30 a.m. | International Country Club For more info, visit www.paulvi.net/halloffame
“The day we called for help, you heard us and you increased our strength.” ~Psalm 138
S t. P A U L V I C A T H O L I C H I G H S C H O O L
1997 article entitled “War Stories” published in the
The anecdotes from the early years reaffirm that the PVI
Panther Press school newspaper captured the
culture lives on in the halls. The gifts and commitments
thoughts of those who helped PVI open its doors:
received over the last year give a nod to that past, and show
Fr. Heet, Founding Principal, reflected, “We had
a confidence in the next chapter. The 2018-2019 fiscal year
no desks. Georgetown donated 200 desks for the first school year.” George Mason University loaned the school a used typewriter. Barbara Rannazzisi remembered, “We had 90 percent of the faculty in the building cleaning and cutting back the shrubbery, some of which had grown 15 to 20 feet high.” The Knights of Columbus from St. Leo’s in Fairfax helped paint the building. “There was a lot of apprehension because we knew we could
showed positive financial growth for our future.
• 1087 donors made a gift to Paul VI, including 547 new donors • The Fund for Paul VI generated $273,679, exceeding the goal by 23% • There were 2,631 gifts made to Paul VI, totaling $762,791 • The sold-out auction and benefit dinner set
fail, and that built a lot of cohesion between us,” remarked
a record high with a raise the paddle for the
Joan Grossel.
Laura Jean Elizabeth Lee Memorial Options
The article closes with Fr. Heet saying, “The first few years,
Fund, raising over $120,000
everyone realized that the school was more than a building… The people were the focal point. That fact set a tone for the school.” From day one, St. Paul VI Catholic High School has been built on the shoulders of those with compassion, commitment,
• The seeds were planted for a comprehensive campaign, securing an initial $2.9M in commitments towards a goal of $5M
and grit; those who turned apprehension into cohesion and
Behind all of the good things happening at Paul VI is an
took a leap of faith to say, “Count me in.”
army of people who selflessly serve and generously give to
We now ask for support through letters and social media posts composed using laptops, not borrowed typewriters; the desks provide a place for healthy, challenging dialogue and learning. Instead of weeds scattered across our front lawn,
make our school extraordinary. Thank you for your continued compassion for PVI, your commitment to challenging us to be the best we can be, and for your grit. Together, we can confidently continue the legacy that is PVI.
we see students, enjoying lunch in the sun, surrounded by the friendship of their peers. And, at the center of it all, lives our faith, the glue that holds all of this together, through challenging times and times of change.
2 0 1 8 - 2 0 1 9 A N N UA L R E P ORT
Kate (Grimm) Andreottola ’94 Director of Advancement
13% 13%
Pope Paul VI ($50,000+) Anonymous (2) Mr. Donald W. Bohn and Mrs. Mary Jo Bohn Mr. George T. Eastment and Mrs. Christine A. Eastment Mr. Daniel McGuire and Mrs. Jayme McGuire Mr. Anthony P. Nader and Mrs. Annette M. Nader SeKON Enterprise, Inc. Mr. Craig R. Wilson and Mrs. Angela F. Wilson Mr. Thomas A. Woodley and Mrs. Nancy C. Woodley
St. Francis de Sales ($25,000+) Community Foundation of Northern Virginia Mr. John Emery and Mrs. Angela A. Emery Mr. Robert Waters and Mrs. Mary Cecile G. Waters
Grace & Wisdom ($10,000+) Anonymous (3) Mr. Matthew D. Brockwell and Mrs. Laura C. Brockwell Carney Foundation Clarke-Hook Foundation The Honorable William Colwell and Mrs. Ginny D. Colwell Mr. Christopher F. Costello and Mrs. Shelly N. Costello Mr. James F. Cox and Mrs. Anne K. Cox Elizabeth Ann Healy Foundation Mr. Thomas K. Healy and Mrs. Mary Beth Healy Mr. Joseph A. Kijewski and Mrs. Cheryl C. Blair-Kijewski Mr. William J. McMenamin and Mrs. Sherri C. McMenamin Mr. Paul Mock and Mrs. Donna Mock Ourisman Fairfax Toyota Porto Charities Inc. Mr. Matthew T. Reynolds and Mrs. Brenda S. Reynolds Mr. Karl Salnoske and Mrs. Susan Salnoske The Nader Family Foundation
St. Jane de Chantal ($5,000+) Mr. Kenneth W. Coan and Mrs. Mary E. Coan Mr. Donald Ditko and Mrs. Amy Ditko Mr. Kirk R. Fox ‘89 and Mrs. Christine Fox Mr. Mark P. Graham ‘90 and Mrs. Maura Graham Mr. Peter J. Hadinger and Mrs. Cheryl L. Hadinger Mr. J. David Hoppe and Mrs. Karen D. Hoppe Mrs. Laura A. Malnight ‘86 and Mr. Richard Malnight Mr. Brian McDonnell and Mrs. Pat McDonnell Mr. Thomas C. McLean and Mrs. Cynthia M. McLean
Mr. Andrew O’Connell and Mrs. Lori O’Connell Mr. Al A. Pisani and Mrs. Renee T. Pisani Mrs. Loyda C. Tacogue The Knippenberg Foundation United Way of The National Capital Area Mr. Robert S. Vall and Mrs. Regina Vall
Principal's Society ($2,500+) Mr. Brendan F. Armstrong and Mrs. Maureen A. Armstrong Boeing Company Mr. Chris Carrier and Mrs. Melissa Carrier Mr. James F. Corcoran and Mrs. Catherine Corcoran Dr. Mark D. Fowler and Mrs. Christine A. Fowler Mr. Joseph R. Fox and Mrs. Mary E. Burke Fox Mr. Francis C. Kiley and Mrs. Monica A. Kiley Ms. Minako Koga Mr. Steven Lam and Ms. Nina Ngo Mr. Will J. McAteer and Mrs. Carrie A. McAteer Mr. Thomas J. McGonigle and Mrs. Monica V. McGonigle Microsoft Corporation Mr. John C. Neubauer and Mrs. Cathy L. Neubauer Mrs. Bette Papke Mr. Thomas S. Poole and Mrs. Lori Poole Mr. Brian J. Roach and Ms. Jill Foster Mr. Joseph J. Schmank and Mrs. Kelly O. Schmank Mr. Joel C. Susco and Dr. Michelle S. Susco Mr. John F. Utley and Mrs. Diane P. Utley Mr. Nino Vaghi/Nino R. Vaghi Foundation Inc. Mr. Douglas Weimer and Dr. Peg Weimer Wells Fargo Educational Matching Gift Program Mr. Thomas J. Worosz and Mrs. Ann M. Worosz
Pride, Values & Integrity ($1,000+) Ms. Kate M. Andreottola ‘94 Anonymous (4) Mr. Jeffrey A. Akin and Mrs. Bonnie B. Akin Mr. Victor E. Alessi and Mrs. Susan Alessi Apple, Inc. Applied Computing Technologies, Inc. Mr. Richard Armitage and Mrs. Laura Armitage Mr. Jeffrey A. Bucaro ‘87 and Mrs. Susan A. Bucaro Mr. Thomas J. Burkat and Mrs. Patricia Burkat Capital One Services Mr. James Carson and Mrs. Margie Carson Mr. Jonathan Chew and Ms. Sherri Chin Mr. Michael G. Connors and Mrs. Cindy S. Connors Mr. Patrick Cristofari and Mrs. Jennifer Cristofari Mrs. Eileen K. Curren ‘98 and Mr. Stephen Curren Mr. Timothy L. Davison and Mrs. Gretchen M. Davison
2 0 1 8 - 2 0 1 9 A N N UA L R E P ORT
Mr. Carl Desmarais and Mrs. Christina Desmarais Mr. Edward O. Devlin and Mrs. Maria A. Devlin Mr. Joseph P. Donahue and Mrs. Patricia K. Donahue Dulles South Lacrosse Mr. Jeffrey E. Erhardt and Mrs. Sheila G. Erhardt Mrs. Maryann Fennell and Mr. William S. Fennell Mr. Paul G. Freeborne and Mrs. Kirsten S. Freeborne Mr. Jack Fritsche and Mrs. Lisa Fritsche Mr. Stephen Gertenbach and Mrs. Jennifer Gertenbach Mr. Norman Gotter and Ms. Ellen J. Hildbold Dr. Thomas J. Green and Dr. Elizabeth G. Green Mr. Norman E. Grimm and Mrs. Monica Grimm Mr. Ronald Gutkowski and Mrs. MaryJane Gutkowski Mr. T. Patrick Hammeke Mr. Paul L. Hamrick and Mrs. Mary A. Hamrick ‘86 Mr. William Hanley and Mrs. Eileen Hanley Mr. Robert P. Hansen and Mrs. Jane E. Hansen Mr. Jay Hatch Colonel Frederick E. Johnston and Mrs. Merilyn Johnston Mr. Peter M. Jurich Mr. Kenneth R. Kerrigan and Mrs. Elizabeth Kerrigan Mr. Frank Latessa and Mrs. Margaret Latessa Mr. Brian Latimer and Mrs. Claudia Latimer Mr. Michael G. Lawrence and Mrs. Mary H. Lawrence Mr. William A. Leslie and Mrs. Brandy Leslie Ms. Kim Luu-Tu Mr. Roland Marjak and Mrs. Carol Marjak Marriott International Mr. Daniel J. McDonnell and Mrs. Jaqueline D. McDonnell Mr. Charles M. McGarry and Mrs. Monique M. McGarry Mr. Brian J. McHugh and Mrs. Jennifer B. McHugh Mr. Joe J. Meenamkunnel and Mrs. Ginza Meenamkunnel Mr. Robert L. Mills and Mrs. Ana F. Mills Mt. Vernon Columbus Club, Inc. Mr. Thomas P. Murry and Mrs. Grace E. Murry Mr. James G. Noble and Mrs. Laura Noble Mr. Edward J. Nuttall and Mrs. Anne K. Nuttall ‘88 Oblates of St. Francis de Sales Mr. Sean O’Connor and Mrs. Lori O’Connor Dr. Thomas Opfer ‘96 Mr. George J. Opfer and Mrs. Elizabeth Opfer Mr. William J. Pagano and Mrs. Julie Pagano Mr. Brent R. Perry and Mrs. Kim D. Perry Mrs. Mary M. Peters Mr. Stephen Phillips and Ms. Laura A. Heller ‘90 Mr. Jeffrey Pizzino and Mrs. Nancy Pizzino Mr. John Pollard and Mrs. Deborah Pollard Mr. Alden Provost and Mrs. Miriam Provost Mr. David T. Ralston and Mrs. Mary Ralston Mr. Charles F. Riceman ‘87 and Mrs. Maria Riceman
Mr. Thomas Rodgers and Mrs. Wendy Rodgers Mr. Kenneth J. Ronald and Mrs. Beverly A. Ronald The Rouck Family Giving Fund ‘89 Mr. Matthew T. Roy ‘04 Dr. Patrick J. Rozmajzl and Mrs. Pamela B. Rozmajzl Mr. Thomas J. Rudden and Mrs. Marcella S. Rudden Mr. Ryan Sabo and Mrs. Kim Sabo Mr. Vince Sheehy and Mrs. Mimi Sheehy Sheehy Auto Stores Mr. Robert J. Smith and Mrs. Lauren Smith South Loudoun Basketball Mr. John M. Spivey and Mrs. Alison T. Spivey St. Catherine of Siena Mr. Patrick M. Sullivan and Mrs. Constance Sullivan Trinity Wiring & Security Solutions United Way of Greater Atlanta Mr. Gregory Wade Mr. Douglas L. Walls and Mrs. Ann K. D. Walls Mr. Ken F. Wiegand and Mrs. Alma T. Wiegand Ms. Madeline Will Mr. James F. Williams and Mrs. Karen A. Williams Mr. Mark Woodson and Mrs. Vera Woodson
Panther ($500+) Anonymous (2) LMEPAC Charity Program Mr. Robert J. Abbott and Mrs. Joanne Abbott Agensys Corporation Mr. Lazaro Andino and Mrs. Lori Andino Mr. Douglas R. Bayer and Mrs. Elizabeth A. Bayer Benevity Community Impact Fund Mr. Bernard L. Bower and Mrs. Pamela M. Bower Mr. Jerome Bozek and Mrs. Rita Bozek Mr. Stephen J. Bozik and Mrs. Debora Bozik Mr. Garland Brill and Ms. Jean E. Moody Mr. William F. Brinkley and Mrs. Kingsley H. Brinkley Deacon Richard Caporiccio and Mrs. Madeline Caporiccio Mr. Vincent W. Caputy and Mrs. Theresa L. Caputy Mr. John F. Carroll Esq. Mr. Michael G. Cunningham and Mrs. Kelly K. Cunningham Mr. Peter Davey ‘95 and Mrs. Kassandra Davey Mr. Christopher M. DeGrassi and Mrs. Colleen M. DeGrassi Mr. David C. Duncan ‘89 and Mrs. MaryLynne Duncan ‘89 Fairfax Memorial Park Dr. Peter J. Fecanin and Mrs. Louise Fecanin Mrs. Roberta A. Fisher Mr. Mark Forster and Dr. Barbara Forster Mr. James E. Fostek and Mrs. Sandra Fostek Mr. Daniel L. Freeman and Mrs. Lori T. Freeman Mr. Mark L. Fulchino ‘86 and Mrs. Aimee Fulchino Mr. Jeffrey Furgal and Mrs. Lisa Furgal Gap, Inc.
Inspiring Classmates to Give
he first ever Senior Giving Committee, comprised of 16 members of the Class of
It is important to support Paul VI out
2019, inspired their classmates to leave
of gratitude for everything the school
their mark on PVI by making a gift to the
and community has given to me and
school. The Class of 2019 gave $2,300 in gifts
my classmates. I’m only a few months
and commitments.
removed from high school, but I can already
Senior Giving Campaign Leadership Anastasia Carvalhais ’19 Julia Coan ’19 Caitlin Fernandez ’19 Alexis Furgal ’19 Sydney Greco ’19 Ilir Gomez ’19 Emma Hitchcock ’19 Rosemary Ketron ’19 Grace Lyons ’19 Maddie Mangilit ’19 Laura Moore ’19 Maddy Owen ’19 Doug Roach ’19 Richie Smiechowski ’19 Kathryn Webb ’19 Devon Zavacky ’19
Mr. Darrell Grant Reverend Frank Hanlon O.S.F.S. Mr. Brian L. Hart and Mrs. Kim Hart Mr. William H. Hoofnagle and Mrs. Johana K. Hoofnagle Mr. Thomas Horan and Mrs. Catherine Horan Mr. David Ingemie and Mrs. Nancy E. Ingemie Mr. Gordon Irons and Mrs. Tara A. Irons Mr. Thomas Judge and Mrs. Cynthia Judge Mr. Christian A. Kassis and Mrs. Julia D. Kassis Ms. Ruth Katz Mr. Douglas Kelly and Mrs. Lisa A. Kelly Mr. Francis Kenefick and Mrs. Susan Kenefick Mr. Jeffrey A. Ketron and Mrs. Teresa A. O. Ketron Kimberly-Clark Corporation Mr. John S. Kolodziej and Mrs. Sandra Kolodziej Mr. Theodore P. Kruczkowski and Mrs. Laura M. Kruczkowski Lieutenant Colonel James R. Kyte ‘92 and Dr. Jennifer J. Kyte Mrs. Kathleen Leffas and Mr. Patrick Leffas
sense the importance of the foundation that Paul VI has given me in terms of spirituality, academics, and relationships. By supporting PVI, I hope to help the school equip younger students with the same gifts I received. Of course Paul VI prepared me for the academic rigors of college, but the communal aspects of PVI have been an even greater help while making my transition to college life. College and the ‘real world’ can seem like a very vast and overwhelming place with many unfamiliar faces at times, but the community at PVI taught me what to look for in new, true friends and helped me find my niche in college. — Devon Zavacky ’19
Mr. Mark D. Lineberry and Mrs. Lissett Lineberry ‘95 Reverend Robert Mancini O.S.F.S. Mr. Ron Martel and Mrs. Eileen Martel Mr. Myron Maslowsky and Mrs. Eileen H. Maslowsky Mr. Michael H. Maslowsky ‘05 Mr. Timothy M. McConville and Mrs. Amy B. McConville Mr. Sean M. McGinn and Mrs. Mary D. McGinn Dr. Timothy J. McNiff and Mrs. Margaret McNiff Mr. Mark E. Mitchell and Dr. Mary A. Mitchell Mr. Michael O’Byrne and Mrs. Claudine O’Byrne Mr. Michael Orr and Ms. Kasey Miller Mr. Christopher G. Ostapovicz and Mrs. Ann Ostapovicz Mr. Guy A. Paolozzi and Mrs. Angie K. Paolozzi Dr. Edmond L. Paquette and Mrs. Teresa L. Paquette Mr. William B. Porter ‘88 and Mrs. Amy E. Porter Mr. Wallace M. Previ
Mr. Gerald J. Rankin and Mrs. Maria Rankin Mr. Alonso Revilla and Mrs. Carmen V. Butron-Revilla Mrs. Elizabeth Rhodes ‘96 and Mr. Nick Rhodes Mr. Jason R. Rutherford ‘92 and Mrs. Stacey Rutherford Mr. Michael Ryan and Mrs. Kimberly Ryan Mr. R. James Saylor ‘89 and Mrs. Deborah Saylor Mr. Phillip Sbarbaro and Mrs. Judith Sbarbaro Mr. Joseph Sebastian Mr. Alex J. Soltis ‘07 Mr. Jon Steen and Mrs. Meredith Steen Mr. Peter K. Stevenson and Mrs. Kathi A. Stevenson Mr. Matthew Sweeney and Mrs. Elizabeth A. Sweeney Mr. David A. Tan and Mrs. Chrystal A. Tan Mr. Trenton Tebbe and Mrs. Mary-Beth Tebbe Mr. Ronald J. Thomas and Mrs. Karen K. Thomas Tiffany & Co. Mr. Ken Traenkle and Mrs. Shelia Traenkle Mr. Carl S. Wang and Mrs. Joan M. Wang
Mr. James Weiskopf and Mrs. Kamay Weiskopf Mr. Dale R. Whitfield and Mrs. Kathryn Whitfield Ms. Alysha K. Wiegand ‘05 Mr. Norman Wilmans and Mrs. Patricia Wilmans Mr. Lawrence J. Wiltshire and Mrs. Nancy R. Wiltshire Mr. Edward F. Wonder and Mrs. Elizabeth C. Wonder Mr. Daniel F. Woodley ‘98 and Mrs. Nicole Woodley Mr. Kevin R. Woodley ‘01 and Mrs. Lauren A. Woodley ‘01 Mr. Jaewon Yoon and Ms. Jungin Jang Mr. John L. Zanelotti and Mrs. Linda Zanelotti
Gold & White ($250+) Anonymous (4) Mr. Syed Ahmed and Ms. Aarthi Rajasekaran Mr. John H. Alexander and Mrs. Mary B. Alexander Mrs. Marisa Y. Alonso Ahmadi ‘99 and Mr. AJ Ahmadi
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2018-2019 YEAR IN REVIEW July: PVI faculty and staff join Whiting-Turner, VMDO and Diocese representatives for a Topping Out Party to celebrate the substantial completion of the academic building structure of the new campus.
September: Paul VI has three Semifinalists and nine Commended Students in the National Merit Scholarship competition.
October: Field Hockey has their first home game and first varsity win in program history. Students and chaperones are present in St. Peter’s Square in Rome for the Canonization of Pope Paul VI.
November: The PVI Players present “Much Ado About Nothing.” Girls Volleyball wins the WCAC Championship. PVI Cheer wins Divisional high score/1st place, creative choreography and team best score at Cheer Starz competition.
January: Father Heet, PVI’s founding principal, is the co-celebrant for school-wide liturgy on the Feast of St. Francis de Sales. Model Judiciary competes at the Fairfax District Courthouse and is complimented for their articulate arguments and examination of witnesses.
February: PVI hosts 150 athletes for our 9th annual Special Olympics basketball clinic with 100 volunteers from PVI boys and girls basketball volunteering. 34
Mr. Edison P. Alvarez and Mrs. Jacqueline Alvarez Ms. Celeste Anderson Mr. Jonathan G. Baba and Mrs. Annie d. Baba Mr. Sean Bare and Mrs. Lisa Bare Reverend Nicholas R. Barnes ‘03 Mr. John Bell and Mrs. Melissa Bell Mr. Michael J. Blanchard ‘99 and Mrs. Jennifer Blanchard Mr. A. Hugo Blankingship and Mrs. Sally R. Blankingship Ms. Lisa Bradford Mr. Daniel Braun and Mrs. Michelle Braun Mr. Peter S. Brohoski and Mrs. Cynthia A. Brohoski Mr. R. Scott Brown and Mrs. Mary Beth Brown Mr. Timothy J. Brown ‘87 and Ms. Monica L. Mencini Mr. Chris Bruch Mr. James M. Burggraff and Mrs. Wanda L. Burggraff Mr. Ian P. Burns ‘91 and Mrs. Tara Burns Mr. Christopher J. Capen ‘99 Mr. Robin K. Capp and Mrs. Deborah W. Capp Mr. Timothy J. Caputy ‘08 and Mrs. Kiersten Caputy Mr. Frank V. Collier and Mrs. Karen Collier Mr. V. Javier Colmenares and Mrs. Alexandra Colmenares Commonwealth Race Management, LLC Mr. Charles Contardo and Mrs. Karen Contardo Mr. Berchmans P. Cotter ‘86 and Mrs. Julie Cotter Mr. Frederick S. Covert and Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Covert Mr. Glenn C. Creel and Mrs. Rita C. Creel Mr. Greg Crofford and Mrs. Heather Crofford Mr. Ralph Daley and Mrs. Mary E. Daley Mr. Geoffrey S. d’Alelio and Mrs. Kathryn S. d’Alelio Mr. Luke David Mr. Martin A. DeConcilis and Mrs. Kathleen R. DeConcilis Mr. Joseph F. DeNoyior and Mrs. Stacy Z. DeNoyior Mr. Luis Diaz and Mrs. Brooke Diaz Mrs. Carol C. Erhard Mrs. Patricia Evans Mr. Steven P. Fentress and Mrs. Tracy A. Fentress Mr. Steven J. Freschi and Mrs. Regina Freschi Mr. Glen Gaillard and Mrs. Nancy E. Gaillard Mr. Jerome C. Gallagher and Mrs. Mary M. Gallagher Mr. James M. Garrettson Colonel Christopher Giaimo Mr. Brandon L. Girmus ‘09 Mr. Timothy M. Graham and Mrs. Wendy K. Graham Mr. Keith W. Grange and Mrs. Arpita M. Grange Mrs. Allison M. Granstedt Mr. Stephen A. Hamer Mr. John F. Harder and Mrs. Ann M. Harder Mr. Joseph R. Hasto and Mrs. Christine A. Hasto Mr. Anthony Hebenstreit and Mrs. Anna Hebenstreit Mr. Montgomery Hill and Mrs. Michelle C. Hill Mr. James Hogan and Mrs. Jennifer Hogan
2 0 1 8 - 2 0 1 9 A N N UA L R E P ORT
Mr. James B. Holler and Mrs. Susan H. Holler Mr. Albert Johnson and Mrs. Anita Johnson Mr. John J. Kane and Mrs. Janice K. Kane Mr. Colum Kirk and Mrs. Gretel Kirk Mr. Christopher Lee and Mrs. Phyllis Lee Mr. Thomas J. Lindblad and Mrs. Diane M. Lindblad Mr. Glenn R. Madelmayer and Mrs. Loretta E. Madelmayer Mr. Joseph Madigan and Mrs. Evelyn Madigan Mrs. Amy M. Malouf ‘06 and Mr. Raymond Malouf Mr. Robert E. Mannion and Mrs. Sally M. Mannion Ms. Ana Maria Marron Ms. Michele M. McAllister ‘87 Mr. Eugene McCarthy and Mrs. Mandy McCarthy Mr. Frank J. McCarthy and Mrs. Maura C. McCarthy Mr. Timothy J. McCarthy and Mrs. Pamela C. McCarthy Ms. Gail D. McDonald Mr. Sean P. McGlone ‘88 Mr. Alfred J. Melanson and Mrs. Mary F. Melanson Lieutenant Colonel Thomas D. Miller and Lieutenant Colonel Pamela D. Miller Mr. James C. Mitchell and Mrs. Kathleen Mitchell Mr. Robert Morris and Mrs. Carissa Morris Mr. Matthew L. Mosqueda ‘88 and Mrs. Natalie Mosqueda Mr. Robert P. Mueller and Mrs. Madeleine F. Mueller Mr. Eric P. Murray Mr. Vincent A. Mustachio and Mrs. Jennifer C. Mustachio Network for Good Mr. Gregory P. Neubig and Mrs. Margaret M. Neubig Mr. John J. Nowadly and Ms. Kathleen G. Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. Sherman D. O’Brien Mr. Terence P. O’Connor Ms. Patricia M. Orfini ‘03 Mr. Jeff Packard and Mrs. Laleh Packard Mr. Michael Powers and Mrs. Celie M. Powers Mr. James Qurarantillo Ms. Kathleen K. Ralston ‘00 Mrs. Mariellen K. Ralston Hale ‘02 Mr. Sergio J. Ramirez and Mrs. Tracey J. A. Lewis-Ramirez Red Hat, Inc. Colonel Mark Revor and Mrs. Beth M. Revor ‘90 Mr. Douglas R. F. Roach ‘19 Mr. Victor S. Rosini and Mrs. Isabella Rosini Mr. Charles J. Roy and Mrs. Mollie D. Roy Reverend Stephen J. Schultz Mr. Bruce M. Scott and Mrs. Mary T. Scott Mr. Anthony T. Sheehan and Mrs. Sue B. Sheehan Mr. Steven F. Shervanick and Mrs. Paula E. Shervanick Mr. Richard G. Simpson and Mrs. Barbara Simpson Mr. Stephen Spizuoco and Mrs. Julie Spizuoco Mr. Gregory P. Sullivan and Mrs. Anne M. Sullivan Mr. David N. Talton and Mrs. Amy Talton Mr. EJ Thomas and Mrs. Pam Thomas
Mr. Michael D. Thompson and Mrs. Katherine A. Thompson ‘89 Mr. Ricardo Trinidad and Mrs. Amy Trinidad Mr. Edwin Veazey and Mrs. Kristin Veazey Veratech Services Mr. John A. Wagner and Mrs. Joyce Wagner Mr. Donald Wallace and Mrs. Cynthia Wallace Mr. Thomas R. Wiedemer and Mrs. Anne Marie Wiedemer Mr. William D. Wiltgen Zeta Associates
Honor Roll ($100+) Anonymous (3) Mr. Edward S. Adams and Mrs. Patricia K. Adams Mr. Daniel E. Adamson ‘90 and Mrs. Melissa K. Adamson Mr. Edgar Adamson and Mrs. MaryAnn Adamson Mr. David L. Agostini and Mrs. Nancy S. Agostini Ms. Kristine Albrittain Mr. John R. Aldonas and Mrs. Elizabeth M. Aldonas Ms. Peg M. Alessi ‘90 Mr. Thomas B. Almy and Mrs. Kathleen M. Almy AmazonSmile Foundation Mr. Alipio Anastacio and Mrs. Angelique Anastacio Mrs. Susan A. Anderson ‘03 and Mr. Timothy Anderson Mr. Mark Angelus and Mrs. Beth B. Angelus Mr. Vincent Antignano and Mrs. Kristy H. Antignano Mr. William Antonelli Mr. Michael D. Appleton and Mrs. Jennifer C. Appleton Mr. Mark Arban and Mrs. Joan Arban Mr. Roger Ashooh and Mrs. Elizabeth Ashooh Mr. John E. Bagnulo and Mrs. Martha A. Bagnulo Mr. Rhoderick V. Balot and Mrs. Fatima L. Balot Mr. Stephen J. Banta and Mrs. Parastoo R. Athari-Banta Ms. Hely Barnes Mrs. Sheila C. Barnett ‘03 and Mr. Kevin Barnett Mr. Eric Barron and Mrs. Kathleen Barron Mrs. JoAnne Barron Mr. Patrick Barron and Mrs. Susan Barron Mr. Timothy Battle and Mrs. Lonnell Battle Mr. Cliff Baum and Mrs. Catherine Baum Mr. William J. Becker and Mrs. Anita S. Becker Mr. M. Butler Bennett Mr. Scott A. Bennett and Mrs. Kristen A. Bennett Mr. Ryan C. Berry and Mrs. Jill M. Berry Mr. Jeff Bladek Dr. Steven B. Blanchard and Mrs. Jane Blanchard Mr. Ralph S. Blascovich and Mrs. Kristen L. Blascovich Mr. Victor Blatnik and Mrs. Rose Marie Blatnik Mr. James Brandow and Mrs. Anne Marie Brandow Mr. Gregory J. Branic and Mrs. Kimberly A. Branic Bright Funds
Mr. Mark E. Brogley and Mrs. Kimberly A. Brogley Mr. Daniel L. Brosnan ‘05 Mr. Theophil J. Bruce and Mrs. Virgina Bruce Mrs. Jane Bruno and Mr. Christopher Bruno Bruno & Degenhardt Mrs. Lisa Buchanan ‘96 and Mr. Andrew Buchanan Mr. Erik J. Burgos and Mrs. Cecilia M. Burgos Mr. Loel Callahan and Mrs. Leigh Callahan Mr. Leon B. Cameron and Mrs. Laura Cameron Mr. Matthew E. Candy and Mrs. Jennifer A. Candy Mr. Carlton Carter and Mrs. Annette Carter Mr. Bradley A. Casper and Mrs. Kay M. Casper Mr. Richard Cecka Dr. Beatriz H. Chanduvi Mr. James S. Chang and Mrs. Lee Chang Mr. James J. Check and Mrs. Monica A. Check Mr. John Chester and Mrs. Anne Marie Chester Mr. David J. Cho and Mrs. Courtnie S. Cho Mr. Daniel S. Ciatti ‘89 and Mrs. Catherine M. Ciatti Mr. Paul M. Ciatti and Mrs. Nancy C. Ciatti Mrs. Susan M. Clark Mr. James R. Clark ‘19 Mr. Charles Clavelli and Mrs. Melissa Clavelli Mr. John Clinton and Mrs. Mary Clinton Mr. Carl A. S. Coan Mr. Louis Cohen Mr. Lawrence Colby and Mrs. Jodi Colby The Honorable Karen Conlin and Mr. Sean Conlin Mr. Stanley A. Cook
Mr. John E. Cooper and Mrs. Sandra A. Cooper Mr. James Coritz and Mrs. Trish Coritz Mr. Robert M. Cornejo and Mrs. Elizabeth P. Cornejo Mr. Zachary M. Costello ‘07 and Mrs. Casey K. Costello ‘07 Mr. Andrew Cripe and Mrs. Patricia Cripe Mr. John K. Cunniff and Dr. Laura C. Cunniff Mr. Gerald David Mr. Kenneth Davis Mr. John F. Degrasse Mr. Allen Deitz and Mrs. Jennifer Deitz Ms. Mary C. Desmarais ‘06 Mr. Timothy Devanney The Hon. Thomas DiGirolamo and Mrs. Jane DiGirolamo Mr. James Dion and Mrs. Seleni Matus Dion Mr. Walter Dobranski and Mrs. Jane Dobranski Mr. Kenneth S. Dolan and Mrs. Katherine A. Dolan Mrs. Kerry A. Drummond ‘92 and Mr. Daniel Drummond Mr. Casey D. Duffy Ms. Jean R. Duffy Mr. Thomas J. Duncan and Mrs. Frances S. Duncan Mr. William F. Durham Mr. Michael D. Eisenberg and Mrs. Maria D. Eisenberg Mr. Clyde S. Eisner and Mrs. Norma J. Eisner Mr. Gary Eisner and Mrs. Jennifer Eisner Ms. Joan Elfeld Ms. Diane Elliott Mr. William M. Ellis and Mrs. Lisa M. Ellis Mr. David M. Ellis ‘89 and Mrs. Anji D. B. Ellis Mr. Mark Elszy and Mrs. Maria Elszy
Mr. William Emerson and Mrs. Lisa Emerson Ms. Rosa Espina Mr. Kenneth E. Eyerman and Mrs. Julie A. Eyerman Ms. Noreen Fabean Mr. Michael A. Ferraro and Mrs. Ann M. Ferraro Deacon William F. Finnegan and Mrs. Diane S. Finnegan Mr. Laurence F. Fitzgerald and Mrs. Joan Fitzgerald Mr. Brian Flannery and Mrs. Kristine Flannery Mr. William Flannery Mr. Fernando Flores and Mrs. Marcela Flores Mr. Kevin M. Ford ‘07 and Mrs. Imani A. Ford ‘06 Mr. Eric G. Francis and Mrs. Martine A. Francis Freddie Mac Foundation Ms. Alexis G. Furgal ‘19 Mr. Sean Gagen and Mrs. Jennifer Laudano Gagen Mrs. Sarah E. Gardner ‘07 and Mr. Matthew Gardner Mr. Christopher J. Giaimo ‘87 and Mrs. Kimberly A. Giaimo ‘87 Mr. Sean M. Gibbons ‘87 and Mrs. Carolyn Gibbons Mrs. Bernice M. Gillespie ‘86 and Mr. Daniel Gillespie Mr. Phil Gillespie and Mrs. Carol Gillespie Mr. John M. Gilligan and Mrs. Deborah C. Gilligan Mr. Bret A. Giuliani Mr. Mack W. Graham and Mrs. Lillian G. Graham Mr. Gerard Grealish and Mrs. Ellen Grealish Mr. Gary B. Greene and Mrs. Marilyn M. Greene
Mr. Paul Grepps and Mrs. Lisa Grepps Captain James B. Groff and Mrs. Elizabeth Groff Mr. Conrad E. Grundlehner and Dr. Marietta G. Grundlehner Ms. Deborah H. Guiffre Mr. Sean Hallett Ms. Molly L. Hamer ‘19 Captain John J. Hammerer and Mrs. Nancy Hammerer Mr. William J. Harrigan and Mrs. Doreen J. Harrigan Mr. John Hart and Mrs. Margaret L. Hart Ms. Erin Hastick Ms. Riley C. Hayden ‘19 Mr. Kevin S. Heath and Mrs. Patricia H. Heath Mr. Mark Heifferon and Mrs. Theresa Heifferon Ms. Kimberly Helms Dr. Jesus Henson and Dr. Maricarmen Vendrell-Henson Mr. Stan Hines and Mrs. Teddi Hines Mr. Michael J. Hoess and Mrs. Lisa Z. Hoess Mr. Timothy J. Hogan and Mrs. Priscilla J. Hogan Mrs. Stacy Hopwood Mrs. Annette Houston Mr. Gerald Hrastar and Mrs. Mary Hrastar Mr. Willard J. Humphries ‘10 Mr. Robert W. Hunter and Mrs. Mary Anne Hunter Mr. James Hutchison and Mrs. Judy Kay Hutchison Mr. Robert Irlan and Mrs. Robin Irlan Mr. James E. Jones and Mrs. Diana M. Jones Mr. Mark D. Jones and Mrs. Tania Jones Mr. Peter Jones and Mrs. Danielle Jones Mrs. Bernadette G. Judge
Fund for Paul VI Committee 2018-2019 Thank you to the following individuals who served on the Fund for Paul VI Committee for the 2018-2019 fiscal year. Your efforts were instrumental in achieving our goals for the Annual Fund and you helped us have a record-setting year. Laura Brockwell P ’16
Why I Support PVI
Ann Desmarais ’08 James Kyte ’92, P ’18, ’21
Donna Prosser Thomas ’94
Jeffrey Ketron P ’19, ’21
It is so important in today's world to put
Ed Nuttall P ’21
God first. PVI strives to instill that in each
Charlie Riceman ’87
student every single day. Their faith is truly strengthened from the daily witness they
Diana Ricciardi ’08
receive from fellow classmates, teachers,
Alex Soltis ’07
and staff. I am grateful that my parents
Bill Rouck ’89, P ’19, ’20 Donna Thomas ’94, P ’20, ’23
chose to send me to PVI. It is because of Donna Prosser Thomas ’94, pictured with Cora ’20, Dillon ’23, Cayla ’24, Derek ’26, Cody ’27, Deanna ’28, Christopher ’31, Dayna ’32, and Catherine ’35
their sacrifice that I am doing the same for my children.
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March: Girls Basketball wins the VISAA Championship for the 13th year in a row. PVI Dance finishes 5th in the nation in Small Varsity Pom division and 13th in Small Varsity Jazz in the Contest of Champions National Dance Championship held in Disney World. Paul VI earns the first College Board AP Computer Science Female Diversity Award for expanding girls’ access in AP Computer Science courses. The founding families of the Paul VI Options program are honored at the Shamrock and Roll Benefit Auction and Dinner.
April: The PVI Players present “Brigadoon.” Our first class of Salesian Scholars present independent research at the first Salesian Academy Awards night. PVI students and chaperones travel on a pilgrimage to Portugal, Spain and France, including Fatima and Lourdes.
May: 150 students who served as peer mentors are recognized at the annual Peer Mentor Breakfast. The PVI Choir sing at the Crypt Church of the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in two Masses that were aired for the “TV Mass for Shut-ins” ministry. Girls Track & Field wins the Virginia Catholic Track & Field Championship for the 5th year in a row. Nine students are recognized by the National Catholic Band Association.
June: 222 seniors from the Class of 2019 become alumni as they receive their diplomas at graduation. The class was offered over 20 million dollars in college scholarship offers.
Mr. Thierry Jugnet and Mrs. Monica Jugnet Mr. Abhimanyu Kapil and Mrs. Pamela Dsa Mr. Charles Kapur ‘95 and Mrs. Shalini Kapur Dr. Stephen T. Kapushoc and Mrs. Heather C. Kapushoc Ms. Maria I. Kelly Mr. Michael Kelso and Mrs. Candice Kelso Mr. Patrick Keough Mr. Kevin E. Kiley ‘99 Ms. Maureen M. Kiley ‘99 Mr. Roger G. Kiper and Mrs. M. Elise Kiper Mr. Gary Kocis and Dr. Rose Kocis Mr. Krzysztof Kupczak and Mrs. Jadwiga Kupczak Mr. Michael Lachowicz and Mrs. Wendy Lachowicz Mr. Richard LaFrance and Mrs. Jean LaFrance Mr. Kevin Lander and Mrs. Lisa Lander Mr. Matthew LeClercq and Mrs. Diane LeClercq Mr. Andrew Lee and Mrs. Rachel Korpan Lee Dr. David Lee and Mrs. Melanie W. Lee Mr. Gen L. C. Lee and Mrs. Stephanie Lee Mr. Herbert Lieberman and Mrs. Geraldine S. Lieberman Mr. Romulo Lindo and Mrs. Teresita Lindo Mr. Robert J. Lloyd and Mrs. Margaret O. Lloyd Mr. Walter Locke and Mrs. Rosemary Locke Ms. Adeline Loftus Mr. Alexander K. Lopes and Mrs. Maureen A. Lopes Mrs. Niamh M. Lowry Mr. Michael P. Ludwick ‘87 and Mrs. M. Suzanne Ludwick ‘87 Ms. Jennifer Lum Mr. Paul-Anthony L. Magadia and Dr. Caroline M. Tan Mr. Paul R. Mamros and Mrs. Nancy K. Mamros Mr. Carmine Mandarino and Mrs. Annmarie Mandarino Mrs. Concepcion Mangilit Mr. Robert E. Mannion ‘88 and Mrs. Amy L. Mannion Mr. Frank P. Maresca ‘87 and Mrs. Carol Maresca Ms. Bernadette Margin Mr. Michael T. Marshall and Mrs. Kristen M. Marshall Mr. James Masiello and Mrs. Tanya Masiello Mr. Corey Maso and Mrs. Megan E. Maso ‘94 Mr. Maher Massis and Dr. Arwa Zeineh Mr. Patrick X. Matheny and Mrs. Laura C. Matheny Mrs. Fran McArdle Mrs. Mary McAteer Captain James T. McCormick and Mrs. Mary H. McCormick Mrs. Frances R. McGlone and Captain John C. McGlone Ms. Julianne M. McHenry ‘19 Mr. Robert F. McLaughlin and Mrs. Monika McLaughlin Mr. Larry McLaury and Mrs. Janice McLaury Mr. Michael F. McMenamin ‘08 and Mrs. Mary McMenamin Mr. William Mead and Mrs. Jennifer Mead Ms. Nichole M. Merrill ‘07 and Mr. Samuel Merrill Ms. Michele Meyer-Shipp
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Mr. Art Miranda and Dr. Francis Miranda Mr. Joseph A. Miranda and Mrs. Esperanza Miranda Mr. Kevin S. Mitchell and Mrs. Jenny Mitchell Mr. Christopher Mixter Mr. Lawrence E. Moore and Mrs. Marianne T. Moore Mr. Walter Moore and Mrs. Linda Moore Mr. Charles Morris Mrs. Bridget C. Murphy Mr. James Myers and Mrs. Judy Myers Mr. F. Haywood Nelms Mr. Thomas A. Nickle and Mrs. Isabel Nickle Mr. John G. Noory and Mrs. Amy F. Noory Northrop Grumman Foundation Employee Matching Gifts for Education Mr. Davis R. O’Brien ‘05 Mr. Daniel O’Byrne and Mrs. Barbara O’Byrne Mr. Ryan J. O’Connor ‘15 Mr. Michael T. O’Donnell Jr. and Mrs. Meghan O’Donnell Ms. Kathleen O’Grady Mr. Fernando Olivencia and Mrs. Edna Olivencia Mr. Daniel J. O’Malley and Mrs. Daliah R. Korsun-O’Malley Mr. Marcus Ordonez and Mrs. Sandra Ordonez Mr. Carlos H. Ortega and Ms. Alicia J. Palmer Mr. Paul J. Ottariano and Mrs. Colleen J. Ottariano Mr. Michael L. Owen and Mrs. Kara P. Owen Ms. Madeleine G. Owen ‘19 Mr. George Paine and Mrs. Linda Paine Ms. Viltis M. Palubinskas ‘09 Mr. William Paniszczyn and Mrs. Ann R. Paniszczyn Mr. Nathan P. Paolozzi ‘19 Mr. Joseph Paratore and Mrs. Kim Paratore Mr. Prakash Patel and Mrs. Bhavana Patel Mr. Anthony L. Pease and Mrs. Nancy E. Pease Mr. Gerald D. Pelano and Mrs. Pamela Pelano Mr. John L. Perry and Mrs. Tracy A. Perry Mr. Jeffrey D. Philippart and Mrs. Erin E. Philippart Mr. Dennis Philippart and Mrs. Gail Philippart Mr. Edward A. Pogreba and Mrs. Dawn E. Pogreba Mr. Ronald E. Pompei and Mrs. Pauline Pompei Mr. Nicholas S. Poole ‘19 Mr. Thomas F. Previ and Mrs. Cheryl S. Previ Ms. Anne Price Ms. Sara Prince Mr. Stephen A. Prince and Mrs. Leslie A. Prince Mr. Keith W. Principe ‘86 and Ms. Margret Sibilla Progressive Insurance Foundation Mr. Matthew A. Quintana and Mrs. Theresa L. Quintana Mr. Nicholas Raico and Mrs. Shirley Raico Mrs. Allison M. Ramirez ‘03 Mr. James Rannazzisi and Mrs. Barbara Rannazzisi Mr. Bernard P. Reca Mr. Dante Reyes Mr. Charles A. Richardson
Mr. Michael Rickard and Mrs. Kathleen K. Rickard Mrs. Maura E. Rickman ‘86 and Mr. Michael Rickman Mr. Mark Rienzi and Mrs. Edna Rienzi Mr. Roger Rionda Mr. John J. Rish ‘86 and Mrs. Stephanie Rish Mr. Joseph Rissing and Mrs. Susan Rissing Mr. Darren D. Rittenhouse and Mrs. Pamela P. Rittenhouse Dr. Philip Robey Mr. William H. Robinette and Mrs. Hanna A. Robinette Mr. Harry Robinson and Mrs. Mary Ann Robinson Mr. Jorge A. Rodriguez and Mrs. Karina Rodriguez Mrs. Patricia H. Rodriguez Mr. Kevin S. Rohan and Mrs. Debra Rohan Mr. Alexander Romero and Mrs. Allison Romero Mr. Renato Romero and Mrs. Carla G. Romero Mr. Richard Rouck Mr. Kevin Ruyle and Mrs. Robin Ruyle Mr. Peter Sabia and Mrs. Ricki Sabia Mr. John M. Sample and Mrs. Diane M. Sample Mr. Ruben Sanchez and Mrs. Viveka Sanchez Mr. Guy F. Sapienza and Mrs. Judith Sapienza Mr. Werner Schaer and Mrs. Marisa Schaer Mr. Don Schieffer and Mrs. Katherine Schieffer Mr. William E. Schinkel Ms. Amy Schlanger Mr. Patrick D. Scholl and Mrs. Margaret B. Scholl Mr. Mark F. Schraml and Mrs. Janine Bruhn-Schraml Mr. Paul D. Sechser and Ms. Deborah M. Sechser Mr. Dale M. Shaw and Mrs. Christina N. Shaw Mr. Michael H. Sherman and Mrs. Theresa A. Sherman Mrs. Julia Shervanick Ms. Kristin R. Siebenaler ‘88 and Mr. Rob Van Arnam Mr. Irving Siegel and Mrs. Gladys Siegel Mr. Robert Skrab and Mrs. Sally Skrab Mr. James G. Slater and Mrs. Kimberly Singleton-Slater Mr. Brian Sloboda and Mrs. Sami Sloboda Mrs. Melissa B. Smith Mr. Richard L. Smith Mr. Adam W. Smith and Mrs. Allison Smith Mr. Robert J. Smith and Mrs. Michelle Smith Mr. Spyridon Sotirchos and Mrs. Susanne Sotirchos Mr. Mark A. Sportack and Mrs. Karen J. Sportack Mrs. Ida Sterns Fritsche Ms. Susan Stinson Ms. Eleanor Storage Ms. Elizabeth Sullivan Mr. Richard F. Sweeney and Mrs. Richelle L. Sweeney Mr. Neal E. Swientisky and Mrs. Donna Z. Swientisky Mr. Jesse Tacogue and Mrs. Carey Tacogue Mr. Everett Taylor and Mrs. Karen Taylor Mr. Bejoy Thomas and Ms. Bincy Baby
Mr. Cliff Thomas and Mrs. Donna Thomas ‘94 Mrs. Betty L. Thompson Mr. Paul T. Thurneysen and Mrs. Shirley A. Thurneysen Lieutenant Commander Marc B. Tinaz ‘88 Mrs. Kathleen E. Tinsley ‘02 and Mr. Clifton Tinsley Mr. Daniel J. Townsend and Mrs. Eileen D. Townsend Mr. Robert Tranbarger and Mrs. Brenda Tranbarger Mr. John A. Turner and Dr. Jeanine W. Turner UBS Mr. Kevin J. Wagner ‘90 and Mrs. Jennifer Wagner Mr. Kevin P. Walsh ‘89 and Mrs. Carrie Walsh Mrs. Pamela Ward and Mr. James Ward Mr. Christopher A. Warren and Mrs. Susan C. Warren Mr. Keith Webster and Mrs. Katherine Webster Mr. Brendan C. Wells ‘98 Mr. Justin Wheeler and Mrs. Betsy Wheeler Mr. Barry Wickersham and Mrs. Ann Wickersham Ms. Mary Kate Wiedemer ‘12 Mr. James R. Wilmans ‘87 and Mrs. Trisha A. Wilmans Mr. Craig S. Wingo and Mrs. Betty Lou Wingo Mr. Graham Wootten Mr. Robert S. Workman Mr. Vladimir D. Zajic and Mrs. Etta K. Zajic Mr. Andrew M. Zaso and Mrs. Irene M. Zaso Mr. Devon M. Zavacky ‘19
Friends (Up to $99) Anonymous (5) Ms. Swappna Abraham and Mr. Sojan Alex Mrs. Lyn Adams Mr. Steven D. Adamson ‘17 Ms. Rosemary Adler Ms. Lauren M. Albence ‘21 Ms. Janet Alejandro Mr. J. Ferrell Alexander and Mrs. Shelia Alexander Mr. Albert P. Andrade and Mrs. Veera S. Andrade Mr. Cliff Andrews and Mrs. Sandra Andrews Mr. David M. Aponte ‘21 Mr. Edison Aponte and Mrs. Dawn Aponte Mr. Nathaniel M. Aponte ‘21 Mr. Ruwan Arseculeratne and Mrs. Cristin Arseculeratne Mr. Christopher J. Bacon ‘08 and Mrs. Katherine M. Bacon ‘08 Mr. David E. Bailey and Mrs. MaryLynn Bailey Mr. Kenneth R. Baine Ms. Marianne Baker Mr. Stephen Barnes and Mrs. Monica Barnes Mr. Philip M. Baskerville Mr. Norven T. Baskerville and Mrs. Rosalyn Baskerville Mr. Mark Baxter and Mrs. Susanne Baxter Miss Meghann E. Beamer ‘09 Mr. Gregory Beckwith and Mrs. Jennifer A. Beckwith Mr. Carl L. Bell and Mrs. Janet M. Bell Mr. Eddy Bell and Mrs. Jean Bell
Ms. Nila Benton Mr. Brian Bentzen Mr. Bruce Berry and Mrs. Margaret E. Berry Ms. Valerie Bess Ms. Dolores M. Bess Mrs. Christine E. Bishop ‘93 and Mr. Arthur H. Bishop Mr. Alexander H. Blankingship and Mrs. Teresa A. Blankingship Ms. Hope G. Blevins Ms. Carol R. Bley Mr. Ralph F. Bochsler and Mrs. Louise Bochsler Ms. Amanda M. Bohn ‘19 Mr. Bennet M. Bolton and Mrs. Ona A. Bolton Mr. Joseph Boyle and Mrs. Kelly Boyle Ms. Angela L. Bozik ‘15 Ms. Phyllis A. Brandoin Mr. Christopher Brasco and Mrs. Katherine Brasco Mr. Paul Braun and Mrs. Mary Braun Mrs. Margaret G. Brinker ‘93 and Mr. Michael Brinker Mr. Christopher M. Bruno ‘02 and Dr. Kimberly A. Bruno Ms. Helen J. Brutsman Mr. James L. Buchanan and Mrs. Nancy P. Buchanan Mr. Robert B. Burke and Mrs. Maureen E. Burke Mr. John Calopietro and Mrs. Nicole A. Adkinson-Calopietro Ms. Elba Campagna Mr. Arnold Campbell and Mrs. Marcia Campbell Mr. Hugh M. Cannon ‘95 and Mrs. Amy Cannon Carlos H. Monsalve, DDS, PC Ms. Joan Carroll-Rumrill Ms. Svetlana R. Carter Mr. Arturo Castro and Mrs. Lizette Castro Mr. Brian J. Catts and Mrs. Mary F. Catts Mr. John D. Caulfield ‘19 Mrs. Ann Cervino Ms. Jennifer L. Chan ‘19 Ms. Martha Chang Ms. Shannon Chang Mr. Patrick Chisholm and Mrs. Cathy Chisholm Mr. Ted Cochrane and Mrs. Mary Jane Cochrane Mr. Charles E. Collier and Mrs. Julia K. Collier Mr. Ryan W. Colwell ‘97 and Mrs. Melinda J. Colwell Mr. Lawrence Cosgriff and Mrs. Lisa Cosgriff Mr. Shawn Costigan and Mrs. Bridget Costigan Ms. Linda Cotton Ms. Katherine A. Covino ‘08 Mr. Allen Cox and Mrs. Mary Cox Ms. Barbara A. Cox Mr. Joseph Coyne Mr. Dwayne E. Craft and Mrs. Amy L. Craft Ms. Kimberly J. Creel ‘19 Ms. Adriana Cristofari ‘19 Mr. Scott H. Crizer and Mrs. Marie B. Crizer Mr. Thomas Darisse and Mrs. Hazel Darisse Mr. Joe Darling and Mrs. Julia Darling Colonel William A. Davidson and Mrs. Marie R. T. Davidson Ms. Judy Davis Mr. Thomas E. Davis and Mrs. Dawn V. Davis
Mr. Joseph M. Davis and Mrs. Marlene P. Davis Ms. Tara M. Davis Mr. Mark R. Davoren Mr. Michael Davoren Ms. Janet L. Day Mr. Paul Decareau Mr. Robert R. DeSilva ‘07 and Mrs. Andrea DeSilva Ms. Ann M. Desmarais ‘08 Mr. Shailesh Devkaran and Mrs. Reshma Devkaran Mr. Frank DiBartolomeo and Mrs. Elaine M. DiBartolomeo Mr. Nicholas M. DiGregory and Mrs. Jenny DiGregory Mr. Edward B. Donohue and Ms. Jo Ellen Milkovits Mr. William Doyle and Mrs. Mary Doyle Ms. Christine Drabick Mr. Stanley Dreyer and Mrs. Sharron Dreyer Mr. Sean E. Dunbar and Mrs. Debra L. Dunbar Ms. Alexandra Dunn Mrs. Jean Dunnigan Ms. Mary Dwyer Ms. Makaela L. Edmonds ‘19 Mr. Steven Elena ‘93 and Mrs. Joanne Elena Ms. Barbara Elfeld Mr. Steven Emery and Mrs. Elizabeth Emery Mr. Vasily I. Epatko and Mrs. Mary Epatko Mr. Mark E. Euler and Mrs. Jane H. Euler Ms. Dawn Fabean Fannie Mae Mr. Jesus Fernandez and Mrs. Sara Fernandez Mr. Remigio P. Ferrara and Mrs. Joy N. Ferrara Mr. Kevin C. P. Fitzpatrick and Mrs. Karen C. D. Fitzpatrick Mrs. Anne Flannery Mr. Matteo Fontana and Mrs. Ana M. Londono Fontanta Mr. Chris Ford and Ms. Marion Price Ms. Kelly Ford Ms. Tracey Ford Ms. Elizabeth F. Fraser ‘93 and Mr. Doug Fraser Ms. Karen T. Freelove Ms. Dianne Frye Mr. Dwayne Frye Mr. Richard Frye Mrs. Marie C. Gabl ‘99 and Mr. Tom Gabl Mr. Terrance Gallagher ‘95 Ms. Mary Julianna Gallagher ‘11 Mr. Ben Gammon Mr. Matthew W. Garber and Mrs. Christina S. Garber Mr. William S. Gaskins and Mrs. Allison Y. Gaskins Ms. Grace Gatti Ms. Connie Gatto Mr. Kevin J. Gaughan and Mrs. Joanne M. Gaughan Mr. Erik S. Geho and Ms. Christy M. Slifkey Ms. Terry A. Geier and Mr. Raymond J. Geier
Mr. John Gibb and Mrs. Lisa Gibb Ms. Jean Gigliotti Mr. Thomas E. Gillman and Mrs. Mary M. Gillman Mr. Anthony Gledhill and Mrs. Dina Gledhill Mr. Chris Gohrband and Mrs. Natalie Gohrband Ms. Sydney E. Greco ‘19 Ms. Barbara Green Mr. Michael S. Gremillion and Mrs. Stacy M. Gremillion Mr. James M. Grimes and Mrs. Susan E. Grimes Mr. Daniel E. Grimm ‘93 and Mrs. Luisa E. Grimm ‘93 Mr. Richard Groller and Mrs. Cynthia Groller Ms. Andrea Gross Mr. Donald Gross and Mrs. Anne Henry-Gross Ms. Megan E. Guiffre ‘19 Mrs. Donna Gustave Ms. Michelle Hadad ‘19 Miss Mary P. Hamburger ‘02 Mrs. Allison M. Hamilton ‘86 and Mr. George Hamilton Mr. John L. Hamrick ‘19 Mr. Gage E. Handy and Mrs. Carmen J. Handy Ms. Megan A. Harder ‘19 Mr. Michael Hargadon and Mrs. Hope Hargadon Mrs. Cindi Harkes Ms. Barbara J. Harmon Ms. Maryann Harrigan Mr. Daniel Harris and Mrs. Peggy Harris Harris Foundation Mr. Kevin P. Hart and Mrs. Kathleen M. Hart Mr. Richard A. Hayden and Mrs. Lynn F. Hayden Ms. Maureen Hearns Mr. Rupert B. Helms and Mrs. Elizabeth B. Helms Ms. Victoria A. Henderson ‘86 Ms. Linda Herman Mr. Eduardo Herrera and Mrs. Colleen Herrera Mr. Eduardo Hilario and Mrs. Erika Hilario Ms. Sara E. Hill Mr. Christopher W. Hines ‘08 Mr. J. Thomas Hines and Mrs. Judith K. Hines Mr. Alexander T. Horan ‘19 Mr. Charles Hornick and Mrs. Heather Hornick Mr. Charles Hornick and Mrs. Betty Ann Hornick Mr. Daniel Hughes and Mrs. Sharon Hughes Mr. Jeffrey W. Hummel and Mrs. Katherine C. Hummel Ms. Jane Hunt Mr. Michael S. Hunter and Mrs. Kathleen M. Hunter Mr. Matthew J. Hurwitz ‘19 Mr. Drewry B. Hutcheson Mr. John J. Hyland and Mrs. Sandra S. Hyland
Did You Know? The Class of 1986 (our first graduating class) and 2019 (our most recent graduating class) had the highest alumni participation rates. S t. P A U L V I C A T H O L I C H I G H S C H O O L
Mr. Robert E. Ingalls and Mrs. Colleen Ingalls Mr. Gilberto Irizarry and Mrs. Frances Irizarry Mr. Michael Jans and Mrs. Mary Jans Mr. Sherrod T. Jefferson Mr. Paul Jelcic and Mrs. Theresa Jelcic Mr. Kenneth B. Johnson and Mrs. Barbara K. Johnson Mrs. Jennifer Jones ‘87 and Mr. Colin Jones Ms. Julianne Jones Ms. Meghan A. Judge Ms. Michelle Kam Mr. Joseph Kanyan and Mrs. Virginia Kanyan Mr. John Karas and Mrs. Kelly Karas Mr. Etienne Karekezi and Mrs. Henriette Karekezi Ms. Joan Katz Mr. Herbert Kaufer and Mrs. Lauren Kaufer Mr. Jonathan Keating and Mrs. Jennifer Keating ‘92 Ms. Leslie Keating Mr. Michael J. Keenan and Mrs. Elizabeth S. Keenan Mr. Patrick J. Keenan and Mrs. Bonnie S. Keenan Ms. Margaret Keenan Mr. William E. Kelly and Mrs. Janet R. Kelly Mr. Christopher Kelly and Mrs. Colleen A. Kelly Ms. Sandy Kensinger Mrs. Mary E. Kerley ‘88 and Mr. Patrick Kerley Ms. Rosemary J. Ketron ‘19 Mr. Eli Kim Mr. Ellis Kim and Mrs. Patty Kim Mr. Jihoon Kim Ms. Jullie Kim Ms. Whitney E. Kiper ‘10 Mr. Jonathan F. Kloc ‘88 and Mrs. Christina Kloc ‘87 Mr. Mark A. Koebke and Mrs. Lynn Koebke Mr. Russell Koetz Mr. John L. Kosut and Ms. Sandra Mobley Mr. Darryl D. Krolicki and Mrs. Joyce E. Krolicki Mr. Francis Kunzwiler and Mrs. Karen Kunzwiler Mr. C. Oliver Kyte and Mrs. Dawn L. Kyte Mr. Alexander J. Lamb ‘19 Mr. Darrell LaRoche and Mrs. Linda LaRoche Mr. Apolonio Latar Mrs. Karleen L. Lawson ‘08 and Mr. Kyle Lawson Mr. Aidan B. Ledell ‘19 Mr. Jonathan D. Lee and Mrs. Belinda R. Lee Mr. John E. Lemm and Mrs. Susan E. Lemm Ms. Dana R. Lindblad ‘09 Mr. Bennett G. Lloyd ‘13 Mr. Thomas Logan and Ms. Laurie Logan Mr. Joseph Lucas and Mrs. Bernadette Lucas Mr. Stephen D. Ludwig and Mrs. Tamara L. Ludwig Mr. Catalin M. Lupu and Mrs. Claudia M. Lupu Ms. Grace C. Lyons ‘19 Ms. Elizabeth MacDonald Mr. Ryan C. Madden and Mrs. Emily A. Madden Mr. James C. Maguire and Mrs. Donna Maguire Ms. Ann B. Maichak Mr. James Maloy and Mrs. Rosalyn Maloy 38
Mr. Lawrence D. Mangin and Mrs. Susan A. Mangin Mr. Conrad Manlapaz and Mrs. Jazmin Manlapaz Mr. Gary W. Marsengill and Mrs. Lori W. Marsengill Mr. David Marshalonis ‘91 and Mrs. Suzanne Marshalonis Ms. Chloe E. Martin ‘19 Mrs. Meaghan K. Martin ‘98 and Mr. James Martin Mrs. Rosalila Mastriano Mr. William B. McCool and Mrs. Yolanda Y. McCool Mrs. LaVerne M. McDonald Mr. Charles M. McGarr ‘96 and Mrs. Kristen M. McGarr ‘98 Mrs. Karen L. McGirk ‘88 Mr. Matthew J. McGroarty ‘10 and Mrs. Jessica C. McGroarty ‘12 Mr. Robert G. McLean ‘86 Mrs. Katherine C. McLellan ‘00 and Mr. Shaun McLellan Mr. Justin McNaull and Mrs. Rebecca McNaull Mr. David Mead and Mrs. Sheila Mead Mr. Daniel Meadows and Mrs. Jennifer Meadows Mr. Brendan T. Melody and Mrs. Mary Ann T. Melody Mr. Christopher P. Melton and Mrs. Leslie D. Melton Ms. Lisa A. Merrill Mr. Herman Meyer and Mrs. Patricia Meyer Ms. Edith C. Meyerhoff and Mr. Donald Meyerhoff Mr. Gary Meyers and Mrs. Darlene M. Meyers Mr. William Meyers and Mrs. Jane A. Meyers Mr. Thomas M. Mihich and Mrs. Kathleen A. Mihich Mr. Bryan K. Miller and Mrs. Kerrie K. Miller Ms. Megan Molloy ‘96 Ms. Laura M. Moore ‘19 Mr. Mark Morey and Mrs. Karen Morey Mr. Richard L. Morrow Jr. Ms. Josee Mukamwiza Mr. Jeff J. Mullen and Dr. Sage Bolte-Mullen Mr. Larry Murphy and Mrs. Eileen Murphy Ms. Catherine A. Murphy ‘09 Mr. Kenneth A. Myers ‘87 and Mrs. Heather H. Myers Mrs. Susan V. Nelsen Mr. Tien Nguyen and Mrs. Monina Nguyen Ms. Andrea Nock Mr. Kevin A. Noreen and Mrs. Dana M. Noreen Miss Meghan M. Nuttall ‘21 Mr. Michael C. O’Byrne ‘22 Ms. Meghan O’Connor Mr. James P. O’Donnell and Mrs. Patricia L. O’Donnell Mr. Paul O’Leary Mr. Bert W. O’Neal and Mrs. Jenifer M. O’Neal Mr. John A. O’Neill and Mrs. Sharon A. O’Neill Mr. Robert Parris and Mrs. Maureen Parris Mr. Michael E. Partridge and Mrs. Terry L. Partridge Mrs. Terri Patterson Mr. Anthony Paulson and Mrs. Maxine Paulson Ms. Rosanne Paulson Ms. Lisa M. Pearce
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Admiral Brian S. Pecha and Mrs. Kari S. Pecha Mr. Calixto M. Perez and Mrs. Leslie C. Perez Mr. Zachary D. Perry ‘18 Mr. Mark A. Pilipczuk and Mrs. Mary Beth Pilipczuk Mr. Maxwell G. Pilot ‘19 Mr. Larry Pizzino and Mrs. Ronnie Pizzino Mr. Terrell S. Plair and Mrs. Rotonna D. Plair Ms. Diann M. Presley Mr. Robert Prosser and Mrs. Catherine Prosser Mr. John J. Pucci and Mrs. Ann E. Pucci Ms. Catherine S. Purdy ‘19 Mr. Philip Quintana and Mrs. Kerri Quintana Mr. Robert Raphael and Mrs. Carol Raphael Mr. Charles J. Rayome ‘06 and Ms. Katherine A. Vasilas Rayome ‘06 Mr. Henry R. Recinos and Mrs. Sandra M. Cadima Mrs. Mary M. Reddy Ms. Michelle Reeder Mrs. Leslie A. Riccio ‘04 and Mr. Stephen Riccio Mr. Leonard Rienzi and Mrs. Kathleen Rienzi Mr. Bret P. Rinkerman ‘07 Mr. Ryan Rinkerman ‘05 Mr. Chris Roller and Mrs. Tina Roller Dr. Gonzalo Romero Ms. Samantha L. Rosetti Mr. Nicholas E. Rouck ‘19 Mr. Jon Ryckeley and Mrs. Nicole Ryckeley Mr. Vincent Sabio and Mrs. Lynn F. Sabio Ms. Cynthia Salmon Mr. James C. Salmon and Mrs. Sheila C. Salmon Mr. Juan Santisi and Mrs. Marisa Santisi Mr. Robert Santos and Mrs. Radilyn Santos Mr. John G. Schierling and Mrs. Elizabeth A. Schierling Ms. Marie R. Sebikali Ms. Anne Sedlock Mr. Walter Senkow and Mrs. Patricianne A. Senkow Mr. Daniel J. Shannon and Mrs. Ellen H. Shannon Mr. Wayne Shepherd Mr. Jeffrey Sheridan Mr. Ray E. Shirey Jr. Mr. Tito A. Silva and Mrs. Maria R. Silva Ms. Karen Sloboda Mr. Richard J. Smiechowski ‘19 Mr. Paul F. Solosky ‘86 and Mrs. Joey Solosky Mr. Robert A. Soltis and Mrs. Anna M. Soltis Mr. Denis Spizuoco Ms. Stacy Spizuoco Ms. Amy Spizuoco Mr. Thomas R. Stark and Mrs. Nancy C. Stark Mr. George G. Stone and Mrs. Paula A. Stone Mr. Scott D. Strider and Mrs. Linda E. Strider Ms. Esther B. Sullivan Mr. Paul C. Sullivan and Mrs. Margaret A. Sullivan Mr. Timothy M. Sullivan ‘14 Mrs. Susan Sweeny Mr. Richard M. Tansing and Mrs. Elizabeth K. Tansing Mr. Raoul I. Tecala and Mrs. Elizabeth S. Tecala Ms. Nicole M. Tomlinson
Mr. David G. Tripp and Mrs. Victoria B. Tripp Ms. Eleni V. Tsiamis ‘19 Mr. Curtis Tucker and Mrs. Kami Tucker Mr. Stephen J. Turcol ‘09 and Mrs. Kasey C. Turcol ‘10 Mr. James W. Turcol and Mrs. Anne C. Turcol United Way of Central Maryland Mr. Jeffrey L. Urlwin and Mrs. Kim H. Urlwin Mr. Dario Valli and Mrs. Nina Valli Ms. Zenaida Viloria Ms. Carol Walker Mr. Kevin Walsh Lieutenant Commander Kevin W. Walter ‘02 and Mrs. Joanne Walter Mr. Ryan Watson and Mrs. Lisa Watson Ms. Kathryn M. Webb ‘19 Mr. Ryan M. Weeks ‘19 Mr. Karl Weimer ‘01 Mr. Robert Weitendorf and Mrs. Sandra Weitendorf Mr. Gavin D. Weitendorf ‘19 Ms. Nancy Wertz Mr. John White Mr. Claude A. Whiting and Mrs. Lisa Whiting Mr. A. Joseph J. Wilkins and Mrs. Kathleen B. Wilkins Mr. Jay S. Willer and Mrs. Cynthia A. Willer Mr. Paul Williams Mr. Ethan E. Wills Mrs. Natalie L. Wilver ‘08 and Mr. Brian Wilver Mr. Mark Wishner and Mrs. Laurie Wishner Mrs. Janis Wojdylak Mr. Thomas E. Wonder ‘04 and Ms. Colleen F. Kiley ‘04 Mr. Robert M. Wooddell and Mrs. Susan A. Wooddell Mr. Philip J. Worosz ‘03 and Mrs. Kristen Worosz Mrs. Barbara Wright Mr. D. A. Wright Mr. Robert L. Wright and Mrs. Susan Wright Mr. Daniel C. Wright ‘18 Mr. Neiland Wright and Mrs. Catherine Wright Mr. Mark D. Zavacky and Mrs. Andrea A. Zavacky Ms. Suzanne M. Zelnis ‘10 Mr. Thomas Zyla
Sponsorships A. Denis Britto D.D.S., P.C. Burke & Herbert Bank & Trust Co. Carroll & Nuttall, P.C. Chantilly Auto Care Center LLC Chariots for Hire Computerware, Inc. Creative College Connections LLC FACTS Management Co. Flynn & O’Hara Uniforms, Inc. Four, Inc. Generations Wealth Management Hodges Windows & Doors O’Connor & Desmarais, P.C. Paul VI Dance Team PM Lube, LLC Private Prep DC, LLC Red Coats, Inc. Smoothie King 373 Stonesprings Hospital Center Sunshine Contracting Corporation
Ubelhart, Rogstad & Associates, P.C. Van Metre Homes VMDO Architects Whiting-Turner
Corporations & Organizations Agensys Corporation AmazonSmile Foundation Apple, Inc. Applied Computing Technologies, Inc. Asurion Boeing Company Bright Funds Bruno & Degenhardt Capital One Services Carlos H. Monsalve, DDS, PC Carney Foundation Clarke-Hook Foundation Commonwealth Race Management, LLC Community Foundation of Northern Virginia Dulles South Lacrosse Elizabeth Ann Healy Foundation Fairfax Memorial Park Fannie Mae Freddie Mac Foundation Gap, Inc. Harris Foundation Kimberly-Clark Corporation Lisa Bradford, Realtor LMEPAC Charity Program Marriott International Microsoft Corporation Mt. Vernon Columbus Club, Inc. Network for Good Northrop Grumman Foundation Employee Matching Gifts for Education Ourisman Fairfax Toyota Porto Charities Inc. Progressive Insurance Foundation Red Hat, Inc. SeKON Enterprise, Inc. Sheehy Auto Stores South Loudoun Basketball St. Catherine of Siena The Benevity Community Impact Fund The Knippenberg Foundation The Nader Family Foundation Tiffany & Co. Trinity Wiring & Security Solutions UBS United Way of Central Maryland United Way of Greater Atlanta United Way of The National Capital Area Veratech Services Wells Fargo Educational Matching Gift Program Zeta Associates
Faculty & Staff Anonymous (2) Mrs. Patricia K. Adams Ms. Celeste Anderson Ms. Kate M. Andreottola ‘94 Mrs. Maureen A. Armstrong Mr. Scott A. Bennett Mrs. Debora Bozik Mrs. Kingsley H. Brinkley Dr. Kimberly A. Bruno Mrs. Lisa Buchanan ‘96 Ms. Elba Campagna
Mrs. Kiersten Caputy Mrs. Ginny D. Colwell Mrs. Lisa Cosgriff Mr. Greg Crofford Mrs. Eileen K. Curren ‘98 Mrs. Kathryn S. d’Alelio Ms. Ann M. Desmarais ‘08 Mrs. Christina Desmarais Mrs. Maria A. Devlin Mr. Nicholas M. DiGregory Mr. Richard Donahue Mr. William Emerson Mrs. Julie A. Eyerman Mrs. Tracy A. Fentress Mrs. Roberta A. Fisher Mrs. Sarah E. Gardner ‘07 Ms. Connie Gatto Mrs. Mary M. Gillman Mrs. Allison M. Granstedt Deacon Thomas L. Grodek Mrs. Mary A. Hamrick ‘86 Mrs. Eileen Hanley Mrs. Anne Henry-Gross Mr. Dennis Hutson Miss Julianne Jones Mr. Peter M. Jurich Mrs. Kelly Karas Dr. Rose Kocis Mrs. Joyce E. Krolicki Mrs. Laura M. Kruczkowski Mr. Donald D. La Velle Mr. Apolonio Latar Mrs. Kathleen Leffas Mrs. Diane M. Lindblad Mrs. Loretta E. Madelmayer Mrs. Eileen Martel Mrs. Rosalila Mastriano Mr. Charles M. McGarr ‘96 Mrs. Katherine C. McLellan ‘00 Mrs. Anne K. Nuttall ‘88 Ms. Meghan O’Connor Mr. Fernando Olivencia Dr. Thomas Opfer ‘96 Mrs. Renee T. Pisani Ms. Sara Prince Mrs. Beth M. Revor ‘90 Mrs. Elizabeth Rhodes ‘96 Mrs. Tina Roller Ms. Samantha L. Rosetti Dr. Patrick J. Rozmajzl Reverend Stephen J. Schultz Mr. Joseph Sebastian Mrs. Allison Smith Mrs. Anne M. Sullivan Mrs. Kathleen E. Tinsley ‘02 Mrs. Kim H. Urlwin Ms. Taylor Wagonseller Mrs. Joan M. Wang Mrs. Pamela Ward Dr. Peg Weimer Mrs. Lisa Whiting Mrs. Anne Marie Wiedemer Ms. Mary Kate Wiedemer ‘12 Mr. Mark Woodson Mrs. Linda Zanelotti
Gift-In-Kind Mr. Christopher and Mrs. Connie Pilot Mr. Brendan F. and Mrs. Maureen A. Armstrong/Trinity Wiring & Security Solutions Mr. Mark Woodson
$273,679 in unrestricted funds raised. $273,679 in unrestricted funds raised.
from previous fiscal year
SENIOR CLASS GIVING The first ever Senior Giving Committee, comprised of 16 members of the Class of 2019, inspired their classmates SENIOR CLASS GIVING to leave their mark on PVI by making a gift to the school. The Seniorgave Giving Committee, comprised of 16 The first classever 2019 in gifts and members ofof the Class of$2,300 2019, inspired theircommitments. classmates to leave their mark on PVI by making a gift to the school. The class of 2019 $2,300 in gifts and commitments. DAY OFgaveGIVING PVI's Day of Giving on May 1, 2019 was a huge success, raising $72,605 in just 24 hours. There DAY OF GIVING were 435 made, 131was firsta time PVI's Day ofgifts Giving on including May 1, 2019 hugedonors. success, raising $72,605 in just 24 hours. There were 435 gifts made, including 131 first time donors.
GRANDPARENTS DAY PVI's first annual Grandparents Day was one of the most GRANDPARENTS DAY of memorable events of the year. Eighty-two grandparents freshmen and juniors spent the Day morning and in PVI's first Grandparents was on onecampus ofcontributed the most class with annual their grandchildren. Grandparents memorable events of the year. Eighty-two grandparents of $19,890 giftsjuniors this fiscal freshmeninand spent year. the morning on campus and in class with their grandchildren. Grandparents contributed $19,890 in gifts this fiscal year.
St. Paul VI Catholic High School is a charitable tax exempt organization pursuant to section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Contributions are tax deductible to the extent the law allows. The donor year for the purpose of this report is July 1, 2018-June 30, 2019. You are very important to us; therefore, we have made every attempt to list names and donors properly. However, we know that errors sometimes occur. If your name has been omitted or improperly listed, you have our most sincere apologies. Please bring these errors to our attention by contacting the Advancement Office at 703.352.0925 x323.
S t. P A U L V I C A T H O L I C H I G H S C H O O L
Honoring Our Legacy – Celebrating the Past, Creating the Future Father Heet Named Auction Honoree It is with much excitement that we share the news that our founding principal Fr. Don Heet, OSFS will be the Honoree at our Black and Gold Gala this March.
Mark Your Calendars! Black & Gold Gala Panther Activity Center Saturday, March 14, 2020 We hope you’ll join us March 14 for a celebratory night, a last dance, and a true PVI party supporting the school we all hold dear. Last year’s event sold out. Tickets will be available in January — get yours before they’re gone!
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We can’t think of a more deserving person to honor as we give a nod to the past and toast the future at our last annual dinner and auction held at the Fairfax location.
FAIT H A ND F R I E ND S Twenty five Paul VI students teamed up with groups from Bishop Ireton and Saint John Paul the Great in September at the Bethany Retreat held at Camp Highroad in Middleburg. Students participated in daily Mass and Adoration, listened to talks, tackled a ropes course, shared in small group discussions and had quiet time for journaling. The group also assisted the Dominican sisters at a nearby monastery with work in their garden and joined them in prayer. The Bethany Retreat was a time for students to grow in their friendship with Jesus and bring that virtue back to school.
S t. P A U L V I C A T H O L I C H I G H S C H O O L
Advancement Office
10675 Fairfax Boulevard Fairfax, VA 22030 T 703.352.0925 F 703.273.9845 www.paulvi.net
Fairfax VA Permit No. 259 Electronic Service Requested
2019 2020
Our Final Year in Fairfax
“How lucky am I to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.” ~A.A. Milne
ONE.FINAL.WEEKEND. Farewell to Fairfax: The Last Hurrah Saturday, June 6, 2020 Closing Mass and Family Picnic Sunday, June 7, 2020