Future of HR: implications for Russia

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January 2014

Future of HR: implications for Russia

How are global trends changing HR in Russia and CIS countries?


Document Overview Introduction

Future of HR PwC


Methodology and survey participants


Key survey findings


Change drivers for Russian HR


Three major HR challenges


Future HR skills and knowledge


Appendix. Five global trends: implications for Russia





Introduction In 2013, PwC published the research findings from several global scale surveys (the 16th Annual Global CEO Survey, Talent Mobility 2020 and Beyond, etc.) that highlighted HR challenges on the agendas of top CEOs. The Russian economy is also strongly affected by these challenges. With megatrends affecting our business, new conditions have emerged in areas such as demographics, information technologies, population concentration in megalopolises and climate change, which all have started to reshape HR in Russia. The purpose of this study is to understand the local impact of environmental pressures on HR. Guided by the belief that major changes will appear following the theory of “five megatrends�, we have defined the six change drivers that are already forming specific conditions for Russian HR professionals and are dramatically affecting their work. Thus, we were eager to uncover the reasons behind two research questions:

To what extent global trends will impact HR management in Russia? How will Russian HR change in the near future?



Methodology and survey participants Survey timeframe: September through November 2013

Method: quantitative

Target group: HR professionals, firmly established companies operating in Russia



68% Companies operating in most Russian regions

HR directors and professionals, providing a view of both local and foreign companies


Companies that are growing in terms of total turnover by more than 5% (in comparison to last year)


By origin: Local companies

Multinational companies


By industry:

21% Industrial production



Oil&Gas, Utility&Mining

Financial services

10% FMCG&Retail

Other industries

By size:



Less then 2,500 employees


2,500 – 10,000 employees


10,000 – 50 ,000 employees


More than 10,000 employees


Key survey findings Our approach This study is based on the concept of the five megatrends (see Appendix) that companies face globally. These trends have shaped the drivers that are expected to have crucial impact on HR’s role and functions in the future. We applied this theory to the specifics of Russia and surveyed 150 HR professionals working in Russian and multinational companies in order to verify the validly of this theory and understand how HR will generally change in Russia in the future. Key drivers •

Demographic shifts

Social media

Digital technology

Global mobility

Social responsibility

The generation gap

Top HR challenges HR professionals cited leadership development, employee engagement and productivity as top challenges.

Impact of change drivers on HR

The most crucial set of skills for HR

All respondents believe that change drivers will have a greater impact on HR processes, while having less of an influence on the knowledge and skills essential for HR professionals or the organisation of the HR service's operations or the general role of HR. Interestingly, multinational and domestic companies in Russia differ in their estimates of the drivers' impact on HR functions and concur only when evaluating demographical challenges and social responsibility. For instance, 58% of multinationals noted the impact of social media on the HR service's operations material compared to 35% of the Russian respondents.

Change management will be a priority HR skill. Organisational learning, transfer of knowledge and employee development will be also important.


Employee involvement in implementing change Most of the respondents admit that they are now attentively studying the societal and environmental impacts on HR and are tying to help their companies implement changes for the future.


Change drivers for Russian HR



Drivers shaped by global trends have an impact on HR in Russia

Based on the Global Annual Survey*, we asked respondents to assess the impact of these drivers on both our future and the future of our clients over the next ten years. The respondents assessed the impact of these drivers on HR services as follows:

Shift in global economic power

Demographic shifts Demographic challenges


Social media

Corporate responsibility


18% Accelerated urbanisation

Global mobility

9% Climate change and resource scarcity

Digital technology


(*) Global Annual Review 2013: Building trust in a time of change


The drivers are closely interwoven and whenever one of them changes, it prompts changes in all the others.

The generation gap

16% Technological breakthroughs


Theses drivers impact HR in all the companies, no matter what their size or industry or turnover may be. The respondents believe that the change drivers identified will have a greater impact on HR processes, while having less of an impact on the knowledge and skills essential for HR professionals, HR service structure or HR’s general role.

Impact of change drivers on certain HR issues


Impact on HR processes



Impact on HR knowledge and skills


Impact on the functional organisation of HR


Impact on HR’s role


Russian and multinational companies have varying assessments of the drivers impacting of HR services Demographic shifts


Social media

Multinational companies


Corporate responsibility Digital technology The generation gap





Demographic shifts Digital technology


Corporate The responsibility generation gap

Russian companies






Social media


Demographic shifts. Although there are differences between multinational and local companies, all companies admit that the decline in the share of working population in their prime years between 18-60 will have a crucial impact on the work of HR professionals.


56% Digital technology will materially change HR approaches.

68% Extensive use of digital technology will transform key HR processes.

values. Here, HR’s objective is to ensure effective work cooperation among various groups of employees, which may call for adjustments in HR systems themselves.

Rising expectations for corporate social responsibility Social responsibility as an integral part of business will drive

Digital technology transforms the key HR processes. Such processes encompass HR administration, recruitment, performance management, learning and development, bonus and benefit management, etc.

Impact of generational differences on competencies Managing workforce diversity, particularly generational differences, will be a new key area where additional knowledge and skills will be required. HR departments will manage certain categories of the personnel with various working methods, preferences and even


These recent changes demand that HR professionals not only understand their customers and their values but also treat employees as clients by building policies and practices that will support the delivery of brand promises, both internally and externally.

44% 36%

Digital technology

Furthermore, societal expectations will also have a strong impact on the methods multinationals employ for organising their HR functions.

Social responsibility is changing HR’s role.

The generation gap is the key driver that will change competences.

the changes in HR’s role and the way it is organised. This is particularly the view held by multinational companies operating in Russia. Most of the respondents indicated that the society’s expectations about how products are manufactured, what they stand for, the way they serve to customers and labour standards that they follow are more and more changing the role of HR professionals in the CIS.


Three major HR challenges

Future of HR PwC (*) The data reflects the opinions of study participants

December 2013 12

Leadership development

Employee engagement


Future of HR PwC


Leadership development

Building leadership capabilities is a major challenge for 55% of companies operating in the CIS. Although management is gradually gaining a better understanding of the importance of leadership development and effective HR investments, these are still challenges for both Russian and multinational companies. Compared to 51% of local companies admitting such challenges, 58% of multinationals operating in Russia and CIS countries acknowledged the same.

Table 1. Leadership development challenges by industries

Pharmaceuticals healthcare Pharma and and Healthcare


Technology andTelecom telecom Technology and


FMCG and retail FMCG & retail


Oil Oiland andgass gas


Industrial production Production Industrial


Financial services services Financial


Professional services services Professional


Not % Notatatallall%


Partly %% Partlychallenging challenging

Highly challenging % Highly challenging %


Employee engagement

50% of HR professionals consider achieving a high rate of employee retainment to be extremely difficult. In this regard, multinational companies experience slightly less challenges than domestic companies. This can be explained by their long-standing HR practices with respect to employee involvement and engagement. Furthermore, western multinationals usually enter a market with a relatively high brand awareness and good image as an attractive employer, which may positively influence employee engagement at its early stage.

Table 2. Employee engagement challenges by industries Technology andTelecom telecom Technology and


Industrial production Industrial Production


Pharma andHealthcare healthcare Pharma and


FMCG and retail FMCG & retail


Financial services Financial services


Professional Services Professional services


Oil Oiland andgass gas


Not % Notatatall all%


Partly challenging %

Highly Highly challenging %



For 47% of HR professionals, supporting line managers in order to improve employee productivity is still a top HR challenge. The growth of competition, on one hand, and slowdown in economic growth, on the other, has highlighted the importance of costs and business restructuring.

Table 3. Employee productivity challenges by industries FMCG & retail FMCG and retail


Financial Financialservices services


Industrialproduction Production Industrial


Technology Technologyand andtelecoms Telecom


Professional Services Professional services


Pharmaand and healthcare Healthcare Pharma


Oiland and gas Oil gass % Not at all all%


14% Partly challenging Partly challenging % %

Highly Highly challenging challenging % %


Future HR skills and knowledge



The importance of developing certain HR skills We asked all respondents to name the future skills most important for the future of HR, as well as areas for improvement. The opinions were split as follows:

69% 89%

Managing change



Organisational learning/ knowledge transfer



Employee development



Performance management and reward


Restructuring business/ Organisational design

36% Planning staff headcounts


76% 77%



Prior importance Needs improvements PwC


Drawing on the above responses, we can name the skills that will undoubtedly be in high demand for future HR functions:


Managing change

HR professionals indicated that the current turbulent environment demands quick and wide-ranging managerial changes from them every day. This is even more important for local companies and this illuminates a growing trend for greater business restructuring. The need to improve the skills is just as high for local companies as it is for multinationals.




Organisational learning and knowledge transfer/ Employee development

There is a greater demand on HR to help organisations create systems that can ensure the transformation of tacit knowledge into explicit understanding. This will help organisations to retain knowledge regardless of employee turnover. In order to share and transfer knowledge throughout operations and between employees, Russian HR should not only use IT systems, it will also need to built supportive organisational cultures, as well as encourage organisations to cultivate their own capabilities. Managing employee development will become equally important for HR as it is significant for line managers. HR will also need to support managers in improving these skills.



HR professionals' engagement in implementing change

HR professionals in Russia are developing cases for change while also raising awareness about the current environmental and the social impact on HR.



Not Involved

Building awareness



Multinational companies

Russian companies

30% Participate in actions driven by others

31% Multinational companies

28% Russian companies



Multinational companies

Russian companies

15.5% Initiate and drive actions

17% Multinational companies

14% Russian companies

One fifth of the HR professionals are not involved in initiatives that address changes.



Appendix. Five global trends: implications for Russia





Shifts in global economic power

Demographic shifts



Accelerated urbanisation

Climate change and resource scarcity


PwC Future of HR

Technological breakthroughs


Demographic shifts


Explosive population growth in some areas of the globe against declines in others parts has been contributing to everything from shifts in economic power to resource scarcity to the changes in societal norms. This trend is not only global, it is also visible in Russia. Over the last 13 years, the Russian population declined by 2%. The country’s population is expected to fall from 143mn in 2010 to 132mn in 2030, which would mean a population decline of 8%.

Annual growth rate 2010-2050*

1% Population growth for average working age until 2030 (% per annum)

Growth rate 2000-2050.

18% 18% of the population of the Russian Federation in 2030 who will be older than 65 years An ageing population restricts Russia’s ability to increase its share of world GDP over the long-term as is the case with other large emerging economies.

Even factoring in the rise of the immigrant population, Russia’s population will still fall by 21mn.









The population will decline below the 1975 level by 2030. This will create a huge talent gap in the country’s future economy. PwC

* Russian Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat). The estimated Russian population size by 2030.


Shifts in global economic power


The focus of global growth has shifted towards emerging markets and Russia. By 2050, Russia will rank as the sixth largest economy by GDP. Emerging markets will host the majority of corporate headquarters with some of them in Russia, which will change the business models of many companies.

GDP of G7 and E7 countries in USD PPP

USD 29tr GDP


USD 20.9tr GDP


2009 USD 69.3tr GDP



(USA, Japan, Germany, UK, France, Italy, Canada)

USD 138.2tr GDP

E7 (China, India, Brazil, Russia, Indonesia, Mexico, Turkey)

Competition will increase and be generated by multinationals coming from emerging markets, including from those of Russian origin. They will also become international players, which, in turn, will have many implications for HR.


Source: PwC Global Annual Review 2013: Building trust in a time of change


Accelerated urbanisation: Moscow and other large cities


Rapid urbanisation and concentration of people in the cities will increase and, by 2030, the proportion of people living in cities will have surged from the current 30% towards 60%. The UN estimates that, by 2025, Moscow will be amongst 37 megacities1, ranking 27th.

Percentage of population in urban areas, 2030

Moscow will see a minor rise in its population by late 2025, up to 12.2mn people. The population in the Moscow Region will also increase. This population will have grown by approximately 600,0002 by late 2025.

12.2mn 11.9mn


80 and over 60-79 40-59 20-39 <20 Not estimated

2014 The Russian population in urban areas will have risen by 2% by late 2025 (up to 76,3%)2.


26 1 United Nations Organisation. World Urbanization Prospects The 2011 Revision. 2 Russian Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat).

Climate change and resource scarcity


Scarcity of resources and the impact of climate change are of growing economic concern. Demand for energy is forecast to increase by as much as 50% by 2030 while water withdrawal will likely go up by 40%. The need for sustainable solutions may well be at odds with the demand for resources to fuel growth and feed populations. Time-honoured traditions will be challenged by changes to the physical environment. Although Russia will not be amongst these countries, it will still impact on doing business in the country. Climate change and resource scarcity trigger change in business models, as well as the behaviours and values of both customers and employees. As a result, this will have a very major impact on corporate social responsibility.

The Food/Water/Energy Nexus

It takes 1,200 l of water to produce 1 kg of grain


7% of global energy consumption is used for delivering water



1-2% of cropland is needed to produce biofuels

With a population of 8.3 bn people by 2030 , we’ll need...

50% more energy

40% more water

35% more food

Source: OECD; Dan Hammer, Center for Global Development



Technological breakthroughs




of Russian on-line shoppers use social media every day, which is above the global average. This is a significant target group with higher disposable

The combination of the Internet, mobile devices, data analysis and cloud computing will continue to transform Russia. Many companies in all sectors are grappling with how these developments will affect consumer expectations, as well as how to interact with their customers and the underlying business models that support this.

Technological breakthroughs and digitalisation of the world will also change workplaces and enable new forms of work. For instance, we already see remote working and virtual teams, more flexpatriates and changes in working practices. Access to systems and information should help management models to flatten out their organisational structures. Furthermore, new competitors will emerge as technology and innovation create new competitive advantages and increase productivity across sectors and geographies.


61.1mn > 52% The number of Internet users in Russia1 PwC

1 PwC Global multichannel survey 2012 • Survey Summary and Business Implications, April 2013.

People use the Internet at least once a month

49 % People use the Internet on weekly basis 28

Contacts Ruxandra Stoian Partner Human Resource Consulting Services Tel: +7 (495) 967 6169 E-mail: ruxandra.stoian@ru.pwc.com

This publication has been prepared for general guidance on matters of interest only, and does not constitute professional advice. You should not act upon the information contained in this publication without obtaining specific professional advice. No representation or warranty (express or implied) is given as to the accuracy or completeness of the information contained in this publication, and, to the extent permitted by law, PwC Russia, its members, employees and agents do not accept or assume any liability, responsibility or duty of care for any consequences of you or anyone else acting, or refraining to act, in reliance on the information contained in this publication or for any decision based on it. Š 2014 PwC Russia. All rights reserved. Not for further distribution without the permission of PwC Russia. PwC Russia refers to PwCIL member-firms operating in Russia. PwC is the brand under which member firms of PricewaterhouseCoopers International Limited (PwCIL) operate and provide services. Together, these firms form the PwC network. Each firm in the network is a separate legal entity and does not act as agent of PwCIL or any other member firm. PwCIL does not provide any services to clients. PwCIL is not responsible or liable for the acts or omissions of any of its member firms nor can it control the exercise of their professional judgment or bind them in any way.

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