9 minute read
by Lisa Howard and Mother of Joy Prayer Group
The Mother of Joy Prayer Group (MOJ), a very active prayer and healing ministry that’s been in existence at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church (SEAS) in Lake Ridge more than 21 years, demonstrates in a beautiful way Luke 11:33: “No one lights a lamp and puts it under a bushel basket where it will be hidden. Instead they put it on its stand, so that those who come in may see the light.” Leah Davis, a Mother of Joy (MOJ) Leader relates: “The mission of our group is to make known and introduce the person of the Holy Spirit, to teach about the gifts of the Holy Spirit that are available to us, and how to use them for building the body of Christ, our Church.” The MOJ members are comprised of lay people from SEAS and Our Lady of Angels (OLA), as well as other parishes in the diocese. The doors are open to all ages and all denominations, with no exceptions. We meet every Wednesday at 7:00pm in the bottom floor of SEAS’ Parish Hall. MOJ is a beautiful group of lay people who spend time in prayer with the Holy Spirit daily. Our weekly meetings are filled with praise and worship of the Holy Spirit, full of music and prayers, traditional and charismatic. Once a month we hold a Holy Hour for our Church community. Members also give their time, talent, and treasure through community outreach service opportunities. Renee Cantave, a MOJ member, started in the group 16 years ago. She describes her experience and transformation with the group: (“Be transformed by the renewal of your mind.” [Romans 12:2]) “My prayer life and spiritual faith was transformed by the Life in the Spirit Seminar. My brothers and sisters of the Mother of Joy prayer group prayed with me and taught me what it’s like to experience the joy of the Holy Spirit. I once told a co-worker about my experience in the prayer group and invited him to a meeting. He absolutely loved it, came to a seminar and visited many times. He lives in Pennsylvania and works three days a week at Ft. Belvoir. The Mother of Joy prayer group is truly a life-changing experience.” Life-changing experiences sometimes take courage to step out of our comfort zones. Christa Owen, a MOJ Leader, describes how stepping out of her comfort zone through the Holy Spirit has strengthened her relationship with the Trinity: (“I can do all things through him who strengthens me.” [Philippians 4:13]) “I had been a member of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton parish for only one year in 2012 when someone asked me to drive them to the ‘Life in the Spirit Seminar’ the Mother of Joy prayer group was hosting that Lent. I attended with her but I was quite resistant. The leaders of the seminar were giving testimony on the Holy Spirit in their lives and there was a lot of singing. It was strange and increased my apprehension. It almost didn’t seem Catholic to me. The only reason I didn’t immediately leave was because Father David Meng, who was our Pastor at the time, was very orthodox and strong in faith and I knew he would never allow anything in our parish that was not authentically Catholic. comfort zone. I’ve learned to praise Jesus in song, not just with my voice but with my whole heart, body and mind. Many times in the past seven years, people have commented that they can sense the Holy Spirit moving in and through me. I credit this to the things I have learned and experienced in the Mother of Joy prayer group. If you feel curious or drawn to the Holy Spirit, I encourage you to follow that prompting. It might just be that the Holy Spirit is calling you to a deeper relationship with the God of the universe.”
“I thought I would stay just for a while to see what this group was all about, but I wound up staying for the entire multiday seminar. I’ve been a member of the prayer group ever since. I fell in love with the third person of the Holy Trinity in this group and I grew in relationship with Jesus and learned to accept the Father’s love in ways I had never known before. I learned about the supernatural gifts the Holy Spirit gave me at my Confirmation and I opened myself to the movement of the Holy Spirit in my life. I grew to be bold in my walk with Jesus and really fell in love with my Catholic faith. It’s the Holy Spirit who moves in me and prompts me and encourages me. I recognize His voice and I move when I’m called to step out in faith and trust I’m covered in God’s grace to do something outside of my Sometimes we don’t always know where to turn when the Holy Spirit calls or gently tugs on our hearts to move towards Him and sometimes He sends people into our lives that encourage us to take a step in His direction. (“Ask and you will receive; search, and you will find; knock, and the door will be opened for you.” [Matthew 7:7]). Lisa Howard, MOJ’s newest member, reflects: “I was searching for something more in my prayer life. At certain times, my prayer life has been deeper and at other times it has felt dry. I love the Rosary, but I was looking to add more prayers to my daily routine. I was experiencing a growing desire in my heart to learn about my faith and grow in a deeper way with the Holy Spirit to give back generously in service. I stewed in that desire for a while not sure what di

rection to take or where to turn. When one day, I received an invitation from my dear friend, Annette Williams, also a member of MOJ and I chose to accept. Just by saying, “yes,” to that invitation, it has changed and elevated my spiritual life. When I first walked into Mother of Joy, I was greeted with such warmth and love! When they pray over me; I open myself to the Holy Spirit’s wisdom, compassion, and healing. I have grown in the Holy Spirit’s spiritual gifts and I have experienced at times an overflowing heart of joyful gratefulness. My faith has grown stronger and my heart is ignited with a burning desire to give generously and more faithfully. Thank you to all MOJ members for your warm welcome and making me feel that I belong immediately. That loving acceptance provides me with the courage to come back again and again. Your support has been positively life altering!” As well as good times; we also experience bad times in our faith journey. When we experience life-altering tragedy; we need the support from friends in Christ that share our same values and beliefs to uplift us through difficult times. (“Come to me, all you that are weary and are carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me; for I am gentle and humble in heart; and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden light.” [Matthew 11:28-30]). Veronica, one of our MOJ leaders, explains: “Finding the Mother of Joy Prayer Group has made a huge difference in my life. Shortly after moving to Woodbridge in 2003, I started to attend the weekly meetings. This is where I learned how much God really loves me, just what Jesus did for me, and how the Holy Spirit will help and guide me. The prayer group is my emotional support companion. The members help one another through the good times and the bad. This was never so real to me as it was in 2009 when my brother was killed in an accident. When the rug gets pulled out you need help, support, companionship, and prayers. To not just know people are praying but to feel and see the power of those prayers help to bring peace and consolation during challenging times. I have met so many wonderful people who help me to be a better person and to desire a deeper knowledge of my faith. There is so much more to learn!“ The MOJ members, along with praising God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit; also reach out to the community through evangelical service opportunities. Members design these services through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. Jim Davis, one of our MOJ leaders, was inspired by the Spirit to hold a prayer tent at the Occoquan Crafts Fair this past Fall. People are hungry for prayer and our members are joyfully received. Everyone needs prayer no matter who we are. Our members didn’t just stay under the tent but courageously, through the grace of God, walked down the street reaching out to the vendors as well as the participants inviting people to prayer. (“So we confidently say, ‘The Lord is my helper; I will not fear; what can man do to me?’” [Hebrews 13:6]). Prayer is a lifeline of faith, hope, and love. (“Whatever you ask for in prayer with faith, you will receive.” [Matthew 21:22]). Aida Hernandez, a MOJ member, describes how the group has been a lifeline to her: “Lifelines are often seen as a physical thing that help us survive. At times this may be the case; however, the Mother of Joy prayer group has helped me with Spiritual lifelines. I enjoy their wisdom, their kindness, and their prayers. I come back to the group time and time again because I learn so much and my spirit is in such peace when I am around them. These are gentle souls doing the work of the Holy Spirit. They are indeed my lifeline.” A lifeline of support and good works through the guidance of the Holy Spirit; MOJ leaders guide our group in prayer and the teachings of the Holy Spirit. Frank McDonough a new MOJ member, also relates: “I joined the Mother of Joy Prayer Group this past year. Attending the weekly praise and glory meetings has brought me closer to the Holy Spirit. The members are the friendliest group of people you would ever want to meet. They made me feel welcome from day one. We are most fortunate to have gifted spiritual leaders Jim, Leah, and Veronica leading our group every Wednesday evening. I learn something every week at our prayer meetings. I have grown closer to God this past year than I have my entire life!” (“This is the day the Lord has made, let us be glad and rejoice.” [Psalm 118:24]). Annette Williams, MOJ Member, gives us words of wisdom and encouragement: “Let us all continue to have faith, hope, and love, and live, not die, and declare the wondrous works of the Lord. Also, pray without ceasing.” All the MOJ leaders and members invite all to praise God and pray with us on Wednesday nights. (“Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” [1Thessalonians 5:16-18]).