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From Rembrandt to Picasso: Why do artist paint over their works? This is something that many may have thought but never outwardly asked when discovering works that had been painted over. While we know this is nothing new, one has to ask….
What makes an artist completely change what we might perceive as a beautifully finished work that appeals to many? The thoughts that come immediately to mind as possible reasons:
To Save Money (reuse canvas)
Not knowing when to stop
They come back to the Canvas and their mood has changed
We may never know exactly why, as even the Masters’ works of art have been discovered to have several layers of painting and sketches beneath some of their most inspiring creations. An interesting piece from history is Johannes Vermeer’s “Girl Reading a Letter at an Open Window” (1657). It was only two years past that researchers discovered a naked cupid figure that had been painted over. Was this a sign of the times and possibly nudity was the issue, or was it just a change of heart or mood?
We may never truly know or even have a full understanding of what drives artists to do this, perhaps some may need someone standing close by to take the canvas away and replace it with another. One thing for certain is this is still going on today with even our young artists.

What are your thoughts on this, and which piece would you have taken away of the above works from one of Prince William County’s rising artists?
Can it only be the artists that says a work is finished, or is there a need for a guide in the process sometimes. I know that we have all heard songs over sung and actors over acting to the point where it renders the work questionable, but can this same rule apply to visual arts?