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Nature / Outdoors
by pwcdpr
RESERVOIR EXPLORERS AGES 6-12 Are you interested in learning about the plants and animals that are right in your back yard? This program will offer instructor-led hikes through our park and around the reservoir and you will learn about plants and wildlife in our area. 310304 LC Sat Nov 14 / 12p-2p $25
SCIENCE IN THE PARK Science in the Park uses hands on lessons in our fields, forests, streams and lakes where to teach VA Science SOLs. This session focuses on Kindergarten and First Grade subjects surrounding animals and plants. Participants will participate in COVID-19 related health screening, wear masks when unable to socially distance and in common spaces. Parents are welcome to stay with their participant. 309100 LD Ages 4-7 M Nov 2 / 10a-12p $10 309100 LE Ages 7-10 M Nov 9 / 10a-12p $10 309100 LF Ages 10-13 M Nov 16 / 10a-12p $10 FISHING 101 AGES 8-14 Come learn the basics of fishing and try your luck on the reservoir. Participants will learn about different types of equipment and learns skills like casting, rigging and baiting a hook. Equipment will be provided to those who need it. 313004 LB Sat Nov 7-14 / 10a-12p $47 RAPTOR AGES 6+ SCREECH! Learn the top dogs of the avian species. Join us as a Raptor expert talks about and shows us some of our feathered friends. Presentation on Raptors – Wildlife Veterinary Clinic. 348001 KD F Nov 6 / 6p-7:30p $8 WETLAND WONDERS AGES 6-15 What is a wetland and what does it do? Do you know why it is so important? Can we do without it? Join us for a boardwalk hike as we discover the answers to these questions and more. Bring your binoculars and dress for the weather. Meet at the Neabsco Regional Park pavilion. May be canceled/rescheduled due to inclement weather. Please bring a mask and prepare to be outdoors to aid in social distancing. Parent/Guardian free with participating youth. 309100 QE T Nov 3 / 10a-12p $9
ADVENTURE DAY WITH PARENT AGES 3-8 A fun adventure outing at Grō, James S. Long Park filled with a scavenger hunt, crafts, games and finished with a story.
348001 JA Sat Nov 21 / 10a-12p $18 per pair
HISTORY'S MYSTERIES AGES 6-8 Become an investigator and learn about the history of James Long Park. Examine the clues in the terrain and creeks. Learn about the plants and animals that make this park their home. Who lived here then? Who lives here now? 348001 JF Sat Nov 7 / 10a-12p $18
JR EXPLORERS SERIES AGES 6-8 Spend the day discovering the world of science & nature. We will explore key educational areas in science, engineering and
math. Each month is a different theme. 310302 JC
Fantastic Forest T Nov 17 / 1p-3:30p $30
LIL EXPLORERS SERIES AGES 3-5 The children will spend time exploring, investigating and interacting with the world around them. By participating in a wide variety of hands-on activities built around the theme, children will discover the wonders of plants, animals and nature in both indoor and outdoor setting. 310302 JE Fantastic Forest Use all of your M,W,F Nov 2-6 $58 sense to discover the amazing 1p-2:30p forest around you. Absorb the smells, textures, tastes, sounds, and sights of this amazing ecosystem. 310302 JF Animal Planet The world is full M,W,F Nov 9-13 $58 of amazing animals of all shapes 1p-2:30p and sizes. Come to experience them all from amphibians to mammals. Activities include games, crafts, experiments and special guests!
FULL MOON HIKE $12 All Ages Neabsco Regional Park 15125 Blackburn Rd, Woodbridge, VA 22191
Nov. 30 #309100 QB