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food miles | 00


FOOD MILES INFRASTRUCTURE FOR URBAN AGRICULTURE Over 22,000 people reside in Manchester City Centre. The carbon foot print for feeding this population is staggering, but not without hope. Over half of the C02 footprint of the food contained within the average Briton’s fridge is derived form the journey the food makes from the farm to the table. Most of that footprint is derived from food traveling from the super market to the dinner table. As part of the food distribution system, this is the least sustainable leg of the produce’s journey. Growing local, a widely celebrated solution, may help stimulate the local economy but it might not help save the environment. Unless a radical shift is made in how locally grown food is transported to its final destination, Manchester City Center could be looking down the barrel of increased C02 production despite a decrease in food miles.

This issue is not specific to Manchester City, however with a rich history of transportation infrastructure, Manchester City Centre will become the crash test for a new urban agriculture network.

watch where you shop

Tonnes of C02

Produced per Annum . . .

9.4 per capita

1.4 per refrigerator .7 per



International Quisine

it travels farther than you think

Distance asparagus travels across Atlantic : 6300 miles.

Distance a Manchester citizen drives to grocery store: 3.1 miles.


a little ride goes a long way

Driving round-trip to the grocery store produces 24x more C02 per kg of asparagus than shipping it across the Atlantic.

Asparagus travels 1000x further by

boat than by car to get to a

Manchester table.

beep beep

eat your vegetables



Asparagus travels up to 10 days from farm to shelf, losing 55% of its nutritional value.

LOCAL PROBLEMS close crops increase C02

Area to feed: 2.1 sq. mi Population: 22, 500

Farm land required to feed population above, using traditional agricultural techniques*.

Food Radius now Projected driving radius for local food

1.24 kg C02

*based on continuous cultivation used throughout the majority of the Americas and Europe

3.72 kg C02

PIGGY BACKING existing infrastructure repurposed

0 mi. Growing food locally along existing rail infrastructure equals...

Transporting food using existing train systems equals...

0 mi.

Selling food at existing transportation hubs equals...

0 mi.


farming the railway

To fe ed M anche City Ce ntre wit ster h traditional farmin g

techniques you would have to cover the twork with entire rail ne ting all plan t ’ 0 a 30 re. ructu t s r supe

The Northern Rail system has 130 miles of railway within Northern England

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