3 minute read
Stuart Schadt
“Changemakers” highlights the people of Prince William who are making a difference in our community. This month, we feature Stuart Schadt.
Stuart Schadt touches on various levels of the Prince William community in his daily life. He can be found uplifting the youth population and volunteering at local schools when not tending to the needs of his congregation as rector of Trinity Episcopal Church. A part of Prince William as much as Prince William is a part of him, he makes sure to take advantage of all the area has to offer in both his work and free time.
How long have you lived in the Prince William area, and what do you most like about living here?
I moved to Prince William in 1990 when I was called to be a rector of Trinity Episcopal Church in Manassas. For the first six months, we rented a house in Occoquan Forest. I immediately fell in love with the diversity of the landscape of Prince William. The land includes the mountains, battlefields, forests, farms, rivers and suburbia. Over the years, the diverse landscape has welcomed a diverse population, creating an even more enriching environment.
What are some of your favorite things to do in the area and why?
When I can, I take advantage of the hiking and biking trails. We have a great variety of both. I am especially fond of the Prince William Parkway bike path because I live near it. Those are good interests because my other favorite thing is food. I visit both the Manassas and Woodbridge Farmers Markets in season. I also frequent a variety of local restaurants: Indian, Salvadorian, Mexican and Thai are among my favorites.
How have you been involved in the community?
Over my 30 years here, I have done many things beyond the church for the community. I currently volunteer at Marsteller Middle School. Many of my seventh-grade classes read my book "Henry on Fire." I am invited to classes to speak about the writing process, the development of plot, to answer their questions and to hear their critiques. I carry an underlying message that as much as life is changing for sixth-through eighth-grade people, they can choose who they are becoming. This past Valentine’s Day, working with their No Place For Hate Committee and PTO committee, I helped deliver a carnation to every girl and a candy to every boy in the school.
If you had to give advice to someone new to the area, what would you tell them and why?
I would tell them to go explore. Get a map of Prince William and go for what in my childhood we called a Sunday drive. Because members of the congregation live in every part of Prince William, I have seen some parts that no errand would have ever led me to. I also try to take a different way back each time to see even more.
How would you describe yourself in three sentences?
Rev. Stuart Schadt has 40 years of experience in the ministry of the Episcopal Church. He loves going to work. He currently spends his free time writing middle-grade and YA novels and has published seven books.
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