7 minute read
BOXES OF BASICS Makes an Impact on Youth in the PACK AT HOME TOOLKIT Prince William Area BOXESOFBASICS.ORG
By Katrina Wilson
Boxes of Basics is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization providing boxes of basics throughout the community — boxes full of quality new and gently used clothing for local children. The organization collects clothing through drives all around Prince William County.
Children who receive Boxes of Basics are referred by other nonprofits, community organizations and school social workers.
What’s Inside a Box?
Each unique Box of Basics includes an entire seasonal wardrobe — five school outfits, three play outfits, three sets of pajamas, one Sunday-best outfit, new socks, new underwear, shoes, a winter jacket and an age-appropriate book. Each outfit is hand selected, wrapped and labeled.
“When a child receives a Box of Basics, we want them to feel like they are opening a gift,” said Sarah Tyndall, founder and executive director of Boxes of Basics.
The organization includes a survey and self-addressed stamped envelope in each Box of Basics, and an online survey is also sent to each referring partner. The impact of each box is best told through the words of the recipients.
“I have to share that the box you dropped off yesterday had a child jumping for joy and happiness. The shoes fit perfectly, and you could see the relief and happiness on his face as he ran around in them!!! Made my day!! The clothing was perfect too and he brought it home with a giant smile.” – Local school social worker
The nonprofit caters to children who wear sizes newborn through 12 youth. It has been serving Prince William County youth since September 2018.
Sarah Tyndall, founder and executive director of Boxes of Basics
Boxes of Basics’ Beginning
Boxes of Basics’ headquarters started in Tyndall’s basement — and with a Facebook request.
“A few years ago, a friend on Facebook posted about a mother in need of clothing for her children,” Tyndall said. “This mother left a bad situation with four kids and had nothing. I reached out to friends and neighbors, and before I knew it, I had enough clothing to fill my SUV twice,” Tyndall said. “I realized quickly that there
were more people who could benefit from quality children’s clothing. At the same time, there are so many people who wanted to help. I loved helping this mom, but I wanted to find a better way to deliver the clothing. The idea for Boxes of Basics was born all in-person volunteer opportunities. The majority of our work is done during the school year: September to May. We typically slow down during the summer months. We do plan to offer some in-person volunteer opportunities later this summer to help with PACK AT HOME Spending more time at home is a great time to clean out the closest, but also teach our kids the importance of giving back HOME PACK AT HOME Spending more time at home is a great time to clean out the closest, but also teach our kids the importance of giving back to the community. from there.” organizing our new Manassas location.” TOOLKIT TOOLKIT That idea has grown into a system that has received overwhelming community support. When she started Boxes of Basics, Tyndall Boxes of Basics News At Boxes of Basics, we want to make the most of time spent At Boxes of Basics, we want to make the most of time spent never imagined it would take off and grow as quickly as it has. Boxes of Basics is in the process of moving to a new location in Old Town Manassas at 9323 West Street. together and be prepared to help our community when it’s Spending more time at home is a great time to clean out the together and be prepared to help our community when it’s “We have received overwhelming community support from neighborhoods, businesses and churches hosting clothing drives to “We are grateful that Trinity Episcopal has helped us by offering BOXESOFBASICS.ORG safe to do so. We know many of those who lean on us in closest, but also teach our kids the importance of giving back safe to do so. We know many of those who lean on us in BOXESOFBASICS.ORG volunteers from all over Prince William County spending hours use of one of their facilities in Old Town Manassas, and we will times of need, will need even more help with closures and times of need, will need even more help with closures and sorting clothing and packing boxes,” Tyndall said. “Individuals continue to work with a variety of organizations and churches to donate money to help fund our expenses, and local media covers slower business. support the mission of Boxes of Basics,” Tyndall said. our story. The support has been amazing and continues to grow.” Tyndall noted that both adults and youth can volunteer. At Boxes of Basics, we want to make the most of time spent She is also excited to offer their new online toolkit to the community. The online resource provides families with another
B O X E S O F B A S I C S . O R G
Fueled by Volunteers great way to give during the pandemic. Let’s work together now so we can help our neighbors together and be prepared to help our community when it’s Let’s work together now so we can help our neighbors “Boxes of Basics can only work with the help of the community,” she said. “Clothing is donated from members of the community. All items are sorted, and boxes are packed by volunteers from the community.” safe to do so. We know many of those who lean on us in times of need, will need even more help with closures and when they need it most. “Since the quarantine, many people have been cleaning out their closets,” she said. “We wanted to M A K E W I T H A D I F F E M O R E T I H O M E R E N C E M E A T Next, the boxes are picked up and delivered by more community offer a way people can volunteers. support Boxes of Basics and teach their children “Boxes of Basics offers an impactful way for people to make a difference in the lives of local children,” Tyndall said. Let’s work together now so we can help our neighbors about giving while at home. Our online toolkit when they need it most. The individuals who make an impact aren’t just those who donate, but the volunteers putting in the work. walks you through how to create a Box of Basics at home. It is an easy fun project to do with your PACK AT HOME “Boxes of Basics is a 100% volunteer organization,” she said. kids.” “Volunteers help with everything and we are always looking for new helpers.” TOOLKIT Visit boxesofbasics.org/
Spending more time at home is a great time to clean out the closest, but also teach our kids the importance of giving back to the community.
At Boxes of Basics, we want to make the most of time spent together and be prepared to help our community when it’s safe to do so. We know many of those who lean on us in times of need, will need even more help with closures and slower business.
Let’s work together now so we can help our neighbors when they need it most.
at-home to access the toolkit.
“Clothing is such a basic thing, but it can make a huge impact in “I also encourage groups and young people (with adult the life of a child. At Boxes of Basics, it’s quite simple, we provide supervision) to volunteer,” she said. “We have hosted church youth groups, Girl Scout Troops, mommy groups, a Pilates class and more. Volunteering with friends is always fun!” the gift of clothing to the children who need it the most!” For more information or to sign up as a volunteer, email info@ BOXESOFBASICS.ORG PACK AT HOME BOXESOFBASICS.ORG boxesofbasics.org.
TOOLKIT Volunteering with Boxes of Basics offers children an opportunity to learn valuable life lessons. Katrina Wilson (kwilson@princewilliamliving.com) calls herself a Carolina girl, because she was born and raised in South Carolina “I love watching children helping other children, it teaches them and is still learning Northern Virginia. Writing is her outlet; she has great life lessons,” she said. “Since COVID, we have cancelled two published books.