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Check In and Reset
from the Publisher
Check In and Reset
January is a time to reset, and this issue of Prince William Living is all about supporting you in getting the fresh start you may need after a stressful holiday season. We encourage you as you enter 2023 to check in with yourself and others. How is your mental health? What do you need to feel and be your best self? Check out our feature to learn about mental wellness and local support resources in our community. Perhaps you’d like to reset your environment headed into the new year. Home and Hearth offers simple suggestions that provide big results. Or maybe it’s your relationship with your furry family member that needs resetting this year — enough with the barking and chewing up shoes. Our Lifelong Learning section is all about learning to speak your dog’s language and deepening your connection (so you can learn to clearly tell Fido to lay off the barking and shoe chewing!). Many people set first-of-the-year goals to become more physically active. Why not make it a family affair? Check out Family Fun for ways to get your children moving — and yourself too! And after all that healthy movement, follow it up with a healthy family dinner at Byblos. Enjoy fresh, delicious Lebanese cuisine at this favorite spot in Gainesville. Get all the details in Local Flavor.
Our Giving Back section for January features Leadership Prince William and all the good this integrative organization does within our community, while On a High Note shares the story of a local culinary teacher and his unique, highly impactful educational style. You’ll also find great tips for setting financial goals for the year in Your Finances and plentiful options for filling your days with fun in our events calendar. Wishing you and yours a happy and prosperous New Year.
Rebecca Barnes