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Malvern St James

We passionately believe Prep at Malvern St James Girls’ School provides the best possible start for your daughter. By building solid foundations to last a lifetime, we begin each child on their personalised learning journey. Our staff are incredibly committed, dedicating time and care to ensure your daughter feels safe, confident and happy from her very first day.
Pre-Prep at Malvern St James spans the three years from Reception to Year 2 and Prep spans the four years from Year 3 to Year 6. The building also houses the Senior School which enables the youngest girls to benefit from all the outstanding learning facilities on offer. The excellent specialist subject teachers from the Senior School also teach in Prep. We believe in developing the life skills of the girls from their very first day with us; always mindful of the years ahead of them beyond school and the need to prepare them for the wider world.

Our beautiful campus is in Malvern, Worcestershire, and School minibuses operate with multiple collection points around Gloucestershire, Herefordshire and Worcestershire. Wraparound care is also available.
To find out more join us for our Prep virtual information event on Saturday 12 February, alternatively, join us for our Open Morning on Friday 11 March. To register for either event visit malvernstjames.co.uk/visit.

Open 7.45am to 5.15pm

The Bishop Of Hereford’s Bluecoat School

Bishop’s is a school with high expectations and ambition to be the best in everything we do.
We are a school with a fantastic learning community which enables students to flourish academically and socially. In a recent Ofsted visit (July 2021) under the new more demanding inspection framework, Overall effectiveness was judged to be ‘Good’ in addition to every part of the framework judgements.
The inspection report describes that; “This school encourages pupils to be themselves. Pupils are confident to share their ideas and opinions. There is a culture of mutual respect. Relationships between staff and pupils are strong. Staff look after pupils well. The pastoral support given to them is highly effective. Pupils say they enjoy school and are happy”
Our central ethos of care, respect for the needs of others, courtesy and a warm community feel provides an atmosphere where our students can make the very best of their talents to achieve success and are inspired to chase their dreams.

Bishop’s school offers a wealth of opportunities for our students. Our focus is high quality teaching and learning with exciting and engaging lessons that enable all students to fulfil their potential. Coupled with learning, we focus on the person and delivering the highest possible personalised pastoral care with “exemplary pastoral care” being cited in our recent inspections.
Bishop’s school offers a huge range of activities, open to all. We have national, world and European champions in several sports. In Music our students have a wide range of fabulous opportunities to include Ceilidh band, chamber choir, guitar army, show choir, flute choir, sax choir and clarinet ensemble. Our school play this year is the musical The Wedding Singer. The huge range of extra- curricular activities is an enormous success of the school – these include an activities week, Duke of Edinburgh expeditions, an outdoor education trip, Model United Nations day, Medical Mavericks, Battlefields, school productions, Ski trip, forensic science workshop, science club, film club, chess club, Art club, Drama club, computing club, cheerleading, and many more besides.
We always work collaboratively with our community to include both students and parents/carers to make decisions within school. We regularly host parent/carer forums to help shape our decision making. Our student council have an active voice and we work with them to drive the school forwards.
For further information do please visit our website www.bhbs.hereford.sch.uk/ Prospectus or contact the school. We are always open to visitors.

The Bishop Of Hereford’s Bluecoat School
Hampton Dene Road, Tupsley, Hereford HR1 1UU Telephone: 01432 347500 | Enquiries: head@bhbs.hereford.sch.uk Always faithful with Christ Rated ‘Good’ in all areas Ofsted July 2021
Rated Good SIAM’s Inspection July 2018

Academic Excellence • Pastoral Care • Extra Curricular Opportunities • Community Spirit
We believe you will find: • A discernable energy and thirst for learning built on clear Christian values where everyone matters; • A school where students are given every opportunity to succeed in the widest sense, achieving the best possible outcomes; • A wide range of extra-curricular opportunities; • The whole school community: governors and staff, partents/carers and young people all working together; using expertise, experience and innovation; and students making a positive contribution to the communities in which they live