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Excel with Worcester Sixth Form College

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A Close Shave

A Close Shave

Worcester Sixth Form College was the highest performing sixth form college, and one of the top institutions nationally for achievement rates in the most recent externally validated results. This shows that our students are well-supported, complete their courses and are successful.

We offer the widest range of A Levels in Worcestershire and a range of Applied courses. We believe that students do best when they are able to choose the subjects that suit their skills and interests rather than having to study something that isn’t their first choice.


Additionally, all our students are able to benefit from enrichment opportunities that will develop their confidence and skills as well as boosting their motivation to succeed. Our Sports and Performing Arts Academies are two examples.

Our students and their parents have continued to respond extremely positively about our support for remote learning and student wellbeing. One parent said: “I have been so impressed at how staff have gone above and beyond in their support for my son. The commitment to face to face teaching and learning online during lockdown has been faultless. Thank you - we couldn’t have chosen a better place for our son to study.”

Parental support has been tremendous throughout the pandemic. 97% strongly agreed/agreed that the College made effective arrangements for remote learning, 99% strongly agreed/agreed that they were kept well informed and 98% strongly agreeing/agreeing that the College did everything possible to make the return to College as safe as possible.

We are confident that we have the expertise and resources to support our students so that they are successful whatever the circumstance.

Visit www.wsfc.ac.uk to view the content of our Virtual Open Event page, find out about all of the opportunities on offer and to complete an online application to join us in September 2021! n

Worcestershire Now

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Rachel Seabright

Tel: 01905 727900 Email: rachel@pw-media.co.uk Lis Gardner

Tel: 01905 727901 Email: lis@pw-media.co.uk

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You’ve found the answers! The puzzles are on page 38

Tel: 01905 727904 Email: kate@pw-media.co.uk

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