A word about Volunteers... Volunteers Make A Special Difference Volunteers are the backbone of our organization. 95% of our staff are volunteers. There are many volunteer opportunities at A Special Wish Foundation, and ALL of them are vital to supporting our program and helping us grant wishes. Remember, time is especially precious to the children and families we serve. A reliable corps of volunteers that can be mobilized at short notice helps us to respond to urgent wish requests. Volunteer positions include: • Help with fundraising • Plan & participate in wish granting • Office administration • S peaking to groups about A Special Wish • Staffing events such as golf outings, auctions, dinners, Major League Baseball games, children’s partyiese, and more!
...because some wishes can’t wait.
If you are interested in volunteering your time and talents to A Special Wish Foundation, please take a moment to contact us and volunteer coordinator will call you.
ASW Brochure.indd 1
A Special Wish Foundation, Inc. 1250 Memory Lane Columbus, OH 43209 Tel: 614-258-3186 www.spwish.org
Whatever your interests, skills, and availability there are volunteer opportunities and we need your help. Youth and Senior volunteers are especially welcome as an important part of our program.
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A Special Wish Foundation is dedicated to granting wishes for children from birth to age 20. No other wish granting organization spends 85% of every donated dollar to children’s wishes. A Special Wish Foundation, Inc. invites you to join us in granting special wishes for some very special people. Because we exercise under very specific guidelines set forth by our Board, we do not solicit funds by phone. Our primary source of funding is through private donations. Won’t you join us and become a part of something special. Volunteer, refer a child, make a donation.
Jason and the Chargers A Wish for pony ride... Every Saturday!
Hannah wanted to play flute with a symphony before cancer treatment.
Wh at we do: A Special Wish Foundation, Inc. is a non-profit charitable organization dedicated to granting the wishes of children under the age of 21 who have been diagnosed with a life-threatening disorder. A Special Wish Foundation, Inc. does not discriminate based on race, gender, nationality or ethnicity.
Three Kinds of Wishes:
• A Special Gift • • A Special Place • A Special Hero •
The heart of our mission is to make each child’s wish the most memorable and meaningful time in his or her life. Our goal is to take a child beyond life’s obvious limitations for at least one magical moment. Life is too precious, too fleeting, we must encourage all children to dream, especially those who are very ill. We strive to provide an escape from the sometimes cruel realities of needles and monitors, hospitals and the seemingly endless cycle of treatments.
He might have been only three, but Jason wanted to see a San Diego Charger’s football game. Who would have thought he would ask a Charger’s Cheerleader to marry him? “Our little Jason had the best time at the football game. Just going to the game was awesome, but when he got to hang around with the players on the field for warm-ups, you would never have known just how sick he was. It was just an amazing day for him and for all of us. I cannot imagine how you pulled this together for him in less than a month, but you made all the difference in my little man’s life. Thank you Special Wish, we will cherish our memories forever.” Sandy Shreimer Madison, Wisconsin
Become a part of something special. A Special Wish Foundation, Inc. 1250 Memory Lane | Columbus, OH 43209 Tel: 614-258-3186 | www.spwish.org A Special Wish Foundation is a 501(c)(3) organization. All donations are tax deductible.
ASW Brochure.indd 2
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...because some wishes can't wait. Our History in Brief: A Special Wish Foundation, Inc. was the first wish granting organization in the state of Ohio and the third such organization in the nation. The organization was founded by Ramona Damron-Fickle, a former hospice volunteer, who was concerned about the lack of services for children with lifethreatening disorders and illness. Frustrated with the lack of services, in 1981, Ramona began to develop an organization to meet the wish-granting needs of children in Ohio. Today, this program is available to children from coast to coast and in Russia. “Seed” money was provided to the Foundation as a contribution from Cliff Damron, in memory of his wife, Gladys, who was known among family and friends for her active role in providing spiritual and physical support for disadvantaged children and their families. The first organizational meeting was held in March 1982, at the Children’s Hospital in Columbus. A 12-member Board of Directors representing a broad spectrum
of the state was seated to administer the program. In 1985, the original Board of Directors became the National Board of Governors that currently administers the program on a national/international level. The Foundation’s Articles of Incorporation were filed in Columbus in May 1982. The Foundation was later determined to be exempt from federal income tax under Section 501 (C) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code. The first wish was granted in 1982 to 6 year old Amber Johnson Amber was suffering from leukemia. Amber and her family visited her favorite characters, Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck, at their home in Disney World. Today, A Special Wish Foundation is the 3rd largest wish granting organization in the United States, with 18 chapters across the U.S., and one in Moscow, Russia. In the 20 years since Amber Johnson’s wish, thousands of wishes have been granted to thousands of qualifying children.
Why do we do this?...because some wishes can’t wait. A Special Wish Foundation, Inc. (ASW) is a non-profit, 501(c) (3) charitable organization dedicated to granting the wishes of children under the age of 21 who struggle with a life-threatening disorder. Founded in 1982, ASW is the third largest wish granting organization in the United States, and now has chapters across the United States and one in Moscow, Russia. Since 1982, thousands of qualifying children have experienced the realization of their wishes through ASW. There is never any discrimination based on race, gender, religion, or nationality in A Special Wish Foundation. 1250 Memory Lane N., Suite B Columbus, OH 43209 Tel: 614.258.3186 Fax: 614.258.3518 Web: www.spwish.org
...because some wishes can't wait. A Special Wish Foundation (ASW) would like you to know: § We were one of the first wish-granting organizations in the United States, founded in 1982. It is one of the three largest wishgranting organizations in the United States and is an international organization. § A Special Wish Foundation's National office is in Columbus, Ohio with chapters located throughout Ohio, Florida, Nevada, and Russia. § ASW is the only major wish-granting foundation in the United States granting wishes to qualifying infants and children, adolescents from birth through and including the age of 20 years. § ASW has been classified as a 501(C)(3) charitable organization by the Internal Revenue Service. Contributions are tax deductible, as allowed by the IRS. § 95% of the individuals who work for ASW do so as volunteers § The average cost of a granting a child's wish is $3,500 and immediate family members are included in the granting of wishes, whenever possible.
§ The first wish granted by ASW was in 1982 to six-year old Amber Johnson, a leukemia victim, who as able to travel with her family to Disney World to visit with her favorite Disney characters, Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck. Thousand of wishes have been granted since then. § ASW receives its monetary support solely from donations and fund raising. We NEVER use the services of professional fundraisers and 100% of each donation benefits the Foundation and the chapter to which the funds are donated. Ninety-fiver percent of the funds raised in the community stay in that chapter’s community/state. We NEVER solicit funds by phone. § The largest percentage of financial support comes from individual contributions. § Members/volunteers represent both professional and non-professional categories. § There is never any discrimination based on race, gender, religion, or nationality in A Special Wish Foundation.
ASW receives its monetary support solely from donations, fund raising events, and corporate sponsorships. The average cost of a child's wish is $3500. To make a donation or learn more about ASW, visit www.spwish.org or contact ASW headquarters at 614-258-3186.
1250 Memory Lane N., Suite B Columbus, OH 43209 Tel: 614.258.3186 Fax: 614.258.3518 Web: www.spwish.org
...because some wishes can't wait. Wish Granting Service requests are on the rise for children battling life threatening disorders. Facts about children facing life-threatening disorders: Special Wish children are kids that go to school when they are well enough to do so. They participate in activities, when they are well enough to do so. They smile and hurt, and laugh and cry, but sometimes not as often as those of us who are healthy. Illness does not discriminate, and neither does A Special Wish Foundation. Last year alone, A Special Wish Foundation met more than 1800 requests for wish granting services. Where Special Wish children come from: Our wish children are referred to us by family, friends, teachers, doctors, nurses, parishioners and professional service providers. We often receive wish referrals from individuals that don’t even know the wish child, but have heard about the family’s struggle and grief over a diagnosis. We encourage active participation in communities, and request very little information in order to provide services for a sick child. We receive wish requests from community newspapers, grocery stores, even sales clerks in department stores. If you know of a sick child that would enjoy having their dream become a reality, please contact us through our website, www.spwish.org or call 614-258-3186. Wish granting services need funding, volunteers and committed individuals: There are several ways to make a difference in a child’s life. The element of time for sick children is typically very short. Our services require the ability to make connections, transport kids and their families to and from airports and destinations. Shopping for Wish children is especially important and guaranteed fun for our volunteers. Donations and fund raising are areas of great need in our current economic climate. If you enjoy making dreams come true, please consider A Special Wish Foundation in offering your time, talents and heart to kids. 90% of every dollar raised goes into wish granting services. A Special Wish relies heavily on our volunteer staff to “make the magic happen.” We do not solicit funds by phone, and the majority of our funding comes from private donations and volunteer planned events. Money raised in your community, stays in your community. Events involving Wish Children are constantly being scheduled. If you have a particular interest in attending and/or participating in planning, promoting events for children, we encourage you to give us a call. Some of our most well received events that have been most successful in raising the necessary funds to keep our services in place have come from that off-the-top of your head idea where someone cared enough to pick up the phone and offer the suggestion. Do you have a contact in an organization that might consider having us make a presentation to their employees? These events and functions can impact our ability to meet the needs of our wish children. 1250 Memory Lane N., Suite B ! Columbus, OH 43209 Tel: 614.258.3186 ! Fax: 614.258.3518 ! Web: www.spwish.org
...because some wishes can't wait. NEWS RELEASE Contact: Patience Woodill, Public Relations Specialist (406) 240-5125 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE May 3, 2010 A SPECIAL WISH GRANTED BY LOCAL STUDENTS Dayton, OH.: Seventeen-year-old Darryl wanted to drive himself to and from school, back and forth to his doctor's appointments and experience the independence afforded most every teenager. A Special Wish Foundation teamed up with local Sinclair Community College Automotive technology faculty, staff and students to put wheels under Darryl. A Special Wish Foundation, Inc. (ASW) is a non-profit, 501(c)(3) charitable organization dedicated to granting the wishes of children under the age of 21 who struggle with a life-threatening disorder. Founded in 1982, ASW is the third largest wish granting organization in the United States, and now has chapters across the United States and one in Moscow, Russia. Since 1982, thousands of qualifying children have experienced the realization of their wishes through ASW. ASW is the only major wish-granting organization in the United States that grants wishes to qualifying infants, children, and adolescents from birth through and including the age of 20 years. ((more))
1250 Memory Lane N., Suite B Columbus, OH 43209 Tel: 614.258.3186 Fax: 614.258.3518 Web: www.spwish.org
...because some wishes can't wait. A Special Wish Foundation – 2 ASW received the wish request from Darryl's younger brother in January this year. Darryl, who is battling B-cell lymphoma describes it this way, "At least I had a truck, sort of. It was more like pieces of a truck on a chassis. It was a crapshoot for it to start most of the time, and it had different parts to it, kind of like a patch quilt. I'm just a guy that likes his truck, and this is my first truck, I was planning on working on it before I got sick." Darryl's truck was little more than a heap left over from a 1983 Chevrolet pick-up. The truck, now fully restored inside and out is the envy of all Darryl's classmates, thanks to Sinclair's Automotive Technology department. New "tuck and roll" interior upholstery, engine and transmission rebuilds, new parts, and a high gloss paint job. The new chrome wheels and tires completed the effort thanks to a local dealer. Darryl's pride and joy, and, "a really cool ride." said Darryl. The wish granting took more than 40 students, faculty, and staff, all donating their time to restore Darryl's truck. Darryl's wish took 400 hours in 42 days to grant. "The students had hoped to deliver the truck in 40 days," says Steve Ash, department chairman. "We knew he was going back to the hospital soon, and the students wanted him to be able to drive it before his hospital stay. He'll be able to drive it for a couple of weeks at least." Ash is visibly moved by Darryl's unassuming gratitude. Darryl looks at his truck and says with a big grin, "It was worth the wait, I just thought you guys were going to paint it so that all the parts matched."
1250 Memory Lane N., Suite B Columbus, OH 43209 Tel: 614.258.3186 Fax: 614.258.3518 Web: www.spwish.org
...because some wishes can't wait. ((more))
"This was definitely an act of love." Says Ash. "Everyone had their heart in it. We just wanted this young man to have a really cool truck that not only looks good, but is also reliable and mechanically sound. We were happy to do it for him. He's a great kid." The project truck was dubbed, "Heap to Hope" by the students.
ASW receives its monetary support solely from donations, fund raising events, and corporate sponsorships. The average cost of a child's wish is $3500. To make a donation or learn more about ASW, visit www.spwish.org or contact ASW headquarters at 614-258-3186.
1250 Memory Lane N., Suite B Columbus, OH 43209 Tel: 614.258.3186 Fax: 614.258.3518 Web: www.spwish.org
...because some wishes can't wait. NEWS RELEASE Contact: Patience Woodill, Public Relations Specialist (406) 240-5125 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE May 3, 2010 A SPECIAL WISH FOUNDATION INTERVENES FOR A "SUPER-SIZED" WISH Indianapolis, Ind.: When Ryan Thomas, age 19 received an autographed picture of his hero, Indianapolis Colts' quarterback Peyton Manning he was delighted. When Ryan arrived at the Super Bowl on February 7, 2010 and watched Peyton Manning take the field, he thought he was dreaming. Such are the miracles of A Special Wish Foundation. A Special Wish Foundation, Inc. (ASW) is a non-profit, 501(c)(3) charitable organization dedicated to granting the wishes of children under the age of 21 who struggle with a life-threatening disorder. Founded in 1982, ASW is the third largest wish granting organization in the United States, and now has chapters across the United States and one in Moscow, Russia. Since 1982, thousands of qualifying children have experienced the realization of their wishes through ASW. ASW is the only major wish-granting organization in the United States that grants wishes to qualifying infants, children, and adolescents from birth through and including the age of 20 years. ((more))
1250 Memory Lane N., Suite B Columbus, OH 43209 Tel: 614.258.3186 Fax: 614.258.3518 Web: www.spwish.org
...because some wishes can't wait. A Special Wish Foundation – 2 ASW received the wish request from Thomas' mom a week after the Indianapolis Colts won the AFC title. Ryan Thomas, who suffers with a life-threatening seizure disorder, has always dreamt of attending an Indianapolis Colts game. "ASW isn't new to granting rush wishes," said Lisa Hardin, ASW Wish Coordinator, "but we only had a couple of weeks and we kept hitting roadblocks finding tickets, let alone getting all the details pulled together for Ryan and his sister's travel." The Tuesday before the Super Bowl, Hardin met with Naressa Allen, Executive Director for ASW. Hardin's job was to inform Allen they had a wish request that was not going to happen. "I was out of resources, there weren't any tickets to be had from anywhere," said Hardin. Allen was not worried; she told Hardin, "you keep working the travel arrangements and I will pray." Hardin received a phone call around ten o'clock the next morning. An anonymous donor had "a few seats" he would like to donate to ASW if they had any wish kids that would like to see the Super Bowl that weekend. "I have seen our organization pull a lot of rabbits out of a hat for our kids, and organizations are very generous, but this was truly a miracle. It's like Naressa has an open line of communication with God, she calls, He answers and then miracles happen around here," said Hardin. ((more))
1250 Memory Lane N., Suite B Columbus, OH 43209 Tel: 614.258.3186 Fax: 614.258.3518 Web: www.spwish.org
...because some wishes can't wait.
The "few seats" made available to Thomas and his family turned out to be in a private skybox, the equivalent of a $24,000 donation. ASW provided transportation, lodging, and meals for the Thomas family while in Miami. ((more))
ASW receives its monetary support solely from donations, fund raising events, and corporate sponsorships. The average cost of a child's wish is $3500. To make a donation or learn more about ASW, visit www.spwish.org or contact ASW headquarters at 614-258-3186.
1250 Memory Lane N., Suite B Columbus, OH 43209 Tel: 614.258.3186 Fax: 614.258.3518 Web: www.spwish.org
...because some wishes can't wait.
Policy Position on Soliciting Charitable Donations by Telephone ~ Federal "do-not-call" legislation provided most Americans freedom from being hassled by unwanted phone calls from telemarketers. As a result, many telemarketing firms have lost renewals for private accounts and are currently representing an increased number of charitable organizations due to the new legislation. A Special Wish Foundation does not participate in telemarketing of any kind. ~ Our Position: Telephone solicitation is not an appropriate vehicle for charitable organizations to achieve fundraising goals. ASW and other nonprofit organizations rely on valuable long-term recognition by their donors for business practices. A Special Wish Foundation (ASW) does not solicit donations through telemarketing, or private for profit telemarketing firms. One hundred percent of the donations received by ASW benefit ASW's wish granting services. ASW's largest percentage of financial support comes directly from private, individual contributions with the balance originating from event fundraising and corporate donations. ASW has a strong history in refusing the services of telemarketing firms, believing the use of direct contact through telephone queries to request donations is an invasion of privacy and likely alienates potential donors. Recently, a telemarketing firm seeking donations fraudulently represented ASW. The Dayton Municipal Court (Dayton, Ohio) is currently investigating the case involving ASW and other charitable organizations after receiving several complaints.
1250 Memory Lane N., Suite B  Columbus, OH 43209 Tel: 614.258.3186  Fax: 614.258.3518  Web: www.spwish.org
...because some wishes can't wait. Policy Statement: Telemarketing pg. 2 of 3 ~ The Issue: The majority of donations solicited through telemarketing agencies is allocated to fees charged by the telemarketing firms, and do not go to the charity they may (or may not) be representing. If a telemarketing firm is raising funds on behalf of a nonprofit, the first impression a potential donor has of the organization is now based on how the telemarketing firm presents them. First impressions are lasting impressions. Reputable nonprofits are very protective of their image. The utilization of telemarketing firms results in nonprofits having little control over how they are perceived by the individuals contacted, which makes the use of private agencies to solicit donations inappropriate. Telemarketing firms also leave nonprofits vulnerable to litigation. ~ A Proposed Solution: Legislation prohibiting telephone marketing overall would be beneficial to the public at large. Telemarketers are annoying and the industry encourages opportunities for frauds and risky business practices. These not only can damage individuals receiving calls, but also organizations falsely represented by these companies. ASW is asking current legislation amendments to prohibit any kind of telemarketing, including telephone soliciting for politicians.
1250 Memory Lane N., Suite B  Columbus, OH 43209 Tel: 614.258.3186  Fax: 614.258.3518  Web: www.spwish.org
...because some wishes can't wait. Position Statement: Telemarketing pg. 3 of 3 ~ "Telemarketing is a nuisance," said Naressa Allen, Executive Director for ASW. "I've never spoken to anyone that enjoys getting phone calls at the dinner hour, let alone at bedtime by people asking for money. It's just time we put a stop to this once and for all, when people want to donate to an organization, they will do it on their own terms, they don't need to be interrupted by unwanted phone calls." Allen and other nonprofit leaders will ask legislators to include language, preventing telemarketing on behalf of nonprofits in the 2011 legislature.
A Special Wish Foundation, Inc. (ASW) is a non-profit, 501(c) (3) charitable organization dedicated to granting the wishes of children under the age of 21 who struggle with a life-threatening disorder. Founded in 1982, ASW is the third largest wish granting organization in the United States, and now has chapters across the United States and one in Moscow, Russia. Since 1982, thousands of qualifying children have experienced the realization of their wishes through ASW. There is never any discrimination based on race, gender, religion, or nationality in A Special Wish Foundation.
1250 Memory Lane N., Suite B Columbus, OH 43209 Tel: 614.258.3186 Fax: 614.258.3518 Web: www.spwish.org
...because some wishes can't wait. NEWS RELEASE Contact: Patience Woodill, Public Relations Specialist (406) 240-5125 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE May 2, 2010 STUDENTS MAKING A DIFFERENCE IN LIVES CUT SHORT: HEART TO HEART PROGRAM PROVIDES NECESSARY FUNDING TO GRANT WISHES FOR LOCAL KIDS You don't have to be a millionaire or a large corporation to make wishes come true for children facing life-threatening illness according to Lisa Hardin, Wish Coordinator for A Special Wish Foundation, Inc., (ASW) a wish granting organization specializing in granting wishes for children from birth to age 20. "A lot of students think they have to be able to contribute large sums of money to make a difference to our wish kids, many believe a hundred or even fifty dollars doesn't help fulfill a wish, and it does," said Hardin. "Wishes from kids come in all shapes, sizes and efforts. Like providing MP3 players or a recording of a child's favorite book, or maybe giving their bedroom a makeover, sometimes it's the smaller wishes that mean the most to our kids and their families." Hardin, who has been coordinating children's wishes since 1989 says one of the greatest sources of revenue for ASW comes from the "Heart to Heart" program. The Heart to Heart/Wish Upon A Star program engages students of all ages to host events where brightly colored hearts or stars are sold for a dollar. ((more))
1250 Memory Lane N., Suite B Columbus, OH 43209 Tel: 614.258.3186 Fax: 614.258.3518 Web: www.spwish.org
...because some wishes can't wait. Often students will enlist the assistance of teachers and staff at their local schools to hold dances, car washes, and softball or basketball games between teachers and students. The kids sell sometimes sell hearts (or stars) as tickets, and then also ask audience members to assist the students' efforts to "wallpaper" the gym and hallways of the school with hearts/stars. The student's often end up competing between classes or schools to see who can cover their hallways and/or classes in hearts/stars. "We had a group of high school students that came up with the idea to have a dance, "Night of a Thousand Stars". Their goal was to sell a thousand paper stars, cover them in glitter, and hang them from the gym ceiling for the dance. They sold over three thousand and quit hanging them when they got to 2500. The students put the rest of them up around the gym on the walls. They even had the stars hanging from the basketball hoops. It is not just in the money raised from students producing events, but also the incredible ideas for events the kids come up with that end up becoming annual programs for ASW," says Hardin.
ASW lists the three strongest events for students wanting to help grant wishes:
I – Wish Upon a Star/Heart to Heart ASW national office provides brightly printed "stars" or "hearts" on glossy stock with an area for a contributor's name. The stars and hearts are sold for a $1. Grades, students, and even schools compete for covering walls, rooms, and backstops, inside and outside walls of the buildings. The
1250 Memory Lane N., Suite B Columbus, OH 43209 Tel: 614.258.3186 Fax: 614.258.3518 Web: www.spwish.org
...because some wishes can't wait. hearts/stars are sold at school, during events, and typically on a specific timetable to give the effort a friendly sense of competition. All the proceeds go directly to granting wishes for kids in the students' school district. II – Heart to Heart Basketball The school will hold a basketball game where the paper hearts are sold during a basketball game between students and faculty. Concession sales, entry fees, and 50/50 and raffle tickets are sold to raise awareness of a wish request and the students' desire to fulfill the wish. Often ASW's National office representatives will attend and/or participate. Local news coverage brings the message of the requested wish to the community.
III – Heart to Heart Bowling Over Wishes Local bowling alleys in a community hold tournaments across town with students and local media representatives. Local vendors provide pizza, soft drinks, and prizes. "Hearts" and "Stars" sold during the event line the walls (and sometimes ceilings) of the bowling alleys. The money raised through local efforts by students stay in the school(s) community to assist with the wish granting efforts for kids in the immediate community. To learn more about the Heart to Heart/Wish Upon A Star program, visit www.spwish.org or contact ASW headquarters at 614-258-3186.
1250 Memory Lane N., Suite B Columbus, OH 43209 Tel: 614.258.3186 Fax: 614.258.3518 Web: www.spwish.org
...because some wishes can't wait. ASW receives its monetary support solely from donations, fund raising events, and corporate sponsorships. The average cost of a child's wish is $3500. To learn more about the Heart to Heart/Wish Upon A Star Program and A Special Wish Foundation, visit www.spwish.org or contact ASW headquarters at 614-258-3186. #### A Special Wish Foundation, Inc. (ASW) is a non-profit, 501(c)(3) charitable organization dedicated to granting the wishes of children under the age of 21 who struggle with a life-threatening disorder. Founded in 1982, ASW is the third largest wish granting organization in the United States, and now has chapters across the United States and one in Moscow, Russia. Since 1982, thousands of qualifying children have experienced the realization of their wishes through ASW.
1250 Memory Lane N., Suite B Columbus, OH 43209 Tel: 614.258.3186 Fax: 614.258.3518 Web: www.spwish.org