PWRDF Annual Report 2020-2021

Page 16

Indigenous Communities

Indigenous language lives on in radio and televison education programs. Promoting language reclamation in Quebec During the COVID-19 pandemic, staff at Kanien’kehaka Onkwawén:na Raotitiohkwa Language and Cultural Centre (KORLCC) embraced technology and tailored its curriculum to fit the needs of community members, many of whom are home and participating in online learning with their children or for themselves. PWRDF supported developing the resource “One Book Baby Book,” which is being illustrated for the Total tánon Ohkwári Puppet show; two radio programs were written and translated and two scripts were written for television and YouTube broadcast. For the Kanien’kéha Ratiwennahnírats Adult Immersion Program, 17 stories were completed, which were recorded with a first language Elder speaker and transcribed and the Oheró:kon Rites of Passage program has conducted their fasting speaker series and moon ceremony teachings.


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