The 2023 Prospectus

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The 2023 Prospectus

“Our vision is for your daughter to graduate as an influential and compassionate young woman who is ready to embrace her future and make her mark on the world.”
Principal’s Welcome 4 Chair of the Board Welcome 5 Watch Us Change the World 6 The Pymble Girl 7 Influential and Compassionate Women 8 Strategic Plan 9 Four Schools, One College 10 Junior School 12 Middle School 14 Upper School 16 Senior School 18 Secondary Academic Subjects 20 2022 HSC Results 22 Boarding at Pymble 24 Endless Opportunities in Co-curricular 27 Sport 29 Performing Arts 30 Extended Learning 32 Pymble Gives Back .34 International Tours and Exchange Programs .35 Scholarships 36 First Nations Scholarships 36 Extended Day Student Program 39 Nutrition at Pymble 39 Pymble Private Bus Service 40 Outdoor Education 42 Vision Valley 44 Out of School Hours Care 45 Always a Pymble Girl 46 Pymble Family 48 Pymble Parent Association 48 Enrolments 50 Contents

Welcome to Pymble

Thank you for taking the time to consider Pymble Ladies’ College for your daughter.

We are often asked, what makes Pymble so special? That’s easy. It’s our girls.

Pymble girls have every opportunity to harness their unique inner strengths and develop the knowledge and skills they need to reach their full potential. They bring passion and purpose to everything they do. They are change-makers in the classroom, in their community and in the world. If our girls can dream it, they can do it at Pymble

This is an exciting time for you and your daughter to learn more about our College. The Strategic Direction for our College, Watch Us Change the World, has been developed around four learning pillars designed to build academic, emotional, digital and social intelligence. Underpinning these pillars is our new Mind-Body-Spirit Framework, which positively influences our girls in terms of their awareness, resilience, character, purpose, relationships and lifestyle choices.

Our stunning main campus in Sydney’s North Shore supports a culture of excellence, as well as an enormous breadth of co-curricular sport and activities that places Pymble in a league of its own. Our second campus, Vision Valley in Arcadia in Sydney’s north-west, plays an important role in the Pymble learning journey, enabling us to deliver transformative learning experiences through outdoor education, residential experiences and other curricular programs for our girls.

Our vision is for your daughter to graduate as an influential and compassionate young woman who is ready to embrace her future and make her mark on the world.

We warmly invite you to come and meet us and experience first-hand the culture of our College family. From our family to yours, we look forward to welcoming you to Pymble

4 Pymble Ladies’ College Welcome to Pymble


In my experience drawn from being a Pymble parent for eight years, a Pymble board member for the past nine years and a member of the Association of Independent Schools of NSW/ACT, Pymble Ladies’ College is one of Australia’s top performing schools.

Founded in 1916, the College has always encouraged girls and young women to embrace the best opportunities education has to offer, think for themselves and live by the College motto, All’ Ultimo Lavoro – strive for the highest.

That ethos lives on today. Pymble is an internationally acclaimed nonselective school that provides students with limitless opportunities, encouragement and support to pursue their passions, be extraordinary and make a difference in whatever they choose to do in life.

The College offers a world-class, well-rounded educational program which has been expertly designed to enable each girl to reach her full potential. Our mission is to create a personalised learning environment for each student so she develops a passion for learning and scholarship, a strong assurance of her own worth and the desire and values to contribute meaningfully to her local and global communities.

The greatest gift a parent can give their child is an enriching and formative educational experience. I have had the pleasure of watching my own daughter benefit from the ‘Pymble experience’ and it is with the utmost confidence that I encourage you to give your daughter the opportunity to explore everything that this great College has to offer.

“ We are often asked what makes Pymble so special? That’s easy, it’s our girls.”

Watch Us Change the World

Watch Us Change the World is our statement of strategic intent and exists to instil courage in our girls to create the future they want to see for themselves.

At Pymble, we foster a world-class educational environment with the importance of global citizenship and a worldwide perspective central to our strategic intent. Our girls are compassionate and influential women who will go on to change the world – not just for themselves, but for the benefit of others.

Ladies’ College Watch Us Change the World

The Pymble Girl

The Pymble Ladies’ College Mind-Body-Spirit Framework is a multidimensional, holistic approach to wellness and growth, encompassing academic, social, emotional and digital intelligence. The framework serves as an active process through which we equip our young women with the knowledge and skills to harness their inner strengths and make positive choices in life. It recognises there are many opportunities to support wellness and growth. Understanding one’s self and the strengths we bring to a challenge is a key part of our education and assists our girls as they develop into influential and compassionate women.


The decision of where to educate your daughter is arguably one of the most important decisions you will make on her behalf. Research indicates that girls who attend all girls’ schools are the beneficiaries of a “competitive boost”. This research adds to a growing body of evidence that speaks to the benefits of a single-sex educational environment for girls when compared to girls who attend co-educational schools. These benefits include:

• Girls’ schools create a culture of strong academic achievement, including better grades in numeracy, literacy, reading, languages and, ultimately, better tertiary entrance scores.

• Girls in single-sex schools are better at STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics). They have more favourable attitudes towards STEM-related subjects, are more confident and are more likely to engage in higher level mathematics, chemistry and physics.

• In all-girls schools, girls are better able to develop a positive selfimage with less fear of ridicule. They are more likely to consider a wider variety of career choices and embrace competition.

• Self-esteem and wellbeing in an all-girls’ setting are enhanced.

• Girls in schools such as Pymble are more likely to engage in a wider array of sporting activities, including sports traditionally considered masculine (such as rugby).

• Girls in all-girls schools experience fewer instances of sexist language, social anxiety and bullying.

• Girls in all-girls schools are more aspirational, their voices are heard more readily and they are more motivated.

“ The objective you seek may be closer at hand than you think!”

Influential and Compassionate Women

Watch Us Change the World introduces four new directional pillars or themes for teaching and learning, along with the enablers we believe will combine with the themes, to empower Pymble girls to become influential and compassionate women who have the knowledge, skills and courage to make a meaningful contribution to the world.

Our five core values (see below) affirm our commitment to the Christian heritage of Pymble Ladies’ College and our identity as a school of the Uniting Church in Australia.


For self and concern for others sustain and enhance our social, physical and learning environment.

We express care daily through considerate and compassionate attitudes and behaviour.



Through the attributes of fortitude, strength of character, resilience and determination, gives us the confidence to stand up for what is right, respond to the needs of others, and make a positive, purposeful contribution to the world around us.


As evidenced through sincerity, a commitment to the truth and habits of sound judgment and ethical conduct. By adhering to high principles, we develop the moral framework fundamental to achieving great personal fulfilment and contributing to society.


Encourages leadership and initiative, a spirit of service and commitment, and the opportunity to make a positive contribution to the school community and, ultimately, society at large.


Enables the richness and diversity of all backgrounds, cultures and abilities to be held in high regard. Through respect, we promote greater self-esteem in ourselves and others, and create a community where achievement, education, life balance and a love of learning are supported.

P8 Section Name Title Name
8 Pymble Ladies’ College Influential and Compassionate Women

Strategic Pillars


Knowledge for a better world


Diversity as the path to unity


Technologies for an innovative future


Empowered to be courageous

Four Schools, One College

Situated on 20 hectares of beautiful park-like grounds in Sydney’s North Shore, Pymble Ladies’ College is a non-selective, independent school for girls from Kindergarten to Year 12, with Boarding available from Year 7.

Pymble is a school that inspires and excites students to explore and extend their potential. As your daughter moves from the dependence of her first years through to the independence of a young woman ready to graduate, each new school will offer her greater challenges, responsibility and opportunities.

The College offers a world-class learning environment that provides opportunities for excellence in academic studies, sports and the arts, a comprehensive curriculum with outstanding facilities and a nurturing pastoral care program that recognises and develops each girl’s unique strengths and qualities.

10 Pymble Ladies’ College Four Schools, One College
12 Pymble Ladies’ College Junior School
“Junior School is a community of kindness where the focus is on being kind to others, the environment and ourselves. Our kindness ambassador, Heidi the Hedgehog, reminds the girls that even the quietest voice deserves to be heard and valued.”

Junior School

We offer an exceptionally well-resourced learning environment to inspire wonder, collaboration, creativity and build a healthy connection to nature. Your daughter will enjoy her journey of discovery and learning in our purpose-built precinct that provides creative, engaging and nurturing learning spaces designed to capture each girl’s interests and ignite her love of learning. With a commitment to knowing each student as a unique person, we encourage each girl to value herself and others as she responds positively to being challenged in her learning.

Academic rigour spans all subject areas where our girls build strong foundation skills in Mathematics and English and have opportunities to extend their understanding through enrichment activities, with support available for girls requiring additional assistance. Specialist teachers plan and implement programs in Physical Education, Creative Arts, Visual Arts (for Years 3 to 6) and Languages. Learning is through investigation and enhances the development of critical and creative thinking skills, collaboration and problem solving. We ask our girls to pose questions and find solutions and connections to the real world. Girls benefit from extensive leadership opportunities throughout our Junior School to build an authentic sense of voice

and advocacy in their world. We offer a closely linked wellbeing and academic program as we firmly believe a happy child is a child ready to learn. Alongside our College values, there is a positive focus in our Junior School on the power of kindness and being of service to others. Pymble was proud to launch the inaugural Children’s Kindness Convention in June 2022, connecting twenty schools across Sydney and giving them the opportunity to ideate solutions to global issues through the lenses of kindness to others, the environment and self. Through kindness, our students not only believe but are gifted the sense of hope they need to know they can change the world.

Each girl is provided with an iPad as we focus on developing her digital skills, a sense of digital citizenship and her STEM capabilities led by our Head of STEM K-6. The College has created flexible and innovative learning environments for girls in Years 5 and 6 that support them to develop knowledge and skills, independence, collaboration and choice. Our outstanding range of co-curricular activities provides further opportunities for our girls to explore their passions and potential and to create magical memories with their peers.

Our Junior School – Kindergarten to Year 6 – captures and extends the inquisitive nature of young children as they negotiate their learning adventures in a safe and supportive environment.
The best thing about the Junior School is all the kindness.”
14 Pymble Ladies’ College Middle School
“ It’s important to have a go and develop the courage to put yourself forward or even just raise your hand.”

Middle School

As she graduates to the Middle School - Years 7 and 8 - your daughter’s learning experiences will become even more challenging and inspiring.

During these formative Middle School years, students’ abilities and interests are nurtured in a strong and caring community. Comprehensive academic, co-curricular and wellbeing programs support the intellectual, emotional, social and spiritual growth of every girl.

Middle School students are encouraged to engage in intellectual pursuits, to express themselves creatively, to extend themselves physically and to develop their character and personal leadership in the many areas and social responsibility initiatives available.

Staff in the Middle School work collaboratively to provide the ideal blend of structure and choice that allows young women to flourish, offering them a supportive environment where they feel challenged enough to grow, yet confident enough to try new approaches. The teachers encourage students to achieve their personal best and develop into compassionate and resilient young women capable of realising their full potential.

Upper School

Progressing into Upper School - Years 9 and 10 - your daughter is now recognisable as a young woman who will soon take on the world.

In Upper School, our girls are guided to develop into young women of compassion and determination who take responsibility for their own learning and the welfare of others. They are given the opportunity to expand their horizons, broaden their perspective and achieve their best in both academic and co-curricular areas of education.

Beyond the direct curriculum experiences, learning activities in the Upper School have been designed to promote communication, problem-solving, creativity and collaboration. Pymble’s research-driven learning culture means Upper School girls benefit from effective and engaging personal development experiences that focus on the College’s core values. External speakers are regularly included in the Upper School programs. Leaders in the field and experiential opportunities connect the girls to key issues influencing society, locally and internationally.

In Year 9, students participate in our mandatory Residential Program at Vision Valley living away from home for four weeks with their peers. Learning is different at Vision Valley. Every aspect of the Residential Program, from lessons to physical challenges and downtime, builds real world learning and problem solving into the context of living in the natural environment. Our goal for each student attending the program is to grow, flourish and leave with a developing understanding of themselves, strong connections to others and an affinity with the natural environment.

16 Pymble Ladies’ College Upper School
I plan on changing the world by inspiring others.” MIKA YEAR 10
“ The Kate Mason Senior School Building is a buzzing environment where different relationships are fostered; it’s a place to learn, a place to grow and a place for friends.”
18 Pymble Ladies’ College Senior School

Senior School

The Senior School - Years 11 and 12 - is preparation for what tomorrow will bring. Within a purpose-built Senior School Centre designed to meet the unique developmental and educational requirements of senior students, your daughter will experience the independence and sense of community she needs to succeed.

Building on the strong foundation of the Upper School years, Pymble girls in Years 11 and 12 work collaboratively with College staff to achieve their desired goals, both academic and co-curricular.

Our students are encouraged to develop an autonomous approach to their learning, building self-efficacy and confidence. Supported, guided and challenged by dedicated and passionate staff, Senior School students can personalise their academic program through the broad range of subjects available in their Higher School Certificate years.

As the most senior girls in the College, Years 11 and 12 students have many opportunities to develop their leadership potential by serving in various office-bearing positions.

In their final year at Pymble, all Year 12 girls are role models and leaders for the College. The Senior School aims to equip all students with the skills and desire to make meaningful contributions in their lives beyond Pymble

Secondary Academic Subjects

Your daughter will be encouraged to explore a vast array of programs as she develops skills within an inspirational and positive school community.

The College proudly offers a comprehensive and balanced educational experience and will nurture her to make the most of her individual potential. The range and depth of subjects on offer at Pymble is extensive and includes:

A Agriculture (Years 9 to 12)

Aboriginal Studies (Years 10 to 12)

B Biology (Years 11 to 12)

Big History (Year 10)

Business Studies (Years 11 to 12)

C Chemistry (Years 11 to 12)

Chinese (Years 7 to 10)

Chinese Continuers (Years 11 to 12)

Chinese Extension (Year 12)

Classical Greek (Years 9 to 10)

Classical Greek Continuers (Years 11 to 12)

Commerce (Years 9 to 10)

D Dance (Years 10 to 12)

Data Science (Years 9 to 11)

Design and Technology (Years 9 to 12)

Digital Technologies (Year 9)

Drama (Years 9 to 12)

E Earth and Environmental Science (Years 11 to 12)

Economics (Years 11 to 12)

English (Years 7 to 10)

English Advanced (Years 11 to 12)

English Extension 1 (Years 11 to 12)

English Extension 2 (Year 12)

English Standard (Years 11 to 12)

English EAL/D (Years 11 to 12)

Entertainment Industry (Years 11 to 12)

F First Nations Cultures and History (Year 9)

Financial Literacy (Year 8)

20 Pymble Ladies’ College Secondary Academic Subjects

Food Technology (Years 9 to 12)

French (Years 7 to 10)

French Continuers (Years 11 to 12)

French Extension (Year 12)

G Geography (Years 9 to 12)

German (Years 7 to 10)

German Continuers (Years 11 to 12)

German Extension (Year 12)

H History (Years 8 to 10)

History Ancient (Years 11 to 12)

History Modern (Years 11 to 12)

History Extension (Year 12)

Hospitality (Years 11 to 12)

I Italian Beginners (Years 11 to 12

Investigating Science (Year 12)

J Japanese (Years 7 to 10)

Japanese Continuers (Years 11 to 12)

Japanese Extension (Year 12)

L Latin (Years 9 to 10)

Latin Continuers (Years 11 to 12)

Latin Extension (Year 12)

Legal Studies (Years 11 to 12)

Literacy to Learning (Years 8 to 10)

M Marine and Aquaculture Technology (Years 9 to 10)

Mathematics (Years 7 to 10)

Mathematics Advanced (Years 11 to 12)

Mathematics Standard (Years 11 to 12)

Mathematics Extension 1 (Years 11 to 12)

Mathematics Extension 2 (Year 12)

Music (Year 7)

Music Elective (Years 8 to 10)

Music Contemporary Studies (Years 9 to 10)

Music 1 (Years 11 to 12)

Music 2 (Years 11 to 12)

Music Extension (Year 12)

P Personal Development to Health to Physical Education (PDHPE) (Years 7 to 12)

Philosophy (Year 10)

Photographic and Digital Media (Years 9 to 10)

Physical Activity and Sports Studies (PASS) (Years 9 to 10)

Physics (Years 11 to 12)

R Religion and Ethics Education (Years 7 to 10)

S Science (Years 7 to 10)

Science Extension (Year 12)

Society and Culture (Years 11 to 12)

Software Design and Development (Years 11 to 12)

Studies of Religion 1 (Years 11 to 12)

T Technology (Years 7 to 8)

Textiles and Design (Years 11 to 12)

Textiles Technology (Years 9 to 10)

V Visual Arts (Years 7 to 12)

2022 HSC Results

Rigorous study patterns, a focus on progress through a growth mindset and determination have enabled our students to achieve or exceed their personal goals this year. These wonderful results are also a testament to the high impact teaching practices used by our outstanding professional staff in the classroom as they support every student to triumph in various ways that may not involve a number.

239 students from Pymble Ladies’ College sat for the NSW Higher School Certificate in 51 courses. When compared to the state average, results in Bands 5 and 6 (2 unit courses) and Bands E3 and E4 (Extension courses) have remained consistently high. On

average, 74 per cent of Pymble candidates across all two-unit courses offered at the College achieved results in Band 5 and 6, compared with 47 per cent of students across the state in the same subjects.

An incredible 75 per cent of our students had at least one Band 6 result (above 90) placing them on the Distinguished Achievers list and 28 students were named as All-Rounders with Band 6 or E4 results in ten or more units.

High performing subjects this year with 100 per cent of students in Band 5 and 6 (above 80) for two-unit subjects and E3 and E4 for extension subjects were Chinese Continuers, Dance,

Drama, Music 1, Music 2, Visual Arts, French Extension, History Extension, Latin Extension, Science Extension, Chinese Extension, Classical Greek Extension, English Extension 2, Japanese Extension and Music Extension.

As well as those listed above, Pymble leapt above and beyond in the following subjects in which the combined Band 5/6 results were 30 per cent or more above the state percentages (subjects with an * also had three times the state average of Band 6 students): Agriculture*, Ancient History*, Biology, Business Studies*, Design and Technology, Economics, English EAL/D, Food Technology*, Geography,

22 Pymble Ladies’ College 2022 HSC Results
In 2022, our HSC students have exceeded our expectations.”

Hospitality*, Investigating Science*, Italian Beginners, Legal Studies*, Mathematics Advanced, Mathematics Standard*, Modern History*, Physics and Studies of Religion 1.

Notable improvements were seen in English Advanced, Economics, Drama, Hospitality, Mathematics Advanced, Mathematics Standard, Music 1 and Visual Arts. Record numbers of students were nominated for HSC Showcases in Dance, Drama, Music, Design and Technology, Textiles and Design and Visual Arts. It takes enormous commitment and courage to complete and display a major work, and we are very excited that Pymble has students selected to have their major

work performed or exhibited at ARTEXPRESS, OnSTAGE (Drama), Callback (Dance) and ENCORE (Music).

172 students received a total of 428 early entry university offers before the HSC results were released and many more, including scholarship offers, have come through since, providing students with vast options for next year both nationally and internationally.

We hope that the Class of 2022 will continue their love of learning and stretch themselves to take on new and exciting challenges in the future.


28 ALL-ROUND ACHIEVERS 28 girls listed on the NESA Distinguished Achievers List 239 PYMBLE STUDENTS Sat for 51 HSC Courses PYMBLE 2-UNIT RESULTS In Bands 5 and 6 PYMBLE RANKED 20TH In SMH Top 100 Schools Report 17 PYMBLE STUDENTS With ATARS above >99.00 22 74% 20TH
24 Pymble
Boarding at Pymble
“As a Boarder at Pymble you are welcomed, seen, heard, valued, loved and supported.”

Boarding at Pymble

Our Boarders are the heart of Pymble. We celebrate the unique gifts that each girl brings and provide a supportive, responsive and homelike environment in which they can flourish. With access to exceptional learning opportunities, state-of-the-art facilities, an extensive cocurricular program, beautiful grounds and caring and professional staff, our girls are empowered to embrace opportunities to develop a broad perspective of life and to make meaning of their world as confident and capable young women.

With more than 120 Boarders, our community has a strong sense of pride and identity. Our Boarders have opportunities to build lifelong friendships with girls from around Australia and beyond abound, while the building of strong relationships with day students is actively encouraged through a variety of initiatives. Our Live It, Love It, Learn It programs provide myriad opportunities for for connection, fun and engagement. Integral to our success as a close-knit community is a Boarding team that is highly experienced, nurturing and particularly attuned to the needs of young women. Our staff are deliberate in their efforts to know each girl and to understand her hopes and dreams. They take the time to guide her by responding to her ideals and needs as a unique learner and as a person.

We value our partnership with our Boarding families and actively encourage open communication. There are many ways in which families can engage with the Boarding community and we welcome your involvement in various events and learning opportunities.

We want the best for our girls and it is our hope that they will graduate from Pymble Ladies’ College with a belief in their own capacity to create and engage in a life that is filled with love and joy, fun and laughter, hope and faith. Most of all we want our girls to know who they are and to value their own uniqueness.

26 Pymble Ladies’ College Endless Opportunities in Co-curricular

Endless Opportunities in Co-curricular

Whether her interest lies on the sporting field, or in Performing Arts, Outdoor Education, Extended Learning or Cadets, your daughter your daughter will be encouraged to pursue to pursue a wide range of sports and activities outside the classroom, which will flow on to enhance her learning within the classroom. The opportunities are endless and the support, coaching and mentoring she will receive are world class.

28 Pymble Ladies’ College Sport
The team spirit, camaraderie and determination that Pymble Sport instils drives us to be the best versions of ourselves, both as athletes and young women.”


Pymble supports its promise of a balanced education with a wide range of competitive and non-competitive sporting activities for every level of ability. Students are encouraged to participate in whichever sport they desire and the College will create new teams where there is interest.

The College aims to provide all students with a sporting experience that fosters an appreciation of the benefits of competition and the spirit of fair play, the pursuit of excellence and fulfilment of individual potential. Pymble students in Years 7 to 12 participate in Independent Girls’ Schools Sporting Association (igsa) carnivals and competitions. The aim of igsa activities is to reflect the values and ethos common to its member schools and reinforce the appropriate components of their Personal Development, Health and Physical Education (PDHPE) programs.

For those sports not offered by igsa, Pymble enters district, regional and invitational competitions and carnivals. Students in representative teams are offered the opportunity to travel to other countries including the United Kingdom, the United States of America and New Zealand to participate in invitational sporting tournaments. Pymble Junior School students participate in Independent Primary School Heads of Australia (IPSHA) competitions.

Junior School interschool Saturday sport is available for students in Years 3 to 6, with both igsa and IPSHA offering competitive pathways for a wide range of representative sport.

Age-appropriate sporting programs are available for all students from Kindergarten to Year 6 through the Sport and Activities program. These include Swimming, Diving, Athletics, sports-specific skills programs, Gymnastics and introductory sport programs. The College also offers the Pymble Elite Sportswomen’s Program to talented athletes in Years 7 to 12 across all sports. The program is designed to foster the development of these athletes through assistance and motivation and to help maintain a balance between high-level sporting commitments and academic study.

The College offers an extensive range of sports, including Fencing, Taekwondo, Equestrian, Orienteering and Sailing, ensuring Pymble girls have the opportunity to try a variety of traditional and nontraditional sports.

Performing Arts


Dance is offered as a curriculum subject for girls in Years 10, 11 and 12. Pymble has specialist dance staff whose knowledge, enthusiasm and professionalism allows students to learn, develop and refine their dance technique. Students also learn to analyse and appreciate dance as an art form.

Dance is also offered as a cocurricular program. Students from all year groups are able to register or audition for a variety of classes across five streams: RAD Ballet, Eisteddfod, Onstage, SideStage and VET in Dance. The styles covered across these streams include contemporary, jazz, lyrical, hip hop, musical theatre and tap. All co-curricular dancers perform in the annual dance season showcase in the Gillian Moore Centre for Performing Arts.


Drama is a key aspect of performing arts at Pymble Students can participate in four different co-curricular components including theatre skills and performance classes, drama productions in the Gillian Moore Centre for Performing Arts, theatresports training and competitions and film clubs. Drama is also an important part of the College’s curriculum. It is an elective subject from Year 9 through to the HSC, while Year 11 Drama students select a play to produce each year. The students learn about every aspect of production, from auditioning and rehearsing to designing sets and directing actors. Pymble encourages students to develop first-hand knowledge and skills in theatre design, lighting, sound, directing, stage-managing productions and front-of-house roles.


The Co-curricular Language Arts Program provides students with the opportunity to participate in a variety of programs, including Debating, Public Speaking, Mock Law and UN Advocacy. Small group tuition in Speech and Drama is offered from Kindergarten to Year 12. Secondary students participate in invitational debating competitions such as ISDA, Archdale, FED and International Debating Championships as well as social debating. Public Speaking classes are offered in both Junior and Secondary Schools and again, students have the opportunity to enter several prestigious regional, national and international competitions. Mediation, Mock Trial and Mooting, as well as advocacy and diplomacy activities in MUNA and Pymble United Nations, are all part of the broad Language Arts Program in the Secondary School. Junior School students may also participate in debating competitions and debating classes.

30 Pymble Ladies’ College Performing Arts
The whole Drama program and our productions are absolute perfection.”


Pymble has a long tradition of excellence in Music. Music is offered in curricular and co-curricular form. Music is offered as a subject through to Year 12 (HSC) level. Junior School students have regular classroom music lessons as part of an integrated approach to the Performing Arts. Students entering Years 3 and 4 are invited to participate in the String Program and learn violin, cello or double bass, or the Band Program and learn a wind, brass or percussion instrument. The mandatory Music course is completed in Year 7 and continues to explore the concepts of music through the integrated learning experiences of listening, performing and composing. Students may then continue their music studies by choosing the subject as an elective.

Pymble offers an array of opportunities for students to become involved in musical ensembles including bands,

choirs, orchestras, smaller ensembles and chamber music groups. Many of these ensembles are graded, culminating in select ensembles performing at elite levels in the Middle, Upper and Senior Schools.

Performance opportunities include: ensemble concerts, chapel services, music festivals and eisteddfods, special concerts, full-scale Broadway-style musical productions and specialist recitals. Biennial overseas music performance tours are also undertaken. Private tuition by practising professional musicians is available for most instruments.


Pymble students have extensive curricular and co-curricular choices in the area of Visual Arts. Classes include photography, drawing, printmaking, ceramics, jewellery, sculpture, painting, pottery and art appreciation.

Visual Arts tutors are practitioners with experience teaching students at all levels, from beginners through to those desiring to extend their skills, understanding and love of art.

32 Pymble Ladies’ College Extended Learning

Extended Learning

The Extended Learning portfolio provides students with opportunities to increase their learning in co-curricular classes and clubs after school. The programs provide students with a wide variety of options from curriculum-related areas such as Art, STEM, TAS and Health, as well as special interest fields. In addition to classes, Extended Learning offers students the chance to join several clubs at Pymble where they can collectively discuss ideas, topics and subject matters in a safe and stimulating environment.


We have a variety of art classes including oil painting, ceramics, drawing and print artmaking. Our co-curricular art tutors are practitioners with experience teaching students at all levels, from beginners through to those desiring to extend their skills, understanding and love of art.


Students from Year 1 through to Year 12 can select to learn coding, from beginner through to advanced level, or they can join our Robotics team to build and compete using VEX, FTC and FRC robots. Our girls learn skills such as driving, coding and building in a great team environment and have opportunities to compete in local, national and international competitions. In 2022, Pymble competed on the world stage in the FIRST Robotics and VEX World competitions in Texas, USA.


We offer students opportunities in both textiles and food classes such as Smart Cookies and Kitchen Whiz.


Classes include yoga to reduce anxiety, cope with stress and promote resilience.


We offer a number of other types of programs including Natural Skincare and Wellbeing where students make natural health and skincare products and Chess programs where students can compete in various competition or play for fun! The Cattle and Farm Club provides opportunities for students to participate in agricultural shows and parade the Pymble cattle.


Current clubs available for girls to join include: Book Club, Pymble Business Club, Ignite, Young Entrepreneurs Society (YES) and Pymedia.

Pymble Gives Back

Our Pymble family shares common values of Care, Courage, Integrity, Respect and Responsibility and we have the power to make a difference in the world. We all have diverse gifts and talents which we can draw on and this year all students will have an opportunity to use their gifts and talents to give back to their community.

Girls will be guided by a Kindergarten to Year 12 service learning continuum which highlights achievable and expected hours, suggested organisations and activities and a reflection task. While students will be guided, they are encouraged to source their own service opportunities.

Our core values are the essence of who we are and who we will continue to be. Giving back to our community helps develop self-efficacy, leadership and communication capabilities while helping others increases compassion and appreciation of what one has in life.

In 2023, Pymble will support Wayside Chapel, Dignity and The Smith Family, and various cohorts will continue to support a range of other charities including: The Barbara May Foundation, Days for Girls, Wrap with Love, St Vincent De Paul Society, Kids Giving Back, Oz Harvest, Westmead Hospital, Aged Care and many more.

P34 Pymble
Ladies’ College Pymble GIves Back, International Tours and Exchnage Programs


YEAR 12, 2020*

International Tours and Exchange Programs

Pymble students can travel abroad with the International Tours program. In 2022, our students travelled across the world to compete in the FIRST Robotics Competition in Houston, Texas, and be challenged at Oxford as part of the Academic Tour. Students in Years 10 and 11 took to the stage to perform and explore on the UK/France Drama Tour.

For 2023, Pymble will be travelling to France on a rugby tour, to the UK for the Oxford Academic Tour and our Rowing team will compete at the Henley Royal Regatta. Our tours provide our girls with the

opportunity to be independent and explore the world.

Pymble offers a wide variety of exchange programs, including language, cultural, sport and gap year exchanges to diverse countries. Language and cultural exchanges have historically been conducted with schools in Argentina, Canada, China, England, France, Germany, India, Italy, Japan, New Zealand, Scotland, South Africa, Spain and the United States of America. Our students also undertake national exchange programs with several schools within Australia.

“ It was a lifechanging trip to Italy that instilled a deep love for Italy, inspiring my HSC studies in Italian.”



Pymble Ladies’ College offers several academic and performance-based scholarships each year providing full or part remission of Tuition Fees for Secondary School students.

Detailed application information for all scholarship opportunities available at Pymble is provided on the College website. Candidates for Academic, Performance – Sport, Performance – Music, All-rounder, Boarding and Ex-Students’ Union Scholarships must register for and sit the Academic Assessment Services (AAS) Scholarship Test as well as provide supporting documentation as per the specific scholarship requirements.

Our scholarship students are mentored throughout their time at Pymble, specifically our youngest students who are included in our Centre for Excellence and our Performance – Sport scholarship students included in our Pymble Elite Sportswomen’s Program (PESP).


The College offers two types of First Nations scholarships in partnership with Australian Indigenous Education Foundation (AIEF). The Evonne Goolagong-Cawley Performance Sport Scholarship and the First Nations Leadership Scholarship are open to candidates with performance and academic abilities and leadership potential. The scholarship covers enrolment, tuition, Boarding fees and laptop, uniform and school-related expenses. Full details can be found on the Pymble Ladies’ College website. Pymble Ladies’ College reserves the right to offer scholarships to candidates at its discretion.

Our First Nations students are supported by our Indigenous Education Leaders and live in the Boarding community throughout their time at Pymble

36 Pymble Ladies’ College Scholarships
I’m proud of who I am, and who I am is because of Pymble.”
38 Pymble Ladies’ College Extended Day Student Program and Nutrition at Pymble

Extended Day Student Program

The Pymble Extended Day Student Program (EDSP) is designed to facilitate the needs of busy Secondary School students and their families. The program enables students to participate in their cocurricular activities while enjoying the convenience of returning to Boarding for afternoon tea, dinner, study and relaxation. As part of the program, students have access to all Boarding facilities and attend our Evening Study Program in the Library where teaching staff and tutors are available to assist students with homework, study and organisation. Students from Years 7 to 12 may enrol in the EDSP on a daily basis from Monday to Friday.

Nutrition at Pymble

The personal health and wellbeing of our students, staff and community is central to the provision of fresh, high quality and nutritionally-balanced meals.

The cultural diversity and dietary needs of our Boarders and day girls are delivered in collaboration with accredited nutritionists and dietitians. The College partners with a trusted and innovative supplier that shares our passion for excellence through continuous improvement to the delivery of nutritional meals and snacks at Pymble

To expand our offerings and facilitate this delivery, we built and recently opened our newest on-campus food outlet, Archie’s. Located in a prime position within the College opposite our multi-purpose sporting fields, Archie’s provides students, staff and parents with a wide range of healthy and delicious meals, drinks and snacks.

40 Pymble Ladies’ College Pymble Private Bus Service

Pymble Private Bus Service

Pymble Ladies’ College has five dedicated bus services to transport girls safely to and from the College.

The Pymble private bus service is a wonderful way for girls to connect with girls within their local area. Additionally, girls have an opportunity to form relationships with girls across different year groups at the College.

Buses are scheduled to arrive at the College at 8.00am and depart Pymble in the afternoon at 3.35pm.


Bus route 1 – Hunters Hill

Lane Cove, Longueville, Gladesville, Ryde, Macquarie Park

Bus Route 2 – Lower North Shore

Neutral Bay, Northbridge, Castlecrag, Castle Cove, Roseville, Killara

Bus Route 3 – North West

Dural, Glenhaven, West Pennant Hills, Beecroft, Epping, Marsfield, Macquarie

Bus Route 4 – Northern Beaches

Avalon, Newport, Mona Vale, Ingleside, Terrey Hills, St Ives

Bus Route 5 – Lower Northern Beaches

North Curl Curl, South Curl Curl, Freshwater, Manly, Balgowlah, Seaforth, Wakehurst Parkway, Frenchs Forest, Belrose

Outdoor Education

The Pymble Outdoor Education program is a continuum of our education philosophy. It is a lifechanging program embedded in personal growth, connection to peers, life skills, service, rites of passage and environmental stewardship.

In Kindergarten and Year 1, programs will involve nature walking, campfire experiences, storytelling, bush art, team building activities and reflection time.

In Years 2 and 3, our girls participate in their first overnight experience. Girls are involved in a regular program of environmental education and nature play across the Pymble and Vision Valley campuses.

In Years 4 and 5, girls experience a number of team building and unstructured play opportunities at Vision Valley, in addition to a two-night adventure with a focus on connections to peers, staff and nature, pushing comfort zones

and developing expedition skills. Our Year 6 girls are extended further in preparation for their transition to Secondary School in a three-night overnight experience.

In 2023, girls from Years 4 and 5 will embark on our new Hawkesbury adventure program to Webbs Creek. With one night camping and one in basic accommodation, girls will also have the opportunity to explore a beautiful location to the north of VIsion Valley.

As girls move into Secondary School, the duration and diversity of outdoor programs extends and will include Action Learning

Initiatives, Exploration and Expedition, Urban Challenges, Outdoor Leadership and Retreats.

In Year 7, girls embark on a fourday program based at Vision Valley. This program also includes an introductory overnight expedition in the Hawkesbury region.

Year 8 girls head to Colo Valley for a five-day expedition at the incredible Camp Somerset where they start to develop the skills required for the residential program expeditions in Year 9.

In Year 9, girls take part in a four week Residential Program at Vision Valley, where they will complete a series of expedition,

42 Pymble Ladies’ College Outdoor Education
“The Residential Program is part of Pymble’s bigger picture continuum, a life-changing journey throughout their school years designed to empower girls to be courageous and approach new challenges with optimism and excitement.”

fitness and relaxation programs, alongside their academic program. Girls will have the opportunity to create lasting relationships with both their peers and the natural world. In small groups, girls will be required to work together to navigate, feed and look after themselves in an expedition and tech-free environment.

Year 10 girls will have the option of attending one of four programs, including two which are brand new in 2023. The options include a five-day multi-activity adventure on the South Coast, the epic nine-day Namadji Hike in the Victorian High Plains, a five-day canyoning and climbing trip to the

Blue Mountains and a nine-day whitewater rafting expedition on the mighty Snowy River.

Extension opportunities in the Pymble Outdoor Education program include The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award and the Australian Army Cadets.

The Pymble Outdoor Education programs are carefully designed to support girls in the following ways:


Supporting girls to step outside their comfort zones and build character to weather the storms of life.


Building connections with nature,

peers and teachers and providing an opportunity to disconnect with technology and connect deeper with a sense of self.


Providing girls with a diverse range of opportunities for leadership.


Guiding girls to be present in their experience, having genuine downtime and being grateful for the moment and opportunities they receive.


The importance of physical fitness to support overall wellbeing and mental health.

Vision Valley

Vision Valley is the home of Pymble’s Outdoor Education and Experiential Learning programs.

Set on more than 90 acres of land bordering the Berowra Valley National Park and located only 45 minutes’ drive from the College, Vision Valley provides an extensive, diverse range of opportunities for experiential learning and wellness activities for our girls.

The site’s bushland backdrop allows off-grid activities, in addition to making use of the existing facilities – which include a conference centre, sporting field, archery range, canoeing, rock climbing, abseiling and a zip-line.

Our girls are challenged to develop self-efficacy, resilience, courage, coping skills, safe risk taking,

leadership and teamwork at Vision Valley.

Pymble’s Year 9 students participate in a mandatory Residential Program at Vision Valley. Over four weeks, students live and learn away from home with their peers in a unique technology-free environment. This gives them time and space to connect to self, others and the natural environment.

The curriculum embraces Vision Valley’s physical location and reflects themes from the main campus including sustainability, First Nations learning and respectful relationships.

Every aspect of the Residential Experience builds real-world learning and problem-solving in to the context of living in the natural environment.

44 Pymble Ladies’ College Vision Valley
“I learnt a lot about how to manage my emotions and living with other people.”

Out of School Hours Care


Pymble Out of School Hours Care (OSHC) conducts Before School Care (BSC) for girls from Kindergarten to Year 6. BSC is held in the Junior School precinct in a dedicated space next to the John Reid Hall. BSC is available from 7.00am to 8.30am and includes a nutritious breakfast for your daughter. Girls in Kindergarten to Year 2 are accompanied to their classrooms at the end of morning care, while girls in Year 3 to 6 make their own way to their classrooms.


After School Care is conducted from the end of the school day until 6.30pm. A nutritious, varied afternoon tea is provided each day and homework supervision is provided in the Library from 3.30pm to 4.00pm. If your daughter is waiting for collection by a sister in Senior School, she will be cared for free of charge until 3.30pm.


Our ‘Kids on Campus’ Holiday Care program is available to current and future enrolled Pymble girls as well as male siblings (in Kindergarten, Year 1 and Year 2) of current Pymble students in between school terms. The centre is open from 7.30am to 6.00pm and welcomes children between the ages of five and 12 years (Kindergarten to Year 6).

You’ve had a lot of women go before you and you have the opportunity to stand on all their shoulders.”
46 Pymble Ladies’ College Always a Pymble Girl

Always a Pymble Girl

A generous, international network of women awaits to support her in the next steps of her journey.

Beyond Pymble, the College promotes and celebrates the lives and careers of Pymble alumni to inspire our girls. Through academic, cultural, social, spiritual and sporting activities, the Ex-Students’ Union supports the welfare of the College and its students.

We recognise the importance of your daughter being supported beyond her life at Pymble, giving her every chance at success in her chosen career.

Our latest program, PymConnect is an online mentoring service for Pymble alumni that continues to build on the connections established at Pymble. Your daughter will be afforded networking opportunities, mentoring relationships and career advice and will benefit from our diverse university and College alliances, both in Australia and overseas.

Pymble Family

Our Pymble parents and carers are an essential part of our Pymble family and can join a number of support groups. At annual general meetings, parents are invited to take on a more active role on the elected committees.


The Pymble Parent Association (PPA) is the Pymble leading parent body and organises functions that involve the entire parent community. Parent groups for each of the Junior and Secondary Schools organise the parent functions relevant to their school.

The PPA oversees the parent groups and helps to co-ordinate their activities. Meetings are held once a term and all parents and carers are welcome to attend. Other parent groups at the College that you may like to join include:

• School Parent Groups

• Boarding Parent Group

• Performing Arts Support Group

• Rowing Support Group

• Music Support Group

48 Pymble Ladies’ College Pymble Family
50 Pymble Ladies’ College Enrolments


Pymble Ladies’ College is a school for girls and young women from Kindergarten to Year 12 with Boarding available from Year 7. Our main entry points are Kindergarten, Year 5 and Year 7, with occasional vacancies in other years.

As Pymble is a non-selective school, girls are placed on our enrolment list according to the date on which their application is received. As our positions fill quickly, we recommend that you return your Application for Enrolment form as soon as possible, accompanied by the nonrefundable application fee of $440.

Students entering the College in Kindergarten must be five years of age by 31 March. If the College can make a provisional offer, a nonrefundable acceptance fee of $2,000 will reserve a place for your daughter. If a place is not immediately available, your daughter’s name will be placed on our waiting list. Two years prior to entry, students with a provisionally confirmed place will be asked to confirm their intention to proceed with enrolment. Your daughter will be invited for an interview with the relevant Head of School prior to a confirmed offer being made and the request for payment of a non-refundable entry fee of $2,400.

To learn more about Pymble, we invite you to attend a College tour conducted during term, online events or open events held throughout the year for prospective students and their families. Please view up-todate tour information on the Pymble website.

College Fees 2023


Application Fee: $440 (incl GST)

Acceptance Fee: $2,000 (incl GST)

Entry Fee: $2,400

All Enrolment Fees are nonrefundable and are not credited towards Tuition Fees. The Application Fee is to be sent with the Application for Enrolment. The Acceptance Fee is payable when the offer of a provisional place is accepted. The Entry Fee is payable after the student has been interviewed and the place is confirmed.


All fees are in Australian dollars (AUD). Fees are set annually by the College Board and are subject to change. Any changes in fees will apply to both new and existing enrolments. Annual changes in fees do not constitute a change in Conditions of Entry and Continuing Enrolment terms and conditions.


The allowances for fee-paying sisters currently attending the College have been set as follows (per annum):


Second child: $900

Third child: $4,500

Fourth and subsequent children: $15,000


Second child: $7,275

Third child: $14,550

Fourth and subsequent children: $14,550

52 Pymble Ladies’ College Fees 2023
Tuition Fees FEE PER INSTALMENT BILLING INSTALMENTS FEE PER ANNUM JUNIOR SCHOOL Kindergarten, Years 1 and 2 $6,411.75 4 $25,647.00 Years 3 and 4 $7,065.25 4 $28,261.00 Years 5^ and 6^ $7,283.25 4 $29,133.00 MIDDLE SCHOOL Years 7+ • and 8+ • $8,970.75 4 $35,883.00 UPPER SCHOOL Years 9+ • and 10+ $9,085.75 4 $36,343.00 SENIOR SCHOOL Year 11+ $9,115.00 4 $36,460.00 Year 12+ $12,153.33 3 $36,460.00 Boarding Fees FEE PER INSTALMENT BILLING INSTALMENTS FEE PER ANNUM BOARDING FEES Years 7 to 11* $7,792.00 4 $31,168.00 Year 12* $10,389.33 3 $31,168.00
+ An Extended Day Student Program is available for Years 7 to 12 at $50 per day, inclusive of GST on food components * Boarding Fees are in addition to Tuition Fees. Fees include GST charged on the food components ^ Students will be charged a compulsory annual iPad usage charge of $350 in addition to Tuition Fees in January 2023 fee instalment • A College-owned and managed laptop (student choice of HP or Mac) will be provided to students in Year 7, 8 and 9 with a compulsory IT levy charged each year.

Your daughter’s journey begins now

Now you have read about all the opportunities that await your daughter at Pymble, we invite you and your family to visit and experience our world-class learning environment for yourself. With no entrance examination, Pymble caters to girls of all abilities. The College’s academic standards are as high as our desire to see students discover and develop their own strengths and make the most of their natural abilities.

Pymble is a non-selective school and girls are placed on the College’s enrolment list according to the date on which applications are received.

Pymble’s main entry points are Kindergarten, Year 3, Year 5 and Year 7, although girls are welcome to commence in other years if places are available. The College conducts weekly tours during term and a range of open events throughout the year for prospective students and their families to learn more about Pymble. To arrange a tour of our magnificent campus, please book online through the College website. For further information, please contact our enrolments team:

Phone +61 2 9855 7613



54 Pymble Ladies’ College Your daughter’s journey begins now
Life and learning are full of challenges. Pymble is a place where your daughter will be fully supported to embrace challenges as authentic opportunities for change and growth”

We acknowledge the traditional custodians of the land on which Pymble Ladies’ College and Vision Valley stand. We pay respect to the Elders past, present and emerging and extend that respect to other First Nations people within the Pymble Ladies’ College community.


PYMBLELC.NSW.EDU.AU Avon Road Pymble NSW 2073 | PO Box 136 North Ryde BC NSW 1670 Australia | Phone + 61 2 9855 7799 A SCHOOL OF THE UNITING CHURCH | ACN 645 100 670 | CRICOS 03288K 2023-PUB-1v1

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Articles inside

Your daughter’s journey begins now

pages 54-55

College Fees 2023

page 52


page 51

Pymble Family

page 48

Always a Pymble Girl

page 47

Out of School Hours Care

pages 45-46

Vision Valley

page 44

Outdoor Education

pages 42-43

Pymble Private Bus Service

page 41

Nutrition at Pymble

page 39

Extended Day Student Program

page 39


page 36

International Tours and Exchange Programs

pages 35-36

Pymble Gives Back

pages 34-35

Extended Learning

page 33

Performing Arts

pages 30-31


page 29

Boarding at Pymble

page 25

2022 HSC Results

pages 22-24

Senior School

page 19

Upper School

pages 16-18

Middle School

page 15

Junior School

pages 13-14

Four Schools, One College

pages 10, 12


page 8

Influential and Compassionate Women

page 8

The Pymble Girl

page 7

Welcome to Pymble

pages 4-5
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