l(eeping up with our Boarders Our Boarding Family These last few months have been exciting for so many reasons. Most importantly. it has been the first time in just on two years that we have been able to come together. face to-face. as an entire Boarding Family. It has been wonderful! As you will read, we have certainly made the most of our time together. Our Love It program has kept the Boarders engaged and entertained with a host of activities. The girls have enjoyed rekindling old friendships and making new friends both in Boarding and in the Day School. The leadership of our fabulous Boarder Prefect team has helped to forge friendships not only within individual year groups but with the whole Boarding Family. It was also great to extend our friendships with Boarders from other schools through a number of activities including our Prefect Afternoon Tea. We are blessed to be surrounded by a network of wonderful people who all bring special gifts to our community. I am grateful for our families. staff. alumni and the wider Pymble family who are so significant in making our time here so special and make us a true family; large. loyal. loving and lots of fun! It is this sense of family that shines through in the pages to follow - I hope you enjoy this small window into our Boarding lives. Carolyn Burgess
A special start to the year ELOISE WILSON, COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT PREFECT NARROMINE At the beginning of term. our Boarders were fortunate to engage in a variety of fun and eventful activities as part of our Community Weekend. The weekend started with our Angus Cup House Challenge of Synchronised Swimming. Our wonderful Spirit House Captains organised a fun synchronised routine for the girls to perform to the song Wakka Wakka by Shakira. This was such an awesome activity for the girls to 'break the ice· and meet one another. and a great way to kickstart a mindset of participation. That night we had a delicious barbecue on Marden Lawn where
we finally got to spend time together as a whole Boarding .,.... comm,n;ty afte, oea,Ly two yea� of COVI D-19 ,est,;cb
Our new Dining Room dazzles
Meet our new Head of Year 9 (Boarding) - Ms Beth Ayling
Our return to
I decided to come to Pymble Boarding because for the last few years I was working in distance education. I really missed seeing
Boarding this
students face-to-face and forming connections with them.
year had us in
Boarding seemed like the perfect environment to focus on what I
absolute awe of
love best about working in an educational environment, the people.
the refurbished
I hope to bring a sense of family and connection to Boarding at
Dining Hall.
Pymble. I want the girls to always feel like they are at home. I would
New carpets.
really love the opportunity to visit some of the towns/communities
new water
that our girls come from.
dispensers with
Some fun facts about me are that I grew up in Sydney but moved
bubbly water
houses a lotl I have lived in 17 different houses since I was born. I
and a special new catering
went on a gap year after I finished school. I lived in York, UK, in a
school called St Peters that was founded in 627AD. I travelled around
The new salad
Europe, and it was one of the best years of my life.
bar has been
I have three magnificent children who are my pride and joy - they
so FRESH and
love living onsite and all the perks that this brings. I am a former Loreto
so accessible.
Normanhurst girl. I loved going there and all the opportunities it afforded me. Two of my best friends to this day are Normo Boarders.
We love the blend of old and new - the original dining room tables which are more than 100 years old have been restored to their original condition and the addition of round tables make it so much easier to connect with others while giving us plenty of space to enjoy our meals. The added greenery adds some colour. and the freshly painted walls make the whole space feel so bright and welcoming. Being able to have dinner with the whole of Boarding at one time again just adds to the incredible feeling in this space. We are all so grateful to have an incredible new Dining Hall and so will all the Boarders and their families in the years to come.
I am a (not so) secret Survivor superfan. I love all the gameplay, skill and
strategy! It's the superior 'reality' television show, in my opinion!