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Thank you for reading our next edition of Bright Ideas! Our purpose has been to capture the creative thought and expression of our senior students in their study of units which require the crafting of language in an increasingly complex and precise manner.
In their study of our unit, Contemporary Australian Experiences, Year 10 students have had opportunities to engage with concepts of representation, cultural identity and diversity, reconciliation, voice and authorship. Students were encouraged to experiment with new forms of expression and structure whilst also considering the nature of storytelling and the impact it can have on our identity as Australians. Neve’s story uses the Australian sun as a motif to parallel the experiences of her protagonist, whilst Erin’s, Allison’s and Christiana’s pieces explore the connectedness that our cultural identities can offer us within our communities. Evelyn’s and Lauren’s stories explore some of the complexities that come with these experiences.
We’d also like to celebrate the successes of Year 11 students in their Reading to Write unit, which has had them take inspiration from mentor texts and integrate these features cohesively into their own writing. Lucy’s and Arabella’s descriptions are examples of fragment writing, designed to help students experiment with crafting characters and settings. Julie and Ellie present two unique appropriations of Charlotte Bronte’s ‘Jane Eyre’ as part of their unit Reshaping the Narrative: The Significance of Multiple Voices and Perspectives in the English Extension course.
In their Craft of Writing unit, Year 12 have the opportunity to refine their writing in many different forms. This edition highlights the creative approaches that Tiffany, Alyssa, and Sophie have taken in responding to prompts, crafting characters and their relationships with their settings.
Lastly, this edition showcases the exceptional graphic design of Jacqueline Qin, who has interpreted components of some of these written works into beautiful illustrations. •