Illuminate, Edition 7 2022

Page 5

Our contributors

Kate Brown

Kerryl Howarth

Raymond Howells

Kate has been teaching across

Kerryl joined Pymble as the Director of

Raymond has been teaching Geography

Kindergarten to Year 8 for more than

Professional Learning. Most recently she

for nine years. He completed his

15 years, since changing careers from

spent 17 years working at the Australian

Experienced Teacher accreditation last

law to education. In her career as an

International School in Singapore in

year, has a Master of Education with

educator, Kate has been a class teacher,

a variety of leadership roles including

Honours and, in 2014, he investigated

Year Co-ordinator, K-6 Literacy Co-

Deputy Head of Elementary, Director

teacher perceptions of high potential

ordinator, Deputy Head of Learning and

of Data and Development and PYP Co-

learners as a research project. Raymond

Head of Student Wellbeing K-6 prior to

ordinator. Additionally, in this time Kerryl

is passionate about cultivating curiosity

becoming our Head of Junior School

also worked across K to 12 in the area of

in the classroom, and creating engaging,

in 2020. Her approach to teaching and

Professional Learning and Development.

impactful and purposeful activities that

learning centres around the philosophy

She believes that students should be at

challenge all students. He is a strong

that each child deserves to learn in an

the centre of all professional learning

advocate for contemporary, solution-

environment which celebrates their

and hopes to engage teachers in

based learning in Geography to focus

unique strengths and where each child is

professional learning and development

on what is working well across the

encouraged to have a go, make mistakes

systems and processes which prioritise

world and how the world’s complex

and embrace their learning as a journey.

teacher agency, career progression and

issues can be solved.

Kate believes that a learning community

impact on student learning.

founded in kindness will empower each child to flourish as a learner and leader. Through a focus on kindness, Kate hopes to inspire Pymble students to be kind, not only to themselves, but to then share their ideas with others and positively impact their world.

Pymble Ladies’ College


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