Setting the scene for Pymble people: reviewing our professional learning and development program Kerryl Howarth Director of Professional Learning
INTRODUCTION In 2022, Pymble is engaging in a process of revising and rebuilding its professional learning and development systems, as the College embarks on a year of creativity in this area, following interruptions caused by the pandemic. Before rebooting systems and practices which worked in 2019, it is important to determine if they still feel like the ‘right fit’, as the College comes to fully understand how teaching and learning, and the nature of work, have altered
He argues that it is in building a collective understanding of the “why” that we galvanise teams to a common purpose, through the co-construction of common understanding leading to the development of shared values and beliefs. Connecting us to the “why” creates a sense of belonging and psychological safety and is part of what inspires stakeholders to get on board and take action. Effective professional learning and
for extended periods has created a
development can be defined as
wealth of new knowledge surrounding
structured professional learning that
where and how learning can best
results in change in teacher practice
occur for staff, as well as for students.
that lead to improvements in student
As the College and professional
learning outcomes (Darling-Hammond,
organisations, such as the New South
et al., 2017). Psychological safety,
Wales Education Standards Authority
belonging and relational trust are three
(NESA), emerge from restrictions
crucial conditions for the establishment
which limited teacher access to formal
of a collaborative, personalised and
professional learning, there is a great
impact-informed learning culture.
opportunity to be creative and develop
This form of professional learning:
of new understandings and current research into professional learning and development. An essential first step will be to examine and redefine the purpose of professional learning and development at Pymble. “All organizations start with WHY, but only the great ones keep their WHY clear year after year” (Sinek, 2011).
Illuminate Research and Innovation | Edition 7 2022
to consider the why of their practice.
over the past two years. Working online
a revitalised system that takes advantage
Simon Sinek encourages organisations
• Is content focused; focusing on discipline or curriculum specific strategies and pedagogy. • Engages participants in active learning; teachers spend time working with strategies that use authentic artefacts which will provide contextualised learning that is embedded in the daily work of teachers.