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Want to get out and help an organisation?
Here are some contacts to get you started.
Easy Care Gardening helps maintain the gardens of older people who need assistance within the Hornsby, Hunters Hill, Ku-ring-gai and Ryde areas. To register your interest in volunteering, email volunteering@easycaregardening.org.au.
Clean Up Australia inspires and empowers communities to clean up, fix up and conserve our environment. Click here to join a clean up.
Days for Girls increases access to menstrual care and education for girls and women in developing countries. To join or start a team to help sew and assemble washable sanitary pads and kits for their DfG packs, visit: www.daysforgirls.org/volunteer.
Pocket City Farms is a not-for-profit association established and run by a crew of skilled individuals, who are working to bring urban farms to Australia’s unused city spaces. Contact Pymble’s Sara Eisner on seisner@pymblelc.nsw.edu.au for more information.
Street Buffet is a not-for-profit organisation with a mission to meet homeless people’s basic human right for food and connection. To volunteer to serve meals at Woolloomooloo on a Sunday afternoon/evening visit www.streetbuffet.org.au or contact Co-ordinator, Tony Hole on 0450 954 513.
Monika’s Doggie Rescue offers dog walking with rescue dogs. For more information about how to volunteer, visit: www.doggierescue.com/workavail.htm
Sydney Dogs and Cats Home is Sydney’s only not-forprofit pound. Visit https://sydneydogsandcatshome.org/ get-involved/volunteer for volunteer opportunities.
Avon Road, Pymble NSW 2073 PO Box 136, North Ryde BC NSW 1670 Australia Phone +61 2 9855 7799 www.pymblelc.nsw.edu.au