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Hello Girls!

It is so lovely to welcome you back for the start of Term 3. I hope you had many adventures with your family and friends during the holidays and also had time to read a favourite book or create a special memory. The teachers are very excited about seeing each of you when you come back to school on Tuesday 21 July. In Term 3, our school day for Preparatory girls will finish at 2.45pm once again. This is because many of you will have recommenced your co-curricular activities and I imagine this is something you are very excited about. If you are being collected at car line, Grey House Walk or Sufferance Pathway, teachers will be walking you to these areas so you can be collected by your parents at this time. I cannot wait to hear about your stories and adventures over the break and look forward to seeing you all on Tuesday.

What do I do when I arrive at school?

Your parents will need to use the Preparatory School car line and we need you to be helpful and ready to get out of their car by yourself. There will be teachers at car line but they will not be opening the car door or getting your bags out. This is something you will need to do yourself. We know that you will give mum and dad a lovely goodbye before getting out. If you have any trouble, we will be asking your parents to get out of the car to help you but they will need to get straight back in so the car line can move.

Once you get out of the car, we will be asking you to sanitise your hands and a teacher will be there to show you how and to help you if needed. There will be hand sanitisers at car line. Only Preparatory girls should walk down the pathway to the Preparatory School from car line. If your parent or carer walks you to school through the front entry gate (Sufferance Pathway), or through Grey House Walk, you will need to say goodbye at the gate and use the hand sanitiser before coming down the path to Preparatory School. We will have very special people there to greet you and to walk you down to see your teachers and friends.

Information for girls from the Head of Preparatory School


Once you arrive at school you will be able to put your school bag and co-curricular items in your locker. This is also a good time to put on your red pinafore and to place your Diary and homework pouch on your desk. Please check that your play hat is in your chair bag with your special pencil case that we made for you last term. These are the pencils and other items that you will continue to use this term. The first day you are at school, your learning will start with a very special message from Mrs Ahearn about how we are all keeping healthy and safe while also caring for each other. Your teacher will then welcome you all before you start your learning for the day.

Where will I be learning?

Things are going to be a little bit different for a while. 1. You will be learning in your classroom and grade area for most of the day as per usual. 2. You will need to listen carefully to your teachers about how we will be moving around the classroom. 3. Library, Performing Arts and PE lessons will happen in the usual spaces and Italian and Health lessons will be in your classroom. 4. If you attend before-school classes or special programs with our Learning

Support teachers, your lessons will be in grade areas or the LS group rooms. Don’t worry, as the teachers will tell you where your group is working.

What do I wear to school?

You will need to wear your full winter school uniform, including hat and blazer, with pride. However, if your class has a scheduled PE lesson, you wear your full winter tracksuit on these days as you did in Term 2. Please remember your Preparatory School play hat to wear for outside play at Recess and Lunch and during PE lessons. This can stay in your chair bag when you go home.


Can I use the water bubblers at school?

At the moment, we aren’t able to use the water bubblers. It is very important that you always remember to bring your drink bottle to school each day so that you have your own water for Crunch and Sip and Recess and Lunch.

Where can I play when I am at school if it is not raining?

Each year group has a special place to spend recess and lunchtime. As we did at the end of last term, each year group will have time in each of the different play areas. In Term 3, you will be able to use the play equipment and Library at lunchtime which is very exciting! Our play areas will be: • The Riverbed • Upper courtyard • Lower courtyard • Equipment • Liane Tooth Courts (We know you really enjoyed this space last term!)

Where do I play when I am at school if it is raining?

If it is raining you will eat at your own special desk, just as if you were in a restaurant! You will then spend the rest of the time during these breaks in your class space and grade areas just like you have always done.

Can I borrow books from the Library?

Yes, you can! Our very special Librarian, Mrs Colquhoun, will invite you to borrow books in your normal class Library lesson. When books are returned, it will take three days before they can go back on the shelves. This is so we all stay healthy. Remember that the Library will be now be open at lunchtime so you will also be able to return and borrow books at this time as well.


Sisters’ Line

If you are normally collected by your big sister from the Junior School in Sisters' Line, you will wait for her in the Year 2 common area as co-curricular activities will be starting again in the Performing Arts rooms. She will know that this is where to wait for you.

Are we allowed to hug each other?

Sadly, we are not able to hug each other or hold hands. It is also important to remember that we aren’t allowed to share food or belongings. This is to keep us all safe and well, which is very important. We can give each other lots of huge smiles and waves and share kind words because these are all really great ways to show each other how much we care and appreciate our teachers and friends.

Will we still have Assembly, Chapel and Prep Singing?

Yes we will, but we won’t be having it together in John Reid Hall. We will be doing Assembly, Prep Singing and Chapel like we did last term via Teams and we are excited that classes will continue to take turns in running our assemblies. Each week a class will join us for these events in the Performing Arts room and girls will continue to read prayers and help Rev Bent and Rev Lorenzo with Chapel. I am sure we will have other special guests joining us this term! I hope you are as excited as I am about the start of Term 3. Welcome back girls!


PREPARATORY SCHOOL Welcome back girls!

TERM 3 2020 Junior School

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