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Welcome to Upper School
A warm welcome to Upper School.
This handbook should ensure that your family is familiar with the relevant information applicable to the daily life of Upper School, as well as its philosophy, academic and wellbeing programs and key events.
Through curriculum experiences, our Wellbeing program and school assemblies, we seek to foster an environment that supports the discovery, nurturing and engagement of the unique talents, interests, and abilities of our girls. We are intent on establishing a caring community that seeks to know, challenge and enrich each girl as an individual. We will provide opportunities for our girls to consider themselves as women of the world with a significant and worthwhile contribution to make to the local and global community.
Upper School offers many exciting opportunities for personal growth including the Urban Challenge Outdoor Education program, Service Learning initiatives and the International Exchange program. These experiences are designed to challenge your daughter to look beyond her place in the local community to become an informed, confident global citizen.
Best wishes for a safe and rewarding 2021.