After The Workout: what’s Next? 10 Small Workouts That Make Big Changes Sport Drink Splash Sweat It Don’t Drench It: Tips to Staying Safe During Your Workout
Health Tips To A Better Body
Ladies Lets Tone!
Workouts That Make
10 Small
Single-Arm Long-Bar Row This variation of the single-arm dumbbell row uses a barbell anchored at one end, either into a landmine hosel or into a corner (with some towels to keep the wall from getting chewed up). Some people find this setup allows them to achieve a greater range of motion than either the barbell or dumbbell provides.
Decline Dumbbell Pull-Over The decline position of this version of the pull-over places more focus on the lats than the flat-bench pullover while reducing the degree of stress on the chest. Not only will you achieve a greater range of motion than the flat-bench version.
Negative Pull-Up This isn’t a new exercise per se but rather a technique applied to the pull-up. Here, the focus isn’t on the concentric but rather the eccentric contraction. Resisting the negative gives a powerful contraction under stretch to the lat fibers, which is a great way to spur new growth. Plus, since you’re stronger in the eccentric of a movement than the concentric, you should be able to really work your lats to exhaustion.
Single-Arm Cable Row This row variation simply replaces the close-grip handle bar with a D-handle, so you’re working each side individually. This change helps gives you more range of motion as well as more grip options: neutral (palm-in), overhand, underhand, or perhaps best of all, rotate your palm, turning it up (or down) as you pull.
Kneeling Isolateral Cable Pull-Down Instead of using a lat pull-down station, here you’ll change the angle of pull by positioning yourself on your knees between two upper pulleys (cable-cross-over station or FreeMotion-type unit). You won’t be using as much weight, because there’s no way to anchor yourself down, but it’s a great pumping movement for the end of your workout, and you’ll really be able to cramp down on those lats.
Single-Arm Smith Machine Row With the bar locked in a set path, you don’t need to worry about controlling the weight. Just load up and start hammering the lats! Because your elbow stays tight to your side as you pull, the emphasis is on the lower lats.
Transverse Abdominus This muscle is a deep muscle of the core which lies beneath the other muscles that is essential for trunk stability.
Internal and External Obliques These are diagonal muscles that work to rotate the torso and stabilize the abdomen.
Ladies Lets Tone! LETS TONE If you want a body that works as great as it looks, then keep your eyes right here and try these simple exercises. These sets will not only amp up your metabolism, but, will bring balance as you notice the toning up.
SQUAT AND BICEP CURL Grab a pair of 8- to 10-pound dumbbells and stand on a one- to two-foot- high step or bench with your feet together and your arms at your sides with palms facing forward. Lift your right foot off the bench (A) and squat down a few inches. Press back up and curl the dumbbells up to your shoulders (B). That’s one rep. Do three sets of 12 to 15, then repeat on the other side. Rest for 30 seconds between sets.
Grab a pair of 8- to 10-pound dumbbells and stand with your arms at your sides. Place your right toe on the floor about two feet behind you (A) and bend forward from the hips.
Place a Bosu on the floor and sit on the dome’s center.
Keeping your right leg straight, raise it off the floor until your body forms a T and your arms hang straight down from your shoulders (B). Row the dumbbells toward your ribs until your elbows pass your torso (C). Lower the dumbbells and return to start. That’s one rep. Do 12 to 15 reps, then repeat on the other side. That’s one set. Do two, resting for 30 seconds between sets.
Place your palms on the ball alongside your hips with your fingertips facing forward, and place your heels on the floor about two feet from the base of the Bosu. Straighten your arms and lift your hips off the ball (A). Lift both your right hand and your left foot a few inches (B). Hold for one second, then lower and repeat with the other hand and foot. That’s one rep. Do three sets of 15 to 20, resting for 30 seconds between sets.
“I think I will go workout and maybe injure myself while I am there,” said no one….ever. However, even with the best precautions, sometimes injuries will happen. Here are a few of our favorite tips to help prevent that.
Warm Up
This probably sounds like a broken record to you, but, there is still a large percentage of gymrats (newbies, especially) that are so eager to hit the weights that they skimp on or even ignore the warm up session. Big mistake.
Tips tips To to staying safe during
Properly warming up will raise your core temperature and ready not only your metabolism, but your joints for the actual workout.
your workout
The warm up should consist of approximately 10 minutes of moderate cardio on a treadmill or walking in place.
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Pace Yourself
Foot Wear
Whatever activity you choose as your workout, use the “talk test” to make sure you are not pushing yourself too hard. If you cannot talk and exercise at the same time and have a hard time breathing, it is time to slow down your pace. As you get stronger, you can increase the reps, the length of exercise, or the intensity.
Wearing the correct footwear for the activity you have chosen will protect you from many injuries. There are a variety of great shoes on the market and experts in the market can help you select the proper shoe for the activity you choose. It is also important to wear clean socks that fit well.
Drink plenty of water before you begin. If you have a lengthy workout of more than 30 minutes, drink during your workout. Then hydrate your body again afterwards with water. Your body needs the water and this will make your workout more effective.
5 Awareness
Be aware of your surroundings—the people, the equipment involved, and your own body. Accidently running into other people or equipment can happen easily as you get into your “zone” if you are unaware they are there. Many accidents happen merely from forgetting there is a stationary bicycle next to you. Also, be aware of your own body. If you are feeling pain, shortness of breath, or something different than you have felt before, take a minute to assess if it is that “burn” you are looking for in the workout, or if your body is telling you to stop.
Post Exercise Stretching This step is often overlooked, yet the importance of it cannot be dismissed. Stretching afterwards keeps your muscles loose and allows for your body to slowly readjust itself. There are many great stretches to try, however be sure to stretch in several ways to care for your limbs as well as your core.
ID Yourself Finally, carry an ID on you at all times. Some people choose a medical ID bracelet while working out. It is also a good idea to keep your cell phone close by, or leave some emergency contacts with the gym personnel. If something unfortunate does happen, you want someone to help you quickly.