1:100 SCALE ORTHONOMETRIC DRAWING Centre for Theology and Ministry/Joint Theological Library Ormond College
Week 09
Week 09
Acrylic trowel on render stretcher bond block work allows for even distribu;on of a load across the wall
Cavity between exterior block work wall and insula;on prevents moisture reaching the interior Insula;on secured to the concrete floor slab with a stud
The glazing adaptor fixes the glass sheet to the block work wall
Wall of exis;ng building
Week 09
Weep holes are mortar free perpends that allow the water than accumulates on the waterproofing membrane in the cavity between the block work wall and insula;on to escape
The sarking consists of an aluminium foil and acts as a waterproofing sheet that prevents water passing from the exterior to the interior across the cavity between the block work wall and insula;on. The moisture collected on the sarking is drained by the Colorbond flashing which guides it back out through near below the weep holes.
• Copper cladding is a costly material and thus has been sparingly applied across the façade • An in situ concrete floor slab may have been the cheaper alterna;ve, reducing transporta;on costs that are associated with precast concrete however, this may have been overcompensated with addi;onal labour requirements • Colorbond is an expensive material but creates a very modern affect in the design. Furthermore, it is very durable and therefore, well-‐suited to the waterproofing func;ons it plays within the exterior walls • Scoria blend blocks are low cost and hence ideal for non-‐ loadbearing walls • Though more expensive than a ;mber frame, a steel structural frame was required to allow for par;cular design effects such as non-‐load bearing walls of low-‐strength materials.
Week 09
SUSTAINABILITY AND ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS Material: Aluminium Use: Sarking, mullion and glazing adaptor Proper;es: light weight, corrosion resistance, electrical and thermal conduc;vity and duc;lity Availability: expensive however available from variety of manufactures Carbon footprint: high Recyclability: Aluminium is 100% recyclable and experiences no loss of proper;es or quality during the process which uses only 5% of the energy used to created new aluminium. Embodied energy: Highly energy intensive manufacture
Material: Colorbond Use: Flashing Proper;es: corrosion resistance, colour reten;on, high tensile strength, fire resistance and resistance to abrasion. Availability: expensive however available from variety of manufactures Carbon footprint: moderate Recyclability: steel can be recycled without losing proper;es or reducing performance Embodied energy: moderate
Material: Glass Use: Roof of sunroom Proper;es: transparency and hardness. Availability: expensive however available from variety of manufactures Carbon footprint: low Recyclability: !00% recyclable Embodied energy: low
Week 09
Material: Scoria blend blocks Use: non-‐loadbearing walls Proper;es: low mass and good insulator Availability: expensive however available from variety of manufactures Carbon footprint: low, poten;ally only related to transporta;on Recyclability: can be reused Embodied energy:
Material: In situ concrete Use: floor slab Proper;es: high compressive strength and low thermal expansion Availability: expensive however available from variety of manufactures Carbon footprint: low Recyclability: almost 100% of concrete can be recycled Embodied energy: low
REFERENCES Ching, F 2008, Building Construction Illustrated, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Canada Ullrich, E 2005, Ulrich Aluminium viewed 23 September 2013, <>. Harris, C 2006, Dictionary of Architecture and Construction, The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., USA.
Week 09