Week 07 Project name: ‘A Place to Live’ Architect: SJB Architects Address: 2-30 Burnley Street, Richmond Description: A multi-residential project comprising 365 one to two bedroom apartments across four buildings. Value: $85.0 Million Client: Salta Properties Construction time: 24 months Construction type: stage construction
Week 07 A lightweight structure reduces material costs however these are countered by increased labour costs associated with such systems. The structure is predominantly concrete as this material is quick to fabricate. • The slab consists of pretension concrete as this reduces its depth requirement • The footings in the basement were upgraded to deeper ones in order to improve load bearing ability • The columns in the car park are in-situ concrete with chamfered edges so that they don’t crack when stripped • A concrete roof lab has been designed to conceal services • Two hour fire resistant ceiling The material selected for framing was steel due to the large scale of this project, however, some timber framing also appears between steel members.
Temporary diagonal bracing was observed on site in resistance to lateral forces.
Reinforced concrete column
Strip footing in basement
Week 07
Logistical challenges surrounding the provision for and coordination of labourers as well as resource management. Limited access associated with built-up residential context. Issue of economic (balcony) vs. aesthetic (roof) placement of the condenser. Progression through stages of occupation calls for planning and negotiation with authorities such as the metropolitan fire brigade to ensure safe conditions for residents and contractors. 90% of issues associated with water and leaks, subsequently, adequate waterproofing was necessary. Adding lypex to concrete allows it to expand when wet.
Use of waterproof membrane in bathroom
Waterproofing a balcony Tiles (acoustic matting tiles only used above an inhabitable area) Screed (workable, dry-mix concrete used to create a fall) Full coat of membrane
Concrete slab
Week 07 Bond deck • Alternative to timber formwork • Easy to install • Cost and construction time savings when using with in situ concrete • Acts as bottom mesh • Ideal for composite concrete slabs and steel framed construction over long spans.
Concrete Reinforcement welded onto sheeting Steel sheeting Use of bond deck on basement ceiling
Section Source: Decking/tabid/73/Default.aspx
REFERENCES Independent building supplies 2010, Seropeco, Australia viewed 17 September 2013 < http://www.ibs.com.au/bondek-condeck-reflor-kingflor.html>. Australian National Construction Review 2012, N/A, Australia viewed 17 September 2012 <http://www.ancr.com.au/a_place_to_live.pdf>. Salta Properties 2013, N/A, Port Melbourne viewed 17 September 2013 <http://www.salta.com.au/section/development/projects/87/>.
Week 07