SELENIUM Handbook -a basic referential guide to Selenium
By Sreedhar Reddy (Test Architect)
QA Planet,# 24/3 RT,3rd Floor,SR Nagar,Hyderabad - 500018. Email || Phone :040-40044448 || Mobile :+91 9966723111
SELENIUM Handbook - -a basic referential guide to Selenium ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1. Introduction: 2. History of Selenium 3. What is Selenium? 4. Selenium Types: 5. Selenium IDE Installation Steps: 6. IDE Features 7. Recording 8. Selenium Commands – “Selenese” 9. Commonly Used Selenium Commands 10. Locating Elements: 11. Basic Examples: 12. Test Suite Creation: 13. Useful Selenium Add-Ons: 14. about User Extensions 15. Selenium Commands for verification 16. Selenium IDE Commands for handling alerts 17. Java Script 18. Example programs: 19. Selenium Core 20. Selenium-RC 21. Selenium Grid: 22. Advantages and Limitations:
SELENIUM Handbook - -a basic referential guide to Selenium ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1. Introduction: Out of the many open source test automation tools available today, there is one tool that become very popular in recent times Selenium. Selenium is a web application test automation tool which provides many features and a wide range of support which makes it an instant choice for automating most of the web applications. Selenium provides the automation engineer the choice of running the automation scripts in a wide range of browsers and with the language support it has, on wide range of operating systems too. But there are certain things the automation engineer needs to be aware of before he jumps into understanding selenium. The automation engineer needs to have a basic knowledge of the following things: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
HTML XML Xpaths Document Object Model(DOM) JavaScript (only a basic knowledge on how events are triggered etc.) Any one of the following language to build a full-fledged test suite – Perl, Python, Ruby, Java, C#, PHP. 7. Basic object oriented programming concepts. Once we are sure that we have the basics of the above mentioned seven points let us move on into what selenium is all about and various types of selenium.
2. History of Selenium • • • • • • • • •
In 2004 invented by Jason R. Huggins and team. Original name is JavaScript Functional Tester [JSFT] Open source browser based integration test framework built originally by Thoughtworks. 100% JavaScript and HTML Web testing tool That supports testing Web 2.0 applications Supports for Cross-Browser Testing(ON Multiple Browsers) And multiple Operating Systems Cross browser – IE 6/7, Firefox .8+, Opera, Safari 2.0+
SELENIUM Handbook - -a basic referential guide to Selenium ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3. What is Selenium? • • • •
Acceptance Testing tool for web-apps Tests run directly in browser Selenium can be deployed on Windows, Linux, and Macintosh. Implemented entirely using browser technologies o JavaScript o DHTML o Frames
4. Selenium Types: There are 4 types in Selenium, each for a specific purpose. They are as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4.
Selenium IDE Selenium Remote Control Selenium Core Selenium Grid
The more detail information about these will be given in later in the document. But let us have a brief introduction about each of these to make ourselves comfortable. Selenium IDE is a Firefox plugin which is a record replay tool of Selenium. User can record the actions performed on the browser and replay it. User also has an option to write his own scripts, save the scripts and develop test suites using Selenium IDE. Selenium Remote Control on the other hand is used when more robust scripts are to be developed. Using any of the languages listed previously user can build test suites which are robust and can run on different platforms, unlike IDE which can run scripts only on Firefox. Selenium Core usage is similar to Selenium RC except that the scripts which use selenium core can only be run on the server where the web application is deployed. Selenium Grid as the name suggests, is used to organize several Selenium RC's and run the scripts on different machines from a central location where Selenium Grid is available. Now let us get some hands on on Selenium IDE to understand Selenium better.
SELENIUM Handbook - -a basic referential guide to Selenium ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Working with Selenium IDE:
Above is a snapshot of how Selenium IDE looks.
5. Selenium IDE Installation Steps: • •
To install Selenium IDE just goto click on download Selenium. It will be added to your Firefox add-on list.
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Restart Firefox and you should be able to open it from Tools --> Selenium IDE.
6. IDE Features¶ Menu Bar The File menu has options for Test Case and Test Suite (suite of Test Cases). Using these you can add a new Test Case, open a Test Case, save a Test Case, export Test Case in a language of your choice. You can also open the recent Test Case. All these options are also available for Test Suite. The Edit menu allows copy, paste, delete, undo, and select all operations for editing the commands in your test case. The Options menu allows the changing of settings. You can set the timeout value for certain commands, add user-defined user extensions to the base set of Selenium commands, and specify the format (language) used when saving your test cases. The Help menu is the standard Firefox Help menu; only one item on this menu–UI-Element Documentation–pertains to Selenium-IDE.
Toolbar¶ The toolbar contains buttons for controlling the execution of your test cases, including a step feature for debugging your test cases. The right-most button, the one with the red-dot, is the record button.
Speed Control: controls how fast your test case runs. Run All: Runs the entire test suite when a test suite with multiple test cases is loaded. Run: Runs the currently selected test. When only a single test is loaded this button and the Run All button have the same effect. Pause/Resume: Allows stopping and re-starting of a running test case. Step: Allows you to “step” through a test case by running it one command at a time. Use for debugging test cases. TestRunner Mode: Allows you to run the test case in a browser loaded with the Selenium-Core TestRunner. The TestRunner is not commonly used now and is likely to be deprecated. This button is for evaluating test cases for backwards compatibility with
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the TestRunner. Most users will probably not need this button. Apply Rollup Rules: This advanced feature allows repetitive sequences of Selenium commands to be grouped into a single action. Detailed documentation on rollup rules can be found in the UI-Element Documentation on the Help menu. Record: Records the user’s browser actions.
Test Case Pane Your script is displayed in the test case pane. It has two tabs, one for displaying the command and their parameters in a readable “table” format.
7. Recording Many first-time users begin by recording a test case from their interactions with a website. When Selenium-IDE is first opened, the record button is ON by default. If you do not want Selenium-IDE to begin recording automatically you can turn this off by going under Options > Options... and deselecting “Start recording immediately on open.” During recording, Selenium-IDE will automatically insert commands into your test case based on your actions. Typically, this will include: • clicking a link - click or clickAndWait commands • entering values - type command • selecting options from a drop-down listbox - select command • clicking checkboxes or radio buttons - click command
8. Selenium Commands – “Selenese” • •
Selenium commands, often called selenese, are the set of commands that run your tests. Selenium command are three types as below o Actions, o Accessory
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o Assertions Actions: user actions on application / Command the browser to do something. Actions are commands that generally manipulate the state of the application. 1. Click / Clickandwait 2. Selecting items
a. Assessors: Accessors examine the state of the application and store the results in variables, e.g. "storeTitle". b. Assertions: For validating the application we are using Assertions 1. for verifying the web pages 2. for verifying the text 3. for verifying alerts Assertions can be used in 3 modes: assert verify waitFor Example: "assertText","verifyText" and "waitForText". NOTE: 1. When an "assert" fails, the test is aborted. 2. When a "verify" fails, the test will continue execution 3. "waitFor" commands wait for some condition to become true
9. Commonly Used Selenium Commands These are probably the most commonly used commands for building test. open - opens a page using a URL. click/clickAndWait - performs a click operation, and optionally waits for a new page to load. verifyTitle/assertTitle - verifies an expected page title. verifyTextPresent- verifies expected text is somewhere on the page. verifyElementPresent -verifies an expected UI element, as defined by its HTML tag, is present on the page. verifyText - verifies expected text and it’s corresponding HTML tag are present on the page. verifyTable - verifies a table’s expected contents.
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waitForPageToLoad -pauses execution until an expected new page loads. Called automatically when clickAndWait is used. waitForElementPresent -pauses execution until an expected UI element, as defined by its HTML tag, is present on the page. Note: To execute many Selenium commands, Selenium required a target often called it as Element Locators (or calls it as object identification). To get Target element Please install below plug – INS 1. For Firefox browser – Firebug 2. For IE browser – IE Developer Tool bar.
How Selenium is Identifying the Objects?: 10.
Locating Elements:
Selenium is identifying the objects by using following Locator strategies. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Id = @Id Name = @name Identifier = @id Dom = JavaScript expression Xpath = Xpath expression Link =Text pattern css = css Selector Index
Locating by ID: For instance, your page source could have id and name attributes as follows: 1 <html> 2 <body> 3 <form id="loginForm"> 4 <input name="username" type="text" /> 5 <input name="password" type="password" /> 6 <input name="continue" type="submit" value="Login" /> 7 </form> 8 </body> 9 <html> The following locator strategies would return the elements from the HTML snippet above indicated by line number: • id=loginForm (3)
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Locating by Name¶ • The name locator type will locate the first element with a matching name attribute. • If multiple elements have the same value for a name attribute, then you can use filters to further refine your location strategy. • The default filter type is value (matching the value attribute). 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
<html> <body> <form id="loginForm"> <input name="username" type="text" /> <input name="password" type="password" /> <input name="continue" type="submit" value="Login" /> <input name="continue" type="button" value="Clear" /> </form> </body> <html>
name=username (4)
name=continue value=Clear (7)
name=continue Clear (7)
name=continue type=button (7)
Locating by XPath¶ • XPath is the language used for locating nodes in an XML document. • We are using XPath is when you don’t have a suitable id or name attribute for the element you wish to locate. 1 <html> 2 <body> 3 <form id="loginForm"> 4 <input name="username" type="text" /> 5 <input name="password" type="password" /> 6 <input name="continue" type="submit" value="Login" /> 7 <input name="continue" type="button" value="Clear" /> 8 </form> 9 </body>
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10 <html> •
xpath=/html/body/form[1] (3) - Absolute path (would break if the HTML was changed only
slightly) •
//form[1] (3) - First form element in the HTML
xpath=//form[@id='loginForm'] (3) - The form element with attribute named ‘id’ and the value
‘loginForm’ •
xpath=//form[input/\@name='username'] (4) - First form element with an input child element
with attribute named ‘name’ and the value ‘username’ •
//input[@name='username'] (4) - First input element with attribute named ‘name’ and the
value ‘username’ •
//form[@id='loginForm']/input[1] (4) - First input child element of the form element with
attribute named ‘id’ and the value ‘loginForm’ •
//input[@name='continue'][@type='button'] (7) - Input with attribute named ‘name’ and the
value ‘continue’ and attribute named ‘type’ and the value ‘button’ •
//form[@id='loginForm']/input[4] (7) - Fourth input child element of the form element with
attribute named ‘id’ and value ‘loginForm’ Example for Xpath: • Let us take the source of to make our task simpler. • The first three locator strategies state that, if any element having the name, id or identifier attribute • Observe the source code of below. After we click on the Google Search button we move to the results page, now let us understand how the first link is identified from the below source code. <div id="res" class="med"> <h2 class="hd">Search Results</h2> <div> <ol> <div/> <div/> <li class="g w0"> <h3 class="r"> <a class="l" onmousedown="return rwt(this,'','','res','1','AFQjCNFp1UrvQWdtIVY_6kOkEDVmdSnig','&sig2=HRDAzRP8Pz96kL3VNCyX1A')" href=" dex.php/testing-tools/test-execution/97-selenium-ide-introduction"> <em>Selenium IDE</em> - Introduction </a>
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</h3> • As you see above the anchor tag does not have anything that can identify the element uniquely, hence we take the Xpath here. • For that we need to see which tag of the upper hierarchy of the element has a unique attribute to identify it uniquely. We deduct the Xpath as
//div[@id='res']/div[1]/ol/li[1]/h3/a The Xpath should always start from a hierarchy from where the element can be identified uniquely. For example there is an element which has the attributes as follows <input class=”username” type=””> and say the class attribute is unique to this tag then the element locator would be //input[@class=”username”].This is also Xpath but it is at the same level.
Locating Hyperlinks by Link Text¶ •
This is a simple method of locating a hyperlink in your web page by using the text of the link. If two links with the same text are present, then the first match will be used.
1 <html> 2 <body> 3 <p>Are you sure you want to do this?</p> 4 <a href="continue.html">Continue</a> 5 <a href="cancel.html">Cancel</a> 6 </body> 7 <html> • link=Continue (4) • link=Cancel (5)
Locating by DOM¶ • The Document Object Model represents an HTML document and can be accessed using JavaScript. • This location strategy takes JavaScript that evaluates to an element on the page, which can be simply the element’s location using the hierarchical dotted notation. • Since only dom locators start with “document”, it is not necessary to include the dom= label when specifying a DOM locator.
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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
<html> <body> <form id="loginForm"> <input name="username" type="text" /> <input name="password" type="password" /> <input name="continue" type="submit" value="Login" /> <input name="continue" type="button" value="Clear" /> </form> </body> <html> •
dom=document.getElementById('loginForm') (3)
dom=document.forms['loginForm'] (3)
dom=document.forms[0] (3)
document.forms[0].username (4)
document.forms[0].elements['username'] (4)
document.forms[0].elements[0] (4)
document.forms[0].elements[3] (7)
Locating by CSS¶ • CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is a language for describing the rendering of HTML and XML documents. • CSS uses Selectors for binding style properties to elements in the document. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
<html> <body> <form id="loginForm"> <input class="required" name="username" type="text" /> <input class="required passfield" name="password" type="password" /> <input name="continue" type="submit" value="Login" /> <input name="continue" type="button" value="Clear" /> </form> </body> <html> •
css=form#loginForm (3)
css=input[name="username"] (4)
css=input.required[type="text"] (4)
css=input.passfield (5)
css=#loginForm input[type="button"] (4)
SELENIUM Handbook - -a basic referential guide to Selenium -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------•
css=#loginForm input:nth-child(2) (5)
11. Basic Examples: TC’S #1: Manual Steps: • • • • • • •
Open (Example : Type Type “energy efficient” in the Google Search Input Box Click outside on an empty spot Click Search Button Verify the Text Present as “energy efficient” Assert the Title as “energy efficient - Google Search” Save the test case with .HTML Extension.
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TC#2: 1: Open Firefox Web Browser 2: In the address bar, Type 3: In the search input button, Type "energy efficient" 4: Click on the "Web Search" submit button 5: Wait for Search Results to come on "http:/" 6: Verify "energy efficient" text is present anywhere in the search results: (Select and highlight anywhere in the search results page, "energy efficient" text is present.) 7: Verify the browsers title has the value "energy efficient - Yahoo! Search Results" 8. End.
TC’S #3: • File à New Test Case (Make Selenium IDE in Record Mode) • Open • Go all the way down, click on the “Contact Information” link • Click on “Feedback & Inquiries” link • Consumer/Other (Leave the default option) • Select a Subject (Other) • Select a Country (U.A.E) • Email (type • Comments or Questions (type Just testing) • Submit (click once) • In the result page, highlight “Thank you for taking the time to contact GE” • Right Click and Select waitForTextPresent “Thank you for taking the time to contact GE” • Highlight “Feel free to continue browsing.” • Right Click and Select VerifyTextPresent “Feel free to continue browsing.” • Right Click on “ Home Page” link and Select verifyElementPresent “ Home Page”
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12. Test Suite Creation: • A test suite is a collection of tests. Often one will run all the tests in a test suite as one continuous batch-job. • When using Selenium-IDE, test suites also can be defined using a simple HTML file. The syntax again is simple. An HTML table defines a list of tests where each row defines the file system path to each test. Steps for creating test suite: • Create more Tc’s save each Test Case with <.html> extension. • Open Firefox • Open Tools Selenium IDE • File Open new Test Suite • File Open Add Test cases • Add more test cases • Save Suite with <.Html> extensions.
Test Suite Syntax:
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<html> <head> <title>Test Suite Function Tests - Priority 1</title> </head> <body> <table> <tr><td><b>Suite Of Tests</b></td></tr> <tr><td><a href= "./Login.html" >Login</a></td></tr> <tr><td><a href= "./SearchValues.html" >Test Searching for Values</a></td></tr> <tr><td><a href= "./SaveValues.html" >Test Save</a></td></tr> </table> </body> </html>
A file similar to this would allow running the tests all at once, one after another, from the Selenium-IDE. Edit Selenium Test Suite • If you have only one “test case” in your test suite, open the “GE_TS1.html” in NotePad. •
Add a line of code before the end of </tbody> tag
<tr><td><a href="GE_TC2.html">GE Test Case 2</a></td></tr> • File → save then Exit. • Now you can double click and see the entire test suite in your browser. • You can Edit the Test Suite in notepad when you want to • Change the name of the test cases • Add, Remove, and Rename test cases Arrange order of test cases.
13. Useful Selenium Add-Ons: • • • • • • • • • •
Chris Pederick's Web Developer toolbar XPather Firebug Xpath Checker Regular Expressions Tester JavaScript Debugger Web Developer HTML Validator ColorZilla DOM Inspector
14. About User Extensions • User extensions are JavaScript files that allow one to create our own customizations and features to add additional functionality.
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• There are a number of useful extensions created by users. • Perhaps the most popular of all Selenium-IDE extensions is one which provides flow control in the form of while loops and primitive conditionals. This extension is the goto_sel_ide.js. Steps: • • •
Download goto_sel_ide.js file. Save into selenium core extensions folder Selenium-IDE’s Options=>Options=>General tab Browse extension file
• Click on OK Button
Restart selenium and fire fox
15. Selenium Commands for verification: A. Verifying Page Elements: Verifying UI elements on a web page is probably the most common feature of your automated tests. Selenese allows multiple ways of checking for UI elements. Ex: 1. an element is present somewhere on the page? 2. specific text is somewhere on the page? 3. specific text is at a specific location on the page? To verify these UI elements. We are using Assertion or Verification.
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verifyTextPresent The command verifyTextPresent is used to verify specific text exists somewhere on the page.
VerifyElementPresent Use this command when you must test for the presence of a specific UI element, rather then its content.
verifyElementPresent can be used to check the existence of any HTML tag within the page. You can check the existence of links, paragraphs, divisions <div>, etc. Here are a few more examples.
VerifyText Use verifyText when both the text and its UI element must be tested. verifyText must use a locator. If you choose an XPath or DOM locator, you can verify that specific text appears at a specific location on the page relative to other UI components on the page.
storeElementPresent This corresponds to verifyElementPresent. It simply stores a boolean value–“true” or “false”– depending on whether the UI element is found.
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storeText StoreText corresponds to verifyText. It uses a locater to identify specific page text. The text, if found, is stored in the variable. StoreText can be used to extract text from the page being tested. storeEval StoreEval allows the test to store the result of running the script in a variable.
JavaScript and Selenese Parameters All variables created in your test case are stored in a JavaScript associative array. An associative array has string indexes rather than sequential numeric indexes. The associative array containing your test case’s variables is named storedVars. Whenever you wish to access or manipulate a variable within a JavaScript snippet, you must refer to it as stored-Vars[’yourVariableName’].
JavaScript Usage with Script Parameters Several Selenese commands specify a script parameter including assertEval, verifyEval, storeEval, and waitForEval. These parameters require no special syntax. A Selenium-IDE user would simply place a snippet of JavaScript code into the appropriate field, normally the Target field (because a script parameter is normally the first or only parameter).
This next example illustrates how a JavaScript snippet can include calls to methods, in this case the JavaScript String object’s toUpperCase method and toLowerCase method.
JavaScript Usage with Non-Script Parameters JavaScript can also be used to help generate values for parameters, even when the parameter is
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not specified to be of type script. However, in this case, special syntax is required–the JavaScript snippet must be enclosed inside curly braces and preceded by the label javascript, as in javascript {*yourCodeHere*}. Below is an example in which the type command’s second parameter value is generated via JavaScript code using this special syntax:
JavaScript Evaluation 1. You can use any of the following Eval commands assertEval, assertNotEval, VerifyEval, verifyNotEval, waitForEval, waitForNotEval, storeEval 2. You can use any of the following Expression commands assertExpression, assertNotExpression,verifyExpression, verifyNotExpression, waitForExpression, waitForNotExpression, storeExpression, store and WaitForCondition
echo - The Selenese Print Command Selenese has a simple command that allows you to print text to your test’s output.
Exercises: TC#4: • Open a specific URL ( •
Search for a specific text (“Javascript”) in #1 page
Sort by “Prizev”
How do you check “Online Price: $$$” is in sorted order?
In this case I have decided to check the first two Amounts displayed on that page are in the ascending order.
The first value is A, the second value is B
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If A <= B then we assume the first two listed prices are in ascending order.
Now get the third value C
If B <= C then we assume that A, B and C are in ascending order. (i.e., A <= B <=C )
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To Handle Alerts: AlertPresent • verifyAlertPresent()
The best way to check the alerts are using this command
This command never throws an exception
Returns: –
Ex 2:
True or False.
Other AlertPresent Commands are: –
storeAlertPresent ( seleniumVariableName )
assertAlertPresent ( )
assertAlertNotPresent ( )
verifyAlertNotPresent ( )
waitForAlertPresent ( )
waitForAlertNotPresent ( )
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goBack: • goBack and goBackAndWait are the two commands simulates a user clicking on the “back” button of the browser. waitForPopup • waitForPopUp ( windowID,timeout ) and selectWindow ( windowID ) are the two commands allows you to test the Popup Windows. •
selectWindow selects a specific Popup, use null to select Parent window.
Download Ex1.html to Ex3.html under wait for Popup, Open CreatePopUps.html in Firefox browser.
Record the test as listed below: –
Click Create Windows button
Select win1, click the button “Click and get the Welcome Message”, minimize win1
Select win3, select any option, press “Submit” button Go back to the parent window, press “close button”
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16. Selenium IDE Commands for handling alerts 1. allowNativeXpath(allow) Arguments: •
allow - boolean, true means we'll prefer to use native XPath
Syntax: command: allowNativeXpath Target: True 2. assertAlert – To Verify the Java Script Pop-Ups, similarly assertConfirmation. 3. answerOnNextPrompt(answer) Arguments: •
answer - the answer to give in response to the prompt pop-up
Instructs Selenium to return the specified answer string in response to the next JavaScript prompt [window.prompt()].
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4. assertAlertPresent() Generated from isAlertPresent() Returns: true if there is an alert Has an alert occurred? This function never throws an exception 5. assertAllButtons(pattern) Generated from getAllButtons() Returns: the IDs of all buttons on the page Returns the IDs of all buttons on the page. 6. assertAllFields(pattern) Generated from getAllFields() Returns: the IDs of all field on the page Returns the IDs of all input fields on the page.
7. assertAllLinks(pattern) Generated from getAllLinks() Returns: the IDs of all links on the page Returns the IDs of all links on the page. Similarly some other commands: assertAllWindowIds, assertAllWindowNames, assertAllWindowTitles, assertAttribute, assertAttributeFromAllWindows. assertNotAllButtons, assertNotAllFields,assertNotAllWindowIds, assertNotAllWindowNames, assertNotAllWindowTitles, assertNotAttribute, assertNotAttributeFromAllWindows. assertElementPresent(locator) Generated from isElementPresent(locator) Arguments: â&#x20AC;˘
locator - an element locator
Returns: true if the element is present, false otherwise Verifies that the specified element is somewhere on the page.
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Similarly some other commands: assertElementNotPresent assertEval(script, pattern) Generated from getEval(script) Arguments: â&#x20AC;˘
script - the JavaScript snippet to run
Returns: the results of evaluating the snippet Gets the result of evaluating the specified JavaScript snippet. The snippet may have multiple lines, but only the result of the last line will be returned. Similarly: assertExpression, assertHtmlSource(pattern) Generated from getHtmlSource() Returns: the entire HTML source Returns the entire HTML source between the opening and closing "html" tags. assertLocation(pattern) Generated from getLocation() Returns: the absolute URL of the current page Gets the absolute URL of the current page. assertNotXpathCount(xpath, pattern) Generated from getXpathCount(xpath) Arguments: â&#x20AC;˘
xpath - the xpath expression to evaluate. do NOT wrap this expression in a 'count()' function; we will do that for you.
Returns: the number of nodes that match the specified xpath Returns the number of nodes that match the specified xpath, eg. "//table" would give the number of tables. Similarly: assertXpathcount assertText(locator, pattern) Generated from getText(locator) Returns: the text of the element Gets the text of an element. This works for any element that contains text. This command uses either the textContent (Mozilla-like browsers) or the innerText (IE-like browsers) of the element, which is the rendered text shown to the user. Similarly: assertTitle, assertTable, assertSpeed, assertPromt,assertVisible, aasertValue assignId(locator, identifier)
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Arguments: •
locator - an element locator pointing to an element
identifier - a string to be used as the ID of the specified element
Temporarily sets the "id" attribute of the specified element, so you can locate it in the future using its ID rather than a slow/complicated XPath. This ID will disappear once the page is reloaded. Similarly: assignIdAndWait captureEntirePageScreenshot(filename, kwargs) Arguments: •
filename - the path to the file to persist the screenshot as. No filename extension will be appended by default. Directories will not be created if they do not exist, and an exception will be thrown, possibly by native code.
kwargs - a kwargs string that modifies the way the screenshot is captured. Example: "background=#CCFFDD" . Currently valid options:
background the background CSS for the HTML document. This may be useful to set for capturing screenshots of less-than-ideal layouts, for example where absolute positioning causes the calculation of the canvas dimension to fail and a black background is exposed (possibly obscuring black text). Saves the entire contents of the current window canvas to a PNG file. Contrast this with the captureScreenshot command, which captures the contents of the OS viewport (i.e. whatever is currently being displayed on the monitor), and is implemented in the RC only. Currently this only works in Firefox when running in chrome mode, and in IE nonHTA using the EXPERIMENTAL "Snapsie" utility. The Firefox implementation is mostly borrowed from the Screengrab! Firefox extension. Please see and for details. Similarly: captureEntirePageScreenshotAndWait check(locator) Arguments: •
locator - an element locator
Check a toggle-button (checkbox/radio) Similarly: checkAndWait chooseCancelOnNextConfirmation(),chooseOkOnNextConfirmation(), chooseOkOnNextConfirmationAndWait Click, ClickAndWait, ClickAt, ClickAtAndWait, Close.
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contextMenu, contextMenuAndWait, contextMenuAt, contextMenuAtAndWait. createCookie, createCookieAndWait deleteAllVisibleCookies() Calls deleteCookie with recurse=true on all cookies visible to the current page. As noted on the documentation for deleteCookie, recurse=true can be much slower than simply deleting the cookies using a known domain/path. Similarly: deleteAllVisibleCookiesAndWait, deleteCookie, deleteCookieAndWait, doubleClick(locator) Arguments: •
locator - an element locator
Double clicks on a link, button, checkbox or radio button. If the double click action causes a new page to load (like a link usually does), call waitForPageToLoad. Similarly: doubleClickAndWait, doubleClickAt, doubleClickAtAndWait. echo(message) Arguments: •
message - the message to print
Prints the specified message into the third table cell in your Selenese tables. Useful for debugging. fireEvent(locator, eventName) Arguments: •
locator - an element locator
eventName - the event name, e.g. "focus" or "blur"
Explicitly simulate an event, to trigger the corresponding "onevent" handler. Similarly: fireEventAndWait focus(locator) Arguments: •
locator - an element locator
Move the focus to the specified element; for example, if the element is an input field, move the cursor to that field. Similarly: focusAndWait goBack() Simulates the user clicking the "back" button on their browser.
SELENIUM Handbook - -a basic referential guide to Selenium ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Similarly: goBackAndWait ignoreAttributesWithoutValue(ignore) Arguments: •
ignore - boolean, true means we'll ignore attributes without value at the expense of xpath "correctness"; false means we'll sacrifice speed for correctness.
Similarly: ignoreAttributesWithoutValueAndWait open(url) Arguments: •
url - the URL to open; may be relative or absolute
Similarly: openWindow, openWindowAndWait pause(waitTime) Arguments: •
waitTime - the amount of time to sleep (in milliseconds)
Wait for the specified amount of time (in milliseconds) refresh() Simulates the user clicking the "Refresh" button on their browser. Similarly: refreshAndWait removeAllSelections(locator) Arguments: •
locator - an element locator identifying a multi-select box
Unselects all of the selected options in a multi-select element. Similarly: removeAllSelectionsAndWait, removeSelection, removeSelectionAndWait removeScript(scriptTagId) Arguments: •
scriptTagId - the id of the script element to remove.
Removes a script tag from the Selenium document identified by the given id. Does nothing if the referenced tag doesn't exist. Similarly: removeScriptAndWait runScript(script) Arguments: •
script - the JavaScript snippet to run
Similarly: runScriptAndWait
SELENIUM Handbook - -a basic referential guide to Selenium ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
select(selectLocator, optionLocator) Arguments: •
selectLocator - an element locator identifying a drop-down menu
optionLocator - an option locator (a label by default)
Select an option from a drop-down using an option locator. Similarly: selectAndWait, selectFrame, selectPopUp, selectPopUpAndWait, selectWindow, setTimeout(timeout) Arguments: •
timeout - a timeout in milliseconds, after which the action will return with an error
Specifies the amount of time that Selenium will wait for actions to complete. Actions that require waiting include "open" and the "waitFor*" actions. store(expression, variableName) Arguments: •
expression - the value to store
variableName - the name of a variable in which the result is to be stored.
This command is a synonym for storeExpression. Similarly: storeAlert, storeAlertPresent, storeAllButtons, storeAllFields, storeAllLinks, storeAllWindowIds, storeAllWindowNames, storeAllWindowTitles, storeAttribute, storeBodyText, storeConfirmation, storeConfirmationPresent etc….. storeCookie, storeCookieByName, storeCookiePresent, etc…… storeEval(script, variableName) Generated from getEval(script) Arguments: •
script - the JavaScript snippet to run
Returns: the results of evaluating the snippet similarly: storeExpression etc…… storeXpathCount(xpath, variableName) Generated from getXpathCount(xpath) Arguments: •
xpath - the xpath expression to evaluate. do NOT wrap this expression in a 'count()' function; we will do that for you.
SELENIUM Handbook - -a basic referential guide to Selenium ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Returns: the number of nodes that match the specified xpath Returns the number of nodes that match the specified xpath, eg. "//table" would give the number of tables. submit(formLocator) Arguments: •
formLocator - an element locator for the form you want to submit
Submit the specified form. This is particularly useful for forms without submit buttons, e.g. single-input "Search" forms. Similarly: submitAndWait type(locator, value) Arguments: •
locator - an element locator
value - the value to type
Sets the value of an input field, as though you typed it in. Similarly: typeAndWait uncheck(locator) Arguments: •
locator - an element locator
Uncheck a toggle-button (checkbox/radio) Similarly: uncheckAndWait verifyAlert(pattern) Generated from getAlert() Returns: The message of the most recent JavaScript alert Similarly: verifyAlertNotPresent, verifyAlertPresent, verifyAllButtons, verifyAllFields, verifyAllLinks, verifyAllWindowNames, verifyAllWindowTitles etc….. verifyConfirmation(pattern) Generated from getConfirmation() Returns: the message of the most recent JavaScript confirmation dialog Retrieves the message of a JavaScript confirmation dialog generated during the previous action. Similarly: verifyConfirmationNotPresent, verifyConfirmationPresent verifyText(locator, pattern) Generated from getText(locator) Arguments:
SELENIUM Handbook - -a basic referential guide to Selenium -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------•
locator - an element locator
Returns: the text of the element Similarly: verifyTitle,verifyTable etc….. waitForAlert(pattern) Generated from getAlert() Returns: The message of the most recent JavaScript alert Retrieves the message of a JavaScript alert generated during the previous action, or fail if there were no alerts. Similarly: waitForAllButtons, waitForAllFields, waitForAllLinks, waitForAllWindowIds, waitForAllWindowNames, waitForAllWindowTitles, waitForConfirmationPresent() Generated from isConfirmationPresent() Returns: true if there is a pending confirmation Has confirm() been called? Similarly: waitForCondition waitForTitle(pattern) Generated from getTitle() Returns: the title of the current page Gets the title of the current page. Similary: waitForTable etc……
17. Java Script What is the use of java script? 1. Java script can be used by for printing some dynamic html contents 2. For validating the forms in the web page 3. Ajax - CE is advanced one for java script.
Print:- document. write We can use java script in 3 modes in html • • •
In <HEAD> tag In <body> tag And external key
External java script;- (java script with in the page) Script.js(file name) document.write(“JS from script.js page<br>”); Ex:-
SELENIUM Handbook - -a basic referential guide to Selenium ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<html> <head> <script src=’script.js’ type=’text/javascript’ language=”javascript”> </script> </head> </html> Variables:Ex:-
a=10; document.write(a);
a=10; document.write(a); a=’’java script”; /*modifying variable */ document.write(a);
Comment lines - Two types // -> single line comment /* multiline comments */ Detecting errors in JavaScript (fire fox); In fire fox browser Go to tools Select error console.
Data types:In JScript, there are three primary data types, two composite data types, and two special data types. The primary (primitive) data types are: •
Boolean -> Boolean (true/false) ->Typeof(exp):- it wise display exp type
a=true; document. write (Typeof(a)); Out put
SELENIUM Handbook - -a basic referential guide to Selenium ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Boolean. Ex :- n=12; document.write(typeof(a)); number datatype
Out put:-
1. Number
n=12; document.write(n); Ex:- n=12.5; document.write(n);
parseInt:Ex;- n=12.5; document.write(parseint(n)); Output:- 12 Ex 2:- n=’12 tonnes’ document.write(parseInt(n)); Output:- 12
Concatenation: document.write(‘parseint(“12cows”)’); document.write(‘=’); document.write(parseInt(“12 cows”); document.write(“<br>”); document.write(‘parseInt(“12cows’)=’+parseInt(‘12cows”))+(“<BR.”);
Ex 3:-
ParseFloat:Ex 1:- f=”12.5 tonnes” Document.write(parseFloat(f)); Output;- 12.5 Ex2:- document.write(‘parseFloat(“12.5 tonnes”)=’+parseFloat(“12.5 tonnes’)); Ex3:- img=’<img src=”chicken.JPEG”>’; Document.write(img); Ex 4:- for string concatenation:a=”welcome to NageshQTP” b=”online training” c=a+b;
c=a+’ ‘+b;
Unary – single operand Binary- two operand Territory-three operand
Assignment operators: (=,+=,-=,*=,/=,%=)
SELENIUM Handbook - -a basic referential guide to Selenium -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Arthemetic operators: (+,-,*,/,%) Relational operators: (<,>,<=,>=) Comparision operators: (==,===,!=,!==) Iteration operators: (++,--) Logical operators: (&&,||,1) Conditional operators: (?:) (or) Ternary operators String Concatination: +
Iteration operators:(++x) X=10; Y=++x; Output= starts from 11, 12, Post increment:(x++) X=10; Y=x++; Output= starts from 10, 11, Pre increment:-
(post increment) X=10; document.write(‘x=’+(x)+’<br>’); Output : x=10 document.write(‘x=’+(x++)+’<br>’); Output :x++=10 document.write(‘x=’+(x)+’<br>’);//x=11 Ex:- (pre increment) X=10; D.W(‘x+’+(x)+’<br>’; x=10 D.W(“x=’+(++x)+’<br>’); x=11 D.W(‘x=’ +(x)+’<br>’); x=11 -> Pre decrementation:X=10 d.w(‘x=’+(--x)+’<br>’); x=9 -> post decrementation:X=10 d.w(‘x=’+(x)+’<br>’); x=10 d.w(‘x--=’+(x--)+’<br>’); x=10 d.w(‘x=’+(x)+’<br>’); x=9 Logical operators:x y X&&y
SELENIUM Handbook - -a basic referential guide to Selenium ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
d.w(“true&&false=”+(true&&false)+’<br>’); =false d.w(“true|| false=”+(true||false)+’<br>’); =true Conditional operators:Conditional operators is used for determining execution of statement based on the condition Syntax:(condition)? “true Black”:”False Black”; Ex:- x=9; Type=(x%2==0)?”Even”:”odd”;
Control structure:Control structures is divided into two ways 1. Conditional Based 2. Loop Based 1. Conditional based :1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
IF, IF –else IF-else IF ladder Nested if and Switch cases
IF:If(condition) { code } Ex:-
var d=newData() Var time=d.getHours() If(time<10) { Document.write(“<b> Good Morning</b>”);
IF-else:Syntax:If(condition) { Code
SELENIUM Handbook - -a basic referential guide to Selenium ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
} Else { Code } Ex:Age=15; If(Age<=10) { d.w(“Boy”); } else { d.w(“young”); } If-else IF Ladder:f(condition) { Code; } Else if(con 2) { code; } Else if(con 3) { Code; } …………..n; Ex:Perc=60; If(perc>=70){ grade=”A”;} else if(perc>=60){grade =”B”;} else if(perc>=50){grade=’c’;} Nested IF:If(condition1) { If(condition2) { Code; } else { Code; } } Ex:A=12; B=13; If(a>=b) { If(a>b) { d.w(“A is greater<br>”);
SELENIUM Handbook - -a basic referential guide to Selenium ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
} else { d.w(“A and B are Equal<br>”); } } else{ d.w(“A is less”); } Switch:Switch(expression) { Case ‘value’: Code; Break; Case ‘val2’: Code; Break; Default: Code; Break; } Ex:Dya=3; Switch(day){ Case 1: d.w(“Monday <br>”); break; case 2: d.w(“Tuesday <br>”); break: . . . Case 7: d.w(“Sunday <br>”); break; default: d.w(“Enter valid number<br>”);break; }
SELENIUM Handbook - -a basic referential guide to Selenium ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Array is a collection of similar elements Syntax for creating the array is
<var name>=new Array (value 1,value 2,…value n); Ex:- users=new Array(‘sree’,siva’,’mahe’); To get length of array:users.length: 3(//maximum numerical index +1) users[0];//sree users[1];//siva we can replace value of array users[1]=”ram”; we can add one more field to the array users[3]=”rama”; To get array count users[users.length]=’mary’; [Appending]. Ex:Tags=new Array(‘barbie’,’Teddy’,’mickey’,’donald’); d.w(‘toys.length=’+toys.length+’<br>);//4 d.w[‘toys[2]=’’+toys [2]+’<br>’);//mickey d.w[‘toys=’+toys+’<br>’);//B,T,M,D. toys[3]+=’Duck’; d.w(‘toys=’+toys+’<br>’);// B,T,M,D,D toys[toys.length]=’Newtoy’; d.w(‘toys=’+toys+’<br’>);//B,T,M,D,D,N Multidimentional arrays:Ex:- a=new Array(2,4); B=new Array(6,8); Multi=new Array(a,b); B=new Array(‘1’,’name’)); d.w(‘multi[0][0]=’tmulti[0][1]+’<br>’);
Loops: While While(condition) { Code }
Ex:1 i=1;
SELENIUM Handbook - -a basic referential guide to Selenium ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
while(i<=3) { d.w(i); i++; } Ex:-2 Mon=new Array (‘jan’,’feb’,’mar’,..’dec’); m=0; While(m<mon.length) { d.w(‘month name=’+mon[m]+’<br>’); mi++; } Do-while:Do { Code; }while(condition) Ex:i=0 Do { d.w(i); i++; }while(i<=5); For:For(initialization,condition,incrementation) { Code } Ex:1For(i=1;i<=3;i++) { d.w(i); } Ex:-2 Mon=new Array(‘jan’,’feb’,’mar’,…’dec’); For(i=0;i<mon.length:i++) { d.w(mon[i]+’<br>’); } For-in:Syntax:For(index in arreg-nmae)
SELENIUM Handbook - -a basic referential guide to Selenium ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
{ Array-name[index] } Ex:x=new Array(11,31,94); For(i in x) { d.w(i+’=’+x[i]+’<br>’); }
Functions:TYPE I II III IV
Arg * yes * yes
Return * * yes yes
Two types of functions 1. User defined functions 2. Built in functions
User defined functions: A user define function is re-usable block of code. Functions can be classified into fur types, based on arguments and values.
Type 1:Syntax:-
function function name() { Code; [return<value>;] } Ex:- for type 1 Function welcome() { document.write(“welcome to the site%”); } Welcome(); X=welcome();//user define Document write(‘x=’+x+’,<br>’);
For Type 2 category:Function bold(text) { document.write(‘<b>’+text+”<br>”);
SELENIUM Handbook - -a basic referential guide to Selenium ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ex:- for type 2 function welcome(user) { Document.write(“welcome”+user+”<br>”); } Welcome(“sree”); Type 3-functions:Function x() { return 9; } P=x(); Ex:- function x() { d.w(“first value is’); return 9; d.w(“last value is’); calling function:a=x(); d.w(‘a=’+a+’<br>’); output:- first+val is a=9; Type 4:- function with arguments and return values Function square(x) { Return(x*x); } d.w(suqre(2));//4 d.w(square(suqre(2));//16 Built in methods: Date:-
D=new Date(); d.getDate();//1-11 d.getDay();//0-6 d.getMonth();//0-11 d.getYear(); d.getFullyear;//2009 d.getHours();//0-23 d.getMinutes();//0-59 d.getSeconds();//0-59 Ex:- for Built-in Function p(text);
SELENIUM Handbook - -a basic referential guide to Selenium ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
{ Document.write(text+’<br>’); } d=new Date(); P(‘d+’+d); P(‘d.getdate()=’+d.getDate()); P(‘d.getday()=’+d.getday()); …………… Math:-
Math;max(12,14);//14 Math;min(12,14);//12 Ex:Function p(text) { d.w(text+’<br>’); } //math.max(num1,num2);-> num P(‘math.max(12,14)=’+Math.max(12,14)); //Math.min(num1,num2);->num P(‘math.min(12,14)=’+Math.min(12,14)); //math.floor(num);->Lower limitation integer value P(‘math.floor(12.94)=’+Math.floor(12.94));//12 //math.ceil(num);->upper limitation integer value P(‘math.ceil(12.14)=’+Math.ceil(12.14));//13 //math.round(num)-> if >=.5 ceil,<.5 floor P(‘math.round(12.14)=’+Math.round(12.14)); P(‘math.round(12.14)=’+Math.round(12.54)); //math.random()->0 and 1 P(‘math.random()=’+math.random()); String methods:Function p(text) { Document.write(text+’<br>’); } Str=’javascript’; P(‘str=’+str); P(‘length=’+str.length()); P(‘upper=’+str.touppercase()); P(‘lower=’+str.tolowercase()); P(‘str.substr=’+str.substr(4)); P(‘str.substr(4,2)=’+str.substr(4,2)); Replace of search string replacement(Replace) P(‘str.replace(“ a”,”_”)=’+str.replace(“a”,”_”); p(‘str.replace(“ a”,”_”)=’+str.replace(“A”,”_”);
Regular Expression:-
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Function reg(expr,str) { R=new RegExp(expr); Return r.test(str); } P(‘reg(“b”,”abc”)=’+reg(“b”+”abc”)); ^ mathches to beginning of the string(if you want to verify starting,letter in whole stirng,we can use ca(^))
Ex:- P(‘reg(“^b”,”abc”)=’+reg(“^b”+”_abc”)); Output:- false P(‘reg(“^a”,”abc”)=’+reg(“^a”+”_abc”)); Output:- True $ mathches to end of stirng(if you want to verify ending character in whole string,we can use $)
Ex:- P(‘reg(“a$”,”abc”)=’+reg(“a$”+”abc”)); Output:- false P(‘reg(“c$”,”abc”)=’+reg(“c$”+”abc”)); Output:- True ->(.) mathes any single character(alphabet,number, special character, space)(if you want to verify only single character we can use “dot’) Ex:- P(‘reg(“^.$”,”abc”)=’+reg(“^.$”+”abc”)); output:- false P(‘reg(“^.$”,”a”)=’+reg(“^.$”+”a”)); Output:- True P(‘reg(“\.doc$”,”resume.doc”)=’+reg(“\.doc”+”resume.doc”)); + one or many times(if you want to verify any single char,if may be one time else many times,we can use +)
P(‘reg(“a+$”,”a”)=’+reg(“a+$”+”a”)); Output:- True P(‘reg(“a+$”,”aaa”)=’+reg(“a+$”+”aaa”)); Output:- False P(‘reg(“a+$”,”ab”)=’+reg(“a+$”+”ab”)); Output:- false * 0 to many times
Ex:- P(‘reg(“a*$”,””)=’+reg(“a*$”+””)); Output:-True P(‘reg(“a*$”,”aa”)=’+reg(“a*$”+”aa”)); Output;- True P(‘reg(“a*$”,”ab”)=’+reg(“a*$”+”ab”)); Output:- False ? 0 or min one time or no.of times
P(‘reg(“https?”,””)=’+reg(“https?”+””)); Output:- True {n} - for n times {n,} -min n times {n, m}-min n times, max m times
SELENIUM Handbook - -a basic referential guide to Selenium ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [] use for specifying range of char allowe for the exp.
[a-z] [A-Z] [0-9] [abcd] [a-zA-Z0-9-> Alphanumeric Ex:- P(‘reg(“^[a-z]${3}”,”abc”)=’+reg(“^[a-z]${3}”+”abc”)); Output:- True P(‘veg(“^[a-z]${3]”,”ABC”)=’+reg(“^[a-z]${3}”+”ABC”));
\d -- matches with any digit(0-9) \D – matches a non-digit \s -- matches a space \S -- matches any non-space \w -- matches word boundary(alphanumeric and under square) \W -- non word boundary | -- ‘or’ () -- matches sub expressions([] [] {})
Ex:- for mobile validation Function isMobile(num) { Num=num.toString() Exp=’^[98][0-9]{9}$’; Return reg(exp,num); ] Mobile=’8876543210’; P(ismobile(mobile)?”validMobile”:’invalid’); Ex:-2 for usMobile(124-136-106205) Function isUsPhone(ph) { Return reg(‘^[0-9]{3}[\-]){2}[0-9]{6}$’,ph); } Phone=’234-345-234567’; P(isUsPhone(phone)/’valid’:’invalid; Ex 3:- Email id <html> <head> <script> Function isEmail(mail) { Return reg(‘^[a-zA-Z0-9]\\w{3,}\.\\a{2,}@[a-zA-Z0-9\-]{2,}\.[a-zA-Z\.]{2,}$’,mail); }; P(isEmail(ma?’valid’:’invalid’; </script> </head> </html> Ex:- User name Function isUser(name) {
SELENIUM Handbook - -a basic referential guide to Selenium ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
return reg(‘^[a-zA-Z][\.][a-zA-Z]{5},’name); } Name=”pradeep”; P(isuser)(name)?’valid’:’invalid’; Ex:Function isUser(name) { return reg(‘^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z\.]{5,}’,name); } Name=Pradeep; P(isuser(name)?’valid’:’invalid’);
18. Example programs: Tc#1 : Verify Page Title and specified Text GE Test Case 1 open
exact:GE: Search Results
energy efficient
Tc# 2: GE Test Case2 open
GE : imagination at work
energy efficient
SELENIUM Handbook - -a basic referential guide to Selenium ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
GE Test Case2 clickAndWait
GE Contact Information: Web Questions, Online Help, Press Contacts
link=Feedback and Inquiries
Feedback & Inquiries : Contact Information : GE
label=United States
No questions.
Thank you for taking the time to contact GE.
Feel free to continue browsing
verifyElementPresent Home Page
Tc# 3: Verify alerts Age Test Case open assertTitle verifyTextPresent type click open type click deleteCookie type click
file:///C:/Javascript/Class%20Ex/Ex16.html?txtAge=101&=Submit Age Problem Enter Your Age idAge -1 idSubGo Infant idAge 5 idSubGo Kid idAge 20 idSubGo
SELENIUM Handbook - -a basic referential guide to Selenium ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Age Test Case assertAlert type click assertAlert type click assertAlert type click assertAlert type check pause clickAndWait assertAlert
Adult idAge idSubGo Senior idAge idSubGo Grand Senior idAge idSubGo I hate this life idAge idSubGo 5000 idSubGo Something wrong, enter your right age!
Tc# 4: Wait for Text Present TC_Google_EE open
energy efficiency
energy efficient - Google Search
energy efficient
Tc #5: Creating Variables and storing data and calling multipletimes TestCase_HelloWorld open store echo answerOnNextPrompt click waitForPrompt
file:///C:/2009%20Selenium/Day3/Ex/HelloWorld.html Kangeyan vName ${vName} ${vName} link=Click here to enter your name Please enter your name.
SELENIUM Handbook - -a basic referential guide to Selenium ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
TestCase_HelloWorld echo ${vName} createCookie idName TC# 6: Reviewed Test Case Barnes and Noble Sorted Order open type search-input clickAndWait quick-search-button pause 10000 clickAndWait link=Price //div[@id='bs-centerstoreText col']/div[3]/div[1]/div[2]/div/div/div/ul[1]/li[2]/strong echo ${T1} xpath=id('bs-centerstoreText col')/div[3]/div[3]/div[2]/div/div/div/ul[1]/li[1]/strong echo ${T2} //div[@id='bs-centerstoreText col']/div[3]/div[5]/div[2]/div/div/div/ul[1]/li[1]/strong echo ${T3} var A= new Number("${T1}".substr(1));var B=new storeEval Number("${T2}".substr(1)); var Result1=false; if (A<=B) Result1=true;Result1 echo ${T4} var B= new Number("${T2}".substr(1));var C=new storeEval Number("${T3}".substr(1)); var Result2=false; if (B<=C) Result2=true;Result2 echo ${T5} storeEval var Result1= new Boolean("${T4}");Result1 echo ${R1} storeEval var Result2= new Boolean("${T5}");Result2 echo ${R2} var Result1= new Boolean("${T4}");var Result2=new storeEval Boolean("${T5}"); Result1 && Result2 store true echo ${T6} verifyExpression ${T6}
R1 R2
T6 T7 ${T7}
SELENIUM Handbook - -a basic referential guide to Selenium ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Reviewed Test Case Barnes and Noble Sorted Order echo ${T7} var isSorted = new Boolean("${T6}"); var strResult ='Not in Sorted storeEval vSorted Order'; if (isSorted) strResult='Ascending Order'; strResult echo ${vSorted}
Tc# 7: Example For Alert Massege Test Case Alert Button Click open
file:\\C:\2009 Selenium\Day 3\Ex\ClickAlert.html
//input[@value='Click and get the Welcome Message']
Welcome to Portnov!
Tc# 8: Example For goBackAndWait Test Case Go Back And Wait open file:\C:\2009 Selenium\Day 3\Ex\SelectAWebSite.html select OptWeb clickAndWait btnGo assertTitle Google goBackAndWait select OptWeb clickAndWait btnGo Career Training & Career Change: Software Testing and assertTitle Software QA (Quality Assurance) @ Portnov Computer School goBackAndWait select OptWeb clickAndWait btnGo assertTitle Microsoft Corporation goBackAndWait select OptWeb clickAndWait btnGo assertTitle Yahoo!
SELENIUM Handbook - -a basic referential guide to Selenium ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Tc#9: Example for Alert conformation Reviewed Test Case Popup open
file:\\C:\2009 Selenium\Day 3\Ex\CreatePopUps.html
//input[@value='Click and get the Welcome Message']
Welcome to Portnov!
Are you sure you want to submit this answer?
//input[@name='winBut' and @value='Close Windows']
Regular Expression Tc#10: Verify Page Title Reviewed Test Case Window Name Check open
regex:Ex1.html win1
regex:Ex2.html win2
SELENIUM Handbook - -a basic referential guide to Selenium ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Reviewed Test Case Window Name Check assertAlert
regex:Ex3.html win3
Tc#11: Regular Expression Reviewed Test Case RegEx Email Check open file:///C:/2009%20Selenium/Day%204/Ex/UserInputForm.html type txtName type txtEmail click //input[@value='Submit'] verifyTable //form[@id='frm']/table.1.2 verifyTable //form[@id='frm']/table.2.2 storeValue txtName echo ${selName} storeValue txtEmail echo ${selEmail} assertEval storedVars['selName'] assertEval javascript:jStr=storedVars['selEmail']; jStr.toLowerCase()
kangs p KANGS@YAHOO.COM Valid Valid selName selEmail
regex:\w+\s\w+ regex:^[a-z0-9_\-]+(\.[_a-z0-9\-]+)* z]{2}|aero|arpa|biz|com|coop|edu|go
Narrating Regular Expression Tc’s Store Value •
Name and Email are stored in a Selenium Variable
Use echo to see the values in Log
Narrating Test Cases file:///C:/2009%20Selenium/Day%204/Ex/Narrating Test open Cases.html type txtName kangs p type txtEmail KANGS@YAHOO.COM
SELENIUM Handbook - -a basic referential guide to Selenium ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Narrating Test Cases storeValue txtName echo ${selName} storeValue txtEmail echo ${selEmail} click //input[@value='Submit'] verifyTable //form[@id='frm']/table.1.2 verifyTable //form[@id='frm']/table.2.2
selName selEmail
Valid Valid
Regular Expression Testing •
Name is tested with regex:\w+\s\w+
Email is first converted into lower case then tested using regex.
assertEval storedVars['selName'] regex:\w+\s\w+ javascript:jStr=storedVars['selEmail']; regex:^[a-z0-9_\-]+(\.[_a-z0-9\-]+)*@([_a-z0-9\-]+\.)+([aassertEval jStr.toLowerCase() z]{2}|aero|arpa|biz|com|coop|edu|gov|info|int|jobs|mil|museum| Testing Highlight •
Verify Text with exact spelling "Name" using XPath
Highlight a text using XPath
verifyText //form[@id='frm']/table/tbody/tr[2]/td[1]/span[1] exact:Name: highlight //form[@id='frm']/table/tbody/tr[2]/td[1]/span[1] Assert Element Present •
Valid Name Id is present
Valid Email ID is present
assertElementPresent idNameDisp assertElementPresent idEmailDisp Tc#11: Test Case DevryPopupWindows Close http://www.devryopen;jsessionid=GYW5fw1VxepITK3Fi7CXsg**.app8all1?redirected=redirect&CLK=0&CCID=&QTR=&ZN=&ZV=&KY_T= refresh setSpeed 3000 assertTitle DeVry Online Focus Site click //div[@id='footerlogo']/table/tbody/tr[1]/td[1]/a[1]/u
SELENIUM Handbook - -a basic referential guide to Selenium ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Test Case DevryPopupWindows Close waitForPopUp Thandie selectWindow name=Thandie assertTitle Accreditation - DeVry University click //html/body/table/tbody/tr[4]/td/a selectWindow null click //div[@id='footerlogo']/table/tbody/tr[1]/td[1]/a[1]/u waitForPopUp Thandie selectWindow null pause 10000 click //div[@id='footerlogo']/table/tbody/tr[1]/td[1]/a[2]/u waitForPopUp Thandie selectWindow name=Thandie assertTitle Programs-DeVry University click //html/body/table[2]/tbody/tr/td/p/a selectWindow null click //div[@id='footerlogo']/table/tbody/tr[1]/td[2]/a[1]/u waitForPopUp Thandie selectWindow name=Thandie assertTitle Your California Privacy Rights click //html/body/table/tbody/tr[2]/td/a selectWindow null click //div[@id='footerlogo']/table/tbody/tr[1]/td[2]/a[2]/u waitForPopUp Thandie selectWindow name=Thandie assertTitle Privacy Policy - DeVry University click //html/body/table/tbody/tr[2]/td/a selectWindow null
Tc#12: Verify Page Load Time Test Case for PageLoadTime_Simple open
(new Date()).getTime()
refresh waitForPageToLoad
SELENIUM Handbook - -a basic referential guide to Selenium ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Test Case for PageLoadTime_Simple storeEval
(new Date()).getTime()
${PageLoadTime} Seconds
(new Date()).getTime()
(new Date()).getTime()
${PageLoadTime} Seconds
Tc#13: AvgPageLoadTime Test Case for PageLoadTime open
(new Date()).getTime()
refresh waitForPageToLoad
(new Date()).getTime()
${PageLoadTime1} Seconds
(new Date()).getTime()
SELENIUM Handbook - -a basic referential guide to Selenium ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Test Case for PageLoadTime storeEval
(new Date()).getTime()
${PageLoadTime2} Seconds
${AvgPageLoadTime} Seconds
Tc# 14: Page Load Time in mille Seconds Test Case for PageLoadTime_MilliSeconds storeEval var d=(new Date().getTime()); d; echo ${timeBeforeLoad} open("");var storeEval win=this.browserbot.getCurrentWindow(); if(win)win.onload=(window.status=(new Date().getTime())); echo ${timeAfterLoad} storeEval ${timeAfterLoad}-${timeBeforeLoad} echo ${loadTimeMSecs}
Tc#15: Get Xpathcount, rows count and Tablecount XXX Test Case Xpath open file:///C:/2009 Selenium/Day4/Ex/ListofCourses.html assertTitle AssertXPath storeElementPresent //table[@id='idCourse']/tbody/tr[7]/td[3] echo ${Txt1} assertElementNotPresent //table[@id='idCourse']/tbody/tr[8]/td[3] assertElementPresent //table[@id='idCourse']/tbody/tr[7]/td[3] allowNativeXpath true verifyXpathCount //table[@id='idCourse']/tbody/tr verifyXpathCount //table[@id='idCourse']/tbody/tr[1]/td verifyXpathCount //table[@id='idCourse']/tbody/tr/td verifyTable idCourse.0.0
7 4 28 S#
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Test Case Xpath verifyTable verifyTable verifyTable verifyTable verifyTable verifyTable verifyTable verifyTable verifyTable verifyTable verifyTable storeText echo
idCourse.0.1 idCourse.4.0 idCourse.4.1 idCourse.4.2 idCourse.4.3 idCourse.0.2 idCourse.0.3 idCourse.6.0 idCourse.6.1 idCourse.6.2 idCourse.6.3 //table[@id='idCourse']/tbody/tr[7]/td[4] ${sLastRowCell4}
Course Name 4 Selenium Kangs 4/4/2009 Instructor Name Start Date 6 Python Michell 6/6/2009 sLastRowCell4
19. Selenium Core Introduction: • Selenium Core is a test tool for web applications. •
Selenium Core tests run directly in a browser, just as real users do. And they run in Internet Explorer, Mozilla and Firefox on Windows, Linux, and Macintosh.
Selenium uses JavaScript and Iframes to embed a test automation engine in browsers.
Selenium was designed specifically for the acceptance testing requirements of Agile teams.
Selenium Core Concepts • Selenium was designed specifically for the acceptance testing requirements of Agile teams. •
Cross Browser and Cross Platform compatibility testing. One can test and verify whether the application works correctly on different browsers and operating systems. The same script can run on any Selenium platform.
Application Functional testing. Create regression tests to verify application functionality and user acceptance.
HTA Mode in IE • HTML Applications (HTAs) are full-fledged web applications.
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These applications are trusted by the Microsoft Internet Explorer browser.
The web-developer need to create the menus, icons, toolbars, and title information then only those will be available within that application.
HTAs pack all the power of object model, performance, rendering power, protocol support, and channel–download technology—without enforcing the strict security model and user interface of the browser.
HTAs can be created using the HTML and Dynamic HTML (DHTML).
HTA Mode in Selenium Core • Selenium Core provides an additional mechanism for running automated tests called "HTA mode." •
HTA Mode only works on Windows, and only with IE.
An HTA file is a special type of HTML file that is allowed to violate the same origin policy and to write files to disk. When running in HTA mode, you don't have to install Selenium Core on the same web server.
HTA files are also allowed to save test results directly to disk, rather than posting the test results to a web server.
Installing Selenium Core • Installing Selenium Core is a two-step process
First: Install an web server (e.g. Apache)
Second: Install the Selenium Core under the Web Server
You need to install the Selenium Core within the web server where AUT is deployed.
1. Installing Apache Web Server
Go to
Download Win32 Binary without crypto (no mod_ssl) (MSI Installer):
Double click the downloaded file and install it
Check Apache
Open your Windows Explorer
Go to C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\htdocs
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Check index.html file is there
Open index.html check whether it will display “it works” Message or Not.
3. Installing Selenium Core
Create a folder under (*1) –
C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\htdocs
Name the new folder as “Selenium” –
C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\htdocs\Selenium
Go to
Right Click on the Download Link under Selenium Core, and download the file under Apache web server
Save the file
Under the folder C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\htdocs\Selenium
Right click on the Zip file, and unzip by Selecting winzip select Extract to here
In your address bar type the below URL:
If you are able to see Selenium Test Runner Control Panel, then the installation is complete and successful.
Selenium Core Test Suites 1. 2. 3. 4.
Open Selenium IDE Create multiple Test cases, save with .html extensions. Create these test cases as Testsuite.html In Windows Explorer Go to C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\htdocs\Selenium 5. Create a new folder called “oragehrm” 6. Save all Test cases, Test Suites under “orangehrm” Folder.
Running Test cases with IE Browser 1. Open your IE browser, go to http://localhost/Selenium/core/TestRunner.html
SELENIUM Handbook - -a basic referential guide to Selenium -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2. 3. 4. 5.
In the test suite input box, type as follows: ../orangehrm/TestSuite.html Press “Go” button Now, you can run either individual test cases or entire suite. Do as you wish.
Running Test cases with Firfox Browser 1. Open your Firefox browser, go to http://localhost/Selenium/core/TestRunner.html 2. In the test suite input box, type as follows: 3. ../orangehrm/TestSuite.html 4. Press “Go” button 5. Now, you can run either individual test cases or entire suite. Do as you wish.
Running the Test Suite Using HTA Mode • Test now in IE browser – http://localhost/Selenium/core/TestRunner.hta
A File download – Security Warning may display
Click “Run” button
In the test suite input box, type as follows: –
Press “Go” button
Now, you can run either individual test cases or entire suite. Do as you wish.
Difference between HTA & HTML Mode
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HTA Mode allows you to save the results to a file
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20. Selenium-RC 1. Introduction Selenium-RC is the solution for tests that need more than simple browser actions and linear execution. Selenium-RC uses the full power of programming languages to create more complex tests like reading and writing files, querying a database, emailing test results. You’ll want to use Selenium-RC whenever your test requires logic not supported by SeleniumIDE. What logic could this be? For example, Selenium-IDE does not directly support: • condition statements • iteration • logging and reporting of test results • error handling, particularly unexpected errors • database testing • test case grouping • re-execution of failed tests • test case dependency • screenshot capture of test failures Although these tasks are not supported by Selenium directly, all of them can be achieved by using programming techniques with a language-specific Selenium-RC client library. 2. Installing Selenium RC • Installing Selenium Remote Control (RC) requires three step process: –
First: Install JRE 1.5 or later
Second: Install the Selenium RC
Third: Install Ruby Client
Checking JRE • Go to Start Run cmd – •
Java – version (*1)
If you see an older version (< 1.5) it is better to uninstall it
Second: Installing Selenium RC • Go to •
Select RC download (*1) link and store the file in C:\
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UnZip the in C:\
Rename the selenium-remote-control-1.0-beta-2 folder into SeleniumRC
Rename the selenium-java-client-driver-1.0-beta-2 folder into JavaClient
Rename the selenium-server-1.0-beta-2 into JavaServer
Open Windows Explorer go to C:\SeleniumRC\JavaServer
Go to Start Run Cmd (enter the following command)
Cd C:\SeleniumRC\JavaServer
Java -jar selenium-server.jar -interactive
Third: Install Ruby Client • •
Install Ruby into C:\ Go to Start Run cmd - Cd c:\seleniumRC\RubyClient\ - gem install selenium-client Make sure it shows successfully installed selenium-client
Start Selenium server with Batch File – – –
Open Note Pad and Type below java -jar C:\SeleniumRC\JavaServer\selenium-server.jar Save as .bat extension
Stop Selenium server in IE "C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe" http://localhost:4444/seleniumserver/driver/?cmd=shutDownSeleniumServer
3. Run a Simple Test Step1: save Test case with rb extenstion • Open the test case in Selenium IDE • Go to Options Format Ruby – Selenium RC • •
Select File Save Test Case As Save the file name as “name.rb” in C:\PrgRuby
Step2: Start the Selenium Server • Go to Start Run cmd – •
Java -jar selenium-server.jar (*7)
Keep the server running (Do not close this cmd line window)
Step3: Run the Ruby Test • Open another cmd line window, go to Start Run cmd •
Navigate to the path where you have saved “testEE.rb”
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Cd c:\ruby
Execute the below command
Ruby testEE.rb
4. Platforms Supported by Selenium RC • Browsers – •
Operating Systems –
Windows, OS X, Linux, and Solaris
Programming Languages –
Firefox, IE, Safari and Opera etc..
C#, Java, Perl, PHP, Python, and Ruby
Testing Frameworks –
Bromine, JUnit & TenstNG (Java), NUnit (.Net), RSpec & Test::Unit (Ruby), unittest (Python)
5. RC Command Line Options Usage: java -jar selenium-server.jar [-interactive] [-options] • port <nnnn>:(default 4444) – •
timeout <nnnn>: (eg: 180) –
Interactively enter the commands.
multiWindow: –
an integer number of seconds
interactive: –
the port number the selenium server should use
Tests are executed in a separate window and supports web pages with frames.
forcedBrowserMode <browser>: (eg: *iehta) –
sets the forced default browser mode (e.g. "*iexplore“) for all sessions, no matter what is passed in getNewBrowserSession
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userExtensions <file>: –
browserSessionReuse: –
Uses by default proxy for browser request
set this flag to make the browser use proxy only for URLs containing '/selenium-server'
firefoxProfileTemplate <dir>: –
By default generates a fresh empty Firefox profile for every test.
Provide a directory to use your profile directory instead.
When enabled writes debug information out to a log file
htmlSuite <browser> <startURL> <suiteFile> <resultFile>: –
Provide browser and URL to run a single HTML Selenese Test suite and then exit immediately.
Provide absolute path to the HTML test suite, and HTML results file.
proxyInjectionMode: –
Debug mode provides more trace information and used for diagnostics purpose
log: –
stops re-initialization and spawning of the browser between tests
indicates a JavaScript file that will be loaded into selenium
A proxy injection mode is a mode where the selenium server acts as a proxy server for all content going to the AUT. Under this mode, multiple domains can be visited.
The following additional flags are supported for proxy injection mode : –
dontInjectRegex <regex>: an optional regular expression that proxy injection mode can use to know when to bypass injection
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userContentTransformation <regex> <replacement>: –
userJsInjection <file>: specifies a JavaScript file which will then be injected into all pages
A regular expression which is matched against all test HTML content; the second is a string which will replace matches. These flags can be used any number of times. A simple example of how this could be useful: if you add "userContentTransformation https http" then all "https" strings in the HTML of the test application will be changed to be "http".
Java system properties: –
Dhttp.proxyHost and -Dhttp.proxyPort
Normally Selenium RC overrides the proxy server configuration, using the Selenium Server as a proxy. Use these options if you need to use your own proxy together with the Selenium Server proxy.
Use the proxy settings like this: –
java -Dhttp.proxyPort=1234 -jar seleniumserver.jar
HTTP proxy requires authentication, you will also need to set Dhttp.proxyUser and -Dhttp.proxyPassword, in addition to http.proxyHost and http.proxyPort.
java -Dhttp.proxyPort=1234 Dhttp.proxyUser=joe -Dhttp.proxyPassword=example -jar seleniumserver.jar
6. Selenium RC - Interactive Mode Running • The "interactive mode (IM)" allows you to run your test case commands on the Selenium Server interactively. •
This approach is suited for novice programmers to understand.
To completely automate the test suites, it is best practice to write your tests in a suitable programming language. Not using interactive mode.
Type exit to quit from interactive mode
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6.1 Selenium RC – Browser Launch Mode Browser Launch Mode
Cross Domain
*iexplore, *iehta
Internet Explorer in HTA mode
Internet Explorer HTML mode
*firefox, *chrome
Firefox in Chrome mode
Firefox normal
Opera mode
Safari mode
Custom mode
Selenium RC – getNewBrowserSession • During the "interactive mode" one can get the current browser Session ID using the getNewBrowserSession command. •
This command accepts two parameters.
Both are mandatory parameters.
First Parameter: Browser Launch mode –
Example: *iexplore, *firefox, etc
Second Parameter: URL –
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testComplete command will stop the current session. No longer you can use the same session for further testing after executing this command.
Selenium RC – Interactive mode cmd • Interactive mode allows you to execute commands using cmd command •
The format of the command is as follows: –
cmd={Selenese Command}&1={First Parameter}&2={Second Parameter} &sessionId={sessionID got using getNewBrowserSession}
cmd=type&1=q&2=energy efficient&sessionId=500b9ffb521d4c67b37e649a7bd5e527
cmd=waitForTextPresent&1=energy efficiency&sessionId=500b9ffb521d4c67b37e649a7bd5e527
The session ID is optional. Use session ID when you have multiple sessions.
Selenese Command Parameter is mandatory.
Both &1 and &2 parameters are optional. If the Selenese command contains parameter then you may need it.
Selenium RC – Interactive mode Testing • Open your Windows explorer go to C:\SeleniumRC\JavaServer •
Goto Start Run cmd
if necessary use cd C:\SeleniumRC\JavaServer, then type –
Copy the first line of the code and paste in the interactive mode (*4) –
java -jar selenium-server.jar -interactive
Press Enter Key
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6.2 Selenium RC – Posting Test Results (firefox) • Open notepad/wordpad •
Cut and Paste the below code.
Save the batch file with name “GE Test Case.bat”
Keep the below files under the following directory: –
C:\2009 Selenium\Ex\GE
GE Test Case1.html
GE Test Case3.html
GE Test Case.bat
Double click on the GE Test Case.bat file
Command window open and run the test suite
After completing the test, double click on the “FF GE Test Results.html”
6.3 Selenium RC – Posting Test Results (IE) • Open the batch file “GE Test Case.bat” •
Change the *chrome into *iehta
Double click and Run the “GE Test Case.bat” file
After completion look at the posted results in “IE GE Test Results.html”
• Double click the file, see the results in any browser
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21. Selenium Grid: Now that we are aware of the two of the most commonly used Selenium types let us go through the other two types. Selenium Core is similar to Selenium RC except that it has to be installed on the same server where the web application resides. There is one Selenium Core for each combination of browser,language and OS. So you need different cores for different combinations. Selenium Grid can be used to execute test suites on different machines from a single machine. Below snapshot will explain how this can be achieved.
As you can see Selenium Grid from a single machine can invoke different Selenium RC's available to run the same tests on different combinations of browsers and Operating Systems.
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22. Advantages and Limitations: Following are the advantages of Selenium: 1. Open source 2. Scripts can be written in language of choice 3. Execution is very fast. 4. Does not take control of the system, so other works can be done in parallel. 5. Wide range of bowser and Operating system support Following are the Limitations: 1. Does not handle browser specific dialogs(like Save File dialog). 2. High technical knowledge needed for the script development. 3. Less support as it is open source.
Things you need to know: After we have understood the basics of Selenium and its different types there are certain things that will be helpful for us during building automation scripts: 1. There is an option in Selenium IDE where in you can view the recorded test in other languages. This can be done from Selenium IDE-->Options-->Format-->Language of choice. This will help you understand how a specific command should be written when writing the scripts in any language for Selenium RC or Core. 2. Selenium IDE can be used to check whether a certain locator is correctly identifying the element. This can be done by the find button. 3. Javascript confirmations do not throw visible pop ups, we have to handle them using getConfirmation() command else the test will throw exception and stop. 4. To click on cancel in a confirmation use chooseCancelOnNextConfirmation() before using getConfirmation().For example, you click on a button which generates a pop up, place chooseCancelOnNextConfirmation() before the click command and getConfirmation() after the click command to select Cancel in pop up. 5. WaitForCondition commands are used for ajax applications extensively to wait until an event gets completed. 6. Firebug provides an option Console where the different request,response events are shown which can be used in the waitForCondition() command. 7. Xpaths are slow in IE so some alternative locator strategy should be used keeping this in
SELENIUM Handbook - -a basic referential guide to Selenium ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Where do you go from here? So now we have become aware of different topics in Selenium but our journey has just started. Considering the low support that users of Selenium get, it could at times be quite frustrating to get answers to queries. Below is a list of Internet resources where you can find useful information There are yet many areas to be explored in Selenium IDE, like writing the user extensions, creating commands, creating locator strategies, using the UI-Elements, creating roll-ups etc., using DOM and CSS selectors for object identification which are out of the scope of this document at present. You can also explore various command line options available when starting the selenium server.