3 minute read
from Forrest Gump
Chapters 1─4
Before you read 1 Look at the picture on the front of this book. Where do you think the man is sitting, and why? What do you think he is going to do? 2 Check these words in your dictionary. Make sure you understand them all. army boiler coach goal grenade harmonica idiot jungle Find the right word(s) for these sentences. a A group of people who fight to protect their country. b Two words you can use in a conversation about football. c A stupid person. d Something that can get very hot. e Something that can kill people. 3 Find the picture where you can see a a harmonica b a jungle
After you read 4 Where do these sentences come in the story? Put them in the right order. a Jenny arrived at our house wearing a white dress, and with a pink flower in her hair. b Jenny stopped singing for a second or two, and the others in the group stopped playing. c But one girl, Jenny Curran, didn’t run away, and sometimes she walked home with me. d Jenny saw me and smiled, and I sat on the floor and listened. e But it wasn’t Friday night and Jenny’s band weren’t playing. 5 Forrest and Bubba have just met again in the jungle in Vietnam. Act out their conversation.
Student A: You are Forrest.
Student B: You are Bubba.
Chapters 5─8
Before you read 6 Do you think Forrest and Jenny will meet again? How and where? 7 Do you think Forrest and Bubba will stay together in Vietnam? Why or why not? 8 Check these words in your dictionary. Make sure you understand them all. chess medal shrimp Put the words in the right groups: a game/play/queen/king b brave/gold/best c water/catch/food 9 Find these words in your dictionary. ape net Look at the pictures in the book. Find the pictures where you can see: a a net b an ape 10 Find the word colonel in your dictionary. Finish this sentence: A colonel is one of the top men or women in the . . . . . . .
After you read 11 What happens to Bubba? 12 Who shows Forrest how to catch shrimps? 13 Why are there two thousand people waiting at San Francisco airport for Forrest and the Colonel? 14 What do Forrest and the President do in the White House? 15 Why does Forrest go to these places? a Boston b Washington c Houston
Chapters 9─12
Before you read 16 Why do you think chess is going to be important in Forrest’s life? 17 How do you think Forrest will find Jenny again? 18 Check the meaning of these words in your dictionary. actor bet tournament wrestling Now write a sentence for each word to show the meaning clearly.
After you read 19 Who says these things? a That looks like a nice apple.’ b ‘If you make that move you'll lose your queen.’ c ‘It’s going to be difficult travelling with an ape.’ d Take Sue back to Alabama with you, and start your shrimp business.’ 20 Who tells Forrest that Jenny is married? 21 Why does Forrest go to Savannah? 22 What is Forrest doing in the park when Jenny and her son see him? 23 What does little Forrest want to be? 24 What does Forrest do with the money from the shrimp business?
25 Which part of this story do you find the saddest? Explain why. 26 Forrest Gump does a lot of very different things. Which would you most like to do, and why? Which would you not like to do? Why not? 27 Look at the picture on page 26. Write about the people in the picture – their faces and their clothes. 28 It is six months after the end of this story. Write a letter from Forrest to Mr Tribble. Tell him what you are doing now.
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