QATestLab 21, Garmatna str., Kiev, Ukraine ph.: +38(044)277-66-61
Surely you know the concept of “black box”. There are at least two systems of the mobile testing working on this principle. They are: Perfecto Mobile and Device Anywhere. The essence of these solutions is that they have farm of real mobile phones connected via cable, and a webcam, which transmits images from the phone. It looks like this:
A picture from the webcam is inserted inside photo of the phone. Use mouse to interact. The main business of Perfecto Mobile and Device Anywhere is not automatic testing, but sale of unit’s time. There are hundreds of different phones (iPhone / Android / Blackberry …) and one hour of operation with one phone is worth about $ 15. This is a very good solution if you are concerned with many platforms and especially with Android, under which there are dozens of different devices. But unfortunately when I tested both systems from Russia everything were very slowly, a big lag when interacting with your phone. Testers would be very nervous in this mode.
(c) QATestLab, 2011