QATestLab 21, Garmatna str., Kiev, Ukraine ph.: +38(044)277-66-61
I made the exploration of the situation with the automated testing of interface of mobile applications. This is not about unit testing, but about testing the final application interface. And, yes, right on the phone!
Why do we need it? First and foremost, we need it to guarantee of your software quality improvement and for good mood of software testers. What’s the idea? Most often people conduct testing of mobile applications: the tester takes the application, iPhone 3, iPhone 4, iPad, if he is unlucky, he also takes a couple of androids and GalaxyTab, and tests your application, 80% of the test is about such scenarios: • • •
Start an application, make sure it does not fall; Go to the tab space, verify that all items are on site; Go to one of the items, make sure that description is on site;
… These tests are conducted after each release and are very time consuming. At one time the Selenium has come to help us in the Web, which has allowed recording all actions of the tester with the help of a special plugin to the browser (do you remember the macros in MS Word?) and then play them automatically with the check of result. You can even run tests on different browsers! We used this solution in your company, and it really works. Efforts to develop a test were paid off. Compared with Web, mobile development is a very young field, and I did not expect to see good solutions for automated testing of interfaces. It turned out that it is more than enough. I want to tell you about some of them.
(c) QATestLab, 2011