QATestLab 154a, Borschagivska str., Kiev, Ukraine ph.: +38(044)501-55-38
Logical and Statistical Form of Root Cause Analyses Analysis of root causes can be carried out on the stage of product development in order to determine the basic software bugs and their causes and to take all possible measures to prevent them. As we aspire to prevent bugs from the very beginning of product engineering, when the actual information about bugs is absent or present but in a small degree, the analyzing of the root causes is generally concentrated on the previous versions of the product or on the similar projects from the same clients or even from others. Thus, the more related product at the development stage and product the analyzing of root causes are based on, more likely that the results of analyzing will be more applicable to the prevention of software bugs in the product.
Analyzing the root causes can take logical or statistical form: •
Logical link between the faults and the corresponding errors, as well as the establishment of causal relationships are involved in logical analysis. This type of analysis depends on the human factor. It is performed by software testing experts, who should have a thorough knowledge of the product, the engineering process, the product domain and application environment.
(c) QATestLab, 2012
QATestLab 154a, Borschagivska str., Kiev, Ukraine ph.: +38(044)501-55-38
The statistical analysis is based on the empirical data collected either locally or with the help of data from other similar projects. These empirical data can be applied to any model in order to establish a causal connection.
After experts have established a cause-effect relationships using logical or no statistically analysis, appropriate measures for the prevention or elimination of defects of the system can be selected and used.
(c) QATestLab, 2012