QATestLab 21, Garmatna str., Kiev, Ukraine ph.: +38(044)277-66-61
In incremental and iterative processes the overall process can be considered as consisting of some increments or iterations, with each of them following equal mini phases corresponding to those in the waterfall process.
When each increment or iteration finished the newly developed part requires to be integrated into the existing area. Consequently integration testing is significant to assure that various areas may inter operate seamlessly to perform the intended functionalities accurately in complex. The quality assurance activities conducted in the spiral process are similar to conducted in incremental and iterative processes. The inessential dissimilarity is generally in the risk focus adopted in spiral process, where risk identification and analysis are very significant for the decision as to which area to operate on next in the subsequent spiral iteration. Such risk focus leads typically to selective quality assurance with a nonuniform effort applied to various areas of the software systems, with highrisk areas obtaining more attention than other areas. In terms of software testing methods, usagebased statistical testing according to user operational profiles can fit this process better than other testing methods. The agile development technique and extreme programming may be treated as special cases of incremental, iterative, or spiral process models where a lot of their components are used or adapted. Quality Assurance activities, such as software testing and inspection, are very significant. Even more significant than in the traditional software development processes.
(c) QATestLab, 2011