QATestLab 21, Garmatna str., Kiev, Ukraine ph.: +38(044)277-66-61
RequirementsBased Software Testing is an austere process for making better the quality of requirements and for getting the minimum quantity of test cases to cover 100% of such requirements.
RequirementsBased Testing includes 2 testing techniques:
Ambiguity Reviews This technique is used in the requirements stage of software development to detect ambiguities in functional requirements. The purpose of an Ambiguity Review is to detect everything that is unintelligible, doubtful, equivocal or unfinished. The removal of such ambiguities makes better the quality of requirements.
CauseEffect Graphing This technique is a test case design technique that is conducted once requirements have been reviewed for ambiguity, and after it has been reviewed for content. Requirements are reviewed for content to assure that they are proper and thorough. It gets the minimum quantity of test cases to cover 100% of the functional requirements to make better the quality of test coverage.
(c) QATestLab, 2011