QATestLab 154a, Borschagivska str., Kiev, Ukraine ph.: +38(044)501-55-38
Software Testing Types: Validation & Verification Testing When Is Validation & Verification Testing Conducted? This type of software testing is usually performed at the last stages of software development, right before its release. Software testing company may do it to define whether the product’s usability fits to the requirements and to ensure that all of the previously found bugs were fixed.
Why Is Validation & Verification Testing Conducted? Validation presupposes the comparison of the product usability to either an existing world standard, or historical standard of a company or even the standard of an opponent’s product. It is important that your software acquire these qualities before it is revealed to general public. In case it doesn’t, the reasons for it should be revealed.
Verification is focused on a different issue. Software testing company performs it to define whether the problems revealed during the previous testing have been eliminated. These two processes combined together may help the company create its own standards of quality for all of the future product versions.
(c) QATestLab, 2012
QATestLab 154a, Borschagivska str., Kiev, Ukraine ph.: +38(044)501-55-38
Software testing company may also use validation testing in order to see how different components of a product correlate with each other. One shouldn’t underestimate this type of testing, because mostly different components are developed separately, so they may not later work properly together. It is a major responsibility of both, software developing company and software testing company to find these problems before the product release, because end-users will not want to use ill-working software. Another important task of validation testing or perhaps even any type of testing performed prior to release is known as “disaster insurance�. At this stage, all the management is centered on the future release that is why some critical product faults may be omitted. In case such a disastrous situation happens, the developers have either to recall the product or send the problem solution to every user. To escape these consequences, it is better to make the changes in the release schedule. If you think that you have no time to change anything before the product release, think of the time you will have to spend later on preparing the problem solution, training the support team or prepare responses for the public. However, even after reading this, a lot of companies will prefer the position of being oblivious to any problems existing in their product.
(c) QATestLab, 2012