QATestLab 21, Garmatna str., Kiev, Ukraine ph.: +38(044)277-66-61
Automation does not reduce the test preparation phase, but rather increases it, which may frighten the inexperienced project manager, however, as soon as the first stable version of application will be released, and conducting of regression testing will become possible, the advantages of automation of software testing will become apparent. In my experience test automation reduced the time to check the version from the five working days to two.
Test automation enables significantly reduce symptoms of “lathery eye” when the tester is no longer notice errors in new versions. Thanks to automation we can not only accelerate the testing process, and increase test coverage by huge number of searched combination of input data, which in turn allows reducing the skill requirements of developers – their errors will more likely detected at the testing stage. If earlier in order to ensure that 99% of the program will not have critical software bugs, we had to use a team of 10 highly qualified developers, but now we manage a team of 10 developers, of which only 2-3 are high-quality specialists. Products of test automation can be successfully applied not only in development companies, but in the organizations using the ready software – automated load testing tools are particularly relevant for them, it allows to make predictions (such as how long the system can operate on existing equipment in the planned business growth?), optimize the configuration (configure servers for better performance), to find errors of functionality, related to the work in multiuser mode (such errors are difficult to detect during functional testing). Why do companies providing testing services and software development, promote the use of automation? The cost of automation cannot be compared with possible losses from system failures caused by both functional errors and poor performance. Saving on testing will lead to losses during operation of such software. QATestLab has long been involved in outsourcing of functional and load testing, and doing a lot of projects using a variety of automation tools, we can say that there is no
(c) QATestLab, 2011
QATestLab 21, Garmatna str., Kiev, Ukraine ph.: +38(044)277-66-61
single tool that would satisfy all of our customers. However, you can choose the instrument that most closely matches the requirements.
(c) QATestLab, 2011