QATestLab 154a, Borschagivska str., Kiev, Ukraine ph.: +38(044)501-55-38
It is a wellknown fact that usability is one of the fundamental interests for usersbeginners. But reliability is increasingly become a fundamental interest for ingenious users. Consequently, it is necessary to pay the main attention to web source failures and try to assure reliability of such webbased applications from a user’s side, in other words – to conduct web application testing.
Related web elements comprise: •
HTML document (still the most general form for documents on the web)
Database (the main area of the backend)
CgiBin Scripts used to pass data or conduct several other activities
Multimedia elements used to present and process multimedia data
Java, JavaScript, and ActiveX generally used to support platform independent implementations
So it is important to provide functional testing, performance testing, usability testing of these web elements and their applications. On the other hand, such types of software testing normally pay the main attention to a small part or a specific point of the web quality defects. So it is important to assure the general satisfactory performance from the user’s side.
(c) QATestLab, 2012