QATestLab 154a, Borschagivska str., Kiev, Ukraine ph.: +38(044)501-55-38
What if a Mobile Application User Reconsiders His or Her Decision? It is of common knowledge that usability is of vital importance for any software product. That is why testers should focus extensively on usability testing during any web site testing, desktop testing or mobile testing. One of mobile software characteristics is suitability to small screens. Only one subject matter can be on a screen in mobile systems. So, a user of mobile application version should go through several screens in order to see information or get to functions that may be on the first screen of the desktop version of this application.
This peculiarity makes designing of mobile software products more complex, and the developers may forget to consider situations when a user taps a button by mistake or changes his mind, and decides to go back to the previous place. A software testing company wants its testers to check carefully such situations.
In Order to Check Most of Such Situations it is Necessary: • • • • •
try to come back to the previous screen when you go to the next one; try to come back to the initial state of the software from different places; after executing an operation try to cancel it and come back to the previous screen or to the initial state of the software; it is wise to check how the system behaves when a user opens it, closes and then opens again; it is good also to put the software in the background, work with other programs and then call the tested software, and see if it operates properly.
It is important to check these situations during any mobile application testing.
(c) QATestLab, 2013