QATestLab 154a, Borschagivska str., Kiev, Ukraine ph.: +38(044)501-55-38
Why Do Debug Mode and Release Mode Display Different Error Messages? At the development phase an application should include a registering mechanism that documents all the operation performed, debug mode and release mode. Records in the register usually contain operation time marks, class name, description, ID and host name of the unit at which it is performed.
The Two Modes of an Application Provide Different Error Messages: 1. Debug Mode Messages Debug Mode provides messages with the thorough information about the operations performed and error occurred. These messages are meant mostly for the developers and sometimes for a software testing company and contain many technical details. They are included in the register of the application when it is in debug mode.
2. Release Mode Messages When a project is in release mode, only error messages provided by user interface are displayed and added to the register. Such messages are not as detailed as messages of the debug mode.
(c) QATestLab, 2013
QATestLab 154a, Borschagivska str., Kiev, Ukraine ph.: +38(044)501-55-38
The reason is that a project is not supposed to contain many mistakes after release, when thorough web site testing, desktop testing or mobile application testing was performed. Also end users are not supposed to puzzle out the causes of occurred malfunctions. To make sure that a system will operate as intended in production, regression testing must be performed by a software testing company after removing debug mode and reducing capacity of the registering mechanism.
(c) QATestLab, 2013