Access to Research in the Developing World
Developing World Access to Leading Research in Health, Agriculture, and the Environment Online access to over 7500peer-reviewed international scientific journals, books, and databases Full-text articles which can be downloaded for saving, printing or reading on screen Searching by keyword, subject, author or language Resources available in several Languages
f e range o id w o t s s e vides acc onment, ir v n e l a r OARE pro u at y, s of the n gy, botan e lo n o li o ip z c , n is d tio and pollu ry, geolot y g is lo m o e h ic c x to tal , teorology vironmen e n e m , , y y g h lo p ra eco , oceanog mics and y o g n lo o o c r e d l y a nt gy, h nvironme e , y g lo o t clima ciplines. is d r e h t many o
The Access to Research for Development and Innovation (ARDI) program is coordinated by WIPO together with its partners in the publishing industry with the aim to increase the availability of scientific and technical information in developing countries.
HINARI, which provides access to over 5500 peer-rev iewed journals covering medicine, nurs ing and related health and social sciences. It also includes many databases, index es and referen ce books, as well as journals in several lang uages.
AGORA wh over 120 ich provides ac cess to 0 high q uality in journals tern co ies, food vering agricultu ational re, fishe , rnutrition , veterin ar ed biolo gical, en y science and re vir la cial scie nces in p onmental and s to ublic ins across t titutions he worl d. It also eral imp inc ortant d atabase ludes sevs and in dexes.
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